What a GAS!
Weezing @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Bomb
- Will-O-Wisp / Toxic
- Toxic Spikes / Flamethrower
- Pain Split
PU! That's the stench of Weezing's obnoxious influence as a top-tier wall in the tier! Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers like Morpeko, Mabosstiff, and Poliwrath, while Toxic cripples walls like Articuno, Cryogonal, and Sableye. Toxic Spikes racks up additional residual damage against foes without Heavy-Duty Boots, like Basculin and Cacturne, while Flamethrower targets Perrserker and opposing Weezing. Neutralizing Gas and Rocky Helmet make it an effective switch-in to many physical attackers like Basculin and Medicham, especially when compounded with burn or poison. Special walls like Articuno and Appletun greatly appreciate Weezing's physically defensive capabilities, incapacitating threatening attackers like Tauros and Perrserker; in turn, it appreciates them checking special attackers like Farigiraf and Pyroar, respectively. Knock Off users like Morpeko and Perrserker can make other walls like Appletun and Sableye more vulnerable to its Toxic Spikes, crippling their roles in stopping wallbreakers like Poliwrath and Medicham.
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