What If? - Alternate Timelines (On Hiatus!)

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Assuming Volt Tackle!

HP: 110
Atk: 100
Def: 65
SpA: 65
SpD: 100
Spe: 110
BST: 550

PS: 120.98
SS: 91.64
PT: 87.20
ST: 124.93
BSR: 578.35

High HP to negate Volt Tackle recoil. High special bulk to potentially tank Scald from Cresceidon. Accordingly, somewhat lower attack, but still enough to OHKO what you want to at +2. Volt Tackle is a strong move!
112 HP / 133 Atk / 62 Def / 70 SpA / 70 SpD / 103 Spe (550 BST)

PS: 139.15
SS: 85.91
PT: 83.16
ST: 91.55
BSR: 567.74

Defining Moves: Volt Tackle, Diamond Storm, Swords Dance, Wood Hammer

Speed to underspeed Deoxys-Speed at +1, Attack to KO Cresceidon at +2 with Volt Tackle (or Tera Grass Wood Hammer), high HP for Volt Tackle recoil, bulk to die to either Psycho Boost or Superpower from LO Deoxys-Speed after SR damage.
102 HP / 148 Atk / 62 Def / 91 SpA / 99 SpD / 78 Spe (580 BST)

PS: 126.15
SS: 87.44
PT: 78.62
ST: 114.68
BSR: 560.94

Speed underspeeds Dragapult at +1 while still outspeeding Cresceidon at +1 w/ an adamant nature.
Special Defensive ensures it faints to Specs Dragapult's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock damage.
Attack can do this: 252+ Atk Life Orb (AT Saharaja) Diamond Storm vs. 248 HP / 144+ Def Venomicon: 374-439 (100.2 - 117.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Lower defense to incentivize clicking Diamond Storm, while making it more checkable.
It is time to vote! Remember that this is to be a single bold vote!

Def: 100
SpA 111
SpD 84
Spe 68

SS 99.87
PT 103.53
ST 89.96
BSR 569.40

Fuck ground types: This Mon is gonna make people run phys def torterra.
Assuming Volt Tackle!

HP: 110
Atk: 100
Def: 65
SpA: 65
SpD: 100
Spe: 110
BST: 550

PS: 120.98
SS: 91.64
PT: 87.20
ST: 124.93
BSR: 578.35

High HP to negate Volt Tackle recoil. High special bulk to potentially tank Scald from Cresceidon. Accordingly, somewhat lower attack, but still enough to OHKO what you want to at +2. Volt Tackle is a strong move!
112 HP / 133 Atk / 62 Def / 70 SpA / 70 SpD / 103 Spe (550 BST)

PS: 139.15
SS: 85.91
PT: 83.16
ST: 91.55
BSR: 567.74

Defining Moves: Volt Tackle, Diamond Storm, Swords Dance, Wood Hammer

Speed to underspeed Deoxys-Speed at +1, Attack to KO Cresceidon at +2 with Volt Tackle (or Tera Grass Wood Hammer), high HP for Volt Tackle recoil, bulk to die to either Psycho Boost or Superpower from LO Deoxys-Speed after SR damage.
102 HP / 148 Atk / 62 Def / 91 SpA / 99 SpD / 78 Spe (580 BST)

PS: 126.15
SS: 87.44
PT: 78.62
ST: 114.68
BSR: 560.94

Speed underspeeds Dragapult at +1 while still outspeeding Cresceidon at +1 w/ an adamant nature.
Special Defensive ensures it faints to Specs Dragapult's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock damage.
Attack can do this: 252+ Atk Life Orb (AT Saharaja) Diamond Storm vs. 248 HP / 144+ Def Venomicon: 374-439 (100.2 - 117.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Lower defense to incentivize clicking Diamond Storm, while making it more checkable.
Here are all the options without formatting:

80/157/100/111/84/68 by Amamama
110/100/65/65/100/110 by dex
112/133/62/70/70/103 by kenn
102/148/62/91/99/78 by Iron Crusher

Voting ends in 24 hours!
And with a whopping 7 votes, congratulations goes to Iron Crusher for their winning spread for AT Saharaja!

Now the floor will be open to any flavor submissions for anyone who wants to add their mark to AT Saharaja, but we shall also be moving right along to the next AT and this time we are gonna change it up a bit and ask the question...
What if Chuggalong had  Unburden instead of Armor Tail?

With us now having an ability, we are instead gonna start by discussing typing. Should we keep the same typing? Is there a better typing that suits Unburden? Why or why not?

