This thread is all about the discussion of level curves, good, bad, janky, and everything in between.
When it comes to voting, the biggest questions that you need to keep in mind are:
Older games usually have a dedicated HM bot because honestly, we all understand. Especially the Water HMs. Surf + Waterfall on the same mon is obnoxious, but ok. That + Whirlpool/Dive? Nah, nobody wants to do that.
A full party of 5/6 mons also illustrates the idea of how well-designed a region's level curve is. For example, GSC's is so bad, a lot of people unironically run with only 4 mons to not get too underleveled. If that isn't a sign things went horribly wrong, nothing is.
That's enough rambling out of me, just go nuts.
When it comes to voting, the biggest questions that you need to keep in mind are:
- Do I have to grind against wilds before Victory Road? (E4 is always a level spike)
- Am I usually overleveled even without the Exp. Share? Do I even need to turn it on in the first place?
This discussion assumes a 5/6 mon team.
Older games usually have a dedicated HM bot because honestly, we all understand. Especially the Water HMs. Surf + Waterfall on the same mon is obnoxious, but ok. That + Whirlpool/Dive? Nah, nobody wants to do that.
A full party of 5/6 mons also illustrates the idea of how well-designed a region's level curve is. For example, GSC's is so bad, a lot of people unironically run with only 4 mons to not get too underleveled. If that isn't a sign things went horribly wrong, nothing is.
That's enough rambling out of me, just go nuts.