I didn't think I'd be posting this so soon but, here we are.
This tour has been a first for me in many ways. It was my first time being a manager, it was the first time the teams I built started to see real success, it was my first time making it to the finals of a team tournament, and it was the first time I saw a real chance at achieving something in this tier.
I'm sad that the run ended here, but I can't keep dwelling on the past, and need to keep moving forward.
I've known you since the beginning of Mulchgang back when that was just a group DM, but I've never worked so closely with you until now. And what a time it was. I can still vividly remember sitting in a call with you during the auction, and the sheer excitement I felt as everything just seemingly kept going our way. Thank you for being my co-manager, thank you for picking up the slack when I dropped the ball, and thank you for keeping me in check when I my ideas were overcooked. Thank you for all the fun times we had, and I hope to work with you more in the future.
My goodness you would not believe how I felt when we were able to purchase you in the auction - just within budget no less. I had a great time building for you, and thank you so much for putting up a great performance even if you weren't drafted by the Deoxes. Your enthusiasm towards testing teams and friendly banter with Terra was always very enjoyable, and I'm so glad that I got the chance to work with you. Furthermore, while it might not seem like it, I really did appreciate your words of encouragement and advice that I received from you occasionally during the tour. You were everything I expected when I purchased you in the auction, and so much more. Thank you Aberforth for all your work, and I hope to see you sometime again in the future.
PS I swear I had no clue that you and Terra had history with each other
While you hardly played for us, I
cannot understate how much of a core member you were to the Orthworms. You brought an unorthodox teambuilding perspective that opened my eyes to the possibilities within the tier, and were an incredibly massive help with all the teambuilding you contributed to this team. Without you, I
certainly would've been crushed under the weight of building teams for the rest of our members. Pooshi was actually the one who vouched hard for you before and during the auction. I was a little hesitant at first cause I wasn't sure who you were and I had mixed experiences with a chronic crack loader in UMPL, but I'm so glad that I ended up listening to Pooshi cause good lord you were one of the most foundational members of this team. I loved working with you during UUbersPL, and will definitely be monitoring your exploits in this tier to come.
I truly must apologize to you. Throughout the tournament, I pushed for slotting you against tough opponents such as Medeia and Rasche, yet dropped the ball when it came to prep work when that was clearly what you needed the most. Looking back on the time I spent in this tour, I realize that I prioritized prepping for other slots over yours because I got to know those people better. I truly have no excuses, and I regret that I couldn't have done more to support you throughout the tournament. Thank you for all the work despite the difficulties, and I hope you still found enjoyment playing this tier.
I must be honest, we did not plan on drafting you. I kept upbidding you cause I wasn't about to just let the Deoxes take you for some measly 5k or something, and then oopsies would ya look at that they stopped bidding. Regardless, I'm still glad that I got to work with you again so soon. I wasn't sure you still had it in you because of your performance in UMPL, but you ended up having a stellar showing. You went 4-1, the best record of anyone on our team, and I couldn't be prouder. I had a bunch of fun with you on the team, and I'll be sure to nab you again if I ever manage for a team tour you sign up for!
Sorry for leaving you stranded in the ND slot. I tried to pick up the tier at the beginning of the tournament, but never ended up sticking with it due to being busy with other tiers including building so much for SV TwT. That said, thank you for sticking with us and persevering in spite of the lack of support. On top of that, I really enjoyed all the small chit-chats we had on showdown PMs, and I'm glad that you reached out to me every now and then. The conversation was very welcome, and made me feel a little more comfortable. I don't think I'll be really involving myself with ND in the future, so if this is the last time we see each other for a while, I wish you all the best. Ty for the great tournament season, and gl with any future endeavors!
It's been quite a bit of time since we last conversed. For what it's worth, I did very much enjoy the testing we did in the early weeks of UUbersPL, and I have to say that you really did get me started with the improvements in my teambuilding skill that I developed throughout the tour. I remember giving you a scarf Cobalion team and playing out a super-drawn-out endgame which you ultimately ended up winning. It was a really fun game, but your feedback afterwards really got me thinking of how to improve the team, which set me off on a path of learning how to teambuild better. It's a shame that you weren't as active during the middle and end of the tour, but I quite understand and bear no ill will. Thanks for being a fun person, and I hope everything goes well with managing PU!
You kept asking why I needed pics of your guinea pigs, now you see. Patience my child. In all seriousness though, you seriously were an invaluable part of the team to the point that I'd say you're an honorary Orthworm. Ever since you joined as a helper in week 2, you've provided tests and teambuilding help in every tier covered in this tour, and I'm sure that we would not have done as well if you weren't with us. I actually really wanted to nab you in the auction, but alas you ended up going for more than we were willing to spend on you. But I'm so glad that you ended up deciding to help us out anyways, as your presence was greatly felt throughout the team. I don't think I need a particularly thought-out conclusion here lol. We're both buds. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're gonna achieve in this tier!
Lastly, one final shoutout to
Celeste and
Mozonite for coming in in the final week to help liven up the place and help out around the cord, you two were really fun to have and I wished we could've worked together more throughout the regular season.
Qbking3... well I hope your dog finds a suitable new owner :snicker:
PS: Stay tuned for my ultra-special teamdump which I'll probably get around to posting tomorrow