Project UU Next Best Thing Crown Tundra Edition: Week 52: Slowking | Voting Phase

Offensive Trick Room (OTR) Hatterene
Hatterene (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Psyshock
- Mystical Fire
- Dazzling Gleam

This Hatterene functions on Trick Room teams, and rather than just getting Trick Room up and going into a Trick Room abuser, this Hatterene aims to abuse Trick Room itself. A Modest max SpA Hatterene reaches an impressive 408 SpA, with Life Orb boosting the damage output even further. Hatterene's natural bulk means it will usuallly be able to set Trick Room up for itself to begin attacking as well. Finally, even if Hatterene goes down while attacking, another Trick Room abuser can be brought in for free while Trick Room is active afterwards, meaning Hatterene is still contributing even after it faints. Dazzling Gleam was chosen over Draining Kiss for this reason - longevity is not as important as doing damage for this Hatterene after Trick Room goes up.
Assault Vest
Hatterene @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 140 SpA / 112 SpD
Modest Nature
- Future Sight
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Mystical Fire

Assault Vest allows Hatterene to live more hits than usual and hit back with its good coverage and decent power, and it also provides utility with a powerful Future Sight. The given spread is to live Choice Specs Aegislash's Shadow Ball from full, but more or less bulk is an option.
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Healing Wish Hatterene :ss/hatterene:
Hatterene (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Psyshock
- Healing Wish
- Dazzling Gleam

This set underlines Hatterene's good traits (low Spe, high SpA and good natural bulk), including its ability that prevent Taunt from being effective.
Psyshock + Dazzling Gleam is the dual STAB combination, and is quite effective with 252 SpA+ EVs.

Trick Room can be useful to use that low Spe stat alongside Life Orb + Magic Bounce that negates the recoil.
Healing Wish is an underrated supporting move that allows you to exchange a (weakened) Hatterene for a fully recharged teammate, such as a cleaner or a sweeper. Take in account that Hatterene doesn't have Regenerator (unlike Reuniclus) to restore its own health, so it is destined to perish anyway: Healing Wish is a good way to differenciate itself from Reuniclus.
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Voting Phase
The Voting phase will last until Saturday, January 22nd at 11:59 pm EST (GMT -5)
Offensive Trick Room (OTR) Hatterene
Hatterene (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Psyshock
- Mystical Fire
- Dazzling Gleam

This Hatterene functions on Trick Room teams, and rather than just getting Trick Room up and going into a Trick Room abuser, this Hatterene aims to abuse Trick Room itself. A Modest max SpA Hatterene reaches an impressive 408 SpA, with Life Orb boosting the damage output even further. Hatterene's natural bulk means it will usuallly be able to set Trick Room up for itself to begin attacking as well. Finally, even if Hatterene goes down while attacking, another Trick Room abuser can be brought in for free while Trick Room is active afterwards, meaning Hatterene is still contributing even after it faints. Dazzling Gleam was chosen over Draining Kiss for this reason - longevity is not as important as doing damage for this Hatterene after Trick Room goes up.
Assault Vest
Hatterene @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 140 SpA / 112 SpD
Modest Nature
- Future Sight
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Mystical Fire

Assault Vest allows Hatterene to live more hits than usual and hit back with its good coverage and decent power, and it also provides utility with a powerful Future Sight. The given spread is to live Choice Specs Aegislash's Shadow Ball from full, but more or less bulk is an option.
Healing Wish Hatterene :ss/hatterene:
Hatterene (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Psyshock
- Healing Wish
- Dazzling Gleam

This set underlines Hatterene's good traits (low Spe, high SpA and good natural bulk), including its ability that prevent Taunt from being effective.
Psyshock + Dazzling Gleam is the dual STAB combination, and is quite effective with 252 SpA+ EVs.

Trick Room can be useful to use that low Spe stat alongside Life Orb + Magic Bounce that negates the recoil.
Healing Wish is an underrated supporting move that allows you to exchange a (weakened) Hatterene for a fully recharged teammate, such as a cleaner or a sweeper. Take in account that Hatterene doesn't have Regenerator (unlike Reuniclus) to restore its own health, so it is destined to perish anyway: Healing Wish is a good way to differenciate itself from Reuniclus.

Thank you to everybody who submitted a set and have fun voting!

Now that the voting phase has ended, its time to announce our winner! Week 48's winner is OTR by Celebiii! Congratulations and thank you all for participating! Your submission will be added to the Hall of Fame shortly!​
This week's Next Best Thing is...

