Wall-Breakers and Offensive Walls

This is my first RMT, but not my first competitive team, so I (hope) I have the obvious flaws out of the way. My prior teams had MAJOR problems with full-on stall teams, so my goal when making this team was to beat stall.

When initially theorycrafting this team, I came up with six archetypes I wanted my pokemon to fill: Two mixed sweepers, special set-up sweeper, physical set-up sweeper, cleric, and uncommon yet effective lead. Here's what I came up with:


The uncommon yet effective lead
Gliscor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 HP/128 Atk/128 Def
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor

I may have messed with the EVs too much for my own good, but this is a very effective lead that can easily come back mid game for some physical walling. Adamant nature is chosen because in the lead position Gliscor rarely needs defense. The only common pokemon in the lead position that will attack it physically is Machamp.

Stealth Rock is for non-taunting leads, Stone Edge beats Aerodactyl, and X-Scissor beats Azelf. Earthquake is for (almost) everything else.

Lead comparisons:
Azelf: X-Scissor 2HKOs leaving time for taunt and rocks.
Aerodactyl: Stone Edge 2HKOs when it doesn't miss, leaving time for taunt and rocks
Swampert: Switch to Suicune to take the ice beam, surf it while it sets up rocks, see what their cune counter is (which gliscor usually beats). Not that bad of a start.
Metagross: We both set up rocks, earthquake beats him if he doesn't explode, if he does then it's 5v5 with two sets of rocks up.
Jirachi: Use rocks on the first turn and take the scarf. Gliscor loves coming back in mid-game with a scarf.
Infernape: Fake out does 1-2% after leftovers recovery. Earthquake threatens to kill it so I set up rocks while he switches. Great start.
Machamp: Switch to Suicune to take the ice punch, surf while he dynamicpunches, and pray for no confusion hax.
Ninjask: Set up rocks, switch to Suicune, use roar.
Roserade: Never actually played against one, but in theory it could be very problematic. Sleep prevents rocks from getting up, switching lets in a layer of toxic spikes. Blissey's heal bell solves the problems, but I'm starting the game off on the wrong foot.
Tyranitar: Gliscor's pretty much a 100% counter.


The Physical set up/revenge killer
Lucario (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Extremespeed
- Crunch

EV values are pretty obvious. Life Orb is chosen because SD Lucario lives on the OHKO. Been going back and forth on Jolly vs Adamant nature. Lucario's medicore speed makes a +speed nature seem like a must to beat other revenge killers, but without a SD it's unreliable as a killer.

If I ever get a SD while Lucario is in, he beats any team without Gengar. Close Combat is usually enough to OHKO, and extremespeed finishes off what's not OHKO'd. Cruch picks off ghosts on the switch, but if Gengar sneaks in without being predicted, Lucario needs to switch out because focus blast will OHKO. It's too bad Lucario is so frail; almost any unresisted STAB attack will kill it, especially after some LO residual damage. For this reason, I'm having a very hard time sweeping when I can't get a SD in. ES is only half as powerful as CC factoring in STAB, so it can't really make up for the mediocre speed. I'm looking to replace it with a physical revenge killer that's either much bulkier or much faster and is not named scizor or tyranitar. Any thoughts?


The bulky water/special set-up/phazer
Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Surf
- Calm Mind
- Roar
- Ice Beam

This is by far the best pokemon I have ever used. A 115 base defense plus max defense EVs and a +defense nature ensures it can wall hits on the physical spectrum, and a calm mind or two allows this thing to wall specially. After one calm mind, Suicune has 404 HP, 361 Def, 399 SpD, and is water-type. Not bad.

Getting in a calm mind or two with Suicune is too easy. The top 5 most used Pokemon in April were Scizor, Tyranitar, Salamence, Heatran, and Gyarados. Suicune can switch in and set up on all five. The only common pokemon that wall this set are Vaporeon and Blissey. If I've eliminated them, or my opponent doesn't have them, status is the only way to bring Suicune down. Even then, I find a way to switch in Blissey, use Heal Bell, Wish, and switch right back in.


Wall breaker 1
Jirachi @ Expert Belt
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Energy Ball
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch
- Thunderbolt

Jirachi has a base 100 speed, along with base 100 attack and special attack. It's attacking stats are on par with Infernape, and it has better typing and defenses. My plan is to bring out Jirachi before I bring out Blissey, which my opponent usually interprets as a sign that I'm using a support Jirachi. Very few things resist all four attacks, meaning my first attack is usually super effective. After my opponent finds out I'm using an offensive Jirachi, its investment in speed shows and it has a very good shot at beating whatever counter they have. If it can't, I can always bring it in once the counter is down and feign a choice scarf set. Unlike my other mixed sweeper, Salamence, Jirachi relies on the element of surprise than on power.

The set is designed to get as many super effective hits as possible. Thunderbolt and Ice punch form the famous boltbeam combo, fire punch hits steels hard, and energy ball beats Swampert, who my team has a lot of trouble beating. Jirachi also has excellent type synergy with Salamence. Jirachi is resistant to ice and dragon, and Salamence resists fire and is immune to ground. Salamence's electric weakness is taken care of by Gliscor.


Wall breaker 2
Salamence (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 16 Atk/252 Spd/240 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower
- Outrage

This is mixmence. Not much needs to be said, so I'll keep it brief.

Draco Meteor does at least 60% to anything that doesn't resist it. Flamethrower and Earthquake beat the steels who love to switch in on Salamence anticipating an outrage. Outrage is for the rare instances that Salamence is acutally alive late game.

Salamence is invaluable to my team in that it is the only pokemon I have that can switch into a powerful earthquake and kill whatever uses it.

Other than that, Salamence has been pretty underwhelming. I rely on Draco Meteor too much to be able to change the set to DDmence, and I find that Mence is already under 50% health after it makes one attack (stealth rock + life orb + opponent's attack). Am I just not using him right? On my team does he basically serve as a frail Jirachi? Along with Lucario, I'm looking into replacing him.


The cleric
Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 24 HP/252 Def/232 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Seismic Toss
- Heal Bell
- Wish
- Toxic

An astute observer may notice that none of my pokemon have recovery moves, and I have no status absorbers, or any moves designed to inflict status (random burns and paralysis from Jirachi don't count). This is the glue that holds everything together. Seismic Toss breaks substitutes if the pokemon behind them poses significant threat to Suicune, Heal Bell and wish combined rejuvinate a sweeper on its last legs, and toxic stalls out pokemon that would otherwise pose a very significant threat to the team (Latias). The moveset ensures that this one blissey can suddenly flip my team from balanced offense to stall. This set can't touch Gengar, but then again Gengar can't touch it, so I can wish and switch to something else without fear. Really, this team would be worthless without blissey.

