Tournament UUPL VIII Player Signups

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Welcome to the UnderUsed Premier League VIII! You must post here to sign up for the tournament. Everyone must sign up here, including people that are being retained. Please only sign up if you can be highly active for the vast majority of the tournament (like, 3 months, give or take). It takes a lot to be a member of a team, and you'll have to pull your weight if you sign up.

Player Name: Finchinator
Tiers Played: SS UU / SM UU / ORAS UU / BW UU / DPP UU / ADV UU / GSC UU
Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)
YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST USE THE FORMAT ABOVE TO SIGN UP OR ELSE YOUR POST WILL BE IGNORED. We use an automatic script to scan signups into a spreadsheet for the draft. The potential tiers are SS UU, SM UU, ORAS UU, BW UU, DPP UU, ADV UU, and GSC UU.

Be aware that if you sign up for a tier, a manager may draft you and expect you to play that tier. You may be purchased by any team, so please do not sign up if you are unwilling to work with one or more of the managers. Please only list formats that you would seriously be willing to play competitively at a high level. Do not sign up for tiers you don't play as a joke. It is not funny and yes, I am personally judging you.

Some rules and regulations for retains, managers, and players:
  • In order to purchase themselves, managers must pay 10k + 1.5k for each win they achieved in the last UUPL they played in.
  • Including purchasing yourself, you may only retain 3 players as a manager.
  • Retention rights may not be traded.
  • Each manager starts with 120k credits.
  • The minimum number of players per team is 12 (10 starters + 2 substitutes).
  • The maximum number of players per team is 20 (10 starters + 10 substitutes).
  • Tournament banned or circuit banned users are not allowed to sign up.
  • Baton Pass is banned in this tournament in ADV UU and DPP UU, in addition to the formats it is normally banned in.
As a recap, here's what we have so far:
Format list:
Bo3 (fixed tiers, SS/SM/ORAS)


Blackthorn City Battle Girls - EviGaro
Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers - vivalospride
Camphrier Town Ladies - Adaam
Mikan Island Monsters - TDK
Ruin Valley Rangers - Pak
Canalave City Clowns - yeezyknows
Iki Town Idols - Sage
Eterna Forest Veterans - CBU

Player signups spreadsheet will be made and linked in the near future!

Signups will close March 13th at 6 PM EST Time. Draft time is Saturday, March 14th, at 4 PM EDT.
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Player Name: Accelgor
Tiers Played: SS UU / SM UU / BW UU
Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)

I prefer playing SS > BW > SM, will Bo3 if necessary but reach out to me first please. If you want to pick me up, you are also obligated to draft the player directly below me.
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