Approved by the TLs (and me)
This thread will help you observe metagame development throughout our circuit tournaments. We believe it will be a great resource for the community and will help users in;
- Teambuilding: This resource can help you affirm what Pokemon are the most flexible and used in tournaments, allowing you to know what meta or anti-meta Pokemon to utilize. Additionally, it can help team building as 2-Pokemon cores and full teams will be shared.
- Formulate metagame opinions: You can use the usage stats below to be able to highlight your opinion with stats when it comes to metagame discussion. While the primary shared stats might not be enough, we will try and add more stats (such as items...) when we find a way to add them.
- Documentation: Because we get these conversations around metagames from time-to-time.
As of the thread creation date; the sheet contains:
- Individual Pokemon Stats
- Combo of 2
- Full Teams Previews
- 1v1 Global Cup III
The usage of a sheet make loading the thread easier, and allow the user to filter by Pokemon or whatever they want for easier data viewing. If there's any additional info you would like us to add feel free to suggest in the 1v1 Discord.
This thread will help you observe metagame development throughout our circuit tournaments. We believe it will be a great resource for the community and will help users in;
- Teambuilding: This resource can help you affirm what Pokemon are the most flexible and used in tournaments, allowing you to know what meta or anti-meta Pokemon to utilize. Additionally, it can help team building as 2-Pokemon cores and full teams will be shared.
- Formulate metagame opinions: You can use the usage stats below to be able to highlight your opinion with stats when it comes to metagame discussion. While the primary shared stats might not be enough, we will try and add more stats (such as items...) when we find a way to add them.
- Documentation: Because we get these conversations around metagames from time-to-time.
As of the thread creation date; the sheet contains:
- Individual Pokemon Stats
- Combo of 2
- Full Teams Previews
- 1v1 Global Cup III
The usage of a sheet make loading the thread easier, and allow the user to filter by Pokemon or whatever they want for easier data viewing. If there's any additional info you would like us to add feel free to suggest in the 1v1 Discord.
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