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Battle Spot Urshifu Rapid-Strike


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Screw Lt. Surge, I far prefer Kung-fu Surge!

name: Choice Attacker
move 1: Surging Strikes
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn / Aqua Jet / Aerial Ace
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Surging Strikes is a powerful STAB attack that lets Urshifu-R blast through common Focus Sash leads that are weak to Water-type attacks, such as Lycanroc-D and Excadrill.

* Despite its good physical bulk, Urshifu-R prefers to maximize its damage with a STAB Close Combat.

* Thunder Punch is Urshifu-R's best hope against Gyarados, Togekiss, Azumarill, and Primarina.

* U-turn is great for pivoting and breaking Mimikyu's Disguise while also enhancing Urshifu-R's lead potential.

* Aqua Jet is useful for picking off weakened threats when using the Choice Band set.

* Aerial Ace ensures that Urshifu-R can increase its Speed while Dynamaxed with Max Airstream.

* Choice Scarf let's Urshifu-R revenge kill Cinderace before it gets to +1 Speed, with even Gigantamax Cinderace being OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. An Adamant nature can also be used here to have a better shot of revenge killing Cinderace with Surging Strikes.

* Choice Band gives Urshifu-R a huge boost in power, letting it OHKO offensive Mimikyu and offensive Dynamaxed Excadrill with Surging Strikes.

name: Focus Sash
move 1: Surging Strikes
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Counter
move 4: Aqua Jet
item: Focus Sash
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* This Urshifu-R does a great job of checking Dynamaxed physical threats, with Counter taking care of them as long as Focus Sash is intact.

* Close Combat's power makes it a great complementary STAB move with Surging Strikes.

* Aqua Jet's priority ensures that even Focus Sash foes that survive Counter will usually lose the matchup.

* Surging Strikes is not only Urshifu-R's strongest Water-type STAB attack, but it also lets Urshifu-R break through Focus Sash on important leads like Excadrill and Lycanroc-D.

name: 4 Attack Dynamax User
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Surging Strikes
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: Aerial Ace / Acrobatics / Iron Head
item: Weakness Policy / Life Orb
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* With Aerial Ace, Urshifu-R can be a threatening Dynamax attacker thanks to Max Airstream's Speed boost. Acrobatics can be used instead if using Weakness Policy, for a stronger attack against Grass-types after Weakness Policy is consumed.

* This Urshifu-R is focused on sweeping, so Close Combat's power is worth it despite the Defense drop.

* Surging Strikes is useful for busting through Focus Sash on common leads like Lycanroc-D, giving Urshifu-R use outside of just Dynamax.

* Thunder Punch is needed for Urshifu to have a fighting chance against Gyarados, Togekiss, Azumarill, and Primarina.

* Iron Head's Defense boost as Max Steelspike is great for surviving against physical threats like Mimikyu and Life Orb Azumarill and works particularly well with Weakness Policy.

* Weakness Policy takes advantage of Urshifu-R's many weaknesses while Dynamaxed, but Life Orb's power boost makes Urshifu-R more useful when not Dynamaxed.

Team Options

Urshifu-R has serious issues with the prominent Flying-type Dynamax sweepers such as Togekiss and Gyarados, since Thunder Punch isn't enough to take them down without some chip damage. Most Urshifu-R also can't afford to carry coverage for Dragapult, making it a major concern. Finally, carrying Pokemon with resistances to Grass-type and Electric-type attacks is a good idea, since Rillaboom and Choice Scarf Dracozolt are common revenge killers against Urshifu-R.

* Flying-type checks: :rotom-heat: :lapras: (Assault Vest) :rotom-fan: :darmanitan-galar: (Choice Scarf)

* Dragapult checks: :porygon2: :lapras: :togekiss: :primarina:

* Grass-type checks: :dragapult: :cinderace: :togekiss: :rotom-heat: :volcarona: :rotom-fan: :skarmory: :corviknight:

* Electric-type checks: :rillaboom: :hippowdon: :excadrill: :dracozolt: (Choice Scarf) :dragapult:
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Add a focus sash counter set imo. Only guaranteed check to Cinderace, easily beating dynamax without needing to unsuccessfully max yourself.

name: Sash Counter
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Surging Strike
move 3: Counter
move 4: Aqua Jet
item: Focus Sash
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Also Scarf > Band in the choiced sets, because being able to surprise kill no speed boost Cinderace more important than killing Mimikyu as of now, especially since bulky mimi is probably the standard now.
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Well bad news, I missed Armor Beginings because I slept in (I legit partied over Luigi being found in Super Mario 64, maybe drinking before a tournament was not a great idea lmao)

Good news is, I finally got this mofo ready for QC checks!
Quick note that it's Surging Strikes and not Surging Strike.

Not a whole lot I have to add since the Sash Counter set was already taken care of, I'd probably make Aerial Ace the last slash on the Choice set though since it seems to have not been a super common pick after all compared to Aqua Jet. A little unsure if Acrobatics is really worth it on the WP set but I'm not too fussed about it, I get the idea. Otherwise I don't have anything else to add, maybe worth it to discuss if the Sash set should be the first set or not, since it does have the highest usage out of its items. I do think the Choice set is the most standout aspect of Urshifu but ultimately the set order probably doesn't matter since they're both great sets for it.

