What If? - Alternate Timelines (On Hiatus!)

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I'm actually a fan of the Ghost/Dark type here. Beyond it being the spookiest type, it is often overlooked since it is a largely neutral typing with just about as many downsides as it has up, but I think it's worth taking a look at what it provides.

Obviously with Shadow Force being the typing of choice, we want a ghost typing to provide STAB, since ghost is not a particularly good coverage typing. Making SF be a move that the opponent fears to switch into is what it should strive for I feel. The dark type part of the typing neutralizes ghost's weaknesses, provides a psychic immunity for pesky stored power shenanigans, and the ghost part of the equation nullifies one of dark's biggest weaknesses. The Dark typing does however give it a neutrality to bug, and adds a weakness to fairy. The important mark is the neutrality to dark, since that typing would be the most willing to switch in, what with the lack of normal types to do the job. Dark neutrality means that we aren't immediately forced out when a dark type comes in to tank a SF, which means the pummeling can continue if we have coverage to handle it, or if our SF is particularly powerful. Offensively, the dark type gives us stab on very strong options in sucker punch and knock off primarily. Sucker punch being a strong priority to combo well as a 1-2 punch with a shadow force that goes last, and Knock Off being one of the best and most spammable moves in the game, providing item removal to make SF sting more. Dark moves here would be arguably pretty safe to use since the worrisome move coming off of the mon should be Shadow Force first and foremost, and the mons that resist dark moves (aside from other dark types) such as Arghonaut, Cresceidon, and Great Tusk probably would not appreciate taking the hit.

The downsides of the typing offensively is that dark rubs up against a lot of shadow force's strengths and weaknesses offensively, ghost already hits plenty for neutral damage, and dark hits the same typings super effectively, while also being resisted by more. And Dark doesn't help at all offensively with ghost's dark resist. Kingambit, Ting-Lu, and Hamurott switch in very relatively easily and devour the typing if we don't have any further coverage. Additionally, with Shadow Force being the move of choice to build around, the dark moves we would have to choose from would be overshadowed in pure power, and don't provide a coverage boost to be used alongside items like choice band, limiting our item selection a bit. Defensively, the typing is famously a largely neutral typing across the board, which makes it a pretty good type for a stat stick if we choose to do so. It is however very weak to fairy revenge killers, Hemo and Iron Valiant check the typing extremely well.
Ghost is 99% mandatory here. Two-turn moves are generally outclassed by more reliable options, and the ones that we see are almost exclusively boosting moves coupled with power herb (Meteor Beam, Geomancy. Electro Shot does not count). The charge turn on these moves is bad enough that it is always worth forfeiting your valuable item slot to regain that lost turn if you are running them. That tells you how exploitable charge turns can often be. Shadow Force is strong, but it's not in the same tier as something like Meteor Beam, especially since one of the greatest benefits of ghost STAB is its spammability, and this move forfeits that trait to a degree. If we are not Ghost-type, switching into this well-telegraphed move will be quite easy. Even as a ghost, we will have to kind of stack the deck in favor of it.

I see two builds here:
  • An offensive Dragapult-type build (I think you can make a case that pult would run this move if it got it) where you just have no other physical ghost STAB over 60 BP, or
  • a sort of stally (not necessarily fully defensive) build that can make use of the invulnerability turns to trigger turn-based effects like passive healing, passive damage on your opponent from things like Toxic or Leech Seed, abilities with turn-based triggers like Harvest or I dunno Speed Boost, etc. On the latter build, the move being 8 PP is a little weird, but because PP is only being deducted every other turn, I think it may be workable.
I'll suggest Ghost/Water on the basis that it's a pretty balanced typing which matches up quite well into a lot of the CAP meta, and Water STAB threatens Garganacl while hitting most other potential switch-ins neutrally.

My one worry with something like Ghost/Dark is that I'm not sure how you make this mon run Shadow Force when Knock Off is a lot less risky to click and hits a lot of the same stuff. I see the defensive value though.
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I have 2 possible submissions. Normal/Ghost since it’s a very popular fake type with exactly 1 weakness. Since Shadow Force is our defining move, it makes sense to switch into a Normal type to nullify it. Using a Normal/Ghost makes getting a hit on even more difficult. We also just had a Normal CAP for 35, so I imagine everyone is still in that creative mindset

The second is Ghost/Electric. This is my spooky entry. It was gonna be Ghost/Fire, but this one’s rarer. This way we have access to the coveted Volt Switch. There’s not really much else besides avoiding paralysis, but I thought this up for ar and/or au tistic purposes
Thanks for everyone who voted for me in the Chromera Stat Spread phase, it was a very tight race between myself and the laziness to not post the spread but I am glad I won.

Jokes aside I agree with Viol and Bass' assement of the potential routes that this mon can take to use Phantom Force. I especially like the route of a somewhat bulky pokémon that uses the invincibility turns to take advantange of passive healing like leftovers.

For that, I suggest the typing of Ghost / Fairy. Ghost Fairy has a decent defensive typing, but by far the most important part about it is that the fairy typing hits dark type supereffectively, which allows us to threaten Knock Off users and switch-ins to our Shadow Force.
I definitely like the idea of a Mon that uses it's two turn moves alongside passive damage and/or passive healing.
Given what other said I also believe, that Shadow Force needs to be STAB.

Both passive healing and passive damage kinda imply a stally build, that tries to slowly but incrementally make progress against the opponent, while not necessarily relying on reliable recovery similar to mons like Gliscor or Ferrothorn. Luckily Ghost is a very solid mono STAB, that should give enough freedom during moves to fill the three other slots.

That way we can use the secondary typing for defensive purposes.

Given a possible reliance on passive healing, I think this typing should be relatively sturdy into hazards, allowing the use of leftovers, toxic orb or the more gimmicky pinch berries.
This to me means types, that are weak to stealth rock should definitely not be on the table. additionally I think having a typing resisting stealth rock is very beneficial.
Sadly two of the three options here are quite offensively leaning. I do think both Ghost/Ground and Ghost/Fighting have merit, in that they are very potent offensive combos, but I'd prefer Ghost/Steel.
Given the great defensive profile, this typing should afford AT Raja with a solid bulky presence that allows it to use Shadow Force successfully.
The only other type aside from these three that I'd favor is Ghost/Fairy which also has quite a solid defensive profile and has the benefit of keeping Dark types from easily coming in.

P.S. actually let me amend this.
Ghost/Fighting is a great combination of both worlds of ghost/steel and ghost/fairy. Resisting both Rocks and not being weak to Dark types. While it doesn't have as good of a defensive profile, it still isn't bad either and could very well be used on a bulky Mon as DPP Revenakh shows.
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What about Ghost/Bug?

With the idea that shadow force creates switches to normal types or something resisting ghost (dark for example) Bug would be a fun combo so you can have STAB U-turn on either predicted switches or to punish something that switched in to resist or blank Shadow Force.

The main drawback would be the stealth rock weakness but it could end up being a fun offensive pivot that creates a lot of switches
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