Threat List:
Azelf: I have never seen one that's not in the lead position. Blissey could wall nasty plot ones, Suicune could probably tank it, and Gliscor's x-scissor would be bad for it.
Breloom: Gliscor walls its focus punches and x-scissor's it, suicune roars it out from behind its substitute, salamence intimidates it and uses flamethrower, Jirachi can take a hit and respond with fire punch. All those counters, yet it still is a major pain.
Celebi: Gliscor's x-scissor 2HKOs defensive Celebi, Jirachi can take leaf storm and HP ice and get it with fire punch, suicune can calm mind on the grass knot sets and beat it with ice beam.
Electivire: I only have one electric attack on my team, and if I let Electivire predict a thunderbolt from Jirachi, I'm doing something wrong.
Empoleon: Suicune can easily phaze it away. If Suicune's down or low on health, then I don't have a reliable counter.
Flygon: Suicune's ice beam, Jirachi's ice punch, and Salamence's draco meteor all OHKO. All three can switch in easily.
Gengar: The best I can hope for is to hit it on the switch with Lucario's crunch. Other than that, I have nothing against Gengar. Nothing at all.
Gliscor: Suicune or Salamence if I predict an earthquake, Jirachi if I don't.
Gyarados: Suicune sets up on this, and Jirachi can give it a surprise thunderbolt. If it's the taunt variety... I prefer not to think about it.
Heatran: Suicune takes minimal damage from fire blast and gets in a free CM as Heatran switches.
Infernape: Gliscor, Suicune, Salamence
Jirachi: Gliscor can absorb the choice scarf, blissey walls CM sets, my Jirachi beats other Jirachi.
Latias: Switch in Blissey and use toxic.
Lucario: Suicune can take its hits and do a lot of damage. Jirachi outspeeds it and gets it with fire punch. Salamence intimidates physical ones, outspeeds it, and gets the OHKO with earthquake or flamethrower.
Machamp: Who doesn't hate these things? All I can do is whittle it down with one or two pokemon then revenge it with Lucario.
Magnezone: Both my steels beat this if Magnezone tries to trap them. Suicune has to switch out, but Blissey can wall it.
Mamoswine: In theory, a non-choiced Mamoswine destorys my team. Only suicune isn't weak to either ice or ground, so if he goes down, my team goes down. In practice, they're all choiced. Switch to Salamence or Glicor if he's going to use earthquake, switch to Jirachi or Suicune if he's going to use ice shard.
Metagross: Salamence and Jirachi both beat non-agility versions. Agiligross really hurts me though.
Porygon-Z: Switch in Blissey, use toxic.
Rotom-A: As long as he doesn't switch into a thunderbolt, Suicune can CM set up on Rotom.
Salamence: Unless their salamence is max speed, Jirachi and my Salamence both outspeed it. If it is max speed, Suicune will force it to switch, granting me a free CM.
Scizor: Suicune, Jirachi, and Salamence all beat it. Lucario out-revenges it.
Snorlax: Suicune roars out the curselaxes, Lucario's CC OHKO's other varieties.
Starmie: Blissey can out-stall it, Jirachi has a hard time switching in but can beat it once in, and Suicune beats sets without HP electric. Still a pain though.
Suicune: Blissey used toxic.
Togekiss: All of my pokemon except for Gliscor beat this one-on-one.
Weavile: These are becoming increasingly rare, but without a fighting type move on my team (seismic toss doesn't count), it's hard to directly counter. On the other hand, I have no psychic or ghost type attacks on my team, so it has a hard time switching in.
Yanmega: Blissey.
Zapdos: Blissey​
A Blissey with Wish and without protect (or softboiled) is asking to be killed. Any 3HKO move can beat you, which may even include some special attackers. With your potent wallbreakers, toxic is probably unnecessary, and can be replaced with protect, though you should be wary of overloading Blissey with two support moves. Blissey does seem a little out-of-place though on your team I must say, since the team is reasonably offensive in its nature.

Though the weaknesses would not stack up well, a Scarf Tyranitar would suit your team well, beating out the pokemon that can stop your Lucario and preventing attempts to trick Suicune. A classic mixmence would be best paired with this, however, due to sandstorm, and may be a better fit anyway.

Gliscors moveset needs to be changed. Gliscor should not be attacking things like Azelf, and needs recovery desperately to help it check threats like Lucario. Stone Edge will be very weak after a Gyarados or Salamence intimidates you, and you will be set up on. I would suggest a Jolly nature to outrun all Lucario and Roserade, and a spread of 252hp 4 def 252spe, to guarantee a speed tie at the very least with other Gliscor. You should use a moveset of EQ/SR/Taunt/Roost. Taunt will let you prevent SR from slower leads and sleep moves from Roserade. It will also help you to prevent sweepers like Gyarados from setting up on you if you predict well.

Good luck.
A Blissey with Wish and without protect (or softboiled) is asking to be killed. Any 3HKO move can beat you, which may even include some special attackers. With your potent wallbreakers, toxic is probably unnecessary, and can be replaced with protect, though you should be wary of overloading Blissey with two support moves. Blissey does seem a little out-of-place though on your team I must say, since the team is reasonably offensive in its nature.

Though the weaknesses would not stack up well, a Scarf Tyranitar would suit your team well, beating out the pokemon that can stop your Lucario and preventing attempts to trick Suicune. A classic mixmence would be best paired with this, however, due to sandstorm, and may be a better fit anyway.

Gliscors moveset needs to be changed. Gliscor should not be attacking things like Azelf, and needs recovery desperately to help it check threats like Lucario. Stone Edge will be very weak after a Gyarados or Salamence intimidates you, and you will be set up on. I would suggest a Jolly nature to outrun all Lucario and Roserade, and a spread of 252hp 4 def 252spe, to guarantee a speed tie at the very least with other Gliscor. You should use a moveset of EQ/SR/Taunt/Roost. Taunt will let you prevent SR from slower leads and sleep moves from Roserade. It will also help you to prevent sweepers like Gyarados from setting up on you if you predict well.

Good luck.

Thanks for the input! I've really wanted protect on my blissey for a while, but none of the moveslots are expendable. Seismic Toss is for breaking subs and damaging steels late game (most commonly scarf heatran), Heal Bell is my only means of absorbing status, and toxic stalling is my only means of countering powerful special attackers.