EDIT: It was also brought to my attention the question of if we are keeping Throat Spray as the item and the answer is yes as there are other ATs potentially planned with different items

Submissions for a new typing ends around Wednesday October 2nd!​
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Submitting Fire / Flying

One of the things that plagues Moltres, Talonflame and Volcarona is the need to keep a particular item on them at all times, Heavy-Duty-Boots. I think this typing offers a lot in terms of both offensive potential and defensive capabilities for an Unburden sweeper.

This Pokemon would have to play around losing it item, truly making it a one and done sweeper most of the time, due to the possibility of having to come in against rocks in the future.

Offensively, Acrobatics has perfect synergy with Unburden as an ability, while also targeting the tier's primary Unaware wall. Strong Fire stab is also ubiquitous, coming hit the common Steel types in the meta. There are some forms of counterplay naturally available here, Rock types give the type combo a hard time both defensively and offensively, a few others are fairly present such as Raging Bolt, Heatran and Rotom-Wash.

This typing also comes blank the priority from Hemogoblin, which our universe's Chuggalong's ability stage was somewhat shoe-horned by.
ok it’s time

Let’s return to the most useless typing (if you want to run dstorm)

funny how my opinion of this typing shifts when unburden is In play and you have all the freedom to run special moves.
Now to the selling points.

The single most busted single turn move in history of mons is:
Unburden Meteor Beam a 120bp move that gives you a shift gear boost. If you wanna be funky Electric actually has the same option with Electro Shot and since you’re unburden you still might want to use that with a consumable instead of rain (or maybe both?)
As mentioned during AT Raja, electric/rock benefits quite a bit from grassy terrain and pairs really well with rilla, making grassy seed sets quite realistic, if you don’t want to go for meteor beam. The same can be said about air balloon.
AnOther option to trigger unburden, could be overdrive, a more toned down version of electro shot.

electric helps keeping your boost against arghonaut and given you likely have three open moveslots, there’s enough room to fit all the coverage you want (think stratagem, but it also has electric stab to hit argh)
Submitting Ghost/Flying

Ghost/Flying is an incredible offensive typing which very few pokemon resist. As said before, Acrobatics has historically been successful with Unburden mons like Hawlucha and Sneasler, matching up well into Arghonaut whilst our Ghost typing prevent us from being Circle Thrown out. Ghost comes with good physical stab like Poltergeist and Shadow Sneak, which allow both high power and potential counters to certain priority users by outspeeding with our own priority. With Unburden, we also outspeed Pult after activation, threatening the best ghost type in the tier, as well as Scarf Gholdengo, Revenakh, and Kitsunoh. Resisting fighting and being immune to Ground is a strong resume in the current metagame to boot.

For our item, this mon would benefit from being a Flying type that isn't worrying about Heavy Duty Boots, as Unburden usually forces it to be a one and done case that can't switch out anyways. I had a few ideas on which item could be utilized:
Power Herb:
This item immediately comes to mind thanks to it being activated by high power Flying and Ghost physical moves, Sky Attack and Phantom Force. Both these moves prove AT Chugg the ability to deal high damage and instantly boost its speed without relying on a field condition to activate its item. Of course, once the ability is activated by one of these moves, there's some fall off of having a moveslot filled by a somewhat less reliable stab move (Phantom Force has lower initial power, but has more reliability after the herb is used up.
Grassy Seed:
Of course, the tried and true grassy seed unburden acrobatics sweeper is bound to occur, and the combination of Ghost and Flying stab does allow us to hit many significant Pokemon in the tier. The defense boost also helps us against common Ice and Dark coverage, especially Knock Off since we lose our item.

There is certainly clear counterplay for this option. Kingambit, one of the most significant pokemon in the tier, is one of the rare few that resist our STAB combination (as well as, funnily enough, our upcoming Electric/Normal wall), and Gambit has super-effective priority into us. We also get hit pretty hard by Raging Bolt and Hemogoblin, who have the priority to counter us, albeit with Hemo not being super-effective.
A typing that specifically tries to utilize Throat Spray as it's primary unburden trigger feels surprisingly limiting, Unburden is just an excellent ability, and with a lot of typings it feels like you would want to utilize alternate trigger methods and with that:

I would like to submit Normal/Fire

With potential access to multiple high profile STAB sound moves like Boomburst, Hyper Voice and Torch Song, this unique offensive typing looks to highly incentivize the usage of Throat Spray.

When paired with unburden this typing has great offensive potential, while still held back by a middling defensive profile, as well as requiring strong hazard control to enter the field healthy. It's still functional enough defensively against pokemon like Gholdengo or Hemogoblin to set up or potentially switch in and start screaming at things. The typing also definitely has weaknesses offensively too, being completely walled by Rock types and some relatively common pokemon like Dragapult and Heatran. The extent of which we want to deal with these weaknesses through coverage moves and stats seems interesting to look at for future stages.
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