Weavile [QC 0/3]

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you make me wanna go dancing
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- Weavile's excellent offensive typing allow it to be a fantastic wallbreaker and revenge killer, with good STAB coverage to hit the majority of the tier. Its high speed allows it to outspeed many fast Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Kartana, and Garchomp.
- Priority Ice Shard can revenge kill weakened foes such as Scale Shot Garchomp, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Hawlucha, and Dragapult.
- Weavile differentiates itself from other priority users such as Rillaboom, Bisharp, and Scizor, due to having much higher speed, and not relying on priority for faster opponents.
- Its Ghost-type resistance allows it to switch into Shadow Ball from Choice Specs Dragapult and force it out.
- However, Weavile is very susceptible to chip damage from Rocky Helmet, and has to be careful of Flame Body from Volcarona, though it hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots removed.
- Weavile's frail defenses can make it vulnerable to priority, but this can be worked around with defensive teammates and pivots such as Teleport Slowking and U-turn Corviknight, that can allow Weavile to get in safely.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance makes Weavile a devastating wallbreaker and potent sweeper, with strong priority and ability to set up on forced switch-ins from Landorus-T and Garchomp.
- Although Triple Axel is significantly stronger, Icicle Crash can me more useful for more consistent damage output. Knock Off can displacing items from its checks such as Volcarona and Skarmory.
- Ice Shard can also pick off weakened Pokemon such as Rillaboom and Dragapult, as they would normally outspeed or have priority in return.
- Weavile's weakness to Stealth Rock makes Heavy-Duty Boots very valuable and not be worn down as easily, allowing it to get more opportunities to set up.
- Adamant makes Weavile more threatening, but Jolly allowing it to outspeed Tornadus-T is very valuable.

- Weavile fits on a number of archetypes such as bulky offense and hyper offense, as a strong an fast wallbreaker.
- Bulky pivots such as Slowking and Slowbro can help Weavile pivot around safely with Teleport. They can also provide Future Sight support to break walls such as Toxapex. Corviknight is a good pivot, switching into Pokemon such as Rillaboom, and U-turn to bring in Weavile.
- Tapu Koko is an offensive pivot that can threaten out Weavile's checks such as Corviknight, Skarmory, and Toxapex, as well as bait in Ground-types and pivot safely with U-turn, bringing in Weavile to pressure them out while being able to set up Swords Dance.
- Choice Scarf Landorus-T appreciates Weavile weakening shared checks such as Corviknight and Skarmory, while pivoting on opposing defensive Landorus-T to bring in Weavile for set-up opportunities.
- Corviknight and Skarmory can be problematic to Weavile, so teammates such as Garchomp and Magnezone can deal with them. Garchomp can use Fire Fang lure in those Steel-types. Magnezone can trap Skarmory and Corviknight, while dealing with other threats such as Ferrothorn.
- Swords Dance Garchomp and Bisharp share checks with Weavile like Skarmory and Corviknight, and Weavile wearing them down allows Garchomp and Bisharp to go through these teams more easily.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 3: Low Kick
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Band makes Weavile an immediate threat, dealing heavy damage to anything switching into it.
- Knock Off displaces items from checks like Volcarona and Skarmory.
- Triple Axel is the preferred STAB, as it nearly always 2HKO Corviknight and Skarmory. but Icicle Crash is used for more consistent damage.
- Icicle Crash is a consistent option for damage over
- Low Kick is coverage for Pokemon to break through Pokemon such as Heatran, Melmetal, and Magnezone.
- Beat Up on more hyper offensive teams is an option, as the full power of Beat Up can allow Weavile to break through Toxapex and Corviknight more easily.
- Jolly is the main nature, but Adamant is an option to have more power, while still outspeeding Pokemon such as Kartana.

- Choice Band Weavile can fit on bulky offensive teams as a strong breaker, being able to abuse the support available.
- Rillaboom and Kartana are teammates to deal with bulky Water-types such as Toxapex, Swampert, and Tapu Fini. Corviknight and Skarmory are shared checks to them, so Weavile can break through them easily.
- Since Weavile is easily worn down by entry hazards, double Defog with teammates such as Corviknight and Landorus-T can alleviate it.
- Future Sight support from Slowking and Slowbro allow Weavile to break through Toxapex. They can bring it in safely with Teleport, such as Tapu Lele and Nidoking.
- Magnezone can trap Skarmory and Corviknight and help Weavile break defensive teams easily.

