Tournament Ubers Premier League VII - Week 3

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(art by Kaiju Bunny)

Welcome to UPL VII, here's a few things to remember:
- A replay / log must be saved of your match or it will be considered invalid. No exceptions.
- General tournament rules and regulations apply. Pokemon Showdown is the default simulator for all metagames unless both parties agree. If you play on anywhere that isn't PS! you must save a log of the match. All matches are best of one, except for the best of three slot.

We reserve the right to judge any individual match on a case by case basis, regardless of assumed precedence set. If you don't like that, you are welcome to not play. Be aware of this.

To protect yourself as much as possible from DCs and timer issues, play on Showdown (because it has an at least semi reliable system of rejoining after a DC) and make a gentleman's agreement to not hit timer.

To help handle all DC cases you will need to submit your teams to the UPL host before the match. You do not have to submit, but if you do, you protect yourself from the opponent taking a win. It's a simple procedure that removes most subjectivity from a decision regarding a DC. Unlike with the scheduling restrictions, all you have to do is submit the team you are using at anytime before the match takes place. Read this rule and understand this now before you join the tournament. Since I'm stating this now, I'm basically going to ignore you if you DC, didn't submit a team, and "had a guaranteed win." Expect it. Also note that I'm going to let the player (not the team), decide whether he is going to take the win or go another route (replay same moves, replay different teams, etc.).

Regarding time outs, they are a bit more complex, specifically because some timeouts are due to DCs. The best we can do for this scenario is say that there is some number between 1 minute and 2 minutes (which we will not publicize) that we will set as a limit for timing out, and if you timeout with more than that limit time remaining, we'll assume it is a DC, whereas the opposite is a true timeout. A true timeout defaults to a loss, while the DC timeout is prone to the DC rules (did you submit or not).


Devastating Dialgas (3) vs. Jubilant Jirachis (5)

USM: KyogreF4N vs. Garay oakJase The World vs. skysolo14
USM: Serial vs. Pearl
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark
DPP: Hack vs. lax
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen


Luminous Lunalas (4) vs. Defiant Durians (4)

USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade
USM: Peli Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell rozes
USM: Chill Shadow vs KratosMana
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje Gondra
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK


Choice Bandits (3) vs. DaReal Drizzlers (5)

USM: Mysterious M vs. Plas
USM: Zesty43 vs. elodin
USM: Terracotta vs. Eternal Spirit
ORAS: Lacus Ichinose vs. belvin
BW: FLCL vs. Blim
DPP: Stone_Cold vs. BKC
ADV: iry vs. Finchinator
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): squinn Evuelf vs. Cynara">
USM: Jase The World vs. skysolo14
USM: Serial vs. Pearl
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark
DPP: Hack vs. lax
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen


Luminous Lunalas (4) vs. Defiant Durians (4)

USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade
USM: Peli Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell rozes
USM: Chill Shadow vs KratosMana
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje Gondra
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK


Choice Bandits (3) vs. DaReal Drizzlers (5)

USM: Mysterious M vs. Plas
USM: Zesty43 vs. elodin
USM: Terracotta vs. Eternal Spirit
ORAS: Lacus Ichinose vs. belvin
BW: FLCL vs. Blim
DPP: Stone_Cold vs. BKC
ADV: iry vs. Finchinator
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): squinn Evuelf vs. Cynara">Jase The World vs. skysolo14
USM: Serial vs. Pearl
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark
DPP: Hack vs. lax
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen


Luminous Lunalas (4) vs. Defiant Durians (4)

USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade
USM: Peli Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell rozes
USM: Chill Shadow vs KratosMana
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje Gondra
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK


Choice Bandits (3) vs. DaReal Drizzlers (5)

USM: Mysterious M vs. Plas
USM: Zesty43 vs. elodin
USM: Terracotta vs. Eternal Spirit
ORAS: Lacus Ichinose vs. belvin
BW: FLCL vs. Blim
DPP: Stone_Cold vs. BKC
ADV: iry vs. Finchinator
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): squinn Evuelf vs. Cynara">
USM: Jase The World vs. skysolo14
USM: Serial vs. Pearl
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark
DPP: Hack vs. lax
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen


Luminous Lunalas (4) vs. Defiant Durians (4)

USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade
USM: Peli Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell rozes
USM: Chill Shadow vs KratosMana
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje Gondra
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK


Choice Bandits (3) vs. DaReal Drizzlers (5)

