Zebstrika distinguishes itself from the other Electric-types of the tier like Electivire and Raichu thanks to its high Speed. This lets it naturally outspeed a lot of threats to offensive teams such as Floatzel, Purugly, and slow Choice Scarf users like Rampardos that non-Choice Scarf Electivire and Raichu fail to outspeed. Furthermore, Zebstrika has two great abilities in Lightning Rod and Sap Sipper that give it immunities to Electric- or Grass-type moves, which are common attacking types in ZU. However, although Zebstrika has excellent Speed, its Special Attack is lackluster, leaving it easily walled by tier staples such as Komala, Muk, and Lickilicky. Moreover, Zebstrika is extremely frail, making it easy for faster Pokemon such as Dugtrio and Choice Scarf Silvally to take it out.
name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
item: Life Orb
ability: Lightning Rod / Sap Sipper
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 29 HP
Volt Switch allows Zebstrika to rack up chip damage on foes such as Kecleon and Probopass and gain momentum against foes that wall it such as Lickilicky and Muk. Overheat destroys Grass-types such as Gourgeist-XL and Quilladin, which would otherwise be able to take Zebstrika's hits. Hidden Power Ice hits Ground-types which are immune to Electric such as Golem and Gabite and deals heavier damage to Dragon-types such as Silvally-Dragon and Altaria.
Set Details
Life Orb is the best item for Zebstrika, as it needs a boosting item in order to nab the OHKO on some Pokemon such as Gourgeist-XL and Mareanie, and appreciates the ability to switch moves in order to hit Grass- and Ground-types that try to switch into its STAB attacks. Lightning Rod grants Zebstrika an immunity to Electric-type moves, allowing it to block Volt Switch. Lightning Rod is preferred to Motor Drive because Zebstrika is already fast and enjoys getting boosts in Special Attack instead of Speed. Alternatively, Sap Sipper allows Zebstrika to switch into Grass-type attackes from Pokemon such as Servine and Simisage and into powder moves such as Spore from Shiinotic and Smeargle. It also makes Zebstrika a potent switch-in to Jumpluff.
Usage Tips
Zebstrika's impressive Speed tier allows it to revenge kill a lot of fast threats to offensive teams such as Floatzel and Purugly. Zebstrika should mainly use Volt Switch in order to maintain momentum and rack up chip damage against its checks such as Lickilicky, Kecleon, and Muk. Zebstrika can easily use Volt Switch against Pokemon that it forces out such as Mareanie, Swanna, and Toucannon. However, you must be wary of Pokemon immune to Electric such as Golem and Electivire and think twice before using one of Zebstrika's STAB moves if they can safely switch in. If you predict one of them to switch in, you should utilize one of Zebstrika's coverage moves or pull a double switch. Due to its poor bulk, Zebstrika shouldn't be switched in on any hits or against faster foes. Sap Sipper allows Zebstrika to check many Grass-types in the tier such as Quilladin, Servine, Bellossom, and Jumpluff. However, Zebstrika struggles to come in Leafeon due to its strong coverage moves. Zebstrika should instead come in on a double switch, after a teammate faints, through the help of VoltTurn users, or on a predicted Grass- or Electric-type move such as Leech Seed from Gourgeist or Volt Switch from Electivire depending on Zebstrika's ability. Zebstrika should only use Overheat if it needs to, as the Special Attack drop will leave it setup fodder for a lot of threatening setup sweepers such as Shell Smash Crustle and Swords Dance Combusken.
Team Options
Due to its offensive nature and lack of bulk, Zebstrika mainly fits on offensive teams. It pairs very well with other VoltTurn users such as the Silvally formes, Komala, and Toucannon that form a VoltTurn core with it to keep up momentum and rack up chip damage on foes. Zebstrika appreciates entry hazard support such as Stealth Rock from Golem, Spikes from Quilladin, and Toxic Spikes from Mareanie, as they weaken its checks and let Zebstrika break through the opposing team more easily. For the same reason, strong physical wallbreakers such as Choice Band Golem and Swords Dance Silvally that can weaken Zebstrika's checks such as Lickilicky and Muk are appreciated, as they allow Zebstrika to clean late-game. Pokemon that appreciate Zebstrika's immunities such as Golem and Swanna make for great partners, as they give it more opportunities to switch in by baiting Grass- and Electric-type attacks, respectively. However, Zebstrika isn't a guaranteed switch-in to Pokemon that carry these attacks because of its extreme frailty and weakness to common coverage moves such as Earthquake from Electivire, Knock Off from Leafeon, and Double-Edge from Sawsbuck and Leafeon. Zebstrika is also a potent option for teams that need a non-Choice Scarf revenge killer for fast Pokemon such as Floatzel and Purugly. It provides offensive teams with a Pokemon that is able to outspeed a wide portion of the metagame without being Choice-locked, and is therefore useful for offensive teams that don't want to have two Choice Scarf users.