Other Options

- Wide Lens turns Triple Axel’s 72% accuracy into 97%, but it doesn’t offer much outside that, as the other moves are already 100% accuracy, and not providing extra power.
- Life Orb is an option to be more immediately threatening and very hard to wall, and on Swords Dance makes it a devastating breaker, but you would take additional chip damage from Life Orb, and still take Stealth Rock damage.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-types and Coverage**: Weavile's 4x weakness to Fighting, means that it can't switch into Fighting-types such as Urshifu and Buzzwole safely at all. Other faster Pokemon such as Zeraora and Choice Scarf Kartana can carry Fighting-type coverage in Close Combat and Sacred Sword. Though, none of them appreciate their items being removed with Knock Off.

**Steel-types**: Corviknight and Skarmory take minimal damage from Weavile, and can punish Weavile with Rocky Helmet and Body Press. Scizor can They both must watch out for a boosted Triple Axel and Knock Off. Scizor Melmetal

**Revenge Killers**: Faster Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Zeraora and Dragapult, can easily revenge kill Weavile with their coverage or STAB, but the latter must worry about Ice Shard.

**Contact Effects**: Weavile is very vulnerable to chip damage, especially to Skarmory, potentially adding Rocky Helmet chip on top of that, Weavile takes a ton of chip damage from that. A Flame Body burn from Volcarona can be devastating for Weavile, but Volcarona hates losing its Heavy-Duty Boots.

**Bulky Water-types**: Toxapex hard walls both variants of Weavile, as it can Haze away Swords Dance boosts, recover off hits from Choice Band, and potentially burn it with Scald or remove its item. Future Sight support can help deal with Toxapex. Tapu Fini is one of the best ways for bulky offense teams to deal with Weavile, as it resists its STAB combination and can revenge kill it with Moonblast on Choice Scarf variants.

- Written by: [[avg, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
Hello there :afrostar:
comments in orange
removals will be striked
changes in green


- Weavile's excellent offensive typing allow it to be a fantastic wallbreaker and revenge killer.
- It's high speed allows it to outspeed many fast metagame options such as Tornadus-T and can speed tie with neutral nature Dragapult. Drop mentions of pult since nobody uses that anymore, and add mentions of Kartana and Garchomp, and I'd like if you phrased it like" Weaviles high speed allows it to outspeed pokemon like Tornadus-T kartana and Garchomp.
- Strong STAB in Triple Axel and Knock Off can hit a majority of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. good point, but reword it like "its good STAB coverage lets it hit a lot of the tier for neutral/supereffective damage

you can probably merge these three points into one and say " weevil is a very threatening offensive pokemon in the tier thanks to its offensive typing and great offensive stats, allowing it to threaten mons like xyz" to make it more concise

- Priority Ice Shard can revenge kill with Pokemon weak to Ice, such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Dragapult. Its never really using ice shard on Garchomp and lando t, cause its faster, although you can mention that its scarf lando t and scale shot chomp, or you could replace it with hawlucha. Also mention that these targets need to be weakened a bit to be KO'd
- Swords Dance can be an option to increase Weavile's attack even further, while Choice Band can offer more immediate damage. Unnecessary.

- However, It is very susceptible to chip damage from Rocky Helmet, Iron Barbs, and Rough Skin, and has to be careful of Static from Zapdos, and Flame Body from Volcarona and Moltres. Moltres is no longer relevant, the only set thats even use now is subroost and that doesnt carry flame body. Plus Moltres hates getting its Boots knocked off. Zapdos hates switching into it too, since it either gets knocked off, or KO'd with ice STAB. Mention that Volcarona hates getting its Boots knocked off too.
- If Weavile forgoes Heavy Duty Boots, it must worry about taking further chip damage from Stealth Rock, weakening it even more.
Pretty obvious not needed.
- Weavile's frail defenses can make it vulnerable to priority such as Aqua Jet from Urshifu-R and Grassy Glide from Rillaboom. Mention how this can make it harder to bring in, and mention that this can be worked around by using pivots or Teleport users
Add a point about what makes Weavile different than other strong priority users like Rillaboom or Bisharp or Scizor.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance makes Weavile a devastating wallbreaker, due to forcing out common Pokemon such as Landorus-T, allowing it to get an easy boost. since it is able to set up on forced switches. Fluff, just saying that it can set up on forced switches is good enough. Mention how its a potent sweeper since its rather fast and has strong priority + good offensive typing.
- Triple Axel and Knock Off are strong STAB moves, with the former breaking potential Substitutes from Kyurem, and the latter removing Heavy-Duty Boots from Mandibuzz, Volcarona, and Zeraora. These pokemon dont really switch into Weavile, just mention how it can displace items from its checks.
- Ice Shard can also pick off weakened Pokemon such as Rillaboom and Dragapult, as they would normally outspeed or have priority in return.
- Heavy-Duty Boots is used to avoid entry hazards and not be worn down as easily.
- Jolly is required to outspeed Tornadus-T and Hawlucha without Unburden Latios/Latias. Hawlucha doesnt run Jolly so bad mention, Latios/Latias is probably better.
Add point about opportunity costs between Triple Axel and Icicle Crash.

