Who needs team preview Tournament
Approved by Earthworm, co-hosted with Romeert
In gen 4, there was an almost magical moment. It was the lead war. Both sides tried to set up Stealth Rocks, and tried to stop the other from doing so. Those first 2-3 turns were magical, and the winner of the lead war had great momentum. Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Smeargle and Azelf were OU, and Machamp shined brightly. But after the lead war was said and done, the fact you didn't know your opponent's team made things like Heatran better and Gyarados + Electivire possible. But gen 5 introduced the team preview and the, "Wi-Fi Clause," ruining suicide leads everywhere, showing your late game sweeper and making prediction from the start much easier. But what would gen 5 without the Wi-Fi clause look like? Would there still be lead wars? Or would the meta game not change at all? Would there be more late game sweepers? The tournament will test your predictions skills, and will add a new tactic: hiding Pokemon. This is the...
Who Needs Team Preview Tournament!
Tournament Rules
*Gen 5
*Single Elimination
*No Wi-Fi Clause
Standard Rules
*Sleep Clause
*Evasion Clause
*OHKO Clause
*Species Clause
*Battle Timeout
*Uber Clause
Round 2
Winners in BOLD
Sorry about the delay, but here it is.
Deadline is October 6th
Approved by Earthworm, co-hosted with Romeert
In gen 4, there was an almost magical moment. It was the lead war. Both sides tried to set up Stealth Rocks, and tried to stop the other from doing so. Those first 2-3 turns were magical, and the winner of the lead war had great momentum. Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Smeargle and Azelf were OU, and Machamp shined brightly. But after the lead war was said and done, the fact you didn't know your opponent's team made things like Heatran better and Gyarados + Electivire possible. But gen 5 introduced the team preview and the, "Wi-Fi Clause," ruining suicide leads everywhere, showing your late game sweeper and making prediction from the start much easier. But what would gen 5 without the Wi-Fi clause look like? Would there still be lead wars? Or would the meta game not change at all? Would there be more late game sweepers? The tournament will test your predictions skills, and will add a new tactic: hiding Pokemon. This is the...
Who Needs Team Preview Tournament!
Tournament Rules
*Gen 5
*Single Elimination
*No Wi-Fi Clause
Standard Rules
*Sleep Clause
*Evasion Clause
*OHKO Clause
*Species Clause
*Battle Timeout
*Uber Clause
Round 2
-Manu- vs Nails
Celsius vs Lady Bug
Iconic vs Grimm70
xtrashine vs wilson46
Celebi42 vs zarator
Zack Drak vs DarkLoic
Lamppost vs Navy
Tobes vs Darksoul
Lunar. vs sheep
Pidge vs chuzzle1
Hirako Shinji vs reyscarface
TheMasterOfOz vs Eternal
macle vs idiotfrommars
ZeoAbyss vs JabbaTheGriffin
Go10 vs DracoMalfoy
Maniaclyrasist vs Ruppy
ToF vs SkullCandy
Mithril vs undisputed
pokemonrocks777 vs Shining Latios
DetroitLolcat vs Christos21
Limitless vs Rewer
Pkrs vs Ningildo
obina. vs HBK
Eos vs blarajan
Blue Blur vs Battler3797
Shun DK vs TheFourthChaser
WhiteQueen vs Folgorio
z-rex vs H-C
Foster vs Myst0gan
Takuya vs fuzzy
kd24 vs Tyranitarphantom
IronBullet93 vs Agammemnon
Celsius vs Lady Bug
Iconic vs Grimm70
xtrashine vs wilson46
Celebi42 vs zarator
Zack Drak vs DarkLoic
Lamppost vs Navy
Tobes vs Darksoul
Lunar. vs sheep
Pidge vs chuzzle1
Hirako Shinji vs reyscarface
TheMasterOfOz vs Eternal
macle vs idiotfrommars
ZeoAbyss vs JabbaTheGriffin
Go10 vs DracoMalfoy
Maniaclyrasist vs Ruppy
ToF vs SkullCandy
Mithril vs undisputed
pokemonrocks777 vs Shining Latios
DetroitLolcat vs Christos21
Limitless vs Rewer
Pkrs vs Ningildo
obina. vs HBK
Eos vs blarajan
Blue Blur vs Battler3797
Shun DK vs TheFourthChaser
WhiteQueen vs Folgorio
z-rex vs H-C
Foster vs Myst0gan
Takuya vs fuzzy
kd24 vs Tyranitarphantom
IronBullet93 vs Agammemnon
Winners in BOLD
Sorry about the delay, but here it is.
Deadline is October 6th