UU Scizor


Banned deucer.
Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 104 Def / 140 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Roost

Scizor's unique defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and ability to threaten most of the tier make it one of UU's scariest pivot. Thanks to Knock Off, it can cripple item-reliant answers such as Moltres, Salamence and Rotom-H, Roost allows it to answer common Pokemon like Nihilego and Zarude and pivot more freely. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to revenge kill threats such as Azelf and Zygarde-10%. Heavy-Duty Boots makes it easier for Scizor to pivot and lets it not waste turns using Roost. Alternatively, Scizor can run Rocky Helmet to better punish Zarude and Jirachi. Offensive Pokemon like Primarina and Thundurus-T enjoy Scizor bringing them in safely against walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Mandibuzz pairs well with Scizor, serving as a check to Chandelure.
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Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 104 Def / 140 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Roost

Scizor's unique defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and threatening nature this is confusing esp with nature meaning something else. i'd say something like "ability to threaten most of the tier" or "offensive prowess" instead make it one of UU's scariest pivot. Thanks to Knock Off, it can cripple answers reliant on their items such as Moltres, Salamence and Rotom-W if you're going to mention a rotom reliant on its item, i'd make it rotom-h while its access to reliable recovery in Roost allows it to answer common Pokemon like Nihilego and Zarude, allowing it to pivot more freely. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to revenge kill threats such as Azelf and Zygarde-10%. Heavy-Duty Boots make Scizor's job easier as a Pokemon constantly switching in and out of the field, allowing it to not waste turns roosting. I'd prefer this sentence talk about specific scenarios that boots allows it to switch into, rather than something this general. Alternatively, Scizor can instead opt to run Rocky Helmet to better punish Pokemon like Zarude and Jirachi, though it is the less popular option due to hazards limiting its effectiveness as a pivot. Offensive Pokemon like Primarina and Raikou Thundurus-T enjoy Scizor bringing them in safely against walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Raikou even forms a VoltTurn core alongside it, constantly maintaining the momentum. Defensive Pokemon like Mandibuzz pair well with Scizor, serving as a check to Aegislash and Chandelure.

QC 1/1!
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Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 104 Def / 140 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Roost

Scizor's unique defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and ability to threaten most of the tier make it one of UU's scariest pivot. Thanks to Knock Off, it can cripple answers reliant on their items item-reliant answers such as Moltres, Salamence and Rotom-H,(AC) while its access to reliable recovery in Roost allows it to answer common Pokemon like Nihilego and Zarude,(RC) allowing it to and pivot more freely. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to revenge kill threats such as Azelf and Zygarde-10%. Heavy-Duty Boots make Scizor's job easier as a Pokemon constantly switching in and out of the field, allowing it to not waste turns roosting makes it easier for Scizor to pivot and lets it not waste turns using Roost. Alternatively, Scizor can opt to run Rocky Helmet to better punish Zarude and Jirachi. Offensive Pokemon like Primarina and Thundurus-T enjoy Scizor bringing them in safely against walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Defensive Pokemon like Mandibuzz pairs well with Scizor, serving as a check to Aegislash and Chandelure. (This seems like more so for Mandibuzz than defensive Pokemon)
GP 1/1