Weavile @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Throat Chop
- Ice Shard
- Assurance / Poison Jab
Weavile crashes headfirst into the BDSP metagame, throwing out potent Choice Band-boosted Icicle Crashes and Throat Chops. Weavile's amazing offensive Ice / Dark typing, alongside a high base Speed and Attack, makes it a terrifying wallbreaker if brought in safely. Ice Shard is a powerful priority move that revenge kills Breloom and faster threats such as+1 Dragonite after Multiscale is broken and Choice Scarf Garchomp. Assurance is an amazing option as a final move, as it provides Weavile with a nuke capable of feats such as OHKOing Scizor and Heatran after Stealth Rock. Poison Jab is a solid, alternative option to nail Azumarill. Due to Weavile's glaring Stealth Rock weakness, it can only function well on teams with adequate entry hazard removal to support it, thus making Pokemon such as Starmie and Gliscor great partners, with the latter also being able to bring it in safely with U-turn. Magnezone and Heatran are also good teammates, as they can easily trap or take advantage of Pokemon such as Scizor and Skarmory which are lured in by Weavile.
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