Other Options
Zebstrika has a good base 100 Attack stat that it may want to use in a physical or mixed set. However, its physical movepool is lackluster and leaves it helpless against Grass-, Ground-, and Dragon-types, as it only has access to weak moves, the unusable Bounce, the niche Low Kick, and miscellaneous Normal-type coverage. Moreover, these sets face heavy competition from Electivire, which while being slower, hits far harder thanks to a higher base Attack and access to better coverage moves in Ice Punch and Earthquake. Zebstrika can hold Firium Z to get a strong Fire-type nuke without incurring Overheat's drawback. However, using it over Life Orb significantly weakens Zebstrika's firepower and is therefore not recommended. Zebstrika can wield Choice Specs to deal more significant damage, but loses its ability to switch moves for better longevity that it doesn't need. Being locked into an Electric-type move is detrimental, as it gives dangerous wallbreakers such as Nasty Plot Raichu opportunities to switch in and lets defensive Ground-types such as Golem and Sandslash set or remove entry hazards. Hidden Power Water is an option over Hidden Power Ice to hit Camerupt and Golem harder. However, Golem is already hit hard by Hidden Power Ice. Moreover, it leaves Zebstrika helpless against Dragon-types such as Gabite and Silvally-Dragon.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Ground-types such as Golem, Sandslash, and Silvally-Ground are immune to Zebstrika's STAB moves, can take Hidden Power Ice, and can take Zebstrika out with a super effective STAB move.
**Specially Bulky Pokemon**: Because of its low Special Attack, Zebstrika struggles to break through specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Kecleon. They can wear it down while also keeping themselves at good health. In addition, some of them such as Komala, Muk, and Vigoroth can use Zebstrika as setup fodder.
**Faster Pokemon**: Due to Zebstrika's low bulk, Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Dugtrio and Choice Scarf Silvally, can KO it if it is weakened.
**Electric-immune Pokemon**: Abilities such as Motor Drive from Electivire, Lightning Rod from Raichu, and Volt Absorb from Chinchou prevent Zebstrika from spamming its STAB moves. Moreover, the users of the aforementioned abilities can easily take an Overheat from Zebstrika and strike Zebstrika back.
- Written by: [[Tuthur1, 369076]]
- Quality checked by: [[Aaronboyer, 239454], [5gen, 296755], [BloodAce0107,435539]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216], [Mafeking, 122460]]
Zebstrika distinguishes itself from the other Electric-types of the tier like Electivire and Raichu thanks to its high Speed. This lets it naturally outspeed a lot of threats to offensive teams such as Floatzel, Purugly, and slow Choice Scarf users like Rampardos that non-Choice Scarf Electivire and Raichu fail to outspeed. Furthermore, Zebstrika has two great abilities in Lightning Rod and Sap Sipper that give it immunities to Electric- or Grass-type moves, which are common attacking types in ZU. However, although Zebstrika has excellent Speed, its Special Attack is lackluster, leaving it easily walled by tier staples such as Komala, Muk, and Lickilicky. Moreover, Zebstrika is extremely frail, making it easy for faster Pokemon such as Dugtrio and Choice Scarf Silvally to take it out.
name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
item: Life Orb
ability: Lightning Rod / Sap Sipper
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 29 HP
Volt Switch allows Zebstrika to rack up chip damage on foes such as Kecleon and Probopass and gain momentum against foes that wall it such as Lickilicky and Muk. Overheat destroys Grass-types such as Gourgeist-XL and Quilladin, which would otherwise be able to take Zebstrika's hits. Hidden Power Ice hits Ground-types which are immune to Electric such as Golem and Gabite and deals heavier damage to Dragon-types such as Silvally-Dragon and Altaria.
Set Details
Life Orb is the best item for Zebstrika, as it needs a boosting item in order to nab the OHKO on some Pokemon such as Gourgeist-XL and Mareanie, and appreciates the ability to switch moves in order to hit Grass- and Ground-types that try to switch into its STAB attacks. Lightning Rod grants Zebstrika an immunity to Electric-type moves, allowing it to block Volt Switch. Lightning Rod is preferred to Motor Drive because Zebstrika is already fast and enjoys getting boosts in Special Attack instead of Speed. Alternatively, Sap Sipper allows Zebstrika to switch into Grass-type attackes from Pokemon such as Servine and Simisage and into powder moves such as Spore from Shiinotic and Smeargle. It also makes Zebstrika a potent switch-in to Jumpluff.