USM: Mysterious M vs. Plas
USM: Zesty43 vs. elodin
USM: Terracotta vs. Eternal Spirit
ORAS: Lacus Ichinose vs. belvin
BW: FLCL vs. Blim
DPP: Stone_Cold vs. BKC
ADV: iry vs. Finchinator
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): squinn Evuelf vs. Cynara


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This type of lobby-ghosting is harmful and detrimental to the tournament, and worst of all, there is no way to tell whether or not Orch will continue to ghost any matches, especially since he is known for using shitty Pokemon in Ubers and claiming that they are actually viable. I would not put it past him to continue his sleazeball tactics, either, given how unapologetic he appears to be within the logs posted above. To salvage the integrity of this tournament, I strongly recommend disqualifying + (?) Orch immediately from UPL.
I made that paste cos pohjis asked me and I thought "ok it'll be a quick ban" but no there's still nothing? When stag was rampant the reason given was there's no proof, but now apparently when we tryna fix our image and there's proof of a guy who thinks doing this is fine and funny after being told not to, nothing is done? Tony said in that same chat that he'd tourban orch on the spot if it was a tour from tours subforum, but we just sitting idly.
Welcome to the second week of the all-controversial dream predicts™

Devastating Dialgas (3) vs. Jubilant Jirachis (5)

USM: KyogreF4N vs. Garay oak - Gonna keep this one short and sweet. I already said Garay oak isn't losing an SM game 'til Week 5 and his form is just too good right now, even for a quality player like KyogreF4N to beat him.
USM: Jase The World vs. skysolo14 - I've always been quite high on Jase and I definitely think he could pull off this upset, especially because solo showed some signs of vulnerability last week. However, I'm picking the 2-0 hot hand in this one, who I do think is the better player atm between the two ex-durians.
USM: Serial vs. Pearl - As much as I love Serial and he smashed UPL last year, he seems way too out of mons right now (the LoL curse claims one more victim LOL) while Pearl is at his absolute best, probably being the first or second best lower tier player on Smogon rn (I'd say the #1 slot is a toss up between him and Pohjis). The rachis SM core has been carrying them hard so far (5-1) and I don't see that stopping, with another swift 3-0 this week.
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos - Both players strayed away from the dong teams they typically love to use during last week's games (well Lucos' second team anyway) and came out with important Ws for their respective teams. I'm going with Lucos here because he is the more polished ORAS player between the two, for sure (also has Astounded and Level in the back which helps), but Vileman has been quietly surprising everyone for a little while now, so I can definitely see an entertaining game here, as long as neither player brings something awful that just auto-loses cough cough ditto goth or le epik webs.
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark - In this week's episode of "Who's their BW starter", we see a wild Edgar being thrust into the spot after last week's BO3 win. As much as Sarah did choke away her guaranteed win last week in the ORAS decider, Edgar played a fine BW game in that series and brought a cool team, while Zoro has had 2 lacklustre showings in the first two weeks. Unless he turns this around and starts playing some BW reminiscent of his old UPL performances, the calamity is claiming his second victim, this week.
DPP: Hack vs. lax - I went with Hack last week in my predictions and he showed everyone exactly why he's still worth the 13k, at least in DPP. Probably the best Ubers player ever, in a tier he does know quite well, while lax has never played DPP Ubers (as far as I'm concerned)? However, I expect lax to at least put up good fight, considering how good of a player he is in general and also the support he does have for DPP on the team (Pearl carrying 2 slots this week?!).
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402 - I'm a big Exiline fan, and he has been doing well for himself (2-0 rn), but I feel like Melle is just the better ADV'er when he's on his game. He brings more cohesive builds (idt Exi builds his teams either way but maybe I'm wrong) and just has a great eye for ADV, which has made him one of the better ADV Ubers players for the past year or so. Granted, we haven't seen Melle play ADV in this UPL yet and Exiline is more than capable of pulling out this win, so you never know. I was really tempted to board the Exiline hype train but I can't predict against my boy here, just yet :melloat:
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen - Thankfully 378 decided to listen to me and put the drunk aussie exactly where he belongs ahead of Week 3. On the other side, Lasen has become a really good player in all gens as of late, even picking up SM to a respectable level, but Tape is just on another level, being one of the best to ever do it when it comes to Gens 5 through 7 (when are we getting Tape v Evuelf >:c). Ultimately, I just don't think Lasen has the firepower to hang with his former manager for the entirety of the series. Reiterating what I said last week since it seems just as appropriate here, Lasen is a good jack of all trades sub but he's just not there yet in these specific gens to beat the March Fires, but we should all be ready for a banger of a BW game between these two!

