Tournament UUbersPL - Team & Set Dump


I am Magearna
is an Artist
UUBERSPL 2 (1).png

Hosted by bern, vesp and roxie | Amazing art (if I do say so myself) by Finchely
With the ending of the regular season, it's time to post all the cookery and whatnot that's been built so far! Thank you to all who participated, it's been a great time and your contributions to the various metas represented are invaluable
i will kick this thread off by posting my main season teams - idea was to break with m2 and have yu/ekiller clean, w/ zacian to benefit from the predicted garg, but pads works too. - volc ho, volc was the idea to stopgap zac so its not JUST speed tie as counterplay, and latios is obvs for lando which is hard for offense - firepon balance was to punish fat/stall brings with cm m2 to help vs special boosters like cm arcs and zacian doing its thing vs darkceus. - gross screens ho with idef cm arc - very status heavy spectrier team to help pick up/wekaen things for spectrier to sweep. - garg/lugia fat, with tera fire and rocks to try and alleviate firepon mu, rlly like this squad. iceus balance with solg/moltres to help it onto the field, iceus in general was rlly underexplored bc this guy hurts like a truck man. - specs yu + scarf watershifu was a nice offensive core, ekiller w/ tera is broken (tera's fault ofc), and im starting to realise i adore giratina + moltres defensive cores.

these next two are entirely untested i built them like an hour before the dorron game :skull; - treads + deo, seems like a solid idea bc treads eats magearna for deo and does well into solg which is nice, but probs running spin rocks and running a spiker (hamu) is better. - bundle + eleceus, rlly good idea, i just think my execution was bad here, dorron suggested a cm arc post-game and i think he's right, cm works better, but i also think quag + lati is just worse than moltres + different speed control, quag in general feels like a very mu fishy mon.

anyway so far i've been having an ok time building, im ngl trying to maneuver around tera zacian + tera arceus while not resorting to extreme playstyles is hard and not very rewarding imo. something something #bantera kenn

s/outs to Frito Poosh_i and JustCallMeFish for keeping my building sane throughout main season

ALSO vesp ihy (also ty for also helping me cook despite having low motivation)

team built around scarf sneasler spreading poison and chipping down poison resists for arc poison sweeps. shuca>balloon on mage as a lure + doesn't pop.

this team was originally cm spam with m2, but it was hard to fit everything I wanted, so I just went to abusing broken chien pao over m2.

both of these are the same idea, cm arceus is broken and webs beats opposing cm arceus.

speedbuilt stall in half an hour because imperial said the tier was all HO. this team is flawed and has optimizations to be made. tera elec tect lefties bliss is cope for flyceus.


Mozonite Runo JustCallMeFish a bit moody

goats, ty for the help building even though 3/4 of u dont play nd and 2 weren't on my team.

ty to the players who joined our council during this tour, Iride Celeste OceanicGamer.
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Okay uh, i played 3 different tiers this tour and i'm gonna dump all of it, keep that in mind

Week 1 The Set Ice vs Asa
I had some prep made for this game, though it did definitively not work out, the team i made was overall bad so i decided to scrap it and go for one of my confort squads, vesp's Arceus-Ice team, loaded a pretty bad matchup but was able to win enough speed ties to win with my Arceus
here is the prep for those curious

Week 2 Wisp Rock vs Luna
I was really busy this week (due to vacation related issues) so i wasn't really able to build, i tried using luna's tendency to use Chi-Yu by loading Arceus Rock, vesp had recently built an Arceus Rock team so i took that out for a spin, backfired tremendously, as it does not have a really good way to hurt Clodsire.

Week 3 Fport fighters vs Charmriah
I spent the great majority of this week on vacation, only returning on saturday night, so i did not have time to build yet again, i had thrown something together, but during some test games, Skyiew convinced me to load this, i then proceeded to run into Rain with the grand total of Naganadel as my only water resist, this team later became the sample you can find in the SS Ubers UU discord

Week 4 The Amalgamation vs Addi
Thanks Mozonite for the help. Basically, this team relies on Melmetal and Heatran with hazards for all breaking purposes, taking advantage of our poor removal (in the sense of our main removal's low longevity) and the general strength of Trick Room. I unfortunately proceeded to run into Taunt Tapu Fini and Heatran, aswell as Helmet Solgaleo, which completely shut down all of my ideas.

