Urshifu-S (Dark)


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name: Choice Band (Dark)
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch / Poison Jab / Iron Head
move 4: U-turn / Poison Jab / Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Amazing offensive stats paired with a great STAB combination and priority in Sucker Punch makes Urshifu-S an amazing physical wallbreaker on Dark teams. Wicked Blow is Urshifu-S's most important attack as its ability to always result in a critical hit allows Urshifu-S to OHKO a variety of frailer Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Rotom-C, and Mimikyu while being able to 2HKO bulkier Pokemon such as Skarmory, Toxapex, and Hatterene if they ever try to switch in. Additionally, its ability to always result in a critical hit means it can take on Corviknight and Hatterene better by ignoring Corviknight's defense boosts, and ignoring Klefki's screens against Fairy teams. Close Combat is Urshifu-S's other STAB attack and rounds out its coverage perfectly by hitting Pokemon such as Bewear, Mandibuzz, Duraludon, and Ferrothorn where Wicked Blow can fall short in while still being an extremely strong attack that is also able to beat bulky Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Gastrodon. Sucker Punch makes up for Urshifu-S's subpar Speed stat by allowing it to pick off faster Pokemon such as Jirachi, Dragapult, Alolan Raichu under Electric Terrain, and Charizard that would revenge kill it for free otherwise. U-turn allows Urshifu-S to grab momentum against Fairy-type Pokemon such as Primarina, Galarian Weezing, and Togekiss that resist its STAB attacks or against Pokemon such as Toxapex, Hatterene, and Mimikyu that it cannot beat without prior damage. Unseen Fist is Urshifu-S's only ability and allows it to become unscoutable in front of Protect users such as Aegislash and Ferrothorn, restricting its defensive counterplay nicely. Maximum Speed investments along with a Jolly nature allows Urshifu-S to outspeed Mimikyu, Indeedee, and Obstagoon.

Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Urshifu-S compliment each other perfectly as an offensive core, as Choice Scarf Hydreigon can outspeed and beat fast Pokemon such as Whimsicott, Cinderace and Noivern which would revenge kill Urshifu-S. Hydreigon can also force in specially bulky walls such as Blissey, Gastrodon, and Mantine, so Urshifu-S can wallbreak them after Hydreigon uses U-turn to bring it in. Similarly, Mandibuzz's defensive typing allows it to come in against Fighting-type attacks such as Cobalion's Close Combat and Alakazam's Focus Blast comfortably and provide momentum for Urshifu-S using U-turn. Its ability to use Defog is also crucial for supporting Urshifu-S as hazards such as Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes, and Spikes hinder Urshifu-S role as a wallbreaker by slowing it down and reducing its longevity and ability to come in consistently throughout the match respectively. Bisharp and Drapion are good teammates for beating Fairy-type Pokemon such as Galarian Weezing and Clefable that can wall Urshifu-S easily by resisting its STAB attacks. Tyranitar's ability to cripple faster Pokemon such as Alakazam, Hydreigon, and Noivern for Urshifu-S to outspeed and beat through Thunder Wave is appreciated, as well as making up for Urshifu-S's poor Special Defense stat by switching into special attacks such as Dragapult's Draco Meteor and Toxtricity's Overdrive for it.

name: Bulk Up (Dark)
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Sucker Punch
item: Black Glasses
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Bulk Up turns Urshifu-S into a very threatening setup sweeper that is capable of cleaning a variety of weakened teams with its powerful STAB attacks and priority in Sucker Punch. Wicked Blow's ability to always result in a critical hit comes in handy when breaking bulky Pokemon such as Toxapex and Hatterene after setting up with Bulk Up, as well as being crucial for hitting Aegislash against Steel. Its ability to always result in a critical hit is also useful for setting up alongside and beating Corviknight due to its ability to ignore its Defense boosts, as well as preventing screens from hindering it against types like Psychic, Fire, and Fairy. Close Combat is Urshifu-S's other STAB attack forms amazing coverage with Wicked Blow, allowing it to hit Pokemon such as Bewear, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, and Duraludon that Wicked Blow cannot cover as well. Sucker Punch is important for picking off faster Pokemon such as Noivern, Jirachi, and Excadrill which would otherwise revenge kill Urshifu-S. Black Glasses is the item of choice as boosting Urshifu-S's Dark-type STAB attacks means it can beat Hatterene and Zeraora after Stealth Rock damage with Wicked Blow and Sucker Punch respectively, as well as Excadrill and Noivern with Sucker Punch and minor chip damage after a boost. Unseen Fist is Urshifu-S's only ability and is particularly good for breaking through ignoring Attack drops against Aegislash's Kings Shield. Black Glasses is also good for bluffing a Choice-locked set, so use that to Urshifu-S's advantage to take the opposing Pokemon by surprise by being able to switch between attacks and find setup opportunities alongside that. Maximum investments in Speed along with a Jolly nature allow Urshifu-S to outspeed Pokemon such as Mimikyu, Indeedee, and Kyurem.

Bisharp is an amazing partner for Urshifu-S as it is able to beat Fairy-type Pokemon such as Galarian Weezing and Clefable with Iron Head. Alongside this, they synergize together as strong setup sweepers that both carry strong priority in Sucker Punch, meaning they form a potent offensive core by breaking through both shared defensive and offensive checks such as Toxapex, Hippowdon, Zeraora and Alakazam. Grimmsnarl's screens support allows Urshifu-S to set up more comfortably against Pokemon such as Corviknight and avoid being knocked out by attacks from its usual checks such as Cobalion, Hydreigon, and Mimikyu, increasing its consistency as a setup sweeper. Tyranitar and Krookodile can provide Stealth Rock support, which is particularly useful for Urshifu-S as it allows it to beat Zeraora and Hatterene after a boost with Sucker Punch and Wicked Blow respectively. Krookodile can also use Taunt to prevent hazards that limit Urshifu-S's sweeping capabilities like Sticky Web, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes from getting onto the field. Choice Scarf Hydreigon is a good partner for a stronger form of Speed control outside of Sucker Punch, being able to outspeed Pokemon like Noivern and Alakazam that would be otherwise problematic by blocking Urshifu-S from sweeping. Mandibuzz can remove hazards such as Toxic Spikes, Spikes, and Sticky Web that hinder Urshifu-S's sweeping capabilities in matchups such as Dark, Poison, Steel, and Electric as well as use its good defensive typing to switch into Choice Scarf Cobalion against Steel teams which would otherwise prevent Urshifu-S from setting up.

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