- Weavile is used mainly on balance and offensive teams, as a strong and fast breaker. Ok mention Hyper Offensive teams too, since this set sees most usage in those, also mention bulky offensive builds over balance since balance goes for Choice Band over SD usually. Also reword this like "Weavile fits on a number of archetypes like xyz, as its a strong and fast wallbreaker/set up sweeper"
- Bulky pivots such as Slowking and Slowbro can help Weavile pivot around safely, as well as checking Heatran, one of Weavile's best checks. They can also provide Future Sight support to break walls such as Toxapex. agree with the point, disagree with the incentive, Heatran cant check Swords Dance Weavile very well, since +2 Knock Off does about 75-85 and Heatran gets its item removed, which makes it an unfit check. mention how they can provide a free switch in with Teleport though.
- Tapu Koko is an offensive pivot that can bait in Ground-types, and pivot safely with U-turn, bringing in Weavile to pressure them out. Mention how Weavile can use this as an opportunity to set up swords dance, and how Tapu Koko can pivot while forcing out some of Weaviles checks like corv/skarm/pex to give weavile possibly more set up opportunities.
- Choice Scarf Tapu Lele can be an excellent breaker can clean up other faster threats to Weavile, such as Dragapult and Zeraora, though it's Psychic Terrain doesn't allow Weavile to use Ice Shard. This isnt a very good mention since any choice scarf user can do this, and tapu lele also makes weavile unable to deal with faster threats itself since it neutralises its ice shard. Instead mention Scarf Landorus-t and mention how it can benefit from Weaviles abilities to weaken shared checks like Corviknight and Skarmory. also mention how it can pivot on defensive landorus-t to weavile for more set up opportunities.
- Steel-types can be problematic to Weavile, so teammates such as Landorus-T, Magnezone and Heatran can deal with them. Landorus-T can be a strong Ground-type, pressuring the Steel-types out. Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-types Skarmory and Corviknight. Heatran can trap Toxapex and beat it with Magma Storm, Taunt, and Earth Power. Ok mention just Magnezone here, since Heatran can't really pressure them, it only forces them out and does nothing after that, and Toxapex doesnt stay in against Heatran since it loses 1v1 and most people know that and go to their designated Heatran check for that.

add a point about pokemon with shared checks like SD Garchomp and Bisharp.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Low Kick
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Band makes Weavile an immediate wallbreaker immediate threat, by dealing heavy damage to anything switching into it.
- In exchange for great power, it has to be more prediction reliant, meaning it will be punished for using the wrong move. This is rarely the case since it can freely spam Knock Off with zero to no drawbacks, and click an ice move if predicted.
- Triple Axel and Knock Off are jacked up, with Triple Axel 2HKOing defensive titans such as Skarmory and Ferrothorn. Unnescessary, just mention that Knock Off can displace items from checks, punishing them and mention the opportunity costs between Icicle Crash and Triple Axel.
- Low Kick is coverage for Pokemon that an deal Pokemon that would take little damage from Weavile's STAB combination, such as Heatran, Bisharp, and Tyranitar Melmetal, and Magnezone. They take a lot of damage and they dont like getting their items displaced but, they can take multiple hits to take out, Low Kick helps with that.