Week 5 Slurpuff vs Sealoo
I hadn't built for NatDex ever since the Arceus-Fire meta, so i decided to take ideas from some people that did, from what i had seen, after the recent shifts, Arceus-Flying looked immensely strong, so my incredibly bright brain decided to build Sticky Web, the building actually went very smoothly, and my tests went something along the lines of this, changing Solgaleo for Iron Boulder as it does better into opposing Arceus-Flying i then proceeded to face HDB Iron Bundle which shuts my entire team down.

a GIGANTIC thank you to ilikeeatingcrayons for being an awesome presence in the team, giving me tests and giving awesome ideas even though not drafted, Mozonite for the incredible help on our SS slot, both on tests and teambuilding for weeks 3, 4 and 5 and Jusfordlolz for supplying great emotional support and good teambuilding advice on SV from week 2 onward. vesp aswell ig for building the teams i brought to SV
Well, what a tour! This was my first time ever getting picked up in a team tour here, and It was an incredible experience, though I don't think even Frito expected the level of obsession I developed with these tiers (minus SS). I had a ton of fun learning more about building, and pretty quickly got to work trying to work a lot in ND, which I felt was a super undeveloped meta with a lot of potential, and the things I saw legal really excited me. Not to mention how much I learned about regular UUbers, looking very much forwards to uubers open soon :P

Sadly, I didn't go positive, I went 1-2 in the three games I played, but I learned a lot more about refining my play, and am still INCREDIBLY proud of what I have accomplished. I really hope that going forwards I get to continue hanging out with the people in this community, play more in tours, and maybe get picked up again in the future for something!

Teams that got loaded
NDUUbers - Band GDarm IDEF Flying Webs
(Played by Princess Autumn vs Veti, W)
This was one of my earlier attempts at building in this tier, and after some testing on ladder I really felt like it had some merit. Despite the pitfalls of me both not knowing this format and not knowing what things ran on certain team styles (e.g., psyspam with magic coat Lele) the team felt INCREDIBLY consistent and I never felt like I was lacking in answers for anything. As someone more familiar with SV ubers, I am very familiar with Ribombee webs and despite Gira-O being one of the best mons in the tier as I'm writing this I really felt like it had merit. the IDEF Arc Flying felt like a complete no brainer to me, as this set already feels incredibly strong in standard Ubers and with a much more limited pool of mons and webs to slow down potential taunt mons (plus it just offensively shredding most anything that could toxic it) Arc Flying felt like a very consistent last mon, and was often able to win games on its own. The rest of the team is really just things I wanted to mess around with, Spectrier felt super strong with its ability to destroy a tier with almost no viable defensive darks (not to mention it can tank a non banded icicle crash from Chien-Pao after you tera, and it outspeeds if its CB anyways lol), Lucario's offensive profile and strong priority let it break for its teammates and pick off a lot of weakened threats, and G-Darm and Lando are just both excellent mons, with my choice to go G-Darm over Chien-Pao due to its ability to pivot (also to note, I think autumn changed superpower to flare blitz when she loaded it but i think superpower is a slightly more consistent tool, you can do whatever you want with it). This team absolutely convinced me that Arc-Flying is incredibly strong in this tier and the offensive options to pair it with make webs offense something that felt really good to build, and to top it all off it managed to win week 1 (albeit thanks to some help from meteor mash boosts in spite of an abysmal attempt to counter a counter-webs lead, regardless good job Autumn).
NDUUbers - Lead Dialga 2x Ice
(Played by Me vs Runo, W )
Somehow we managed to load the only two teams I had in my builder with G-Darm in a row. Originally this build did look a bit different (you can find the paste below, Lead Dialga Sun 2x Scarf, but after a few test games Frito helped me clean up some aspects that were a bit rough around the edges in some cases. Lead Dialga sets are always something I have found incredibly funny, and a set like this will allow Dialga to pretty effortlessly cripple at least one Pokémon and set rocs on its way out, enabling for the plethora of strong offensive threats that this team packs. While I see the merit of an RP/SD Groudon, a team like this has more then enough strong endgame options with Cheems, G-Darm, and Calm Mind Arceus. I think Arceus Steel is tied for, if not the singular best Arc form in the tier, with an incredibly defensive profile despite the rampant strong ground options. On a team like this, I might have considered taunt but the immediate offensive power in Earth Power felt much more effective at making progress on a less balancey team. While I don't normally see the merit of both Cheems and G-Darm on the same team, their ability to overwhelm their mutual checks felt nigh unparalleled when this team already puts immense pressure on Magearna, Alomomola, and is able to exert similar pressure on fast fightings, though it might require a Tera to do so; a small price to pay when Z Chien-Pao will obviously not need it. At this point I have seen a decent amount of Tera Blast Cheems running around, and while I see the merit I feel the more explosive power of Z that allows for tera to be used on more vital pieces like Arceus and Landorus will overall help the team, while keeping Cheems mostly stable against the Pokémon it would demand Tera Blast for. Overall, this team I think is a very strong take on Offense, with the tools to slow down the pace compared to the webs from last week. While my win might have been a bit crity, the strength of this team to still shutdown what should have been a bad lategame matchup into IDEF Zama-C thanks to the scarf encore G-Darm and choice to bring Sacred Sword on Chien-Pao over a Tera Blast set really helped maintain the momentum, especially when tera had to be burned to prevent my opponent from losing on the spot to Tera Arceus-Steel. 2-0, and my first team tour win! Looking forwards to what else this tour will bring.
SV UUbers - Specs Magearna Corviknight
(Played by Frito vs Dorron, W G1)
Some welcome success in a rough week for us, this team came about while Frito was trying to make offensive Magearna work and randomly I just said "hey uh... is Corviknight a real thing?" And sure enough it was. This team basically aims to make up for the fact that you do not have a defensive Magearna to answer threats like Zacian, and instead let it and Palafin do the early heavy hitting to break the game open for Deoxys and Arceus Dark. While the main input I had on this team was just the Corviknight and the Palafin, I still wanted to put it in here because I just really like this team lol.