Luminous Lunalas (4) vs. Defiant Durians (4)

USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade - Both great USM players who could definitely take this game depending on how much they want it, but PurpleGatorade is still continuing his mad undefeated streak in UPL and playing at a really high level while Paycard dropped his game last week, so I'm giving PG the edge on this one.
USM: Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell - Haven't seen much of Goat Heart ♥, to be perfectly honest, but he/she seems to be a limited/one-dimensional player from the games I've watched while byron is extremely capable in a lot of gens, including SM. As the durians always do, they'll supply byron with a solid team ready for his opp that he can just safely pilot towards victory.
USM: Chill Shadow vs. KratosMana - Super underrated matchup between two really good Pokemon players. Chill has the stronger grasp on Ubers while anti didn't play particularly well Week 1 and got benched Week 2, making me feel like maybe his confidence just isn't there for this tour? I'm still super high on him, as I was pre-draft, and I definitely think this will be a close game, but I'm picking Chill purely due to how they're both going into this game.
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje - Poek is just a sound ORAS player (idk what that atrocity that he brought vs Evu was though) while Reje is not only inactive but also just not as good as Poek in ORAS, in my opinion. It could be an interesting game if Reje shows that he's actually interested in playing and brings something solid (no donphans lmao) but for now I can't predict any other result other than a Poek win.
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe - Not much to say here, Kebabe has been a top BW player for ages now and hasn't shown any signs of stopping with 2 wins out of just as many games (granted the first one could have very well been a loss if Oli had played a better endgame) while Alex Walls just isn't quite there yet for me in terms of BW. Maybe he'll surprise me like he did last week, but I just don't see that happening against Kebabe.
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon - Probably the toughest game to call this week, two incredible DPP players who have more than enough in their arsenal to surprise everyone and pull out a win in any given game. Considering how close of a call this is, I'm going purely off my gut (and the fact that M Dragon did misplay quite heavily vs Dave last week) and predicting a Highlord win, meaning M Dragon is not getting his payback for last year, at least not yet.
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos - I do rate Aishia and think she is quite solid in ADV too, but Kushalos being 0-2 right now is absolutely criminal, especially with zf in his corner. With his positive experience and knack for the gen, he has to turn it around at some point, surely?! He's an extremely capable player with a supply of solid teams, so this is going to be the week where the chef picks up his first W of UPL VII.
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK - I don't think either player is particularly stellar when compared to the rest of the BO3 pool (although both are quite competent for sure), but I think Leru's more tangible grasp of the tiers themselves could take him a long way here, if he actually shows up with 3 prepped teams (surely he has no time for that). I think it'll be a good 3 game series, probably decided by the winner of the SM game over anything else.

With all those out of the way, I'd like to say that I'm extremely proud of my lads and their comeback last week. Lets continue to build on that and hopefully grab another positive result this week against the Drizzlers :blobthumbsup:
Totally unbiased btw unlike dream
Devastating Dialgas (4) vs. Jubilant Jirachis (4)
USM: KyogreF4N vs. Garay oak
USM: Jase The World vs. skysolo14
USM: Serial vs. Pearl
ORAS: Vileman vs. LucosDICampos
BW: Edgar vs. ZoroDark
DPP: Hack vs. lax
ADV: Exiline vs. Melle2402
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): March Fires vs. Lasen

Luminous Lunalas (6) vs. Defiant Durians (1)
USM: Paycard vs. PurpleGatorade
USM: Goat Heart ♥ vs. byronthewellwell
USM: Chill Shadow vs. KratosMana
ORAS: Poek vs. Reje/Gondra
BW: Alex Walls vs. Kebabe
DPP: Highlord vs. M Dragon
ADV: Aishia vs. Kushalos
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Leru vs. TDK

Choice Bandits (5) vs. DaReal Drizzlers (3)

USM: Mysterious M vs. Plas
USM: Zesty43 vs. elodin
USM: Terracotta vs. Eternal Spirit
ORAS: Lacus Ichinose vs. belvin
BW: FLCL vs. Blim
DPP: Stone_Cold vs. BKC
ADV: iry vs. Finchinator
Bo3 (USM | ORAS | BW): Evuelf vs. Cynara

edit: Free Peli
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