Excalibur (Zacian-Crowned) @ Rusted Sword
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Behemoth Blade
- Play Rough
- Sacred Sword
- Fire Fang
This Moveset and Evs can Counter most of the pokemon that is weak to Eg: Charizard and Charizard G-max even though they both resist steel type move but
Behemoth Blade steel able to 2 shot Charizard and 1 shot Charizard G-max, Zacian spd&speed is far superior from many other pokemon
Play Rough will help to ko strong pokemon like Marshadow even though it has Focus Sash it can ko with 2 shot unless Marshadow has shadow sneak and Spectral thief
Sacred Sword his for counter normal, steel,&other type I did not choose Focus blast because Zacian is good for phyAtk, now u might why not close combat is good but it lower def and spD which make opponent pokemon to defeat Zacian
Fire Fang main aim to defeat Zamazenta it has one of the best secondary effects it has a 10% chance to flinch or burn

All this move can counter fighting, steel,dark&other type