UU Stall (Unbreakable Fortress)

This team was incredibly straight forward and extremely successful. I literally hopped into the team builder and built this team no problem. I never made any changes to anything, and I never encountered any problem. It's almost not fun to use this team, as there is never any challenge.


Slowbro @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
- Psych Up
- Psyshock
- Scald
- Slack Off

Slowbro is the best bulky water to ever grace the face of UU. With a great defensive typing that gives it a resistance to Fighting moves, it holds this team together. I did a fairly standard EV Spread and Move Selection; however, Psych Up is there to hopefully catch a Suicune mid-set-up to steal its boosts. Psyshock is there over Psychic just in case I do steal those boosts so I can hit Suicune on its unboosted stat. Slowbro is one of the most important Pokemon on this team.


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 208 HP / 124 Def / 176 SDef
Careful Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Body Slam
- Whirlwind

Ah, everyone's favorite fat ass. Snorlax is the best Specially Defensive Mon in UU because it doesn't get demolished by Chandelure. Chandy spells doom for stall and balance teams without Snorlax, so it was a given to have it on this stall team. Standard EV's and Move Choices. No surprise move like Slowbro has. This set works especially well with the hazards my team reliably sets up. Sometimes, though, I get a bit unlucky with RestTalk, but most the time Snorlax wears down the opponent's team to no end.


Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Impish Nature
- Close Combat
- Rapid Spin
- Sucker Punch
- Toxic

A stall team needs a spinner, especially when everything is grounded. However, UU is lacking in the spinner department. I needed Slowbro, and I didn't want to stack weaknesses, so Blastoise is out. Claydol is just bad period, and I generally avoid it. That leaves me with Hitmontop. Hitmontop is usually in Blastoise's massive shell-shaped shadow, but this team gives it a chance to shine. It backs up Slowbro and lessens the pressure on it. I run a Standard Set with Standard Move Choices, but I don't think people run Toxic that often. I run it because it can wear down the ghosts that Snorlax can easily wall. Hitmontop is especially effective on this team because without it, Krookodile would sweep right through me.


Chandelure @ Leftovers
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 68 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 184 Spd
Modest Nature
- Substitute
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball

Chandelure, the hardest hitting special thing in UU, on a stall team? Yup. It gives great resistances, and it destroys the mons that try and blow the hazards away. Chandy can also force switches, rack up hazard damage, and set up a Sub to cause even more damage. It is also Trick fodder, as nothing else on this team really appreciates a Choice Item.


Roserade @ Black Sludge
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Spd
Calm Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Rest
- Spikes

Roserade was banned from PO for a reason. It EASILY sets up Spikes, and it walls many of the special attackers in UU. Again, completely Standard Set. Blastoise, the most common spinner, is demolished by Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb catches Fire Types on the switch, and Rest completely restores Rosy in all weathers. It is the most defensive Spiker, and was a given on this team.


Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Trait: Solid Rock
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake
- Protect​

Rhyperior is another of the life saver Pokemon on this team. It prevent Raikou and Zapdos lacking HP Grass from COMPLETELY man-handling this team. The EV Spread is just now Standard, and I ran it before it was, so I kind of feel like a pioneer of sorts. It prevents Raikou's +1 HP Ice 2HKO, and prevents an OHKO from Zapdos's HP Grass. The moveset is Standard as well, but I threw Protect in the last slot to surprise Mienshao and making it take half its health off. It does all this while ALSO setting up Stealth Rocks. Great mon.​

I'm proud of this team's success, as it hasn't lost yet. The only thing that has been a bit bothersome is opposing stall teams, especially ones with Snorlax, as Chandelure can't destroy them as easily. Suggestions are welcome!
this isn't a real stall team and shame on you for saying it is. now that stall is harder to make in pokemon people are changing their criteria of stall so they can put pokemon that are false stallers (chandelure?!?! PULEASE!) just to keep the idea of stall "alive" (but you're actually killing it >:c). that makes me so sad :'[

but ok here's a rate! chandelure=change to curse rest will o wisp seismic toss max hp and some def and spdef dusclops. this allows you to beat mienshao, most heracross, most machamp, block against blastoise, block against hitmontop with stone edge, and have general utility to wall things like scarf flygon which chandelure cannot. you lose power to hurt things and a fire immunity but screw that slowbro already eats up fires for breakfast (except sunny day arcanine but you might as well be afraid of crunch on arcanine then) while still losing to chandelure however. outright power is quite unecessary for stall.

second i advise you to change toxic to foresight on hitmontop since all your pokes are quite weak to hazards and foresight almost ensures that hazards will stay off.

third i advise you to run aromatherapy on roserade over sludge bomb as most your team has rest and all of it is weak to status (poisoned bro is a bad bro) while losing to raikou and opposing roserade is insignificant as you have a snorlax to beat them with.

those are some changes but since im not testing it out, why don't you try it out and if they work (tell me!) then i have advice on rhyperior too.