While Scarftar would solve a lot of my problems, I feel like the metagame is already shifting to specifically counter him, and he is very easy to counter if you prepare for him. It's not a bandwagon I want to jump on.

Gliscor needs at least two attacking options in the lead position. With only earthquake, he couldn't touch Azelf or Aerodactyl, and a lead that loses to those two isn't worth using. X-scissor actually allows it to 2HKO Azelf, which doesn't let it explode. Stone edge has a 64% chance of 2HKOing Aerodactyl, and Suicune is a great counter to set-up pokemon like Gyarados and Salamence. Even after being intimidated, they still won't like a stone edge anyway.
just a quick note on your 'cune: You said vaporeon walls it, but I remember a battle I had on shoddy where my vapo set to wall (all def IVS) with hp electric vs. suicune. Even with HP electric, it only did like 45% with no calm mind. It pretty much allowed him to set up and sweep.
if you want a bug move on Gliscor, use U-Turn - you can go to Lucario while Azelf taunts you, then Extremespeed for the k.o. before rocks are up. Give Gliscor Hyper Cutter if you want it to attempt to hit Salamence and Dos harder on the switchin.
if you're going for wall-breaking and heavy damage, i highly highly suggest you don't put blissey into your team. You say seismic toss is mainly for heatran, however seismic toss does 100 damage no matter what the resistances are. So heatran can come in and BOOM on you, especially since you lack the protect. Also, a Heatran running fireblast/earthpower/HP ice/ explosion can dent your team INCREDIBLY hard, considering 5/6 of your pokes are super weak to at least one of those moves. I suggest removing blissey for maybe a mixape, a poke i run, that definitely can break walls hard.
~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower
~ Close Combat
~ Grass Knot
~ Hidden Power Ice
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe
Mixape will outrun all heatrans, except for scarfran and i really believe that the number of scarfrans are going down, as i havent seen one in a while, but that could be just me
I do have to ask you, Why Gliscor? especially as a lead, imo you want a lead that will give you heavy momentum, so i would definitely suggest something like maybe an anti-lead weaville or champ. I personally really enjoy lead champ, but it's becoming really common nowadays, i was introduced to this set by jc104 and it's farily different from the smogon set.
Machamp @ lum berry
252 hp/ 244 atk/ 12 spDef/ 8 sped
No Guard
-ice punch
Dynamic punch just because it hits everything bar ghosts like a truck. Bullet punch for breaking sashes on all the lead pokes nowdays. The EV spread i believe allows you to survive a psychic from leadazelf and OHKO with the payback and OHKO roserade with the ice puch+bullet punch. Lumberry to absorb sleep from rade or smeargle, also cause champ hates paralyze
@ Stove
If you follows your suggestions then he has no SR which is needed on a team like this.

Now on to the rate.

Gliscor: If you want to moves on Gliscor then you could drop Taunt for U-turn, however I believe that your mence would appreciate SR not being up so I guess its up to you. I do like Taunt on Gliscor though as it can prevent so pokemon from boosting up.

Blissey is slowing down your offensive momentum of the team. If you still want the wish thing then I suggest a Jirachi with Iron Head, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Wish which can do a similar job to Blissey without making your team too defensive. You do not need a cleric as Gliscor takes Thunderwaves with its ground typing and Jirachi takes Toxic with its steel typing.

Now you need a new wallbreaker. A specially based Mixape which stove posted does a superb job of breaking down walls in tandam with Salamence.

lastly with the changes I suggested you become a little weaker to DD salamence and Gyarados. Therefore I suggest you making Suicune an offensive Suicune with a bulky spread listed in the analysis. It can beat Gyarados and can check Salamence as well. The advantage of offensive Suicune over your current Suicune is the fact that Offensive Cune sweeps much easier and really appreciates the coverage of the third move. For example while your suicune can set up on Gyarados, Gyarados can set up on you if it carries taunt and is running a slightly bulky spread. It can freely DD up while you fire off weak surfs or Ice Beams. With Offensive Suicune you KO gyarqados with HP Electric.

And on a side note, while the metagame may be adapting to Scarf-Tar that is not reason not to use it. For example people have adapted to DD Salamence, Mixmence, Infernape and SD Lucario and people still use them with no issues.

Have a Nice Day!