VGC Vivillon


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LCPL Champion
Vivillon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
Level: 50
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Sleep Powder
- Rage Powder
- Protect

Vivillon is more than just a pretty face! This butterfly has almost as many utility options as it does unique patterns, making it a surprisingly potent support Pokemon. Although one might expect Friend Guard to be a key ability, it actually uses Compound Eyes to patch up the accuracy of Hurricane and especially Sleep Powder. Hurricane hits Grass-types like Amoonguss and Rillaboom that are immune to Vivillon's powder moves. The combination of Sleep Powder and Rage Powder can facilitate some fearsome setup sweepers like Gholdengo and Kingambit. Garchomp can use Earthquake safely next to Vivillon, while the butterfly can threaten Grass-types and redirect attacks to allow Garchomp to throw out powerful attacks safely, making the two a solid pair. Vivillon has a solid Speed tier in Regulation H, outpacing mid-Speed metagame staples like Archaludon, Gholdengo, and Glimmora. Tera Ghost is used to avoid incoming Fake Outs and also redirect Dragonite's Extreme Speed and Maushold's Population Bomb. Although Vivillon is a good support, it's still a weak Pokemon that's virtually useless in the face of any Safety Goggles Pokemon, and it relies heavily on its Focus Sash to avoid crumbling to nearly any spread move, such as Make It Rain and especially Rock Slide and Heat Wave.
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I qc'd this over discord, 1/1 once some final suggestions are implemented :blobthumbsup:
GP Team done

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This paragraph is very lengthy for a spotlight, so I had to trim it down a bit. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my edits.

Vivillon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
Level: 50
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Sleep Powder
- Rage Powder
- Protect

Vivillon is more than just a pretty face! This butterfly's has almost as many utility options as it does unique patterns, making (the hyperbole used here exaggerates the number of Vivillon's support options, which might misinform some readers) make it a surprisingly potent support Pokemon. Although one might expect Friend Guard to be the a key to Vivillon's success ability, it actually uses Compound Eyes to patch up the accuracy of Hurricane and especially Sleep Powder. Hurricane makes Vivillon a great user of powder moves, hitting hits Grass-types like Amoonguss and Rillaboom that are immune to the effects of Sleep Powder and Rage Powder Vivillon's powder moves. Using a Focus Sash to compensate for its terrible bulk, the (this point is alluded to ["weak Pokemon"] and gone into detail [spread moves bit] in the last sentence) The combination of Sleep Powder and Rage Powder can facilitate some fearsome setup sweepers like Gholdengo and Kingambit. Garchomp can use Earthquake safely next to Vivillon, while the butterfly can threaten Grass-types and redirect attacks to allow throw Garchomp to throw out powerful attacks safely, making the two a solid pair. Vivillon has a solid speed Speed tier in regulation Regulation H, with 252 Speed and a Timid nature (elaborating on a 252/252/4 spread isn't necessary) outpacing mid-speed mid-Speed metagame staples like Archaludon, Gholdengo, and Glimmora. Tera Ghost is used to avoid incoming Fake Outs (RC) and is also nice for redirecting Dragonite's Extreme Speed and Maushold's Population Bomb. Although Vivillon is a good support, it's still a weak Pokemon that's virtually a sitting duck (butterfly?) useless in the face of anything equipped with Safety Goggles Pokemon, and it relies heavily on its Focus Sash as it crumbles to avoid crumbling to nearly any spread move, such as Make It Rain and especially Rock Slide and Heat Wave but even Gholdengo's Make it Rain attack. (awkward phrasing)

(Character count: 1266 → 1039)

GP Check 1/1

GP Team done

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This paragraph is very lengthy for a spotlight, so I had to trim it down a bit. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my edits.

Vivillon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
Level: 50
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Sleep Powder
- Rage Powder
- Protect

Vivillon is more than just a pretty face! This butterfly's has almost as many utility options as it does unique patterns, making (the hyperbole used here exaggerates the number of Vivillon's support options, which might misinform some readers) make it a surprisingly potent support Pokemon. Although one might expect Friend Guard to be the a key to Vivillon's success ability, it actually uses Compound Eyes to patch up the accuracy of Hurricane and especially Sleep Powder. Hurricane makes Vivillon a great user of powder moves, hitting hits Grass-types like Amoonguss and Rillaboom that are immune to the effects of Sleep Powder and Rage Powder Vivillon's powder moves. Using a Focus Sash to compensate for its terrible bulk, the (this point is alluded to ["weak Pokemon"] and gone into detail [spread moves bit] in the last sentence) The combination of Sleep Powder and Rage Powder can facilitate some fearsome setup sweepers like Gholdengo and Kingambit. Garchomp can use Earthquake safely next to Vivillon, while the butterfly can threaten Grass-types and redirect attacks to allow throw Garchomp to throw out powerful attacks safely, making the two a solid pair. Vivillon has a solid speed Speed tier in regulation Regulation H, with 252 Speed and a Timid nature (elaborating on a 252/252/4 spread isn't necessary) outpacing mid-speed mid-Speed metagame staples like Archaludon, Gholdengo, and Glimmora. Tera Ghost is used to avoid incoming Fake Outs (RC) and is also nice for redirecting Dragonite's Extreme Speed and Maushold's Population Bomb. Although Vivillon is a good support, it's still a weak Pokemon that's virtually a sitting duck (butterfly?) useless in the face of anything equipped with Safety Goggles Pokemon, and it relies heavily on its Focus Sash as it crumbles to avoid crumbling to nearly any spread move, such as Make It Rain and especially Rock Slide and Heat Wave but even Gholdengo's Make it Rain attack. (awkward phrasing)

(Character count: 1266 → 1039)

GP Check 1/1

can i keep the part about unique patterns for flavor :pleading:
can i keep the part about unique patterns for flavor :pleading:
I don’t think leaving the sentence unchanged would be wise because it can be a bit misleading. I prefer that you try to add flavor into the edited sentence first, so the important information remains accurate. If you really can’t find a way to do so, then I’m fine with the sentence being left unchanged.
I would like to keep it if the grammar is fine, the mon has a lot of utility moves I didn't mention and "almost" implies less than.
The original sentence is grammatically fine.

the mon has a lot of utility moves
The answer that I received when I asked about this in the VGC discord doesn’t seem to line up with what you say, but I won’t inquire into this further.