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Walmart - HP Fire Sylveon/Espeon

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Hi. This is my trade thread. I hope you like something :). I don't really play anymore but I still don't mind collecting Pokemon, best to Post in thread and PM me since I don't check thread anymore.


  • OT: Jordy | ID: 11046. So my in game name is Jordy
  • FC is 3952-7453-0646
  • If I am out of something then I will breed on request
  • Anything in an Ultra or Great Ball is no no.
  • 1 BP item for 1 Pokemon, unless its Togepi, Heracross or Tangela. Also seeking Leftovers. I don't need many more BP items though.
  • Please don't redistribute anything unless its negotiated. I'd appreciate if you didn't re breed Pokemon that I trade you as I won't do the same.

Breedable on request, good offers only. No breeding for your own distribution please.
*These are for Sylveon, Smogon recommends Bold so that is what I bred.
Eevee | Bold | Run Away / Adaptability | Wish / Hidden Power Fire | 31/even/31/30/31/30
Eevee | Bold | Anticipation | Wish /
Hidden Power Fire | 31/even/31/30/31/30
*These are for Espeon. Can be used for Glaceon too.
Eevee | Timid | Anticipation | Wish /
Hidden Power Fire | 31/even/31/30/31/30 | 1M

Breedable on request, good offers only. No breeding for your own distribution please.
Tangela | Relaxed | Regenerator | Leaf Storm / Leech Seed / Hidden Power Ice | 31/31/31/31/31/high speed |
Tangela | Relaxed | Regenerator | Leaf Storm / Leech Seed / Hidden Power Ice | 31/31/31/31/31/x |
Tangela | Bold | Regenerator | Leaf Storm / Leech Seed / Hidden Power Ice | 31/31/31/31/31/x |

(Modest / Timid)
Togepi | Modest | Serene Grace | Nasty Plot | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 1M 0F
Togepi | Timid | Serene Grace | Nasty Plot | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 1M 0F
Togepi | Bold | Serene Grace | Nasty Plot | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 0M 1F

(Jolly) Out of Stock, can breed more.
Swinub | Adamant | Thick Fat | Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear / Stealth Rock | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 0M 3F
Swinub | Jolly | Thick Fat | Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear / Stealth Rock | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | x2 | 0M 0F


Heracross | Adamant | Guts | Pursuit / Rock Blast | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 1M 0F
Heracross | Jolly | Guts | Pursuit / Rock Blast | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 0M 0F
Heracross | Adamant | Moxie | Pursuit / Rock Blast | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 1M 1F
Heracross | Jolly | Moxie | Pursuit / Rock Blast | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 1M 0F

Ralts | Timid | Syncronize | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 0M 0F
Ralts | Timid | Trace | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 0M 1F


Mawile | Adamant | Intimidate | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 3M 0F

Out of stock. Plenty of people have redi this anyway. Will breed on request.
Roselia | Calm | Natural Cure | Leaf Storm / Spikes / Sleep Powder | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 0M 0F


Sableye | Calm | Prankster | Recover / Trick |31/x/31/31/31/31 | 1M 0F
Sableye | Calm | Prankster | Recover / Trick |31/31/31/x/31/31 | 0M 0F


Mienfoo | Jolly | Regenerator | Knock Off / Baton Pass | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 0M 1F


Vullaby | Impish | Overcoat | Foul Play / Knock off | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 1F


Deino | Modest | Hustle | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 1M 0F


Honedge | Quiet | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/x | 1M 1F

Trophy Case

OT: Jordy / ID: 11046
Timid / Dark Aura

(Wanted to kill itself with Curse)
OT: Jordy / ID: 11046
Impish / Pressure

OT: Alice / ID:
Bold / Water Absorb

OT: / ID:
Timid / Magic Bounce
31/x/31/30/31/30 (hp fire)

Probably the rarest thing I will ever have.

