Uber RMT by Athrun-Zala and Uchihaex

Here`s the Team:

Deoxys-f @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Extremespeed
- Shadow Ball
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock

Deoxys-A sets up rocks and spikes kills many common leads, I need the Hazards, not much to say ,though. Awesome lead.
Shadow Ball and Extremespeed generally kills Deoxys-E`s.

Groudon @ Life Orb
Ability: Drought
EVs: 120 HP/252 Atk/136 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Rock Polish
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw

Standard RPGroudon it can kill many things in the Uber tier, when 1 layer of Spikes and Rocks are out. Giratina`s are annoying, though. I might replace it with a Forretress.

Rayquaza @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Overheat
- Extremespeed

Here`s the Star, every DDRay has Palkia problems, but my Wobbuffet kills the Palkia`s so I can OHKO nearly everything after a Dragon Dance, and with Rocks. Groudon survives it, though.
Extremespeed is there to Revenge-Kill (not preferablly, cause of SR damage), I don`t find Earthquake or Stone Edge better fitting in this place, as Earthquake is only for Dialga (and they won`t survive Outrage most of the time).
I thought of changing it`s nature into Adamant, so it could OHKO Lugia 100% of the time, and my Wobbuffet would take care of Dialga, but I am stuck with Jolly for now.
Giratina-o @ Platinum Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 86 HP/120 Spd/216 SAtk/88 SDef
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Substitute

Anti Spinner. Giratina-O is a powerful sweeper, Its typing makes it immune to Normal, so Rapid Spin. Dragon Pulse is great, as Dragons run rampant in the uber metagame. Giratina-O can swap into a Blissey or a Forretress quite well. With Calm Mind, Giratina can 2HKO a Kyogre, most of the time.
Wobbuffet (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 28 HP/228 Def/252 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Encore
- Mirror Coat
- Counter
- Safeguard

Wobbuffet, as i have a DDRay i need this thing, to take care of Scarfed Threats, (Palkia), it will at least defeat 1 opposing Pokemon.
I chose Safeguard instead of tickle, as i don`t have a pursuiter.
Dialga @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder
- Flamethrower

Covers my SDRay/Luke weakness. I thought of using, ScarfTina here, and it could probably work, but I am using Dialga for now.

Draco Meteor is for Power, Thunder is obviously for Kyogre, and Flamethrower for The Steel Types (no Kyogre, so I can`t weaken Flamethrower by my own Kyogre).

Dragon Pulse is like, this move has to hit, and for the I won`t get a Status-Drop.

Hope you like it.

I hope you can help me, cover my RPGroudon weakness, I didn`t battle one, but I know it can rip my whole team apart.
Thank`s for reading.

Credits go to me and Uchihaex for helping me with this.
I like the Uber tier more than the others, so it was obvious for me building an Uber team.

Building The Team:

First of all, I wanted a lead, which can set up SR, and prevent my opponent from setting Hazards up. It was obvious, Deoxys-F.

Continuing with Pokemon who that could sweep with SR and Spikes (I prefer Physical Attackers) 3 Pokemon came up in my mind. Lucario, Rayquaza, and Groudon. As I wanted to try a DDQuaza in this Team it is now, Groudon and Lucario. I just find Groudon better, as it can easily set up on Thunder-/Wave`s, and even resisted Attacks extremely hurt Luke.
I Just wanted a Groudon.

I wanted a DDRay here, so I chose it, it`s Outrage can OHKO most of the Uber metagame. There it is.

I needed an Anti-Spinner, HPFire could Finish Steels, so Rayquaza wouldn`t be screwed, when caught in Outrage, there it is a Giratina-o.

The next choice to be made was to have a special sweeper. Kyogre, the “King of Ubers”, as he was described in the article, was the obvious choice

For my fifth spot i wanted Wobbuffet, works so well with Rayquaza and Groudon.

I saw my Weakness to SDRay/Luke, and now I wanted a fast Pokemon that resists normal. There were Giratina and Dialga, I already have a Giratina in my team, and Dialga can OHKO Darkrai, so i chose Dialga.
Well you have a gaping weakness to Specs mewtwo with ice beam shadow ball and aura sphere can ohko tons of things on your team. If ray doesnt get in that dragon dance your screwed. So I think you should get a poke like forretress somewhere on your team to sponge these hits and then as long as it isnt shadow ball you can switch in wob for the kill.
You might want to expand your set comments, particularly for deo and groudon.
And if you haven't already, have a gander at the rules.
You could switch Stone edge (100 Power) for Fire punch(112.5 in sun)
This also threatens Skarmory, who can take your SE and Whirlwind your RP away
I have to question the use of DD Ray over SD Ray. I don't really see the importance of having that extra speed when you are capable of dealing a OHKO to the majority of pokemon that outspeed you with x-speed once entry hazards are in play. You already outrun Groudon, and Dialga to name a few. The extra power from SD is very useful. The lack of a spinner mean Ray will get off less attacks due to LO. A standard set with SD-X-Speed-Dragon Claw-Overheat should work fine. This also lets you deal with Palkia as it seems you rely on wobb to take it out. Next, I really think you could bennefit from Forrey. He provides a spinner, and both spikes and toxic spikes to the team. I would suggest putting him in over Groudon since I don't really know what he is supposed to do. If sweeping is the only purpose then forrey should be better here. He also helps with the lack of Ice and Dragon resists.

Good Luck
thanks for the comments but when i remove stone edge i will have
lugia weaknesses and thats much more common in ubers
so any other suggestions?
and the dd or sd question
many people are running scarfed dialgas and a dragon danced outrage is stronger than sd dragon claw and ex speed. so i dont really know why the sword dancer is so much better, but i could also use a sword dancer, as wobb can kill the dialga`s, if i get a reason why it is better.

Forretress sounds good
what could i replace?
when i remove groudon where`s my thunder resist (paralysis screws me)
The main problem here I see that nothing can handle SpecsOgres Water Spout. And also this team is quite slow, so something will be dead/dent really fast. To remedy this I would run Bulk Up Palkia. It doesn't have the speed of Rayquaza, but it has bulk and surprise factor. When Blissey will switch in on Palkia, seeing Bulk Up she'll just switch out giving you another Bulk Up. Also thanks to Wobba, you have a solid revenge killer for things like ScarfDialga or ScarfPalkia, which may trouble Bulk Up Palkia on special side. Loosing Aqua Tail is a bit shame, but Palkia fortunately has good movepool, so Earthquake/Outrage/Stone Edge should do the trick. Also I'm not sure if HP Fire on Giratina-O is good idea. If Kyogre switch in, you just loose one attacking move and you're stuck with Dragon Pulse, leaving you hopeless against many steel types. Also Tyranitar won't have any problems with beating that Giratina. Go with Earth Power or Aura Sphere, as it gives you almost the same coverage in weather and you don't need to be afraid of Rain or Sandstorm anymore. I guess that's it. I hope that helps.