Submitting Ghost/Flying
Ghost/Flying is an incredible offensive typing which very few pokemon resist. As said before, Acrobatics has historically been successful with Unburden mons like Hawlucha and Sneasler, matching up well into Arghonaut whilst our Ghost typing prevent us from being Circle Thrown out. Ghost comes with good physical stab like Poltergeist and Shadow Sneak, which allow both high power and potential counters to certain priority users by outspeeding with our own priority. With Unburden, we also outspeed Pult after activation, threatening the best ghost type in the tier, as well as Scarf Gholdengo, Revenakh, and Kitsunoh. Resisting fighting and being immune to Ground is a strong resume in the current metagame to boot.
For our item, this mon would benefit from being a Flying type that isn't worrying about Heavy Duty Boots, as Unburden usually forces it to be a one and done case that can't switch out anyways. I had a few ideas on which item could be utilized:
Power Herb:
This item immediately comes to mind thanks to it being activated by high power Flying and Ghost physical moves, Sky Attack and Phantom Force. Both these moves prove AT Chugg the ability to deal high damage and instantly boost its speed without relying on a field condition to activate its item. Of course, once the ability is activated by one of these moves, there's some fall off of having a moveslot filled by a somewhat less reliable stab move (Phantom Force has lower initial power, but has more reliability after the herb is used up.
Grassy Seed:
Of course, the tried and true grassy seed unburden acrobatics sweeper is bound to occur, and the combination of Ghost and Flying stab does allow us to hit many significant Pokemon in the tier. The defense boost also helps us against common Ice and Dark coverage, especially Knock Off since we lose our item.
There is certainly clear counterplay for this option. Kingambit, one of the most significant pokemon in the tier, is one of the rare few that resist our STAB combination (as well as, funnily enough, our upcoming Electric/Normal wall), and Gambit has super-effective priority into us. We also get hit pretty hard by Raging Bolt and Hemogoblin, who have the priority to counter us, albeit with Hemo not being super-effective.