Signups Welcome To SV Monotype (Signups)

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Hosted by sasha & Felines

Yet another generation has come, and with it, another tournament to usher in the new world of Monotype. As with the release of Scarlet and Violet, the Monotype forum is hosting a team tournament to give everyone the opportunity to experiment and help with developing the gen 9 Monotype metagame. This tournament is played with teams of five to encourage people to build together, so find some friends and sign up!
To join:
Have the team captain submit a list of five names and your team name.
If your desired teammates do not have Smogon accounts, please make sure that they register as soon as possible and tag them appropriately in your signup post.
Or I can help pair you up if you just say in / free agent.
Signups will close November 27th at 11:59 PM EST (GMT-5).

Rules of this Tournament:
  • Always play your games in the [Gen 9] Monotype format.
  • You must have exactly 5 total players on your team, the captain doesn’t have to be a player.
  • Like normal team tours, you will play bo1 versus your opponent, and the team is playing to win the best of five between the players. You do not need to play all at the same time, so schedule individually like usual!
  • You must play on the main Pokemon Showdown server or on the Smogtours server. Replays posted from any other server will be ignored.
  • This tournament is about developing the Monotype metagame. As a result, you must abide by the following.:
    • Save your replays
    • And post your replays
  • Extensions don't exist in team tours, but there are no subs in this tour. So, I will leave the option of extensions open with the caveat that you need to legitimately try to schedule within the week. I reserve the right to deny extensions.
  • Don't be too rude to each other. The usual Nice User TM discussion can go in the Monotype Discord tournaments channel.
  • The number of teams and groups will be dependent on how many teams sign up.

Standard Monotype Rules:
  • Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
  • Moody Clause: Moody is banned
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
  • Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Tournament Structure:
  • This tournament will have two stages: groups and playoffs.
  • For the groups stage, teams will be randomly split into separate groups. The top two teams of each group will advance to the playoffs. Ties will be decided by total wins, so make sure to play every game.
  • For the playoffs, it will be a standard single elimination bracket.
Signup format:
Team name:
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