Wrath of the Gods

Wrath of the Gods

A B2W2 Ubers RMT
A few weeks ago, I transitioned from the Rarelyused tier to the Ubers tier where I currently reside. I started to build a team- I am an offensive player through and through, and although I've made a few successful sun teams, I wanted to build a rain team that could overwhelm the opponent with its sheer power and blazing speed. I then compiled ideas what I would need- obviously I needed a rain inducer, none other than the king of Ubers, Kyogre. I knew I wanted a swift swimmer to revenge things that I couldn't outspeed or beat with Kyogre, for general insurance- but I also wanted a fast one that hit HARD. Kabutops was signed. I figured two Dragons would be optimal, so Zekrom was added for a physical 'mon and Latios because Soul Dew is back!!! I also needed a Steel-type for walling Dragons, as well as something that could hit pretty darn hard. Steel Arceus wasn't happening, so I chose Metagross, who is a tank and awesome at what he does. (I <3 Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash). From there I wanted more offense that could murder opposing weather inducers and be able to outspeed most of the Metagame. Voila- Shaymin-Sky to the rescue! And with those six pokemon, we fought many long and hard battles, muscled through ridiculous hax and came out victorious! (Mostly. Unfortuneatley no laddering because of Summer homework as well as schoolwork) So now, I present to you Team Monsoon!


Poseidon (Kyogre)@ Lum Berry
Modest Nature
Ability: Drizzle

-Thunder Wave
-Ice Beam

This Kyogre was previously a ScarfOgre, but I had success changing it to a bulky lum variant. With more power and far more bulk, and the awesome ability to paralyze opponents, this guy is a tank. Paralyzing is awesome.
Kyogre is a vital- perhaps the most vital member of the team in terms of setting up rain and the sheer power of Rain boosted Water Spouts. Although this team isn't crazy weather dependent, it functions best, by far, in the Rain, boosting Kabutops' Waterfall, Latios' water coverage in Surf and removing Metagross' Fire weakness. Kyogre is also a good check to many uber pokemon and also has incredible special bulk.


Zeus(Zekrom)@ Life Orb
Naive Nature
Ability: Teravolt

-Draco Meteor
-Bolt Strike
-Volt Switch

Meet Zeus, the god of Thunder coming to obliterate all who oppose him. Zekrom has incredible power with Life Orb and its base 150 attack, not to mention its ridiculously powerful STAB moves. Bolt Strike, Outrage and Draco Meteor just desecrate anything that isnt named Ferrothorn. Offensive Giritina-O are murdered by Draco Meteor even without hazards, Giritina is obliterated by Outrage. Kyogre is easily KOed by Bolt Strike, and Palkia takes HUGE damage.
The reason for running mixed Zekrom instead of Band, Scarf, or just Physical is to cover more threats as well as not locking myself into Outrage to KO Giritina-O, Giritina-A, and hit Dialga harder on the switch. Volt Switch also allows me to escape from Ferrothorn's murderous grip.
Jolly allows me to outspeed neutral base 90's, 95's, and 100's like Kyogre, the Kyurem forms, and Palkia (though I'm not staying in on Palkia or the Kyurems), and speed tie with positive natured base 90s. Thor is an awesome member of the team- invaluable!


Heimdall (Latios)@ Soul Dew
Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate

-Draco Meteor

Thank the heavens GameFreak gave Lati@s Soul Dew back. Why they took it away in the first place is beyond me....
Latios has nuclear power with Soul Dew, as well as great moves to go along with it. Draco meteor is for obscene power, Psyshock is a great secondary STAB that also hits Kyogre very hard, and Surf gives me excellent coverage in the rain. Ferrothorn is the only thing that can wall this monster (notice I said WALL not check or stop or revenge kill), be it can be handled with a sp. def drop from seed flare and a Draco Meteor. (Which isn't very reliable...)
Latios' only real flaw is its low defense stat, allowing it to be Ko'ed by powerful boosted resisted attacks and unboosted neutral ones, although its special bulk is good indeed. It also has great speed (Timid is mandatory), but a misprediction against a scarfer can easily cost me. Overall- Latios is a great member of the team- though at times I wish there was a compromise move between Draco Meteor and Dragon Pulse. Oh well.