- Choice Band Weavile can fit on offensive teams as a strong breaker. It fits best on Bulky Offense and Balance since its able to abuse the support available.
- Defog support from Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, and Mandibuzz, allow Weavile to not worry about its weakness to Stealth Rock and other entry hazards.
Ok, i dont really agree with the point since its rather obvious, and goes for about every pokemon that doesnt utilise boots, plus their synergy doesnt go much further than this.
- Rillaboom and Kartana are teammates to deal with bulky Water-types such as Toxapex, Swampert, and Tapu Fini. OK agree with the mentions but thats not the only reason theyre good partners, mention how weavile can bait and dent the Steel birds allowing for Rillaboom and Kartana to have a much easier time breaking through them.
- Slowking and Slowbro are pivots that can offer a Fighting- and Fire-type resistance, and can Teleport, to bring Weavile in safely. Future sight is also a great support for getting extra damage to break Toxapex. Ok reword this with emphasis on their Future Sight support since that is the main reason to use Slowking and Slowbro as partners.
- Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-type birds Skarmory and Magnezone and help Weavile break defensive teams easily. Magnezone isnt a Steel-bird.

Other Options

- Wide Lens turns Triple Axel’s 72% percent accuracy into 97%, but it doesn’t offer much outside that, as the other moves are already 100% accuracy.
- Life Orb is an option to be more immediately threatening, without locking into a move with Choice Band, but you would take additional chip damage from Life Orb, and still take Stealth Rock damage. Mention that Life Orb with Swords Dance can be very hard to wall, also dont compare it with Choice Band since theyre not similar.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-Types and Fighting-Type Coverage**: Weavile's 4x weakness to Fighting, means that it can't switch into Fighting-types such as Zapdos-G, Hawlucha, and Urshifu-R, safely at all, though the former two cannot switch in directly into Weavile. Other faster Pokemon such as Zeraora can carry Fighting-type coverage in Close Combat. Tornadus-T can bait in Weavile and OHKO it with Focus Blast. Ok so basically Weavile doesnt switch into anything, if its coming in its either a free switch in/teleport/ double switch, since it absolutely hates chip of any sort. mention Urshifu and Buzzwole since theyre the only ones that can switch into Weavile safely and threaten it out although they dont like losing their item, especially Urshifu-R, Zeraora is a good mention for FIghting coverage, but remove Tornadus-T since Weavile is not baited in by it, and Weavile absolutely hates switching into it, since either its getting knocked off or taking a considerable amount of chip from Hurricane/U-turn or being threatened an ohko on with Heat Wave and Focus Blast. You can mention scarf kartana instead.

**Steel-Types**: Skarmory, Corviknight, Heatran, and Ferrothorn take minimal damage from Weavile, and can punish Weavile with Rocky Helmet and Iron Barbs. They all must watch out for a boosted Knock Off or Low Kick from the latter two. Ok so Skarmory and Corviknight are the only ones you should keep here imo, since Ferrothorn gets 2HKO'ed by band and Heatran really hates losing its item.

**Faster Pokemon**: Faster Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Dragapult, and Choice Scarf Landorus can easily revenge kill Weavile with their coverage or STAB, but the latter two must worry about Ice Shard. Mention Zeraora over Lando-T because it can be a target of Ice Shard.

**Chip Damage**: Weavile is very vulnerable to chip damage, especially to Ferrothorn, due to Iron Barbs, potentially adding Rocky Helmet Chip on top of that, Weavile takes a ton of chip damage from that. Stealth Rock can also be taken into account if Weavile forgoes Heavy-Duty Boots.

Add a point about Toxapex imo, since Weavile gets stone walled by it, it hazes sd variants, and recovers any damage that cb variants can do. Mention how this can be worked around with Future sight support.

- Written by: [[UrAverageHuman, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[abhisdn417, 526987], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
lmk when implemented, I wanna take a look.
Abhi said it was fine if i am checked this so here i go! :psywoke:
Comments will be blue



- Weavile's excellent offensive typing allow it to be a fantastic wallbreaker and revenge killer, with good STAB coverage to hit the majority of the tier. Its high speed allows it to outspeed many fast Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Kartana, and Garchomp.
- Priority Ice Shard can revenge kill weakened foes such as Scale Shot Garchomp, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Hawlucha, and Dragapult.
- Weavile differentiates itself from other priority users such as Rillaboom, Bisharp, and Scizor, due to having much higher speed, and not relying on priority for faster opponents.
- However, It is very susceptible to chip damage from Rocky Helmet, and has to be careful of Static and Flame Body from Volcarona, though it hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots Knocked Off. Most common rocky helmet users like steel birds and thorn can force Weavile out so i think you can keep this like "chip damage and contact effects like...". I also kinda have some problems with this point because weavile is ridiculously frail and anything can bring it down so idk if chip damage is worth mentioning here. I'll let abhi decide (he'll go over this check; dont apply anything of this yet!)
- Weavile's frail defenses can make it vulnerable to priority such as Aqua Jet from Urshifu-R and Grassy Glide from Rillaboom. This can be worked around with pivot support. Tbh you could just cut the last part because this applies to any glass cannon. If you decide to keep it tho you should add "with support from defensive teammates / pivots" since pivot support is just kinda off to me? Rn as this is you can understand offensive pivots, which wont switch into priority attacks, and i think re-wording it can make it clearer.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance makes Weavile a devastating wallbreaker and potent sweeper, with a good offensive typing, strong priority, and ability to set up on forced switches. Arent you just repeating yourself by mentioning its characteristics? You can just keep this to "devastating wallbreaker and potent sweeper" though forced switches thing should be kept; on this topic, you can give some examples on stuff it forces out like Lando-T and Pult
- Triple Axel and Knock Off are strong STAB moves, with the former breaking potential Substitutes from Kyurem, and displacing items from its checks. This is more of a grammar problem but you should add smth like "and the later one displacing..." because as it is you mean triple axel can also eliminate items which isnt true.
- Though Icicle Crash is weaker, it can be used over Triple Axel for a more consistent damage output, and the 30% chance to flinch. I think this can be condensed w/ the point above because you're giving basic information about Knock Off and we all know what it does, and this would fit the point.
- Ice Shard can also pick off weakened Pokemon such as Rillaboom and Dragapult, as they would normally outspeed or have priority in return.
- Heavy-Duty Boots is used to avoid entry hazards and not be worn down as easily.
- Jolly is required to outspeed Tornadus-T and Latios.

- Weavile fits on a number of archetypes such as bulky offense and hyper offense, as a strong an fast wallbreaker.
- Bulky pivots such as Slowking and Slowbro can help Weavile pivot around safely with Teleport. They can also provide Future Sight support to break walls such as Toxapex. I think you should give one example of a defensive pivot that can switch into priority attacks like Corv as abhi said on his post that both common pivots and teleporters are ok with weav
- Tapu Koko is an offensive pivot that can threaten out Weavile's checks such as Corviknight, Skarmory, and Toxapex, as well as bait in Ground-types, and pivot safely with U-turn, bringing in Weavile to pressure them out while being able to set up Swords Dance.
- Choice Scarf Landorus-T appreciates Weavile weakening shared checks such as Corviknight and Skarmory, while pivoting on opposing defensive Landorus-T to bring in Weavile for set up opportunities.
- Steel-types can be problematic to Weavile, so teammates such as Landorus-T and Magnezone can deal with them. Landorus-T can be a strong Ground-type, pressuring the Steel-types out. Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-types Skarmory and Corviknight. This can be re-worded into something like "Magnezone can trap Skarmory and Corviknight, while also dealing with other threats like Ferrothorn"
- Swords Dance Garchomp and Bisharp don't like dealing with Corviknight and Skarmory, so Weavile can break through them, so that Garchomp and Bisharp go through teams more easily. This is more to my tastes but you could just say "Swords Dance Garchomp and Bisharp share checks with Weavile, like Skarmory and Corviknight, which allows them to wear these checks down together, allowing Garchomp and Bisharp to go through teams more easily" or something among the lines. tl;dr you can just say they share checks

name: Choice Band
move 1: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Low Kick
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Band makes Weavile an immediate you skipped something from abhi's qc here dealing heavy damage to anything switching into it.
- Knock Off can displace items from checks, while punishing them, with Icicle Crash or Triple Axel dealing heavy damage to those checks.
- Low Kick is coverage for Pokemon that an deal Pokemon that would take little damage from Weavile's STAB combination, such as Heatran, Melmetal, and Magnezone.

- Choice Band Weavile can fit on bulky offensive teams as a strong breaker, being able to abuse the support available.
- Rillaboom and Kartana are teammates to deal with bulky Water-types such as Toxapex, Swampert, and Tapu Fini. They appreciate Weavile being able to break through Corviknight and Skarmory.
- Future Sight support from Slowking and Slowbro allow Weavile to break through Toxapex. They can offer also provide a Fighting- and Fire-type resistance, while bringing it in safely with Teleport.
- Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-type birds Skarmory and Corviknight and help Weavile break defensive teams easily.