NDUUbers - Healing Wish M-Lop Offense

(Played by Princess Autumn vs Hidin, L)
Boy, was this team fun to build. I had been sitting and tinkering with Dragon Dance Arceus Poison for a while, and finally everything clicked when someone suggested we build with Mega Lopunny in the teamcord; an idea we had been throwing around a bit but finally decided to commit to it as I felt Lopunny could help fix the one flaw I was finding with DD Poisonceus, longevity. Poison likes to stick around as long as possible so it can continue to use its amazing offensive profile, but it struggles to do so when you really need STAB, EQ, and something to hit Giratina (in this case outrage, which can be further boosted by Tera Dragon as a general breaking tool). Lopunny then comes in to be an excellent fast attacker with its pretty strong CCs, and excellent disruption in Encore and pivoting in U-Turn, since to run Healing Wish you will be dropping the ability to hit things like Lando with Triple Axel, etc. The rest of the team is build around enabling the main offensive core of Arc, Chien Pao, and Terapagos, all of which benefit greatly from Healing Wish. Scarf Lando T felt like the perfect fit on this team, leveraging its immediate speed and ability to get rocks up to help provide both offensive pressure, pivoting, and support all in one slot, and Giratina is able to help pressure the standard mons like Groudon, Opposing Landorus, Fightings, etc. I will admit the one big weakness this team faces is a real inability to switch into Giratina, you have to rely on strong play from giving it an easy entry, which to be fair is not the hardest with all the pivoting and fact that all the mons here can threaten Gira in some way. Worst comes to worst you can always tank a burn and H-Wish it off later. Same goes for Chien-Pao, but that's gonna be the case for every team. Unfortunately, this week was not a win for us. A few unfortunate plays that just ultimately didn't work out, and some surprises from our opponents build (shoutout to ocean), but I think this team still absolutely has potential in the current meta. Unfortunately, as I'm writing this won't be current meta for long, as the expected Giratina rise is happening in a few days.
NDUUbers - Darkspam

(Played by Me vs Sealoo, L)
This one was HEAVILY inspired by a lot of watching standard SV UUbers, specifically a slight uptick in scarf Hisuian Samurott usage which seemed like an excellent anti Arceus and anti Chien Pao measure. Samurott surprisingly has an excellent defensive profile into the main threats of Arceus Steel and Chien Pao, and is able to do a ton of damage to both of them, with the potential for a lot of cheese with Razor Shell drops. This team overall aims to just overwhelm teams as much as possible, slamming pretty much any defensive staple that the game could throw at you. It puts insane pressure on Giratina Origin, doesn't really give Groudon time to set up, and also threatens Chien Pao very well. A pretty simple plan, but one that in theory felt very effective. Shoutout to OceanicGamer for helping run some tests for this game, this guys pretty cool for all you who don't know! Ocean noticed during our mocks that this team had a bit of a problem into fighting types (duh) but since i had pretty direct counterplay to Pheromosa, and ways to maneuver around Mega Lucario I felt like it wouldn't be a problem... until Iron Valiant hit.
Yeah, that was pretty much the worse possible matchup this team could have faced. I think the game was absolutely winnable for me, but I didn't do a good job of maneuvering my Arceus to keep it healthy for the late game, where it has a pretty decent chance but alas. Sometimes a bad matchup just happens, good on Sealoo for bringing it haha. We'll get em next week...
NDUUbers - Garg.

(Played by Me vs Iride, L)
This was a team I was incredibly excited to build with, as when trying to brainstorm ways to manage both Arc Steel and Flying while not folding to all the HO teams flying around, this came to me! Garg being able to naturally resist flying and tera to resist steel (plus the rest of the team threatening steel a bit more) helped give me a way to slow down the progress of opposing offense, while also completely fucking over stall when partnered with the standard Taunt CM Arc Steel and Weavile (this absolutely rolled the team Runo loaded this same week in a random test game). The Weavile is one of the pieces I'm the most proud of, being able to pressure both the main Arc forms while threatening Lando and a whole bunch of bulky mons, and outspeeding most of the meta. I have my Fake Zacian in Ival, and this here is my Fake Chien Pao. Pex is pretty important here for Toxic Spikes and slowing down a lot of other attackers that Garg can't manage on its own. Scarf Lando was the natural pick for a Lando here, providing some extra speed control and a way to get toxics off on things threatening to spiral out of control. Deoxys was my final pick as a form of speed control and a way to pick off weakened threats, while also slamming a lot of the tier in general.