Either way I think this is long overdue for a QC 1/2.
Psynergy pretty much said everything I felt like I needed to, including that the move name is Surging Strikes, not Surging Strike. (Also Assault Vest is misspelled on team partners after Rotom-H/Lapras fwiw). I guess the one thing I might add is that non-Sash Counter sets really dislike fighting Scarf Zolt, which I wouldn't single out except for the fact that literally all of the team partners listed at the end for other criteria also get bludgeoned trying to switch into Zolt (Pult is the only one that is a decent try at taking Bolt Beak, as even PhysDef P2 gets 2HKOed unless it maxes after coming in (and still nearly dies anyway), and Pult still takes heavy damage and also risks switching into a predicted Dragon move, although Pult does revenge Zolt rather well at least).

Anyway, here's a QC 2/2.
Implemented the checks! To address Dracozolt (which is a really good point, thats a top 10 mon lol), I added an Electric-type checks section. I did consider putting Focus Sash first, but currently both choice items combined edge out the sash set by like 2% usage, so I kept that a same.

Anyways, this is ready for GP now!
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
name: Choice Attacker
move 1: Surging Strikes
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn / Aqua Jet / Aerial Ace
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Surging Strikes is a powerful STAB attack that lets Urshifu-R blast through common Focus Sash leads that are weak to Water-type attacks, such as Lycanroc-Dusk Lycanroc-D and Excadrill.

* Despite its good physical bulk, Urshifu-R prefers to maximize its damage with a STAB Close Combat.

* Thunder Punch is Urshifu-R's best hope against Gyarados, Togekiss, Azumarill, and Primarina.

* U-turn is great for pivoting and breaking Mimikyu's Disguise (RC) while also enchancing Urishfu's enhancing Urshifu-R's lead potential.

* Aqua Jet is useful for picking off weakened threats when using the Choice Band set.

* Aerial Ace ensures that Urshifu-R can increase its Speed while Dynamaxed with Max Airstream.

* Choice Scarf let's Urshifu-R revenge kill Cinderace before it gets to +1 Speed, with even Gigantamax Cinderace being OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. An Adamant nature can also be used here to have a better shot of revenge killing Cinderace with Surging Strikes. (AP)

* Choice Band gives Urshifu-R a huge boost in power, letting it OHKO offensive Mimikyu and offensive Dynamaxed Excadrill with Surging Strikes.

name: Focus Sash
move 1: Surging Strikes
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Counter
move 4: Aqua Jet
item: Focus Sash
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* This Urshifu-R does a great job of checking Dynamaxed physical threats, with Counter taking care of them as long as Focus Sash is intact.

* Close Combat's power makes it a great complimentary complementary STAB move with Surging Strikes.

* Aqua Jet's priority ensures that even Focus Sash foes that survive Counter will usually lose the match-up matchup.

* Surging Strikes is not only Urshifu-R's strongest Water-type STAB attack, but it also lets Urshifu-R break through Focus Sash on important leads like Excadrill and Lycanroc-D.

name: 4 Attack Dynamax User
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Surging Strikes
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: Aerial Ace / Acrobatics / Iron Head
item: Weakness Policy / Life Orb
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* With Aerial Ace, Urshifu-R can be a threatening Dynamax attacker thanks to Max Airstream's Speed boost. Acrobatics can be used instead if using Weakness Policy, for a stronger attack against Grass-types after Weakness Policy is consumed.

* This Urshifu-R is focused on sweeping, so Close Combat's power is worth it despite the Defense drop.

* Surging Strikes is useful for busting through Focus Sash on common leads like Lycanroc-Dusk Lycanroc-D, giving Urshifu-R use outside of just Dynamaxing.

* Thunder Punch is needed for Urshifu to have a fighting chance against Gyarados, Togekiss, Azumarill, and Primarina.

* Iron Head's Defense boost as Max Steelspike is great for survivng surviving against physical threats like Mimikyu and Life Orb Azumarill (RC) and works particularly well with Weakness Policy.

* Weakness Policy takes advantage of Urshifu-R's many weaknesses while Dynamaxed, but Life Orb's power boost makes Urshifu-R more useful when not Dynamaxed.

Team Options

Urshifu-R has serious issues with the prominent Flying-type Dynamax sweepers such as Togekiss and Gyarados, since Thunder Punch isn't enough to take them down without some chip damage. Most Urshifu-R also can't afford to carry coverage for Dragapult, making it a major concern. Finally, carrying Pokemon with resistances to Grass-type and Electric-type attacks is a smart good idea, since Rillaboom and Choice Scarf Dracozolt are common revenge killers against Urshifu-R.

* Flying-type checks: :rotom-heat: :lapras: (Assault Vest) :rotom-fan: :darmanitan-galar: (Choice Scarf)

* Dragapult checks: :porygon2: :lapras: :togekiss: :primarina:

* Grass-type checks: :dragapult: :cinderace: :togekiss: :rotom-heat: :volcarona: :rotom-fan: :skarmory: :corviknight:

* Electric-type checks: :rillaboom: :hippowdon: :excadrill: :dracozolt: (Choice Scarf) :dragapult:
Thanks TDP, this is now done! Psynergy can you upload this when you get the chance? Don't want to do the taboo self upload thing :P