Usage Tips
Zebstrika's impressive Speed tier allows it to revenge kill a lot of fast threats to offensive teams such as Floatzel and Purugly. Zebstrika should mainly use Volt Switch in order to maintain momentum and rack up chip damage against its checks such as Lickilicky, Kecleon, and Muk. Zebstrika can easily use Volt Switch against Pokemon that it forces out such as Mareanie, Swanna, and Toucannon. However, you must be wary of Pokemon immune to Electric such as Golem and Electivire and think twice before using one of Zebstrika's STAB moves if they can safely switch in. If you predict one of them to switch in, you should utilize one of Zebstrika's coverage moves or pull a double switch. Due to its poor bulk, Zebstrika shouldn't be switched in on any hits or against faster foes. Sap Sipper allows Zebstrika to check many Grass-types in the tier such as Quilladin, Servine, Bellossom, and Jumpluff. However, Zebstrika struggles to come in Leafeon due to its strong coverage moves. Zebstrika should instead come in on a double switch, after a teammate faints, through the help of VoltTurn users, or on a predicted Grass- or Electric-type move such as Leech Seed from Gourgeist or Volt Switch from Electivire depending on Zebstrika's ability. Zebstrika should only use Overheat if it needs to, as the Special Attack drop will leave it setup fodder for a lot of threatening setup sweepers such as Shell Smash Crustle and Swords Dance Combusken.
Team Options
Due to its offensive nature and lack of bulk, Zebstrika mainly fits on offensive teams. It pairs very well with other VoltTurn users such as the Silvally formes, Komala, and Toucannon that form a VoltTurn core with it to keep up momentum and rack up chip damage on foes. Zebstrika appreciates entry hazard support such as Stealth Rock from Golem, Spikes from Quilladin, and Toxic Spikes from Mareanie, as they weaken its checks and let Zebstrika break through the opposing team more easily. For the same reason, strong physical wallbreakers such as Choice Band Golem and Swords Dance Silvally that can weaken Zebstrika's checks such as Lickilicky and Muk are appreciated, as they allow Zebstrika to clean late-game. Pokemon that appreciate Zebstrika's immunities such as Golem and Swanna make for great partners, as they give it more opportunities to switch in by baiting Grass- and Electric-type attacks, respectively. However, Zebstrika isn't a guaranteed switch-in to Pokemon that carry these attacks because of its extreme frailty and weakness to common coverage moves such as Earthquake from Electivire, Knock Off from Leafeon, and Double-Edge from Sawsbuck and Leafeon. Zebstrika is also a potent option for teams that need a non-Choice Scarf revenge killer for fast Pokemon such as Floatzel and Purugly. It provides offensive teams with a Pokemon that is able to outspeed a wide portion of the metagame without being Choice-locked, and is therefore useful for offensive teams that don't want to have two Choice Scarf users.
Other Options
Zebstrika has a good base 100 Attack stat that it may want to use in a physical or mixed set. However, its physical movepool is lackluster and leaves it helpless against Grass-, Ground-, and Dragon-types, as it only has access to weak moves, the unusable Bounce, the niche Low Kick, and miscellaneous Normal-type coverage. Moreover, these sets face heavy competition from Electivire, which while being slower, hits far harder thanks to a higher base Attack and access to better coverage moves in Ice Punch and Earthquake. Zebstrika can hold Firium Z to get a strong Fire-type nuke without incurring Overheat's drawback. However, using it over Life Orb significantly weakens Zebstrika's firepower and is therefore not recommended. Zebstrika can wield Choice Specs to deal more significant damage, but loses its ability to switch moves for better longevity that it doesn't need. Being locked into an Electric-type move is detrimental, as it gives dangerous wallbreakers such as Nasty Plot Raichu opportunities to switch in and lets defensive Ground-types such as Golem and Sandslash set or remove entry hazards. Hidden Power Water is an option over Hidden Power Ice to hit Camerupt and Golem harder. However, Golem is already hit hard by Hidden Power Ice. Moreover, it leaves Zebstrika helpless against Dragon-types such as Gabite and Silvally-Dragon.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Ground-types such as Golem, Sandslash, and Silvally-Ground are immune to Zebstrika's STAB moves, can take Hidden Power Ice, and can take Zebstrika out with a super effective STAB move.
**Specially Bulky Pokemon**: Because of its low Special Attack, Zebstrika struggles to break through specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Kecleon. They can wear it down while also keeping themselves at good health. In addition, some of them such as Komala, Muk, and Vigoroth can use Zebstrika as setup fodder.
**Faster Pokemon**: Due to Zebstrika's low bulk, Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Dugtrio and Choice Scarf Silvally, can KO it if it is weakened.
**Electric-immune Pokemon**: Abilities such as Motor Drive from Electivire, Lightning Rod from Raichu, and Volt Absorb from Chinchou prevent Zebstrika from spamming its STAB moves. Moreover, the users of the aforementioned abilities can easily take an Overheat from Zebstrika and strike Zebstrika back.
- Written by: [[Tuthur1, 369076]]
- Quality checked by: [[Aaronboyer, 239454], [5gen, 296755], [BloodAce0107,435539]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216], [Mafeking, 122460]]
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