Wonderful art by ASKid679
Hosted by ken
Usage Stats
Another dexit generation, another metagame evolution with the addition of Home support... We're hosting a team tournament to give everybody the opportunity to experiment and develop the metagame shift as a result! In order to join, pair up with four friends or be ready to sign up as a free agent to be randomly paired by me.
Rules of this Tournament:
- Always play your games in the [Gen 9] Monotype format.
- You must have exactly 5 total players on your team; the captain doesn’t have to be a player.
- Like normal team tours, you will play Bo1 versus your opponent, and the team is playing to win the best of five between the players. You do not need to play all at the same time, so schedule individually like usual!
- You must play on Smogtours or the main PS! server. Replays posted from any other server will be ignored.
- This tournament is about developing the Monotype metagame. As a result, replays are REQUIRED!
- Extensions don't exist in team tours, but there are no subs in this tour. So, I will leave the option of extensions open with the caveat that you need to legitimately try to schedule within the week. I reserve the right to deny extensions for poor attempts before the week's deadline or any other reason.
- The number of teams and groups will be dependent on how many teams sign up.
- Standard Clause: Sleep Clause Mod, Species Clause, Nickname Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Items Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Endless Battle Clause, HP Percentage Mod, Cancel Mod, Min Source Gen = 9
- Evasion Abilities Clause: Bans abilities that boost Evasion under certain weather conditions
- Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type
- Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing
- This tournament will have two stages: groups and playoffs.
- For the groups stage, teams will be randomly split into separate groups. The top two teams of each group will advance to the playoffs. Ties will be decided by total wins, so make sure to play every game.
- For the playoffs, it will be a standard single elimination bracket.
Group 1
Magearna-Unbanned (3) vs (2) Apple Bottom Jeans
Ethereal Sword vs silver grace
Roxanner vs Quinn
bruised vs B1Kharma
Ferno vs PoseidonWrath
ArkenCiel vs DreamPrince
Bye vs Tasty Tatsugiris
Group 2
Pr1nce0fAllSaiyans and the Femin1st_Warri0rs (3) vs (2) SV Home? Poggers
Caroline u-u vs Azick
Pr1nce0fAllSaiyans vs Starfox.
finncepti0n vs Ashbala
bigasschungusboi vs avarice
TheWyvernKing vs mushamu
TBD4 (3) vs (2) jackuzzler's guzzlers
Estuardo19 vs RoyalReloaded
Tempo di anguria vs jackuzzler
Ikaishi vs wesh papillon
Tarre25 vs Sificon
Imagina 2 vacas vs seroo
Group 3
Menu maxi BestOf (3) vs (2) FA5
Brumirage vs giove97
KSt3ve vs Daniel Ramos
Mimilucha vs Pengairxan
Akai vs Giyu
P'titnew vs imperialorder241
Honkhonk Dewgongs (5) vs (0) FA4
Elyoss vs Bu11seye
Prof.Otaku vs insertkoin
Leafium Z vs The White Room
Bouki vs DerpsDeluxe
AA vs WigglyTree
Group 4
TBD1 (0) vs (3) TBD3
Attribute vs DAHLI
DugZa vs Dr. Phd. BJ
Floss vs tier
Kev vs Ewin
Jojo8868 vs Trichotomy
Bye vs Les Mag'arnaques
Group 5
ryu the runner (2) vs (1) FA6
LpZ vs Ezpark
Thiago Nunes vs zIcarus
siras vs Harpp
Sahki vs CJYUKI2
Stampi vs Uta The Clown
ESCN (3) vs (2) FA3
memedose46 vs Havens
fatBatman vs showdownperson
Piyush25 vs Rex Slayer
Manan999 vs Raahel
TDR vs paolode99
Group 6
Malveillance max (2) vs (3) Bastardlegions
Cielau vs Swiffix
Ryuji vs maroon
Hurtadoo vs Neko
Toadow vs style.css
yedla vs TheArchitect_
FA2 (1) vs (0) BAGRE
Arkm vs KeldeoCrowned
Sanshokuinsumireko vs mateospulario
ChereYumi vs Mateeus
Silveruby vs Beraldo
Pasta_Ravioli vs juleocesar
Group 7
Electric Love (1) vs (1) FA1
SpectralThief vs Splash
No Luck No Life vs Wanka
Huargensy vs Azluc On Top
Hollow Soul vs wkxkevin
Cristian Jimenez vs Mr.Bossaru
Sunsteel (2) vs (3) I GOT SNAKED FOR ABR?