Tyr (Metagross)@ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Ability: Clear Body

-Meteor Mash
-Bullet Punch
-Hammer Arm

Metagross is pretty awesome, I'll tell you that much. Base 130 defense and Steel/Psychic typing make it a great defensive pokemon (only one weakness under rain). That's not all- a fully invested base 135 attack hurts- a lot.
Metagross' main role is to absorb Outrages and Dragon Pulses and whatnot and strike back and severely injure the trapped opponent.Meteor mash hits a surprising amount of the time, and the 20% chance to raise my attack comes in handy. Bullet punch is incredible for revenging opponents who just barely might have survived one of Metagross' other moves, and Hammer Arm provides coverage against Arceus and Ferrothorn. The choice of nature is to hit as hard as possible on this highly offensive team- however a Impish nature is being considered for more bulk. All in all a great Pokemon!


Freyja (Shaymin-S)@ Life Orb
Timid Nature
Ability: Serene Grace

-Seed Flare
-Air Slash
-Earth Power
-Giga Drain/Protect

Although getting rarer these days, Shaymin-S is just as good as it always was. Great speed, good special attack, and an amazing ability in Serence Grace make it a big threat. Timid is mandatory to outspeed as much as possible, as the moves are mostly standard. Seed Flare deals ridiculous damage, especially after a harsh special defense drop (80% chance!). Air Slash provides good secondary STAB for flinching things to death, and Earth Power allows me to hit steels and electrics like Dialga and Zekrom. The last slot is a toss up, either can be used, both have the niches. Giga Drain heals Shaymin, and Protect is great for scouting
Shaymin plays a role on the team almost comparable to the double dance strategy- Latios and Shaymin each wear the opponent down and severely weaken the opposing team, at which point either of them or Kabutops can clean up shop.


Eldir (Kabutops)@ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
Ability: Swift Swim

-Stone Edge
-Low Kick
-Rapid Spin/Swords Dance

Kabutops acts as my main revenge killer in the rain, he has enough EVs in speed to outspeed Jolly Scarfchomp, and allows me to wreck things with a Rain-boosted STAB Life Orb Adamant Waterfall coming off a resonably high base 115 attack, as well as STAB Stone Miss. Low Kick allows me to damage Ferrothorn and Dialga, getting a 2HKO on both.
Kabutops is, in my opinion, the best physical Swift Swimmer, being able to destroy Lugia, something Kingdra and Ludicolo can only dream of. Kabutops is vital to the team as a ridiculously fast, hard-hitting revenge killer, way faster than Kyogre, Latios, and Shaymin. Kabutops it a great Pokemon- I encourage you all to go out and try it!


FERROTHORN. Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Ferrothorn. Such a pain in the ass, none of my Pokemon can OHKO it, most are walled by it, and the two pokemon that can 2HKO it can be either stalled out by Leech Seed and Protect or obliterated by Power Whip (and heavily damaged by Gyro Ball). If used by a good player, chances are I might lose.

Blaziken: a +2/2 Blaziken can sweep the floor with my team. Not even Meatagross can take a hit and I can't outspeed it either. Luckily, it never usually comees to that point, Kyogre can outspeed +1 Blaziken and murder it with Surf/Water Spout, and if it's sashed, Metagross can come in and Bullet Pawnch it. Kabutops also outspeeds at plus one, and I believe only Shaymin is OHKOed before a SD boost, where I can kill it or bring sashed variants down to 1 hp, where Metagross can safely revenge it. Not as big as a threat as Ferrothorn, but still something to watch out for.

