SV OU Vileplume + Sp. Def Moltres Balance - Peak ~Top 500 (1690~1705)

Which is the superior Grass-Poison type?

  • Vileplume

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Venusaur

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Victreebel

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Amoonguss

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Venusaur-Mega

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Roserade

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
:sv/vileplume: :sv/kingambit: :sv/moltres: :sv/weavile: :sv/great-tusk: :sv/iron-valiant:

I made this team once I discovered :vileplume: was actually slightly viable (it was on the viability chart). I just wanted to see how it would do, and made a team. Surprisingly, the team did well.
However, I did have a three lose streak, bumping me down to 1622 ELO, so the title isn't entirely truthful (it was still my peak.) I have no proof of peak, unless you want to watch a video I made (you don't have to).

Team Building
So I started with the main star of the show, Vileplume. Pretty obvious.


Then I partnered it Kingambit, for Vileplume deals with Gambit's counters pretty well, a few being Iron Valiant and Great Tusk, and in return Gambit can check Pokemon like Glowking and Dengo for Vileplume.

:vileplume: :kingambit:

Then I added a Sp. Def Moltres onto the team, for it synergised fantastically in defence with Vileplume. Notably, Vileplume counters Ogerpoin-Wellspring, which is something Moltres really appreciates. In return, Sp. Def Moltres walls things like Gholdengo, which really annoy Vileplume.

:vileplume: :kingambit: :moltres:

Then I noticed this team had a bit of a Zapdos and a speed issue. So I decided to check Zapdos offensively with a Weavile, with useful priority in Ice Shard and removal with Knock Off.

:vileplume: :kingambit: :moltres: :weavile:

Then I added a Great Tusk for hazards, removal, an electric immunity as well as some power to break through walls.

:vileplume: :kingambit: :moltres: :weavile: :great-tusk:

Finally, I added a scarf Iron Valiant for my one answer to Dragapult (Weavile was too risky), as well as another form of speed control. And that's the team.

:vileplume: :kingambit: :moltres: :weavile: :great-tusk: :iron-valiant:

The Team

Vileplume (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Moonlight
- Strength Sap

The main star of the team, :vileplume: is actually a pretty good physical wall in this meta! It can wall Pokemon like :rillaboom:, :zamazenta:, :iron-valiant:, :samurott-hisui:, :ting-lu:, :ogerpon-wellspring:, :dondozo: and other nicher picks, and can deal respectable chip with its STABs, punching holes into Pokemon already listed and other ones, like :Hatterene: and :enamorus:. It has both Moonlight and Strength Sap, two healing moves for different situations. Moonlight can be used in front of Pokemon with low attack, like :slowking-galar:, or when a Pokemon's attack is already low enough. Strength Sap is here to cripple physical attackers and heal crazy amounts of health. Tera Water is for Fire types like :cinderace: and :moltres: that need to be walled in a pinch, though I've never used it.

Kingambit (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Kowtow Cleave
- Iron Head

Next up is :Kingambit:! I don't need to say much here, it's just the regular SD, Sucker, Kowtow and Iron Head set. This is a more bulky spread as I don't value the extra speed 199 speed :kingambit: has. (What it's outspeeding with 48 speed EVs, I don't know, I stole it off the Smogon resources). Lefties give :kingambit: amazing longetivity, and the 208 HP allow it tank far more hits than speedy :kingambit:. Tera Dark boosts Sucker Punch, of course. :kingambit: helps out :vileplume: by scaring out :vileplume:'s biggest counters, :slowking-galar:, :gholdengo: and :dragapult:.

Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Roar
- Roost
- U-turn
- Flamethrower

:moltres: is here as my special wall, and it's rather underrated. Honestly, I believe Sp. Def :moltres: should be more popular. It synergises fantastically with :vileplume: as a defensive duo. As :vileplume: walls the water types that scare :moltres:, it in return walls the fire, steel and psychic types that scare :vileplume:, such as :iron-moth:, :cinderace:, :iron-crown:, :corviknight:, :gholdengo: and :deoxys-speed:. This is sp. def :moltres: (as stated before), and it's really good at its job. It can shrug off Volt Switches from AV :iron-crown: and even :zapdos: (invested or not, I don't know). Roar is used intead of Wisp on Moltres to deal with Tera Fire IronPress :zamazenta: and :iron-moth:, with the latter being something my team kinda struggles with. U-Turn for pivoting, Flamethrower as STAB and Roost for healing. Tera Ghost was meant to deal with Tera Fire IronPress :zamazenta:, though Roar kinda makes it redundant.

Weavile (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Knock Off
:weavile: is used here as my main Knock Off user and its priority in Ice Shard, which snipes Pokemon like a chipped :Roaring-moon: and :dragapult: when boosted with Swords Dance. It's other job is also to mostly deal with Pokemon like :landorus-therian: and :gliscor:, which would otherwise give my team an annoying time. Tera Ghost is to deal with IronPress :zamazenta: and IronPress :corviknight:, though it still takes massive damage from Crunch.

Great Tusk @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Spinner
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Headlong Rush
Best Pokemon ever, change my mind. :great-tusk: jobs are simple. It sets the hazards, spins them away and check :raging-bolt:, a Pokemon which would give my team a hard time. Tera Fire helps :great-tusk: against Fairy types, for Fire resists Moonblast. It is also in general a good neutral option for defense. Before this :great-tusk: had Rock Slide to deal with :Moltres:, as I was scared about it, but then I had a battle where I wished I had Ice Spinner, so I changed that.

Iron Valiant @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
- Destiny Bond

Last but not least, we have :Iron-Valiant:. Like :great-tusk:, its job is simple. Deal with fast Dark or Dragon types that threaten my team, Pokemon like :dragapult:, :darkrai: and :kyurem:, trick pokemon with scarf when necessary, and Destiny Bond for disrupting opposing teams. Shadow Ball is here to chip Pokemon like :slowking-galar: and :iron-crown: that would otherwise wall :iron-valiant:. (Truthfully Shadow Ball doesn't do much to :slowking-galar:, but I have no other option.) Tera Ghost is to boost Shadow Ball!

This is listed from biggest to smallest threat.

Tera Water Swords Dance :sv/Gliscor:
If it gets one Swords Dance off and Teras into a Water type to resist :weavile:, then that's an instant loss. The trick is to try to bait another of their Pokemon into Terastillizing, Roar :Gliscor: out before it can do much with :Moltres:, or spam Strength Sap with :vileplume: on it, and use Giga Drain when they tera.

If :roaring-moon: gets one DDance off, it's basically over. Ways of beating it are hoping for a Flame Body on :moltres:, roar it out before it sets up, tera water on :vileplume: and spam Strength Sap, or use the STABs on :weavile:/:iron-valiant: before it sets up. If you have a +2 :weavile: already, then :roaring-moon: is no issue.

Just roar it out with :moltres: before it gets too crazy. Then :great-tusk: should survive one move from :iron-moth: before using Headlong Rush. :kingambit:'s Sucker Punch can deal with :iron-moth: if you survive the mindgames first.

:sv/moltres: + :sv/zapdos:
We have nothing to hit :moltres: supereffectively, so just hope for the best. Roaring it out with out own :moltres: is useful. :zapdos: however is more difficult as Thunderbolt deals heavy damage to :moltres:, but if :weavile: has set-up before :zapdos: comes in, then it should be fine enough.

Only way to deal meaningful damage to :kingambit: is with :great-tusk:'s Headlong Rush or :moltres:'s flamethrower. If both are already down though, trick :iron-valiant: must be used, and hope they don't use Iron Head on the trick (which they will).

:gholdengo: isn't horrible, just rather annoying. Scarf sets really suck, especially if :moltres: is already chipped, and if they tera defensively into Fairy or Fighting type, then that would suck even more, for :kingambit: no longer threatens with Sucker Punch. If they're Ballon :gholdengo:, then it's fine to deal with.

T-Spikes are annoying to play around with, but not bad. In fact, it's usually the :gholdengo: blocking :great-tusk:'s spin that is more annoying.

I don't know what else to say, except that I'm open to suggestions on how to make the team better. Thanks!

PokePaste: :vileplume:-:kingambit:-:moltres:-:weavile:-:great-tusk:-:iron-valiant:

"Proof" of peak (don't watch if you don't want to)