Beleth vs Felines
Dead by Daylight vs sasha
XSTATIC COLD vs ikiarihS
Mafrazinho vs roxie
TomLeLego vs tMoi
Group 8
Joeverqwil (1) vs (4) Dragapult Destroyers
ASKid679 vs Pokemon Trainer 596
Sunnyboi0 vs Miyoko
Trouser Snakes vs A-drago destroyer
Tico vs Swagata Mitra
CrossHeart vs Sanjay das
Unripe Mangoes (1) vs (3) TBD2
AmoghOp vs AtraX Madara
Thetwinking vs Mihowk
Goro Yagami vs Irene-2002
Go greeninja vs One Last Kiss
KeshBa54 vs plunder
Teams were formed on a first come, first serve basis, and the total number of teams was not an even number to generate a bracket, so there are two randomly rolled bye slots.
If you don't know how to schedule with your opponent, please follow this guide!
Because this is a new metagame, bans may occur throughout the tournament. When this happens, they will apply to the following week, meaning the pokemon are free to use for the remainder of the week they may be banned in.
Replays are required.
The deadline for this round will be Sunday June 11th @ 10pm GMT-4!
Group 1
Magearna-Unbanned (3) vs (2) Apple Bottom Jeans
Ethereal Sword vs silver grace
Roxanner vs Quinn
bruised vs B1Kharma
Ferno vs PoseidonWrath
ArkenCiel vs DreamPrince
Bye vs Tasty Tatsugiris
Group 2
Pr1nce0fAllSaiyans and the Femin1st_Warri0rs (3) vs (2) SV Home? Poggers
Caroline u-u vs Azick
Pr1nce0fAllSaiyans vs Starfox.
finncepti0n vs Ashbala
bigasschungusboi vs avarice
TheWyvernKing vs mushamu
TBD4 (3) vs (2) jackuzzler's guzzlers
Estuardo19 vs RoyalReloaded
Tempo di anguria vs jackuzzler
Ikaishi vs wesh papillon
Tarre25 vs Sificon
Imagina 2 vacas vs seroo
Group 3
Menu maxi BestOf (3) vs (2) FA5
Brumirage vs giove97
KSt3ve vs Daniel Ramos
Mimilucha vs Pengairxan
Akai vs Giyu
P'titnew vs imperialorder241
Honkhonk Dewgongs (5) vs (0) FA4
Elyoss vs Bu11seye
Prof.Otaku vs insertkoin
Leafium Z vs The White Room
Bouki vs DerpsDeluxe
AA vs WigglyTree
Group 4
TBD1 (0) vs (3) TBD3
Attribute vs DAHLI
DugZa vs Dr. Phd. BJ
Floss vs tier
Kev vs Ewin
Jojo8868 vs Trichotomy
Bye vs Les Mag'arnaques
Group 5
ryu the runner (2) vs (1) FA6
LpZ vs Ezpark
Thiago Nunes vs zIcarus
siras vs Harpp
Sahki vs CJYUKI2
Stampi vs Uta The Clown
ESCN (3) vs (2) FA3
memedose46 vs Havens
fatBatman vs showdownperson
Piyush25 vs Rex Slayer
Manan999 vs Raahel
TDR vs paolode99
Group 6
Malveillance max (2) vs (3) Bastardlegions
Cielau vs Swiffix
Ryuji vs maroon
Hurtadoo vs Neko
Toadow vs style.css
yedla vs TheArchitect_
FA2 (1) vs (0) BAGRE
Arkm vs KeldeoCrowned
Sanshokuinsumireko vs mateospulario
ChereYumi vs Mateeus
Silveruby vs Beraldo
Pasta_Ravioli vs juleocesar
Group 7
Electric Love (1) vs (1) FA1
SpectralThief vs Splash
No Luck No Life vs Wanka
Huargensy vs Azluc On Top
Hollow Soul vs wkxkevin
Cristian Jimenez vs Mr.Bossaru
Sunsteel (2) vs (3) I GOT SNAKED FOR ABR?
Beleth vs Felines
Dead by Daylight vs sasha
XSTATIC COLD vs ikiarihS
Mafrazinho vs roxie
TomLeLego vs tMoi
Group 8
Joeverqwil (1) vs (4) Dragapult Destroyers
ASKid679 vs Pokemon Trainer 596
Sunnyboi0 vs Miyoko
Trouser Snakes vs A-drago destroyer
Tico vs Swagata Mitra
CrossHeart vs Sanjay das
Unripe Mangoes (1) vs (3) TBD2
AmoghOp vs AtraX Madara
Thetwinking vs Mihowk
Goro Yagami vs Irene-2002
Go greeninja vs One Last Kiss
KeshBa54 vs plunder
Teams were formed on a first come, first serve basis, and the total number of teams was not an even number to generate a bracket, so there are two randomly rolled bye slots.
If you don't know how to schedule with your opponent, please follow this guide!
Because this is a new metagame, bans may occur throughout the tournament. When this happens, they will apply to the following week, meaning the pokemon are free to use for the remainder of the week they may be banned in.
Replays are required.
The deadline for this round will be Sunday June 11th @ 10pm GMT-4!
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