Sadly, this game didn't go as intended, and I think was ultimately to biggest point in this tour of showing where I have to grow as a player. This tier is definitely a HO tier, but I think there was genuine ways for me to win this game and I didn't play to them. Letting Lando go down was really unfortunate when Pex was pretty much always a safe answer to the Arc electric, and not being aggressive with my T-Spikes ultimately didn't let me hold out long enough against the Roaring Moon. I think I learned a lot of really good things, especially about building, and If nothing else I'm taking this moving forwards as a signifier of the fact that I will be able to continue getting better

Everything Else I Made
CM Darkceus Moltres - :arceus-dark::moltres::magearna::giratina::deoxys::zacian:- Frito doesn't like these structures but its prob fine enough
Double DD Screens - :regieleki::kyurem::arceus-poison::zacian::landorus::gouging-fire:- the Gouging could probably stand a bit more attack, but it works
Fake Zacian - :iron-valiant::magearna::arceus-poison::landorus::moltres::deoxys:-beat finchely once
Iron Hands TR - :magearna::ursaluna-bloodmoon::hatterene::dialga::iron-hands::arceus-poison:- This is bad, however i made it!
Better, Hoopa-U TR - :magearna::dialga::ursaluna::arceus-poison::hoopa-unbound::hatterene:- Frito fixed the tr........ Also a Secret Santa present for ilikeeatingcrayons!
H-Arcanine Webs - :araquanid::arcanine-hisui::gholdengo::landorus::arceus-poison::zacian:-Webs cooks, arcanine is a good boy and cooks harder (this team is SUPER fun)
Psyceus Hazard Stack - :arceus-psychic::magearna::landorus::deoxys::giratina::terapagos-terastal:- Okay this actually cooked, you guys probably saw me run this on ladder
Knock Off Mewtwo (now illegal) -:mewtwo::magearna::arceus-dark::urshifu-rapid-strike::lugia::landorus:- Made at Frito's request (and fixed by her)
Spectrier Offense -:spectrier::deoxys::zacian::arceus-poison::giratina::solgaleo:-Also Made at fritos request but it didnt go anywhere
Arceus Ice + Shift Gear Mag - :arceus-ice::regieleki::giratina::moltres::zacian::magearna:- Frito gave me a 6 and I did most of the rest! This also Won vs Ewin in Swiss Finals!
Ursa BM Balance - :ursaluna-bloodmoon::arceus-dark::zacian::giratina::deoxys::magearna:- I think Kine said something about building BM in the discord, and i proceeded to hax the fuck out of imperial with it

Tera Ground Ice + Scarf Lando - :arceus-ice::landorus::zacian::giratina::regieleki::moltres:- Inspired by Ewin's Arc Ice spread, but i do think this is heavily flawed
Weird DD Poison - :corviknight::magearna::arceus-poison::zacian::garganacl::lugia:- Built this for MH but she never loaded it :(
Bulky Reshiram -:genesect::urshifu::reshiram::naganadel::mandibuzz::magearna:- an attempt at a balance team, idk what the hell im doing in this tier.
Eleki Sub Kyurem - :tapu-koko::regieleki::chansey::giratina-origin::genesect:- no one loads enough grounds in this tier it seems.
Screens Offense - :grimmsnarl::zamazenta::naganadel::necrozma-dawn-wings::kyurem-black::reshiram:- based off the team we lost to week 1
Gliscor BO -:gliscor::magearna::terapagos-terastal::alomomola::arceus-rock::pheromosa:- An Older team i made that somehow stayed legal (probably cause its bad)
Ninetales Sun -:ninetales::hatterene::gouging-fire::walking-wake::roaring-moon::arceus-poison:- Basically a copy paste uubers sun team
Rain, But with Hydrapple -:pelipper::palafin-hero::arceus-steel::swampert-mega::kingdra::hydrapple:- okay but unironically hydrapple holds this shit together
Rest Talk Annihilape - :annihilape::arceus-steel::landorus-therian::alomomola::spectrier::magearna:- Yeah, this is really bad. Sorry.
Glim Double Scarf HO -:glimmora::urshifu::arceus-flying::dialga::spectrier::latios:- The dialga on this is unironically the funniest thing I have ever made.
Raging Bolt DD Poison - :arceus-poison::raging-bolt::landorus-therian::terapagos-terastal::mewtwo::lucario-mega:- Stall2 is prob actually a decent arc answer if you play it right, and I still think raging bolt works....
Rock Polish SD Groudon BO -:groudon::chien-pao: :landorus-therian::arceus-steel::terapagos-terastal::alomomola:- Autumn REALLY wanted an RP SD Groudon and this was my first attempt at it, the lacking of giratina is a bit sad
Rest Talk Gira E-Terrain - :tapu-koko::sneasler::blastoise-mega::arceus-poison::giratina-origin::magearna:- I just thought this set was super funny LOL, Frito made a proposed fix tho
Lead Dialga Sun 2x Scarf -:dialga::groudon::gouging-fire::arceus-steel::darmanitan-galar::landorus-therian:- Initial build of the Week 2 Team, works somewhat consistently
DD Mega TTar -:tyranitar-mega::giratina-origin::Pheromosa::arceus-steel::landorus::chien-pao:- Complete meme lol.
Kingambit Roaring Moon - :Groudon::roaring-moon::arceus-poison::giratina-origin::magearna::kingambit:- An interesting semi sun team, and what solidified kingambit as pretty good in my eyes
MMX Bulky Offense - :giratina-origin::magearna::landorus-therian::arceus-steel::chien-pao::mewtwo-mega-x:- a modified version of the team i submitted as a sample because I didnt like the edits made. Sorry not sorry.
Iceus Gouging Offense - :arceus-ice::gouging-fire::landorus-therian::giratina-origin::magearna::zamazenta:- also a meme, i would not build with iceus like this anymore lol
Xard Webs - :ribombee::charizard-mega-x::landorus::arceus-poison::gholdengo::chien-pao:- Super funny, liked cooking people (ZRP) on ladder with this
Electric Spam - :regieleki::landorus-therian::magearna::arceus-electric::chien-pao::giratina-origin:- Almost loaded this week 4, ig i should have lol.
Cosmic Press Arc Fighting - :arceus-fighting::kyurem-white::giratina-origin::landorus-therian::terapagos-terastal::magearna:- Honestly no clue how this would work, seemed funny at least
NDW Setup Spam - :necrozma-dawn-wings::groudon::chien-pao::giratina-origin::arceus-electric::landorus-therian:- NDW in cheems hell didnt seem good but i was determined to try
Raging Bolt RP Lando I -:raging-bolt::arceus-steel::landorus::magearna::giratina-origin::chien-pao:- Raging bolt seemed pretty good, had mild success with this in some battles!

