SS OU Tyranitar + Corsola-Galar Balance (peaked 1776 #83)

Hi everyone! I,m going to start the year with my first post in forum. And how better than with a pretty fun team.
First of all I´m not a native English speaker so I´m sorry if comité some mistakes. Also, if I break any forum rules, let me know.

The dream team:
Resultado de imagen de tyranitar
Resultado de imagen de excadrill
Resultado de imagen de ferrothornResultado de imagen de corsola galarResultado de imagen de dragapult

I made the first version of the team when dynamax was banned. Without this broken mechanic I thought that defensive and bulky Pokémon were going to be better so I taked to my team Ferrothorn and Corsola galar. Magic guard Clefable is one of my favorite competitive pokemon so it have to be in the team. I wanted a spinner more than a defoger and Excadrill looked a great option and because I needed a fast pokemon Tytar came in the pack. The 6th Pokémon is the newest in the team. Before I noticed that the only thing that the team needed was a revenge killer I tried with Kommo-o, scarf Gengar, Hydreigon but this one, Dragapult, fits perfectly in the team.
I peeked top #200 in the lader 3 times with different versions but with this one I have reached top #100 for the first time.


Lets see the pokes 1 by 1:
The mother of gods: Tyranitar
Pokemon Tyranitar GIF - Pokemon Tyranitar Rage GIFs

Tyranitar (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Superpower/ Fire blast
When Ferro or Corsola are in truble Tyranitar comes to save them. This poke is my special-atk wall, it eats everything. Thanks to the assault vest and the Sandstorm it walls Rotom-H, specs Dragapult and Toxtricity and others taking near 0 dmg. You can think that a Dark special defensive pokémon is not a Good idea because fairy but with this Tytar you are wrong. This one beats the 3 most common fairy type pokes: Clefable, Hatterene and Togekiss. You can switch in when a fire move is coming and the 2HKO them with Iron Head.
And yes, despite beeing a special Wall I invest all the EVs on attack and speed with an adamant nature. With max attack distribution I hit hard (very hard) to offensive pokemon and I get good cheap damage with Crunch on pokes like Corviknight or sesmitoad (and with a lucky drop on def (and rocks) beat them without the need to switch).

Spiky Sonic: Excadrill
Resultado de imagen de gif excadrill
Excadrill (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin​

I don´t have to say much about Excadrill. At the beginning of the battle its job is spin away the hazards, helping the entry on the battle of Corsola and Tytar. When the enemy Corviknight or Rotom are dead Excadrill can do some big damage or sweep with SD. Talking about SD I was thinking to change this move to Rock Slide. I don´t use SD so often and with Rock Slide I can deal with Rotom-H when I have lost Tytar. I prefer Jolly Nature to outspeed other Excadrill, Togekiss without sand and Kommo-o and because with Life Orb it still hits really hard.

The PokéMoon: Clefable
Resultado de imagen de clefable gif
Clefable (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 196 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
Clefable. The Monster. Modest Nature to nuke everything. With 60 EVs on speed Clef can outspeed some pokes like Corvi or Pelipper. Flamethrower to hit Steel types, Thunderbolt to hit Toxapex basically. Moonblast to hit the rest. I prefer the accurated fire and electric moves because they are enough in most cases. Fire Blast can be better if you want to hit Aegislash harder. For the last move I choosed T-wave, to outspeed and hax some threats. My style of playing is very fast, so I would never click on Moonlight but you can use it. My first option was Stealth Rocks but Corsola give me that. Other option that I used in other teams is Grass knot to 0HKO Sesmitoad.

Swiss Army knife: Ferrothorn

Resultado de imagen de gif ferrothorn

Ferrothorn (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Spikes​

With Tytar dealing most of the special attackers, Ferrothorn can deal with all the other Pokémon. The Leech Seed + Protect is very simple but it makes Ferro inmortal while takes the enemy life. Leech Seed is also the only way to give some hp back to Tytar or Clef. Be clever after you use the first protect because then the opponent will try to predict the next ones. Knock Off for everyone, knock leftovers off, and life orbs, and choice items, and BOOTS too! