Whimsicott (Analysis)


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<p>Whimsicott is indeed special. It has access to the ability Prankster, as well as a plethora of support moves with which to take advantage of, such as Encore, Leech Seed, Substitute, Taunt, and Stun Spore. This makes Whimsicott an excellent support Pokemon, and an annoying one on top of that. With Prankster, Whimsicott doesn't need to invest any EVs in its Speed and can focus its EV investment on its bulk, making it even more of a pain to take down. While Whimsicott's HP stat can let it down sometimes, and it has no offensive presence at all, those factors don't really matter. Whimsicott is a great Pokemon in UU, and, trust me, it will be one of the most fun Pokemon you will ever use.</p>

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Substitute / U-turn
move 4: Taunt / Stun Spore
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The standard Whimsicott set. Encore is a great move on Whimsicott, and helps both Whimsicott and its teammates set up. Leech Seed in combination with Substitute is a lethal tactic, making Whimsicott hard to take down if you play it right. Taunt is a great move in the last slot, keeping status at bay as well as preventing other Pokemon from setting up. U-turn can help Whimsicott escape tricky situations or enable it to scout, while Stun Spore can paralyze the opponent, opening up a variety of opportunities for Whimsicott's teammates.</p>


<p>Whimsicott can also support its teammates with Sunny Day or Trick Room, the former virtually guaranteed thanks to Prankster. Toxic can help to wear down the opponent in combination with Leech Seed, while GrassWhistle can put the opponent to sleep. GrassWhistle's shaky accuracy makes it a risky move to use though. Light Screen and Safeguard can help Whimsicott's teammates that set up by boosting their Special Defense and preventing status.</p>

<p>Set-up sweepers such as Mismagius, Kingdra, and Azelf benefit from Encore, Stun Spore, and Taunt: Encore can lock the opponent into a resisted move, Stun Spore lowers the opponent's Speed stat, and Taunt prevents the opponent from using status moves and setting up itself. Alternatively, Heracross is an example of a slow sweeper that greatly benefits from Stun Spore lowering the opponent's Speed. Leech Seed keeps the aforementioned Pokemon healthy while they set up, and also helps in stalling the opponent. Furthermore, teammates that can take care of Grass-types that might stand in Whimsicott's way are appreciated. Arcanine, Heracross, and Moltres comes to mind, as they resist Grass-type moves and hit back hard with their STAB moves. Pokemon that can set up entry hazards, such as Scolipede or Nidoqueen, pairs well with Whimsicott as it forces a lot of switches.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Whimsicott has several other support moves at its disposal that can be useful in some way. Cotton Spore, Tickle, Fake Tears, Memento, and Charm can help Whimsicott's teammates deal with certain Pokemon or just force switches. Tailwind can be used to boost the Speed stat of Whimsicott's team for four turns, possibly allowing an end-game sweep. Whimsicott can also use Cotton Guard to boost its own Defense stat, making it ridiculously hard to take down. Worry Seed is a gimmicky option, but can really pay off against Pokemon dependant on their abilities, such as Tinted Lens Yanmega or Magic Guard Alakazam. Switcheroo in combination with Lagging Tail or Iron Ball is also an option, but Switcheroo is illegal with Encore and Stun Spore already slows down the opponent, making Switcheroo the less favorable option. Giga Drain is Whimsicott's best form of offense; use a Bold nature if you opt for it.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Whimsicott's most crucial moment is when it's at low health. This means it can't protect itself with Substitute if the opposing Pokemon doesn't care about Encore and Taunt. In fact, Whimsicott doesn't even have to be at low health if the opponent doesn't care about Whimicott's moves, as it can just keep spamming a powerful move until Whimsicott goes down. Abomasnow is an good example of this due to its immunity to Leech Seed and access to a 100% accurate STAB Blizzard. Heracross also falls into this category thanks to STAB Megahorn; worse, Guts variants are powered up by Stun Spore. In general, hard hitting attackers will easily take Whimsicott down, as Leech Seed and Leftovers will otherwise quickly restore Whimsicott's health. Another way of countering Whimsicott is to break its Substitute with a U-turn and then bring in a Pokemon that can OHKO it. Grass-types don't care about Leech Seed, and Roserade and Shaymin laugh off Stun Spore thanks to Natural Cure and can KO Whimsicott with Sludge Bomb and Air Slash respectively. Faster Whimsicott can outspeed and Taunt, leaving the slower one helpless.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Whimsicott receives Chlorophyll as its Dream World ability. While Chlorophyll is better than Infiltrator, Prankster is hands down Whimsicott's best ability and is the only one that should be used, as it makes Whimsicott unique.</p>
Mention teammates who can easily off Grass-types, as Whimsicott literally cannot do anything to Grass-types. Shaymin and Roserade in particular don't care about Stun Spore thanks to Natural Cure, and can strike back with a super effective Air Slash / Hidden Power and Sludge Bomb, respectively. Also, perhaps Protect in OO for extra Leech Seed recovery?
some nitpicks:
Whim doesn't actually get Rain Dance :c
Also, iirc (from SDS) Switcheroo is illegal with Encore. Definitely a reason why that isn't optimal.
Are all Water-type moves Special? Nah, but I think a Special Defense spread might be worth mentioning, but I'll wait and see.
Mention grass types that are immune to Leech Seed in checks and counters? Especially since Natural Cure (Roserade, Shaymin) means they don't care about Stun Spore, either.
I know this is still a skeleton, but in the overview, you state that Whimsicott has good bulk, when in fact it has terrible bulk (thanks to its pitiful HP stat). May be better to clarify that the lack of attacking moves and need for Speed (thanks to Prankster) allow Whimsicott to fully invest in its bulk.

This is also very minor, but we had Cottonee before Whimsicott dropped down to UU (who, if I remember correctly, has somewhat similar bulk and utility to Whimsicott with Eviolite). Maybe mention how, with the new introduction of Hippowdon increasing the prevalence of residual damage, Leftovers recovery is increasingly needed.

Oh yeah you should probably mention U-turn users since they break Substitute + remove Leech Seed, which means whoever switches in next will have a clear opportunity to attack a naked Whimsicott. Volt Switch does the same thing, but since it's a resisted attack it takes a fairly strong user to break the Sub. Magic Guard users are immune to Leech Seed, but they can still be paralyzed; since Magic Guard works differently from 4th gen, paralysis isn't that bad to put on a Magic Guard user. Alakazam will detest the speed drop, but some Sigilyph and Clefable sets don't really care.
@am zane ok. This is just a skeleton just like you said and the write up will look different, don't worry about it. Also, Cottenee is irrelevant, it doesn't even have an analysis.

@Banedon Partially added. Will probably add the Magic Guard part in the write up.
some nitpicks:
Whim doesn't actually get Rain Dance :c
Also, iirc (from SDS) Switcheroo is illegal with Encore. Definitely a reason why that isn't optimal.
Sorry for missing this. Could've sworn it got Rain Dance, oh well.

Also, yeah I'm very well aware that it's illegal with Encore, but I didn't really think would be that big of an issue though, but I'll make mention just in case.
amateur GP check!
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<p>Whimsicott is indeed a special Pokemon. It has access to the ability Prankster as its ability (in fact, it is the fastest such Pokemon) idk, I don't think this is especially important info, coupled with as well as a huge ammount plethora of support moves it can with which to take advantage of this ability, and is the fastest Pokemon with said ability. Moves, such as Encore, Leech Seed, Substitute, Taunt, and Stun Spore. This makes Whimsicott an excellent support Pokemon, and an annoying one on top of that. With Prankster, Whimsicott doesn't need to invest any EVs into in its Speed and can use all of them to build focus its EV investment on its bulk, making it even more of a pain to take down. However, While it's poor base 60 HP stat can let it down sometimes and it has no offensive presence at all, but that doesn't really matter: Whimsicott is still a great Pokemon to use in UU, and trust me, it will be one of the most fun Pokemon you will ever use.</p>

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Substitute / U-turn
move 4: Taunt / Stun Spore
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The standard Whimsicott set. Encore is a great move on Whimsicott, and helps both Whimsicott and its teammates setting up. Leech Seed in combination with Substitute is a lethal combination, and it makes making Whimsicott hard to take down if you play it right. Taunt is a great move in the last slot, keeping status at bay doesn't sub do this? as well as keeping preventing other Pokemon from setting up. U-turn can help Whimsicott getting out of tricky situations or enable it to scouting, while Stun Spore can paralyze the opponent, opening up a variety of opportunities for Whimsicott's teammates.</p>


<p>Whimsicott can also support its teammates with Sunny Day and or Trick Room, guarenteeing to set up either one at least once with the former being virtually guaranteed thanks to Prankster TR has like -7 priority or something and btw this seems like more OO than AC to me? especially since tailwind is there. Toxic can help to wearing down the opponent in combination with Leech Seed, while Grasswhistle can put the opponent a counter to sleep, likely removing it from the rest of the match. Grasswhistle's shaky accuracy makes it a risky move to use though. Light Screen and Safeguard can help Whimsicott's frail teammates that are setting up, by boosting their Special Defense and preventing status. You can also put 4, 8, or even 12 EVs into Some investment in Speed, making allows Whimsicott able to outspeed opposing Whimsicott, but its low popularity makes this less of a priority.</p>

<p>Pokemon that benefit from the listed moves make great teammates. no need to state the obvious >.> Pokemon that usually set up, Setup sweepers such as Mismagius, Kingdra, and Azelf, benefit from Encore, Stun Spore, and Taunt: Encore can lock the opponent into a resisted move, Stun Spore lowers the opponent's Speed stat and may allow a Substitute sweeper to fish for full paralysis, and Taunt prevents the opponent from using status moves and setting up itself. Set-up Pokemon aren't the only Pokemon that benefits from these moves. Alternatively, Heracross is an example of a slow sweeper that greatly benefits from Stun Spore lowering the opponent's Speed. Leech Seed helps by keeping keeps the aforementioned Pokemon healthy while they set up, while it and also helps in stalling the opponent. Also Furthermore, teammates that can take care of Grass-types that might stand in Whimsicott's way are appreciated. Arcanine, Heracross, and Moltres comes to mind, as they resist Grass-type moves and hits back hard with their STAB moves.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Whimsicott has several other support moves at its disposal that can be useful in some way. Cotton Spore, Tickle, Fake Tears, Memento, and Charm can helps Whimsicott's teammates in dealing with certain Pokemon or just force switches. Tailwind can be used to boost the Speed stat of Whimsicott's team for four turns, possibly allowing an endgame sweep. Whimsicott can also use Cotton Guard to boost its own Defense stat, making it even harder ridiculously hard to take down. Worry Seed is a gimmicky option, but can really pay off; Worry Seed removes the opponent's ability by giving it Insomnia instead. This can be useful against Pokemon dependent on their abilities such as Tinted Lens Yanmega or Magic Guard Alakazam, which really rely on their abilities. Switcheroo in combination with Lagging Tail or Iron Ball is also an option. However, but Switcheroo is illegal with Encore and Stun Spore already slows down the opponent, making it Switcheroo the less favorable option. Giga Drain is an attack option if you feel you need one Whimsicott's best form of offense; use a Bold nature if you opt to use for it.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Whimsicott's most crucial moment is when it's at low health. This means it can't protect itself with Substitute if the opposing Pokemon doesn't care about Encore and Taunt. In fact, Whimsicott doesn't even have to be at low health if the opponent doesn't care about Whimicott's moves, as it can just keep spamming a powerful move until Whimsicott goes down. Abomasnow is an good example of this. It is immune to Leech Seed and can just keep using 100% accurate Blizzards like nothing until Whimsicott is done for due to its immunity to Leech Seed and access to a 100% accurate STAB Blizzard. Heracross also falls into this category. Megahorn hurts really bad, and some versions of Heracross doesn't really care about Stun Spore, as it will only make it more powerful thanks to STAB Megahorn; worse, Guts variants are powered up by Stun Spore. There are many examples that can take adavantage of this. The only thing that is needed is a hard hitting move that In general, hard hitting attackers will easily take Whimsicott down fast, as Leech Seed and Leftovers will otherwise quickly restore Whimsicott's health. Another way of taking countering Whimsicott down is to break its Substitute with a U-turn and then bring in a Pokemon that can OHKO it in one blow. Grass-types doesn't don't care about Leech Seed, while Roserade and Shaymin doesn't care about laugh off Stun Spore thanks to Natural Cure. The aforementioned two and can KO Whimsicott with Sludge Bomb and Air Slash respectively. Faster Whimsicott can outspeed and Taunt Whimsicott, making it unable to do much back leaving the slower one helpless.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Whimsicott gets Chlorophyll as its Dream World ability. Whimsicott benefits much more from While Chlorophyll is better than Infiltrator, but Prankster is hands down its best ability and is the only one that should be used, as it makes Whimsicott unique.</p>
I'm not sure if it's too late for this or not, but if I'm worried about a Whimsicott weakness on my team, I make sure to bring my Sap Sipper Bouffalant along. The standard Whimsicott can't do A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G to it, since Leech Seed, Stun Spore, and even Giga Drain get absorbed and boost Bouffalant's attack.
for the 2
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add etc.


<p>Whimsicott is indeed special. It has access to the ability Prankster, as well as a plethora of support moves with which to take advantage of, such as Encore, Leech Seed, Substitute, Taunt, and Stun Spore. This makes Whimsicott an excellent support Pokemon, and an annoying one on top of that. With Prankster, Whimsicott doesn't need to invest any EVs in its Speed and can focus its EV investment on its bulk, making it even more of a pain to take down. While, its Whimsicott's HP stat can let it down sometimes,[comma] and it has no offensive presence at all, that doesn't those factors really matter. Whimsicott is still a great Pokemon to use in UU, and,[comma] trust me, it will be one of the most fun Pokemon you will ever use.</p>

name: Prankster
move 1: Encore
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Substitute / U-turn
move 4: Taunt / Stun Spore
item: Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>The standard Whimsicott set presents itself thus. [haha optional, but you want a complete sentence that is dramatic IMO] Encore is a great move on Whimsicott, and helps both Whimsicott and its teammates set up. Leech Seed in combination with Substitute is a lethal tactic combination, making Whimsicott hard to take down if you play it right. Taunt is a great move in the last slot, keeping status at bay as well as preventing other Pokemon from setting up. U-turn can help Whimsicott get out of escape tricky situations or enable it to scout, while Stun Spore can paralyze the opponent, opening up a variety of opportunities for Whimsicott's teammates.</p>


<p>Whimsicott can also support its teammates with Sunny Day or Trick Room, the former virtually guaranteed thanks to Prankster. with the former being virtually guaranteed thanks to Prankster. Toxic can help to wear down the opponent in combination with Leech Seed, while Grasswhistle can put the opponent to sleep. Grasswhistle's shaky accuracy makes it a risky move to use though. Light Screen and Safeguard can help Whimsicott's teammates that set up,[remove comma] by boosting their Special Defense and preventing status. You can also put 4, 8, or even 12 EVs into Speed, allows allowing Whimsicott able to outspeed opposing Whimsicott.</p>

<p>Set-up sweepers such as Mismagius, Kingdra, and Azelf benefit from Encore, Stun Spore, and Taunt: Encore can lock the opponent into a resisted move, Stun Spore lowers the opponent's Speed stat, and Taunt prevents the opponent from using status moves and setting up itself. Alternatively, Heracross is an example of a slow sweeper that greatly benefits from Stun Spore lowering the opponent's Speed. Leech Seed keeps the aforementioned Pokemon healthy while they set up, and also helps in stalling the opponent. Furthermore, teammates that can take care of Grass-types that might stand in Whimsicott's way are appreciated. Arcanine, Heracross, and Moltres comes to mind, as they resist Grass-type moves and hit back hard with their STAB moves.</p> maybe mention hazards support for the switches Whim forces

[Other Options]

<p>Whimsicott has several other support moves at its disposal that can be useful in some way. Cotton Spore, Tickle, Fake Tears, Memento, and Charm can help Whimsicott's teammates deal with certain Pokemon or just force switches. Tailwind can be used to boost the Speed stat of Whimsicott's team for four turns, possibly allowing an endgame sweep. Whimsicott can also use Cotton Guard to boost its own Defense stat, making it ridiculously hard to take down. Worry Seed is a gimmicky option, but can really pay off against Pokemon dependant on their abilities, such as Tinted Lens Yanmega or Magic Guard Alakazam. Switcheroo in combination with Lagging Tail or Iron Ball is also an option, but Switcheroo is illegal with Encore and Stun Spore already slows down the opponent, making Switcheroo the less favorable option. Giga Drain Whimsicott's best form of offense; use a Bold nature if you opt for it.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Whimsicott's most crucial moment is when it's at low health. This means it can't protect itself with Substitute if the opposing Pokemon doesn't care about Encore and Taunt. In fact, Whimsicott doesn't even have to be at low health if the opponent doesn't care about Whimicott's moves, as it can just keep spamming a powerful move until Whimsicott goes down. Abomasnow is an good example of this due to its immunity to Leech Seed and access to a 100% accurate STAB Blizzard. Heracross also falls into this category thanks to STAB Megahorn; worse, Guts variants are powered up by Stun Spore. In general, hard hitting attackers will easily take Whimsicott down, as Leech Seed and Leftovers will otherwise quickly restore Whimsicott's health. not sure I understand Another way of countering Whimsicott is to break its Substitute with a U-turn and then bring in a Pokemon that can OHKO it. Grass-types doesn't don't care about Leech Seed, while and Roserade and Shaymin laugh off Stun Spore thanks to Natural Cure and can KO Whimsicott with Sludge Bomb and Air Slash respectively. Faster Whimsicott can outspeed and Taunt,[comma] leaving the slower one helpless.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Whimsicott gets recieves Chlorophyll as its Dream World ability. While Chlorophyll is better than than Infiltrator, Prankster is hands down its Whimsicott's best ability and is the only one that should be used, as it makes Whimsicott unique.</p>