Final Comments
Again, despite going negative this was an amazing experience for me. Thank you so much to Frito and Fc for picking me up, and especially Frito for putting so much resources into helping me build, and teaching me more about battling and letting me do test games. Since I am pretty new to this, I was really worried I wouldn't be of much use and you showed me that I have what it takes to figure out this meta, and succeed in it.

And ofc thanks to my teammates, Pokemh for shitposting with me in the teamcord, Princess Autumn for actually loading my builds, and polt, Vertigo, Lana, DripLegend, and Charmriah for making the team such a positive space to be in. Also additional shoutout to the ND UUbers council for taking me on, and esp OceanicGamer for the test games and the chats!
Here's to the future :)
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Best of 1 (Weeks 1-2, no dedicated teams)

Fragments - Lose

:landorus: :magearna: :mewtwo: :Giratina: :quagsire: :Arceus poison: Gravity Lando
Basically Gravity Lando to hit Moltres and company with Earth Power, so basically the whole tier is hit. Hammer Arm for Blisseys. Threw my Giratina vs a sun team so I lost.

temp - Lose
:sneasler: :landorus: :slowking: :magearna: :arceus poison: :giratina: I hate sun
I got washed by sun week 1 and couldn't let that happen again so just put a Chilly Reception Slowking. I played bad in an already tough matchup vs Arceus Electric and got demolished once again.

Best of 3 (Weeks 3-5, dedicated teams on weeks 4 and 5)

Frito - Lose Win Win

:krookodile: :arceus electric: :dragonite: :magearna: :sneasler: :mewtwo: Krookodile
We had already won the week so I brought whatever. Krookodile hits both Giratina and Magearna + STAB Knock, so cool.

:espathra: :deoxys speed: :roaring moon: :zacian: :landorus: :arceus poison: Hypnosis Espathra
This team is for Imperial and Finchely. Tera Blast Espathra hits Magearna, and you rely on Hypnosis to sleep Dark-types and set up on them.

:solgaleo: :REshiram: :gastrodon: :arceus poison: :Zacian: :lugia: Band Solgaleo
Band Solgaleo goes crazy with barely no Steel resists in the tier, while Reshiram is a very underexplored choice that hits both Magearna and Giratina while spreading burns, which can unexpectedly deal with threats such as Ekillers.

Baddy - Win Win
:magearna: :Cyclizar: :arceus rock: :zacian: :landorus: :gouging fire: Shed Tail
Pretty straightforward, Shed Tail into whoever and win. Magearna won since Baddy brought a goofy ahh team that got 6-0 by Magearna. Team originally had Ballon Sneasler, which gets popped even behind sub, but my manager got mad at it.

:gholdengo: :ditto: :quagsire: :mandibuzz: :blissey: :arceus dark: Gholdi Ditto Stall
Baddy liked Garganacl and had offensive oriented teams too, so Ditto to avoid countersweeps, which I think worked here since Baddy was too scared of setting up and let me win. Quag rules.

