Going to be a short one since I want to get it posted before going to bed, but I'll try to keep it informative enough regardless. Shout outs to the Jirachies for the fun season, glad I got the chance to play this beautiful tier alongside you absolute beasts. Heads up to the Durians as well for letting me into the memes after my team got eliminated.
Used this vs Chill Shadow in semifinals and it won in a dominant fashion. 6-0d by Lunala and Gengar can get pretty troublesome as well. It also doesn't really have much of a stall match up to speak of, but the rest of the metagame is fairly well covered between these 6. Mega Latias is
the Groudon answer, and having a Pokemon like that to fall back onto allows you to kind of just stack a bunch of things that don't like facing it. In this case, SR Arc-Water, Scarf Xerneas and Dusk Mane pull that off. Xern' also lets me Aromatherapy things that have been caught by stray Toxics. Choice Band Ho-Oh and RP PDon are this team's primary hard hitters, and they kinda just work as a standard offensive formation that plays by the "x chips y for z to win" rule. Slow Ho-Oh is used in order to improve the Marshadow MU a little bit, while also being able to do some mean things if Dusk Mane ever sets up Trick Room and gets forced out after.
Was going to whip this out vs. Evuelf back in Week 5, but SM didn't get played unfortunately. Cloyster can be a Greninja or any other Pokemon that gets Toxic Spikes honestly, but I felt that Cloyster was going to be the best for that particular game (don't ask me, just a gut feeling). Anyway, this is structured like a Hyper Offense but it actually has a bunch of fat ass Pokemon that can play a slower game if required, so don't ask me to make this Yveltal Life Orb or whatever other suggestion you might have that kills the team's identity. Kangaskhan is a Pokemon I'm a big fan of personally, and I feel that this set (or Sucker Punch > Rock Tomb on less Ho-Oh weak teams) is the closest you'll get to making it viable in this tier, as it no longer hits like a cargo truck. Lures Marshadow for Dusk Mane, kind of. CM Arceus Fairy is a menace that only Dusk Mane can dream of stopping, so there it is. Rest of the team is fairly standard, though Overheat on Groudon isn't entirely out of question.
Used this vs Serial EKiller back in Week 3. Fairly standard build as far as Toxapex stuff goes, and most of these 'mons don't really require any sort of introduction. Toxapex lets me get away with some stuff that would be sketchy on basically any other team (a.k.a. Hex Mega Gengar and Ultra Necrozma without a secondary Steel-type), which is pretty nifty in its own way. Dark Pulse on Yveltal is used for the swift nab on Mega Gengar and hopefully flinching my way past Mega Sableye if I ever have to play that with this build. Beware of Ho-Oh, as that MU requires ultra bursting earlier than one would often like to. Thunder Mega Gengar also helps softening that up a little if required.
Cursed team for reasons most of you are aware of by now. I was hit up at the start of the week by a bunch of teammates telling me how good Mega Gyarados was in the match up vs w/e player Lasen was facing in semifinals, and while I was reluctant on it at first, I decided to toy around with the prospect of a team with it. At first, my opinion was that the more offensive a Mega Gyarados team looked like, the better it would be in practice, which is a philosophy that can be noticed pretty easily by the fact that basically every single Pokemon on this team is an absolute menace on its own. Arceus-Poison a.k.a. The Zesty is a menace and I'm glad I stumbled upon this Pokemon and managed to fit it onto a team; being a slow win condition that doesn't give a flying fuck about Toxic is a blessing, and it can even throw Sludge Bombs at things to automatically handicap them for the rest of the game (or until Aromatherapy/Heal Bell get clicked). Thunder Xerneas is for Primal Kyogre and Ho-Oh, Outrage on Ultra Necrozma allows it to get a swift kill in basically every single game, which cleans up the path for a Mega Gyarados win in a ton of games and non Defog Giratina-Origin is honestly so much harder to switch into that it's not even funny. The team can already absorb Toxic Spikes, and the debate between leaving a move out of the set or running a Shadow Ball set was making me sad because I knew I'd end up losing to either Arceus-Ground or Dusk Mane in the end, so I just went with that (Lasen disagreed and made it worse, but I don't think it mattered much), with Xerneas already being able to get them off against Webs and most Spikes oriented builds.
Probably one of the most metagame shaping teams that Garay and I cooked up. Roar Arceus-Ground + a strong hazard core is absurdly good (though the reason Arceus has that is because we didn't want to lose to opposing GeoXern with a team that is supposed to abuse the fact that people disrespect that Pocket Monster), and the team had a lot of pretty solid showings throughout the tournament. GeoXern + Ultra Necrozma murks basically everything with hazards up, Ferrothorn + Groudon get them up and Yveltal + Arceus-Ground form a pseudo defensive core that can also pressure things under the right circumstances.
Besides these, there are a couple of teams that were either more influeced by Garay than me (that I no longer have access to unfortunately) and others that were just edits of older stuff by either Garay or Skysolo (which he posted above, for the most part), who I got to chat with a lot about USM teams throughout the season. Massive shout out to
Cynara for helping out with EVs and move slots for most of these. Always nice to have somebody who is just as paranoid as I am about details to bounce ideas with, even if it doesn't necessarily please some of our fellow competitors.
In my quest to find out some Pokemon I could use to disrespect the hell out of Highlord one more time, I decided to pull off my good ol' trusted Primeape. Probably one of the most solid answers to standard Darkrai, while 317 Speed + access to U-turn and Ice Punch allows it to stay fairly relevant outside of that, with very few teams being ready to take that on after their Giratina has taken chip damage early on in the game. Specially Defensive Haze Quagsire beats basically every Kyogre that doesn't have Roar, Tyranitar is Tyranitar and beats so many leads it's unfair, Jirachi + Skarmory aid the team by making sure it lasts longer than the opponent's and Giratina doesn't really need any explanation as far as a team has Spikes.
Yes, I know this doesn't have EVs, but I never bothered finishing it since I barely received any attention when I pasted this in my team chat.
Imagine using a base 85 Speed Choice Scarf Pokemon in DPP Ubers