Other Options

- Wide Lens turns Triple Axel’s 72% accuracy into 97%, but it doesn’t offer much outside that, as the other moves are already 100% accuracy. I think you should mention how little this offers and the fact that its a worse option than its other items as its just like choice band set but with no actual raw power.
- Life Orb is an option to be more immediately threatening and very hard to wall, and on Swords Dance makes it a devastating breaker, but you would take additional chip damage from Life Orb, and still take Stealth Rock damage.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-Types and Fighting-Type Coverage**: Weavile's 4x weakness to Fighting, means that it can't switch into Fighting-types such as Urshifu and Buzzwole safely at all. Other faster Pokemon such as Zeraora and Choice Scarf Kartana can carry Fighting-type coverage in Close Combat and Sacred Sword.

**Steel-Types**: Skarmory and Corviknight take minimal damage from Weavile, and can punish Weavile with Rocky Helmet and body press?. They both must watch out for a boosted Knock Off. Triple axel actually deals more damage so you might want to change this

**Faster Pokemon**: Faster Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Zeraora and Dragapult, can easily revenge kill Weavile with their coverage or STAB, but the latter must worry about Ice Shard.

**Chip Damage**: Weavile is very vulnerable to chip damage, especially to Ferrothorn, due to Iron Barbs, potentially adding Rocky Helmet Chip on top of that, Weavile takes a ton of chip damage from that. Stealth Rock can also be taken into account if Weavile forgoes Heavy-Duty Boots.

**Toxapex**: Toxapex hard walls both variants of Weavile, as it can Haze away Swords Dance boosts, recover off hits from Choice Band, and potentially burn it with Scald. Future Sight support can help deal with Toxapex.

- Written by: [[UrAverageHuman, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Fwiw: You have some very minor grammar problems like typos and stuff like -type t being capitalized, so i would recomend to check your analysis once again (ik i shouldnt be saying this since its qc but i really want to help-). Overall, i hope this check helps!
Last edited:
comments in orange
removals will be striked
additions in greeeeeeeeeen
Wind in blue

- Weavile's excellent offensive typing allow it to be a fantastic wallbreaker and revenge killer, with good STAB coverage to hit the majority of the tier. Its high speed allows it to outspeed many fast Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Kartana, and Garchomp.
- Priority Ice Shard can revenge kill weakened foes such as Scale Shot Garchomp, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Hawlucha, and Dragapult.
- Weavile differentiates itself from other priority users such as Rillaboom, Bisharp, and Scizor, due to having much higher speed, and not relying on priority for faster opponents.
- However, It is very susceptible to chip damage from Rocky Helmet, and has to be careful of Static and Flame Body from Volcarona, though it hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots Knocked Off. Most common rocky helmet users like steel birds and thorn can force Weavile out so i think you can keep this like "chip damage and contact effects like...". I also kinda have some problems with this point because weavile is ridiculously frail and anything can bring it down so idk if chip damage is worth mentioning here. I'll let abhi decide (he'll go over this check; dont apply anything of this yet!) I dont get what youre saying. This point mentions chip damage already, why are you telling the writer to mention chip damage that can force it out? Its frailty and weakness to chip should definitely be mentioned imo, although remove Static since no static pokemon wants to switch into weavile, also saying "be careful of Static and Flame Body from Volcarona" makes it seem like volcarona has access to static.
- Weavile's frail defenses can make it vulnerable to priority such as Aqua Jet from Urshifu-R and Grassy Glide from Rillaboom. This can be worked around with pivot support. Tbh you could just cut the last part because this applies to any glass cannon. If you decide to keep it tho you should add "with support from defensive teammates / pivots" since pivot support is just kinda off to me? Rn as this is you can understand offensive pivots, which wont switch into priority attacks, and i think re-wording it can make it clearer. Yep agree, you should mention defensive pivots mostly things like uturn corv/tele slowbro that can help switch into these things and pivot into weavile.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance makes Weavile a devastating wallbreaker and potent sweeper, with a good offensive typing, strong priority, and ability to set up on forced switches. Arent you just repeating yourself by mentioning its characteristics? You can just keep this to "devastating wallbreaker and potent sweeper" though forced switches thing should be kept; on this topic, you can give some examples on stuff it forces out like Lando-T and Pult. fYea, do give examples of thinks it can force out, tho id mention garchomp/torn t over pult since it forces those out more effectively by actually threatening an OHKO, a healthy pult can easily take an ice shard. also agree with wind about the "good offensive typing bit, idt it needs to be mentioned here but you can keep it iyw.
- Triple Axel and Knock Off are strong STAB moves, with the former breaking potential Substitutes from Kyurem, and displacing items from its checks. This is more of a grammar problem but you should add smth like "and the later one displacing..." because as it is you mean triple axel can also eliminate items which isnt true. Dont mention grammar stuff in qc, thats a basic rule you should follow since it can introduce errors that weren't previously there; regarding the point, idt you need to mention STAB, esp Triple Axel as a stab also its never rlly used to break sub tbh, keep the point about Knock Off being able to displace items tho, mention examples of what it displaces items from, eg. Volc, Skarm and stuff.
- Though Icicle Crash is weaker, it can be used over Triple Axel for a more consistent damage output, and the 30% chance to flinch. I think this can be condensed w/ the point above because you're giving basic information about Knock Off and we all know what it does, and this would fit the point. I do agree with the incentive of this, you never rlly wanna mention basic dex info in an analysis since if thats what the reader wanted to know theyd just look at the dex, but idt this is an example of basic dex info, but it can be phrased better. You can phrase it like "altho triple axel is significantly stronger, icicle crash can be useful for more consistent damage output." you can mention the flinch chance ig, but not nescessary.
- Ice Shard can also pick off weakened Pokemon such as Rillaboom and Dragapult, as they would normally outspeed or have priority in return.
- Heavy-Duty Boots is used to avoid entry hazards and not be worn down as easily. mention its weakness to sr that makes heavy duty booots very valuable to it, giving it more opportunities to set up and not be limited because of hazard chip.
- Jolly is required to outspeed Tornadus-T and Latios. mention how adamant can make it more threatening, and how jolly's ability to outspeed torn t can be very valuable.

- Weavile fits on a number of archetypes such as bulky offense and hyper offense, as a strong an fast wallbreaker.
- Bulky pivots such as Slowking and Slowbro can help Weavile pivot around safely with Teleport. They can also provide Future Sight support to break walls such as Toxapex. I think you should give one example of a defensive pivot that can switch into priority attacks like Corv as abhi said on his post that both common pivots and teleporters are ok with weav. Yea, you could mention that.
- Tapu Koko is an offensive pivot that can threaten out Weavile's checks such as Corviknight, Skarmory, and Toxapex, as well as bait in Ground-types, and pivot safely with U-turn, bringing in Weavile to pressure them out while being able to set up Swords Dance.
- Choice Scarf Landorus-T appreciates Weavile weakening shared checks such as Corviknight and Skarmory, while pivoting on opposing defensive Landorus-T to bring in Weavile for set up opportunities.
- Steel-types what kind of steels? mention corv and skarm specifically. can be problematic to Weavile, so teammates such as Landorus-T and Magnezone can deal with them. Landorus-T can be a strong Ground-type, pressuring the Steel-types out. Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-types Skarmory and Corviknight. This can be re-worded into something like "Magnezone can trap Skarmory and Corviknight, while also dealing with other threats like Ferrothorn" You can mention fire fang chomp over lando t since its more reliable at dealing with the afforementioned steels. and yea rewording this would be nice, but isnt too big of a deal.
- Swords Dance Garchomp and Bisharp don't like dealing with Corviknight and Skarmory, so Weavile can break through them, so that Garchomp and Bisharp go through teams more easily. This is more to my tastes but you could just say "Swords Dance Garchomp and Bisharp share checks with Weavile, like Skarmory and Corviknight, which allows them to wear these checks down together, allowing Garchomp and Bisharp to go through teams more easily" or something among the lines. tl;dr you can just say they share checks Yep this is great, do this.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Triple Axel / Icicle Crash
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Low Kick
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Band makes Weavile an immediate you skipped something from abhi's qc here yep :facepalm:dealing heavy damage to anything switching into it.
- Knock Off can displace items from checks, while punishing them, with Icicle Crash or Triple Axel dealing heavy damage to those checks. Mention this in a different point and mention the opportunity costs between the two.
- Low Kick is coverage for Pokemon that an deal Pokemon that would take little damage from Weavile's STAB combination, such as Heatran, Melmetal, and Magnezone. Not little damage, it just lets weavile break through them a lot easier.
Add a point about natures