Imperial - Win Win
:magearna: :chi yu: :arceus poison: :giratina: :corviknight: :palkia origin: Palkia + Cool Mag
This was a team I had prepared for Baddy, but Imperial had a similar scout and I had no ideas to build this week, so had to use it. Palkia's spread ensures the Substitute takes a Earthquake / Body Press from Garganacl. Tera Electric + Thunderbolt to hit Tera Water Garganacl. IronPress Corv helped a lot vs the scout.

:iron bundle: :Regieleki: :magearna: :giratina: :arceus dark: :zacian: Specs Bundle
Specs Bundle 2HKOs 252 HP Arceus so it was a no brainer. Regieleki helps with hazard control since Bundle is not running Boots and it can force Giratina in to pivot to Bundle and threaten an Ice Beam. Magearna Zap Cannon and Giratina Icy Wind helps dealing with Arceus Dark by making it slower than ours. Icy Wind hits Lando + makes Taunt Palafin and other mons slower so Giratina can hit them with Will-O-Wisp.

Cool tour even though I had a tough start. S/os to olivia Jusfordlolz OceanicGamer and Suzuya for really good help when building. Big s/os to JustCallMeFish for being the goat and helping everywhere. Clear MVP of the team and should really be drafted for every tour.
i am late but teams

the hrott team was unused

fun tour, IDK why i was so expensive when i dont play this tier at all buuuut i had a good time, thx for drafting moldy ol me. i think my teams were varied and unique enough which was nice, though a lot of L's being purely to RNG was unfort
Cool tour, found myself within a lot of innovation and it's nice to see other people with the same vision outside clicking webs 5 times.

Week 1 vs Monarchs (W)

Team was mainly built around SD LO Groudon + Alo, which looked quite solid into anything defensive that was likely to appear at a glance. s/o to M-Diancie who I swapped minutes before the game in particular, having done so to help vs the occasional HO lead, only it did way more than expected despite not getting anywhere near the MU I wanted.

Week 2 vs Strikers (L)
:gholdengo::palkia-origin::ribombee::great tusk::arceus-grass::iron boulder:

Palkia-O had a rather good MU with how easily it setup all over the plethora of waters and grounds of the tier with Webs helping offset its issues of tying into Arcs, was also hoping to put in the work with an unconventional Grassceus set aimed at getting around Tina-O's dominance. Unfortunately, things didn't end so hot given how much I overpredicted around Tina-O and CB Chien, not being the team's fault necessarily.

Week 3 vs SuperShaymin (W)

Not much to say for W3, but Shadow ended up taking over the slot and did really well into my most anticipated MU.

Week 4 vs Finizens (W)

Galarian Slowking my beloved, had to revise this exact build based on something Fc brought in seasonals plenty but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out here, with it notably checking all matter of CM Arcs, Dragons, and Weather stuff depending on Tera while not being as passive into them as something like Toxapex or Alomomola, instead enabling Chien to reach its full potential. Fragments also ended up getting an insane MU with offensive Tina-O into Webs, and even MMX's extra bulk clutching for extra points vs Steelceus even if SSneak threatened to clean earlier.

Week 5 vs Deoxys' (W)
:palafin-hero::ribombee::roaring moon::arceus-electric::gholdengo::kyurem-white:

Palafin-H has been quite underexplored in the tier, and with no more Tina-O to blank it, I wanted to try out a set that won an NDAMs tour; Sub likewise makes it quite effective at taking advantage of Alo whereas the boost from Punching Glove + Tera can be quite effective at blasting its way through most offensive mons after a BU. Also did not expect DD Arc to do so much work into Pex + Scarf Lando but it ended up being huge seeing as my opp actually switched to TSpikes which I was otherwise heavily anticipating / fearful of.

Finals vs SuperShaymin (L)

Got to bond with Celeste over experiences with offensive Lando during the bye season, and I honestly can't press on it enough that you even made me consider it for finals given what was to be a surefire BO/Balance faceoff! Everything subjective on Lando aside, whether the defensive tera, going Z-Moves, or even TB Water, this team looked to be quite excellent into the variety of offense builds in the tier with how much anti-offense tech there was, while having a "defense" mode to use against bulkier teams with Alo and recover M2. It's rather unfortunate that I couldn't pilot the team better, especially with Lando around Gliscor/Dialga, which could've helped a lot with enabling Scarf Urshifu and Gambit in the end, but I don't think one bad instance of it disqualifies the nuance you have for this tier as shown in stuff like this. Keep it up!

A lot of these leftovers I'm leaving for free use were ideas built in my spare time whether myself or with others in the cord, also divided below outside their respective metas are less serious teams I brought in roomtours/friendlies.


Got the idea to use Gastrodon after playing a few BDSP sets for another teamtour, and its niche from there came over rather handily, role compressing hazards and a check to various CM Arcs while also being able to stretch the typing to other balance annoyances such as Palkia-O and M-Toise.

:cyclizar::arceus-steel::deoxys::roaring moon::blastoise-mega::chien-pao:

Opened me up to immunity shuffling on Shed Tail which is insanely toxic as a concept but fine with the lower type variety and offensive mons being less punishing.