Relaxed Venusaur with 24+ Speed
Bold Tentacruel with Knock off/Suction cups

Master Ball Impish Duskull
Farming Leftovers.
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26/10/2013: Deino, Female, Modest, for Duyoz's Marill, Female, Adamant, Belly Drum / Aqua Jet.
27/10/2013: Mawile, Female, Adamant, for ItchyBackside's Joltik, Females, Timid.
27/10/2013: Deino, Male, Modest, for BlankM's Dratini,
27/10/2013: Deino, Male, Modest, for imreedeer's Eevee, Male, Bold, Wish.
27/10/2013: Togepi, Male, Bold, Nasty Plot, for kd24's Noibat, Timid, Male.
27/10/2013: Ralts, Male, Timid, for locopoke's Honedge, Female, Adamant.
28/10/2013: Togepi, Male, Bold, Nasty Plot, 1 for imreedeer's Growlith, Male, Adamant, Morning Sun, Heat Wave, Close Combat.
28/10/2013: Togepi, Male, Timid, Nasty Plot, for machao11991's Skarmory, Male, Impish, Brave Bird, Whirlwind.
29/10/2013: Togepi, Female, Bold, Nasty Plot, for MCG93's Horsea, Female, Jolly, Outrage.
30/10/2013: Togepi, Female, Modest, Nasty Plot, for Dotteh's Goomy, Modest,
30/10/2013: Togepi, Female, Modest, Nasty Plot, for ItchyBackside's Larvitar, Careful,
31/10/2013: Togepi, Male, Timid, Nasty Plot, for McGrrr's Scyther, Male, Adamant,
31/10/2013: Togepi, Male, Bold, Nasty Plot, for MikeDecIsHere's Abra, Male, Timid,
1/11/2013: Togepi, Male, Modest, Nasty Plot, for ium's Swinub, Female, Adamant,
1/11/2013: Ralts, Female, Timid, for frankdatank612's Honedge, Male, Brave,
1/11/2013: Sableye, Male, Calm, Trick, Recover for Etrian_Landsknecht's Gastly, Male, Timid, Disable,
1/11/2013: Roselia, Calm, Leaf Storm/Sleep Powder/Spikes for chomas's Zubat, Infiltrator, Hypnosis/Brave Bird/Defog
1/11/2013: Deino, Female, Modest, for Ferroseed, Relaxed, Spikes/Stealth Rock/Leech Seed
3/11/2013: Heracross, Female, Adamant, Guts, Rock Blast, Pursuit for Dotteh's Rotom, Modest,
3/11/2013: Roselia, Male, Calm for Argans' Chansey, Wish/Aroamatherapy
3/11/2013: Togepi, Male, Bold, for Smeargle, Male, Timid
4/11/2013: Roselia, Female, Calm and Togepi, Male, Timid for Froakie, Male, Timid and Squirtle, Male, Modest,
6/11/2013: Heracross, Female, Jolly, Rock Blast for Hamstern's Hepiotile, Female, Timid, HP Ice
9/11/2013: Roselia, Male, Calm, Leaf Storm / Spikes / Sleep Powder for Scruffy's Shroomish, Male, Adamant, Poison Heal, Bullet Seed.
10/11/2013: Togepi, Female, Modest, Nasty Plot for markad's Fletching, Male, Adamant, Gale Wings.
11/11/2013: Sableye, Male, Calm, Recover, Trick for Jaded_Hades's Drillbur, Adamant, Female.
11/11/2013: Roselia Female, Tangela (26Spe IV), Female, Tangela (5IV Spitback) for Pokéguy's Gible, Female, 6IVs, Gible, Male 5IVs and Meditite.
12/11/2013: Tangela, Female, HP Ice for Jaded_Hades Drillbur, Jolly, Female with Assault Vest
12/11/2013: Heracross, Adamant, Moxie, Rock Blast / Pursuit for diablito's Gligar, Impish, Immunity.
13/11/2013: Togepi, Bold, Male, Nasty Plot and Choice Scarf for PocketCat's Eevee, Timid, Male, Wish, HP Ice
13/11/2013: Deino, Male, and Ralts, Female for Pink's Life Orb and Focus Sash.
14/11/2013: Roselia, Female, Leaf Storm / Sleep Powder / Spikes for Thraldir's Shellos, Male, Yawn.
20/11/2013: Honedge, Female, Quiet for ium's Roselia, Female, Calm, Spikes, Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Hidden Power Fire. *Also gave my Male, Jolly, Swinub for distribution rights of Adamant Swinub.
20/11/2013: Roselia x2, Male and Female, Calm, Leaf Storm, Spikes, Sleep Powder for AustinJ's Horsea, Male, Modest and Slowpoke, Female, Bold, Yawn
20/11/2013: Swinub, Female, Jolly for PocketCat's Smeargle, Male, Jolly.
21/11/2013: Sableye, Female, Calm for Redjar's Nidoran, Male, Timid.[/user]
23/11/2013: Tangela Female, Relaxed, Hidden Power Ice and Power Band for Aoi's Absol x2, Naive, Male and Female, Play Rough.
23/11/2013: for @ Hawnchula, Female, Jolly.
24/11/2013: Eevee, Male, Bold, Anticipation, Wish, Hidden Power Fire for W1nt33r's Beldum and Staryu
30/11/2013: Tangela, Female, Relaxed, Hidden Power Ice for Aldunis' Magnemite, Modest, Hidden Power Fire
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What would you like for this:

OT: Jordy / ID: 11046
Adamant / Intimidate
In Stock:
F: 31/31/31/x/31/31 (x2)

I can offer these:
- Timid Flawless Gastly (With Fire Punch and Disable)
- Adamant Flawless Tyrunt (With Dragon Dance and Fire Fang)
- Modest Protean Froakies (Unknown IVs, sorry)
- Gale Wings Adamant Fletchling (Currently Breeding)
- Modest Noibats
- Modest Fennekins
- Bold Duskulls
- Modest Lampent
- Bold Ralts w/ Trace
What would you like for this:

Adamant / Intimidate
In Stock:
F: 31/31/31/x/31/31 (x2)

Would really like a Bold Togepi too with Serene Grace:)

I can offer these:
- Timid Gastly
- Timid Magic Guard Abras
- Rash Protean Froakies (Have a lot of dittos, so IV to chose)
- Adamant 4/5 Ivs Charmander with Dragon Dance/Flare Blitz/Outrage
- Modest Rain Dish Squirtles with Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
- Adamant Technician Scythers with 4 or 5 Ivs
- Adamant Torchics with Speed Boost
- Timid Noibat 4 to 5 Ivs
- Inmunity Gligar
I want this Mawile. Trade for a timid protean froakie 31/x/31/31/31/31?
F:31/31/31/x/31/31 (x2)
Does it have egg moves?

What would you like for this:

I can offer these:
- Timid Flawless Gastly (With Fire Punch and Disable)
- Adamant Flawless Tyrunt (With Dragon Dance and Fire Fang)
- Modest Protean Froakies (Unknown IVs, sorry)
- Gale Wings Adamant Fletchling (Currently Breeding)
- Modest Noibats
- Modest Fennekins
- Bold Duskulls
- Modest Lampent
- Bold Ralts w/ Trace

if you can breed a 5iv flawless fletching then i can do that. i am usually one who goes for speed natures (like with froakie and tyrant) but fletching is an exception.

What would you like for this:

Would really like a Bold Togepi too with Serene Grace:)

I can offer these:
- Timid Gastly
- Timid Magic Guard Abras
- Rash Protean Froakies (Have a lot of dittos, so IV to chose)
- Adamant 4/5 Ivs Charmander with Dragon Dance/Flare Blitz/Outrage
- Modest Rain Dish Squirtles with Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
- Adamant Technician Scythers with 4 or 5 Ivs
- Adamant Torchics with Speed Boost
- Timid Noibat 4 to 5 Ivs
- Inmunity Gligar

does abra have flawless 5iv? I am interested in scyther also.

pm me preferably.
Does it have egg moves?

if you can breed a 5iv flawless fletching then i can do that. i am usually one who goes for speed natures (like with froakie and tyrant) but fletching is an exception.

does abra have flawless 5iv? I am interested in scyther also.

pm me preferably.

The Abras have 3 Perfect ivs to 5, i mean, i just got lazy and got a 4 iv one in my team, i just need to breed them and they will come out with 5, since i have a 4 Iv ditto, haha, the Scyther has 31/31/31/31/31/x

With not good Speed IV its not gonna be an offensive sweeper, but the standard build still goes:), i can breed them too though
Edited: (noticed my magician feniken was amle so I cant breed it :s) so are you willing to trade a togepi for a normal froakie? I still dont know the ivs since I got it over wonder trade as well but since its normal and have unknown ivs, I dont mind getting a "junk" togepi
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Im interested in a Mawhile:

I have Timid Blaze Charmanders w/ Dragon Rage:

3x 31/31/31/31/x/31
2x x/31/31/31/31/31
1x 31/31/31/31/31/x
1x 31/31/31/x/31/31

PM me and let me know
I would like a deino or the togepi for these flawless 5IV
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Adamant F
Larvitar w Stealth Rock + DD

31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid M
Protean Froakie

31/xx/31/31/31/31 Calm M
Eevee w wish
note: I will be more picky when trading this, it is not easy to breed, especially females
OT: Jordy / ID: 11046
Modest / Bold / Timid / Serene Grace
Egg Moves: Nasty Plot

anything you would like from my thread for this togepi? Male is fine because I understand how hard to breed a female one
If you can get Earth Power on that Deino, I'll be impressed. I don't think there are any current methods of doing that.

Anyway, CMT for that Bold penta-flawless togepi?
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