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VGC 22 Worlds Meetup Thread


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VGC Leader

I am on phone Smogon currently but I don’t wanna forget about this. I’ll add links when I can I promise

Today, Pokemon confirmed the Worlds venue will be open to spectators, so I’d like to make this thread. Please comment if you will be attending, and any extra info like the days you’ll be around or if you’re qualified or not would be nice to know as well if you’re willing to share!

Where: ExCel London, London, UK
When: August 18-21, PLAYER CHECKIN 5-8 GMT +1 WEDNESDAY ONLY (spectators can pick up their badge any time)

This will be my first worlds competing in 6 years, and even though I was at Worlds ‘19 as a spectator, I’m so excited to be back as a player. Hope to see everyone there and maybe get a smogon group pic??? stay tuned oo

Confirmed Attendees:

Confirmed Qualifiers:
hiya i'll be around on the 20th and maybe the 21st also! used to be an active vgc player in 2011-13 (bcaralarm). would be nice to meetup with anybody who remembers me!
delayed response but I'll be there as a spectator! no clue which day(s) but i live fairly local so could be any really, or just whenever i book my merch shop ticket for

update: will be 19th and 21st due to train strikes on other days
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i don't play vgc at all but i'll be going to hang out on any / all of 18th, 19th, and 21st with a few of my irl friends, one of whom was actually asked to help with the stream.

my buddies bharmalm and Alpha Rabbit will be there some days too. Altina sucks for being outta the country.

down to meet peeps

gonna be there every day 18-21, lemme know via disc if you'll be there / wanna hang!! ShinyAzelf#1898