:garchomp::giratina-origin::tyranitar-mega::zamazenta::dialga::clefable: don't use this
:dialga-origin::iron valiant::spectrier::arceus-flying::ursaluna-bloodmoon::roaring moon:
:arceus-ice::glimmora::gouging fire::roaring moon::gholdengo::kingambit:

Simple HO around Iceceus, a mon I decided to put to work after seeing it dominate in SV. While the offensive typing isn't so immediately noticeable for the defensive drawbacks here, Ice STAB for several notable flying/dragons pays off once you look past its main role as an enabler.

:mewtwo-mega-x::tapu lele::landorus-therian::dialga::mandibuzz::arceus-fighting:
:kyurem-white::mewtwo-mega-x::landorus-therian::arceus-steel::tapu lele::samurott-hisui:

Wanted to test out Lele, which I don't think is that bad outside Psyspam teams becoming increasingly obsolete, STABs and FSight give it real breaking power while AV lets it soft-check Dragons and CM Arcs to a good extent, and the terrain support eliminating potential Ekillers and Sucker mindgames was very much appreciated. Had the rest built in a way that helps overload common Mage/Steelceus too.


Actually really solid, and very likely the ideal TR style. Me and Celeste ultimately settled on Grass Ekiller specifically for the Arc slot which worked great to patch up issues into Ground GDarm and other Grounds + the usual needs of a solid speed control and 2nd in and out sweeper.


Good BO, Palkia has real potential > Origin forme with anti-meta scarfing capabilities + Trick to mess with bulkier teams relying on blobs for Origin while keeping a lot of the same offensive fundamentals, not something that can be brought as a habit but it absolutely has its niche.


More Steelceus offense with a followup to Specs Dialga, decided to run a more offensive build while relying on both to level the field into bulkier stuff with the resists offered by Steel + Trick as a result.


:giratina::samurott-hisui::skeledirge::landorus-therian::arceus-grass::dialga: don't use this
:iron bundle::kingambit::landorus-therian::terapagos-stellar::arceus-grass::moltres:
:palkia-origin::iron treads::latios::arceus-poison::iron valiant::necrozma-dawn-wings:
:landorus-therian::arceus-electric::lucario-mega::iron treads::kingambit::palkia-origin:
:charizard-mega-y::kingambit::walking wake::hatterene::arceus-poison::landorus-therian:
:palkia-origin::darkrai::landorus::araquanid::arceus-poison::dragapult: don't use this
~ #1 Dialga addict in the friendlies tier.

A little cliche to say is that I ended up having a lot of fun despite being way out of expectations in being drafted. Of course, I'm ok with how things turned out, it was only fair given the personal 2-2 record, other people wanting a shot too, and I ended up picking up a lot of enthusiasm for this tier regardless.

In particular, Finchely and Poosh_i did a great job with the roster, I'll always look back at the things when it comes down to anything UUbers related, and thanks to Fragments and Shadow079 for taking over the section in spectacular fashion while I wasn't around. Finally, special s/os to Celeste and FishyRoads for being excellent supporting presences in the teamcord.
GGs everyone! :plusle: :minun:

I had a ton of fun playing in this tournament! It was my first ever time playing in a competitive tournament that isn't Draft League, so I was certainly surprised to have gone for as much as I did in the auction and really didn't wanna dissapoint. I have ZERO experience with any smogon tier, yet alone one as completely undeveloped as SS UUbers felt, so in a way I felt like my Draft League experience would help me in developing creative and unique approaches to what at first felt like a very limited metagame.

Week 1 vs Lyra (W)
:dialga: :hatterene: :marowak-alola: :melmetal: :porygon2: :genesect:
Immediate thing that Rasche and I noticed was the severe lack of sustainable steel resists in the meta, and we theoried how unlikely Toxapex felt on anything other than a stall team due to the threat of Dugtrio. We built this team around Banded Melmetal but soon found that Dialgia under Trick Room posed a unique threat of its own, constantly forcing one-for-one trades with Steel Beam. Marowak-Alola truly shined with this team, especially with Healing Wish support - a sudden swap from Substitute to Low Kick highkey won me this match, with the original intention being to guarantee an OHKO on Urshi-Single, but it actually took out a Tyranitar on a key prediction turn during the match.

Week 2 vs Charmriah (L)
:dragapult: :garchomp: :naganadel: :regieleki: :urshifu: :zamazenta:
Without question the team I felt least comfortable with headed into a match in this tournament. I didn't have a ton of time this week so this team was mostly prepared by Rasche. I actually think it was pretty good as far as offense goes but it was definately a very all-or-nothing strategy. general premise was lead Garchomp looks strong into the rest of the meta, sets rocks, breaks, and paves the way for four heavy hitters behind screens. Fundamental issue though is it really lacked any support, which proved problematic running into a very fat Tangrowth-Fini core that shut down most of this offense.