And, that's the team! All suggestions will be appreciated (especially suggestions solving the Ferrothorn problem) Thanks for reading!
This team is quite balance and it is good to see some underrated monsters. But I realize some problems. If a Rayquazza has a dragon dance or sword dance under its belt, it is likely going to sweep your team. A Scarf Terrakion can solve this problem, though I don't know which team member you can take out.

Terrakion@choice scarf
nature: Jolly
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-Sacred Sword

A Groudon that get a rock polish boost is also problmatic. To solve this, you can either make your Kyogre bulky or put a Scarf on Shaymin-S. By extension, most psysical threat that can boost their speed (Terrakion, Landorus, etc) also seems to be a problem, though I don't know how to fix this.
Thanks for the rate! Ive tried making my Kyogre bulky, but it didnt work well. Shaymin-S with a choice scarf would be a solution, but honestly, I've only run into like one of those ever. (At least that got the chance to set up) If it doesn't have a SD boodt, Kyogre can come in after a death and murder it with surf. Kabutops also does lots of damage under rain.
Thanks again! (Ill try Terrakion as well)
Hello Feel the Aura, nice team with Kabutops in it, but I feel as if you can improve on the team some.

First off, like sammao suggested, a Mono-Attacking Kyogre with a spread of 240 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk / 12 Spd over your Scarfed variant. This is because not only does it help with offensive Groundon and Ho-Oh, which is a threat to your team in sun as well, but it keep rains up longer, which is crucial since you have a Kabutops on your team, and it doesn't perform well at all without rain. It also keeps sand away, which I'll get too later. Also, like sammao said, using Choice Scarf Shaymin-S > your current set works well, as it not only checks Rayquaza after a DD, it also checks Scarfed Terrakion, Offensive Groundon, and Mewtwo at low HP. Since it outspeeds everything, it gives your team some much needed speed. Finally, on Kabutops, using Poppy's set w/ Rapid Spin > your set works wonders, as it has more Speed in the rain and more Speed out of rain as well, since you can take care of Defensive Lugia, even out of rain.

From there, some changes must be made. You don't have any Pokemon that can set up Stealth Rock atm. Now, I know you're not going to like this, but I feel that Arceus-Steel > Metagross well help the team more, as it helps check SD Arceus. It also sets up Stealth Rock, as well as having more overall bulk than Metagross(120 / 120 / 120 > 80 / 130 / 90). Having Will-O-Wisp and Recover to have more overall longevity also makes it a plus over Metagross. From there, this is more of a simple change, but you'll find out it helps the team more overall. Using Offensive Calm Mind Latias > Latios helps the team by having a more reliable Kyogre switch in, but it also has more defense than Latios. This helps against other Special Attackers, such as Shaymin-S and Mewtwo. Finally, you don't have a reliable way to break through stall atm. Excadrill in sand is also a bitch, easily picking your team apart, especially after a SD. As such, using Mixed DD Rayquaza > Zekrom works, as not only is Rayquaza faster than Zekrom, it also breaks through stall easily. It also keeps Excadrill in check, as it cancels out sand via Air Lock, as well as other rain abusers such as Specs Kingdra and apposing Kabutops.

So, in summary:

Pros: Defensive behemoth, helps against Groundon and Ho-Oh, as well as keep rain longer for Kabutops

Cons: Less offense, though the rest of the team should be able to make up for that

Pros: Checks +1 Rayquaza, RP Groundon, Scarfed Terrakion, and the rest of the unboosted Ubers Metagame, which includes alot

Cons: Idk why you're using 2 Grass moves in one set, or Protect for that matter, and Rayquaza IS a threat to your team so........

Pros: More Speed in general, which helps as it helps against base 90s and Lugia, Rapid Spin > SD for sure, as it helps

Cons: Less defense, though it shouldn't matter in the long run

Pros: Sets up Rocks, checks SD Arceus, Recover to last longer and tank more attacks, Will-O-Wisp to spread burns

Cons: Losing your favorite pokemon, but look at all the GOOD Arceus-Steel will do for your team. Just try it out, if you play it right you won't be disappointed.

