Announcement Using the Past Format Discussion Subforum

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Past Battle Stadium and Battle Spot Discussion

This will be the forum for discussion of all past formats of BSS. In the past we would archive the entire subforum but that made it difficult to discuss and find resources for past generations of BSS, so the aim of this subforum will be to consolidate that into this hub. Resource threads from previous generations will be compiled here for future reference, but if there's any resource or project you think is missing or want to help create or maintain any new resources here, feel free to ask any of the forum staff about it! Whether it's a team dump thread for Swsh Series 9 or Viability Rankings for GBU, this is the place for those threads!

As the rulesets for current gen continue to change as well, we may also begin to move stuff from previous rulesets here as well, so this section will eventually include all past formats and not simply formats from the previous generations so that the main forum can be focused on the active rulesets and competition formats. Otherwise, enjoy reminiscing about the old days of Gems, Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamax here!
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