Week 3 vs Pooshi (L)
:diancie: :dragapult: :melmetal: :necrozma-dawn-wings: :porygon2: :solgaleo:
It was at this point where I somewhat felt like I was frustrated with offense teams but also was reluctant to try heading into the balance-direction, since I find weird offense strats to be my power on the Draft scene. In a weird way, I actually liked this team. It was Trick Room again, but instead of Alolan Marowak it was focused on a Necrozma-Dawn-Wings that could exploit Chansey as a swap-in tthrough Substitute. Diancie was the goofy guy on this team. In order to fit Necrozma-DW, I felt I needed an additional Trick Room setter, but also one that resisted Urshifu's Wicked Blow. I opted to discard Clefable on the original version in favor of Diancie. It was not that great but was fun to try. In the end, this was probably my second favorite match of the tournament, as it was so back and forth and in the end came down to a few clutch turns and Flame Body gambles both of which went in Poosh's way.

Week 4 vs Fishy (W)
:lugia: :heatran: :necrozma-dawn-wings: :solgaleo: :tapu-fini: :urshifu:
Huge shoutouts to Poosh_i for the assist on this one. He really helped on the pivot to balance and a lot of his takes stuck with me positively through the rest of the season. I noticed that Lugia was seeing virtually zero play in the tier, which made sense, given the existance of Giratina-Origin and Urshifu, but I felt as though offensive Lugia bizarrely clapped the entire meta. Aeroblast+Earth Power saw basically no stops outside of Chansey and the aforementioned Scarf Urshifu. I felt despite everyone thinking I was crazy, Scraft Dawn Wings succeeded at baiting out both mons and clicking Knock Off, allowing Lugia to better break Chansey and outspeed Urshifu. Tapu Fini also trapped fat Spdef Mons and Helmet Solgaleo allowed me sufficient chip on Melmetal for Lugia to beat it. I was really proud of this one! And while Lugia didn't sweep, it delivered powerful Aeroblasts for Scarf Dawn Wings to clean off the back of some pretty obnoxious Taunt spam for Fishy's team.

Week 5 vs Abra (W)
:naganadel: :giratina-origin: :dugtrio: :reshiram: :urshifu: :clefable:
Honestly I just wanted to use Naganadel, and I found that it worked really well against Heatran with Eject Pack into Dugtrio. In the end this team was a bit more of a reversion to offense for me, but had the added support of Clefable for rocks and not outright losing to Urshifu (broken guy). Giratina-Origin was soooo much fun to spam powerful Poltergeists with, especially without fear of Chansey. In the end Reshiram found itself the MVP of this team, securing a sweep against my opponent after a crucial Sludge Wave prediction with Naganadel against Tapu Fini trying to catch a Draco Meteor. The other mon I wanted to highlight was Custap Berry Dugtrio, which successfully halted my opponents plans with Scarf Excadrill after Endure Custap Dugtrio was able to trap and KO it. Against mons like Naganadel, Scarf Urshifu, Magearna, Melmetal under Trick Room, etc, Custap Berry Dugtrio really does feel like the optimal Duggy set this meta.

Semifinals vs Lyra (W)
:giratina-origin: :urshifu: :solgaleo: :tapu-fini: :chansey: :reshiram:
Honestly this team was just three offensive powerhouses I loved and some defensive support peices. Wanted to stick to what I felt comfortable with for this crucial game. And wow, the last team I expected brought against me in Semis was stall, but I was soooo happy I had loaded up this team against it, as Trapping Fini (I love this mon) swiftly dismantled my opponent's peices, and would have continued to do so had I played a lot less recklessly. Thankfully, the opponents team was pretty susceptable to Reshiram's STABs, and after some trapping and Nature's Madnessing, Reshiram was able to break enough of the team for Giratina and Urshifu to win in the end.

Finals vs Pooshi (W)
:solgaleo: :dugtrio: :tapu-fini: :necrozma-dawn-wings: :urshifu: :mandibuzz:
General idea behind this team was that Pooshi really likes his fat Solgaleos, so I wanted to make an offensive Weakness Policy one that would catch its Knock Off or EQ and proceed to sweep the game. I thought this was especially cool since it felt like SS UUbers hadn't really done much with Offensive Solgaleo yet in spite of how powerful Steel Types are this format. Enter....Rotom-Heat?? One of the last mons I expected to see ended up making Solgaleo useless, but thankfully Urshifu is god and was able to pull through. The slow pivot in Mandibuzz supports Urshifu well, allowing safe-switchins and Knock Off Support. Calm Mind Iron Defense Tapu Fini functions as a really nice secondary win-condition that can Iron Defense on a lot of Opposing threats like Zamazenta and Solgaleo. Once again Custap Berry Dugtrio reigns supreme.

Tldr: I had fun! Thanks so much to Rasche and a fairy for taking a shot on me despite no experience in this tier, and thanks to Baddy Rasche Ineros olivia Poosh_i and ilikeeatingcrayons for the prep support :)