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I made this team once I discovered was actually slightly viable (it was on the viability chart). I just wanted to see how it would do, and made a team. Surprisingly, the team did well.
However, I did have a three lose streak, bumping me down to 1622 ELO, so the title isn't entirely truthful (it was still my peak.) I have no proof of peak, unless you want to watch a video I made (you don't have to).
Team Building So I started with the main star of the show, Vileplume. Pretty obvious.
Then I partnered it Kingambit, for Vileplume deals with Gambit's counters pretty well, a few being Iron Valiant and Great Tusk, and in return Gambit can check Pokemon like Glowking and Dengo for Vileplume.
Then I added a Sp. Def Moltres onto the team, for it synergised fantastically in defence with Vileplume. Notably, Vileplume counters Ogerpoin-Wellspring, which is something Moltres really appreciates. In return, Sp. Def Moltres walls things like Gholdengo, which really annoy Vileplume.
Then I noticed this team had a bit of a Zapdos and a speed issue. So I decided to check Zapdos offensively with a Weavile, with useful priority in Ice Shard and removal with Knock Off.
Then I added a Great Tusk for hazards, removal, an electric immunity as well as some power to break through walls.
Finally, I added a scarf Iron Valiant for my one answer to Dragapult (Weavile was too risky), as well as another form of speed control. And that's the team.
The Team
Vileplume (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Moonlight
- Strength Sap
The main star of the team, is actually a pretty good physical wall in this meta! It can wall Pokemon like , , , , , , and other nicher picks, and can deal respectable chip with its STABs, punching holes into Pokemon already listed and other ones, like and . It has both Moonlight and Strength Sap, two healing moves for different situations. Moonlight can be used in front of Pokemon with low attack, like , or when a Pokemon's attack is already low enough. Strength Sap is here to cripple physical attackers and heal crazy amounts of health. Tera Water is for Fire types like and that need to be walled in a pinch, though I've never used it.
Kingambit (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Kowtow Cleave
- Iron Head
Next up is ! I don't need to say much here, it's just the regular SD, Sucker, Kowtow and Iron Head set. This is a more bulky spread as I don't value the extra speed 199 speed has. (What it's outspeeding with 48 speed EVs, I don't know, I stole it off the Smogon resources). Lefties give amazing longetivity, and the 208 HP allow it tank far more hits than speedy . Tera Dark boosts Sucker Punch, of course. helps out by scaring out 's biggest counters, , and .
Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Roar
- Roost
- U-turn
- Flamethrower
is here as my special wall, and it's rather underrated. Honestly, I believe Sp. Def should be more popular. It synergises fantastically with as a defensive duo. As walls the water types that scare , it in return walls the fire, steel and psychic types that scare , such as , , , , and . This is sp. def (as stated before), and it's really good at its job. It can shrug off Volt Switches from AV and even (invested or not, I don't know). Roar is used intead of Wisp on Moltres to deal with Tera Fire IronPress and , with the latter being something my team kinda struggles with. U-Turn for pivoting, Flamethrower as STAB and Roost for healing. Tera Ghost was meant to deal with Tera Fire IronPress , though Roar kinda makes it redundant.
Weavile (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Knock Off is used here as my main Knock Off user and its priority in Ice Shard, which snipes Pokemon like a chipped and when boosted with Swords Dance. It's other job is also to mostly deal with Pokemon like and , which would otherwise give my team an annoying time. Tera Ghost is to deal with IronPress and IronPress , though it still takes massive damage from Crunch.
Great Tusk @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Spinner
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Headlong Rush
Best Pokemon ever, change my mind. jobs are simple. It sets the hazards, spins them away and check , a Pokemon which would give my team a hard time. Tera Fire helps against Fairy types, for Fire resists Moonblast. It is also in general a good neutral option for defense. Before this had Rock Slide to deal with , as I was scared about it, but then I had a battle where I wished I had Ice Spinner, so I changed that.
Last but not least, we have . Like , its job is simple. Deal with fast Dark or Dragon types that threaten my team, Pokemon like , and , trick pokemon with scarf when necessary, and Destiny Bond for disrupting opposing teams. Shadow Ball is here to chip Pokemon like and that would otherwise wall . (Truthfully Shadow Ball doesn't do much to , but I have no other option.) Tera Ghost is to boost Shadow Ball!
This is listed from biggest to smallest threat.
Tera Water Swords Dance
If it gets one Swords Dance off and Teras into a Water type to resist , then that's an instant loss. The trick is to try to bait another of their Pokemon into Terastillizing, Roar out before it can do much with , or spam Strength Sap with on it, and use Giga Drain when they tera.
If gets one DDance off, it's basically over. Ways of beating it are hoping for a Flame Body on , roar it out before it sets up, tera water on and spam Strength Sap, or use the STABs on / before it sets up. If you have a +2 already, then is no issue.
Just roar it out with before it gets too crazy. Then should survive one move from before using Headlong Rush. 's Sucker Punch can deal with if you survive the mindgames first.
We have nothing to hit supereffectively, so just hope for the best. Roaring it out with out own is useful. however is more difficult as Thunderbolt deals heavy damage to , but if has set-up before comes in, then it should be fine enough.
Only way to deal meaningful damage to is with 's Headlong Rush or 's flamethrower. If both are already down though, trick must be used, and hope they don't use Iron Head on the trick (which they will).
isn't horrible, just rather annoying. Scarf sets really suck, especially if is already chipped, and if they tera defensively into Fairy or Fighting type, then that would suck even more, for no longer threatens with Sucker Punch. If they're Ballon , then it's fine to deal with.
T-Spikes are annoying to play around with, but not bad. In fact, it's usually the blocking 's spin that is more annoying.
I don't know what else to say, except that I'm open to suggestions on how to make the team better. Thanks!