Week 48: Heracross


After previously thought to be viable, Herracross was soon unranked after just one VR update. After mulling over thier losses, Heracross has hired you to find a new set that will restore it to its former glory!

Banned Sets
:Flame Orb:
(click me)

You have until Wednesday, January 23red at 11:59 pm EST (GMT -5) to submit your set!
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Heracross @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Guts
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 Spe
Impish Nature
- Close Combat
- Spikes
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Just gonna copy directly from my Creative and Underrated Sets post:
What this Heracross does is completely blank Excadrill and Zarude and sets up Spikes in their face. It also packs recovery with RestTalk, and Close Combat becomes stronger while Heracross is sleeping! It also makes a great Spore absorber for this reason, and can set up Spikes in Amoonguss and Tangrowth's faces as well. The Speed EVs outspeed Adamant Mamoswine.
EndureReversal Heracross

Heracross @ Salac Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reversal
- Endure
- Knock Off
- Megahorn

Here we have a different approach with Heracross with the combination of Endure+Salac Berry in order to ensure the +1 Spe, while having the freedom to use one of the three coverage moves.
In particular, Reversal here con outdamage Close Combat because Endure is basically a Focus Sash.

Moxie is picked over Guts because in this set the former ability is maneageable, unlike the latter one.
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Heracross @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

This set has sweeping potential as once it gets going its hard to stop it as it racks up boosts esp late game when everything it weakened
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Moxie Band Heracross


Heracross @ Choice Band
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Megahorn / Stone edge
- Spikes

Hi, since scarf is taken, I propose you the banded set. 85's is ok without being amazing either but it’s plenty in terms of speed to do damage because you can be overwhelmed by rotom forms or hydreigon. but you can outspeed chandelure, necrozma or gyarados. Close Combat is an overpowering stab while Knock Off allows you to touch ghosts and remove the item. Spikes allows it to have utility by putting the hazards. Finally, Megahorn is a stab that allows ohko offensives bulu like SD after rocks or banded while Stone Edge is a great coverage for flying types like Gyarados or Togekiss.

This is my 100th post. Congratulations to me :)
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Suicide Lead Heracross
Heracross @ Focus Sash
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Double-Edge

This is a unique option for a hazard setting lead on hyper offense - it can set Spikes while providing some offensive pressure against entry hazard removal options like Excadrill, Mandibuzz and Rotom-W. Knock Off is needed to not be completely walled by Aegislash and Chandelure, while Double-Edge is chosen not only for some coverage against Flying-types, but also because the recoil damage can let low HP Heracross sacrifice itself to prevent Defog.
Now that the voting phase has ended, its time to announce our winner! Week 49's winner is RestTalk + Spikes by Celebiii ! Congratulations and thank you all for participating! Your submission will be added to the Hall of Fame shortly!​
This week's Next Best Thing is...
good god we're running out of Pokémon

Week 50: Tangrowth


Ever since dropping to UU, Tangrowth has proven itself to be a more then capable physically defensive pivot. However, they have recently hired you to change that! "I'm really tired of tanking attack after attack" they whine. "Please, help me find a set that no longer puts me in competition with my brother, Amoonguss". Tangrowth has then hired you to help them find just such a set! How will you explore their potential?

Banned Sets
:Assault Vest: :Rocky Helmet:
(click me)

You have until Wednesday, February 2nd at 11:59 pm EST (GMT -5) to submit your set!
Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Def / 200 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Curse
- Amnesia
- Rest
- Seed Bomb

Chinese registeel but not... double dance tang can boost its attack and sp. def to make it so it can set up on even amoong and special attackers especially with the sp. def ev's. These calcs show how bulky it is on the special side at +2 as it can setup over defensive pokemon and boost up to the point it can 6-0 teams especially ones who dont use skarm, steela as their steel

0 SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. +2 252 HP / 200 SpD Tangrowth: 75-88 (18.5 - 21.7%) -- possible 5HKO
0 SpA Primarina Moonblast vs. +2 252 HP / 200 SpD Tangrowth: 79-94 (19.5 - 23.2%) -- possible 5HKO
8 SpA Rotom-Heat Overheat vs. +2 252 HP / 200 SpD Tangrowth: 186-222 (46 - 54.9%) -- 61.3% chance to 2HKO
0 SpA Amoonguss Sludge Bomb vs. +2 252 HP / 200 SpD Tangrowth: 108-128 (26.7 - 31.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO