UU Team of Favorites

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This is simply a team of Pokemon which I enjoy aesthetically more than anything. It is also the first team I plan to construct with EVs and planned out move-sets etc. However, comments and criticisms are more than welcome, as long as they don't change too many of the Pokemon. Competitiveness is preferable, but not the main thing here.

Solrock @ Wide Lens
Ability: Levitate
EVs: HP 100, Atk 156, SpDef 252
Sassy Nature (+SpDef, -Spd)
Trick Room
Stone Edge

I picked him as a starter as I wanted something a little bit different and unexpected to begin with. The idea is that he will Trick Room unless faced by a physical sweeper, in which case he may will-o-wisp instead. As long as he is not OHKOed though, he is sure to at least explode.

Donphan @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 6HP, 252 Def, 252 Atk
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

Donphan is my favorite Pokemon, thus the inclusion. Its job is mainly to fill the gaps left by the rest of the team while being a little different from your regular Donphan. Maybe I should alter the nature to make him more bulky; I'm not sure.

Miltank @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP, 130 Def, 126 SpDef
Sassy Nature (+SpDef, -Spd)
Milk Drink
Thunder Wave
Heal Bell
Body Slam

This is the Pokemon that I am least sure about, mainly because I'm not enthused by it in general. However, it is my favorite UU or under Heal Bell/ Aromatherapy user, and I really need one for all my Resters. TWave is for making up for the general slowness of the team.

Magmortar @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 HP, 6 SpDef, 252 SpAtk
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)

This was fairly brainless, having as wide a type coverage as possible and packing a high special attack. Merely to take out physical walls and the like.

Cloyster @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armour
EVs: 6 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Def
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)
Ice Beam

Cloyster is also a firm favorite and my choice for a physical wall. Spikes were added in case he is needed early game, and the rest are for large STAB damage and HP restoral with Heal Bell support.

Muk @ Wide Lens
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 100 Atk, 252 SpDef, 158 HP
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
Gunk Shot

Muk is a standard toxi-staller with a powerful STAB Gunk Shot, supported by the wide lens. It should be fairly difficult to shift.

And that's the team. Hope it was too naively put together and I look forward to your guidance.
You should take a look at the RMT rules before reposting. We require that you test your team before putting it up for rate and your descriptions are extremely lacking and not up to par with rule 3. If you fix the above problems PM me and I'll unlock this thread.
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