- Choice Band Weavile can fit on bulky offensive teams as a strong breaker, being able to abuse the support available.
- Rillaboom and Kartana are teammates to deal with bulky Water-types such as Toxapex, Swampert, and Tapu Fini. They appreciate Weavile being able to break through Corviknight and Skarmory. refer to what wind said about shared checks in the last set.
- Future Sight support from Slowking and Slowbro allow Weavile to break through Toxapex. They can offer also provide a Fighting- and Fire-type resistance, not relevant imo while bringing it in safely with Teleport. anything specific it can bring weavile in against?
- Magnezone can trap the Steel- and Flying-type birds Skarmory and Corviknight and help Weavile break defensive teams easily.

Other Options

- Wide Lens turns Triple Axel’s 72% accuracy into 97%, but it doesn’t offer much outside that, as the other moves are already 100% accuracy. I think you should mention how little this offers and the fact that its a worse option than its other items as its just like choice band set but with no actual raw power. Refer to previous check about this too, and yea i do agree with wind on this.
- Life Orb is an option to be more immediately threatening and very hard to wall, and on Swords Dance makes it a devastating breaker, but you would take additional chip damage from Life Orb, and still take Stealth Rock damage.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-Types and Fighting-Type Coverage**: Weavile's 4x weakness to Fighting, means that it can't switch into Fighting-types such as Urshifu and Buzzwole safely at all. Other faster Pokemon such as Zeraora and Choice Scarf Kartana can carry Fighting-type coverage in Close Combat and Sacred Sword. refer to my previous check about this.

**Steel-Types Corviknight and Skarmory**: Skarmory and Corviknight take minimal damage from Weavile, and can punish Weavile with Rocky Helmet and body press? doesnt stay in against body press but they do threaten it out with it. They both must watch out for a boosted Knock Off. Triple axel actually deals more damage so you might want to change this Both work, but Knock Off is usually more reliable against them cuz, less chip from rocky helmet and also no chance to miss but you can mention both

**Faster Pokemon Revenge Killers**: Faster Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Zeraora and Dragapult, can easily revenge kill Weavile with their coverage or STAB, but the latter must worry about Ice Shard.

**Chip Damage**: Weavile is very vulnerable to chip damage, especially to Ferrothorn, due to Iron Barbs, potentially adding Rocky Helmet Chip on top of that Ferro doesnt run rocky helmet and is a bad check to weavile nonetheless so replace it with rocky helmtet rock/skarm, Weavile takes a ton of chip damage from that. Stealth Rock can also be taken into account if Weavile forgoes Heavy-Duty Boots. OO, doesnt need to be mentioned. Also tbh you could just turn this into a Contact Effects point and add in Flame Body from Volcarona, with emphasis on the fact that it hates switching into Knock.

**Toxapex**: Toxapex hard walls both variants of Weavile, as it can Haze away Swords Dance boosts, recover off hits from Choice Band, and potentially burn it with Scald or remove its item. Future Sight support can help deal with Toxapex.

- Written by: [[UrAverageHuman, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Make sure the check is implemented entirely and properly, if you have ANY doubts, feel free to dm me on discord. as for the am check Windingsss good check but i gave some critisism in there, consider those when checking in the future.
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was reading this analysis and here's a couple things i noticed.

in the overview it may be worth mentioning the ghost resistance. being able to take atleast one shadow ball from dragapult is really really useful for a lot of the teams weavile finds itself on.

also theres a couple things missing for the cb set for sure.

there's no mention of double defog when that's really something you have to commit to with a wallbreaker like cb weavile that's really easily worn down, similarly to kyurem. i also don't think its stressed enough how unforgiving it can be to lock into certain moves, knock vs clef, etc. you need some more forgiving teammates that can regain momentum.

cb weavile offenses tend to average around 90-100 beat up bp, which is absolutely great, because it lets you break stuff like toxapex pretty easily. it needs to be mentioned as an option in my opinion. running triple ice move is perfectly fine too and in my opinion if you drop anything for triple axel, it's probably low kick rather than icicle crash. crash's consistency is super important.

somewhere it should be mentioned that weavile is a speed control option that doesnt adequately cover kartana too, which can lead to some awkward situations in the builder.

also, i noticed that there's no mention of fini as a check? it's probably 1 of the best ways for bulky offenses to deal with weavile. scizor and melmetal are definitely adequate checks that need to be mentioned too.
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