Pros: Better bulk, so it can switch into Kyogre better, as well as check other Speical Attackers such as Mewtwo and Shaymin-S

Cons: Less Offense, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal, after one CM Latias exceedes Latios's offense

Pros: Breaks stall easily, checks Sand so it won't be that big of a problem, can sweep late game after a DD

Cons: Lowing a powerful attacker in Zekrom, though Rayquaza has a Ground immunity, Fighting resist, more Speed, and better mixed stats to break stall, as well as checking sand, where as Zekrom adds to the weakness


Kyogre @ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk / 12 Spd
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Scald


Shaymin-Sky @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Seed Flare
- Air Slash
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]


Kabutops @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Low Kick
- Rapid Spin
- Waterfall


Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Spd / 4 SDef / 4 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Iron Head


Latias (F) @ Soul Dew
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 52 HP / 252 Spd / 204 SAtk
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Roost
- Psyshock


Rayquaza @ Life Orb
Trait: Air Lock
EVs: 40 Atk / 252 SAtk / 216 Spd
Mild Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Draco Meteor
- Outrage
- Fire Blast

Good Luck with the team, hope I helped!
Choice Scarf Kyogre / LO Zekrom / LO Shaymin-S / LO Kabutops / Latios / Lefties Metagross

The biggest threats to this team, in order of importance -

ExtremeKiller - Kabutops needs it to be reasonably weakened for it to KO with Low Kick, and you don't even have Stealth Rock.

CM Ghost Arceus - Spinblocks and with hazard support will tear you apart

Toxic Spikes - 2/3 of your team are vulnerable, your spinner is vulnerable to them, no Taunt. Forretress can suicide lead.

Rayquaza - Scarf Kyogre doesn't outspeed at +1, Kabutops can't revenge kill due to Air Lock.

Ho-Oh - sets up on shaymin-s / metagross, threatens everything else - zekrom doesn't like a burn.

Ferrothorn - annoying

Darkrai - comes in on a slower pokemon, will always get a sleep off - general pest

Shaymin-S doesn't really provide much for your team, apart from annoying the opposition. This would be a great place to use an Arceus forme, one that can mitigate your Ferrothorn and ExtremeKiller weaknesses is a Fighting Arceus.

Fighting Arceus
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Recover
move 4: Calm Mind / Toxic
item: Fist Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 4 SpA / 168 Spe

A great utility counter, normally I would recommend CM, but Toxic helps vs. Ho-Oh. Forces out Ferrothorn, Dialga, Normal Arceus.

To apply additional pressure to Ferrothorn I recommend a Mixed Zekrom over your current one. Its only safe switch-ins are Ground and Grass Arceus. It also lures Groudon, helping you win the weather war.

move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Focus Blast
move 3: Bolt Strike
move 4: Dragon Claw / Volt Switch
item: Life Orb
ability: Teravolt
nature: Lonely
evs: 148 Atk / 252 SpA / 108 Spe

Metagross is a very subpar Pokemon, and is largely outclassed by Genesect, who, while not as tanky, provides great momentum and a reliable scarfer. Genesect can also reliably check +1 Rayquaza and NP Darkrai.

move 1: U-Turn
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Download
nature: Hasty
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Since a SleepTalk Kyogre would mess up the momentum of your team, despite helping with Darkrai and Ho-Oh, I recommend a Lum Berry Kyogre. Darkrai has a 64% chance to hit two Dark Voids in a row, and that's even less when you paralyse it.

move 1: Thunder Wave
move 2: Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Thunder / Rest / Calm Mind
item: Lum Berry
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SDef

I would also make Kabutops Jolly, as you don't have a fighting resist Choice Scarf Terrakion can outspeed and force you to go to Fighting Arceus, the only Pokemon capable of taking two Close Combats, and one that is easily taken advantage of - Ho-Oh, Lati@s, Mewtwo

move 1: Waterfall
move 2: Low Kick
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Cool team, good luck.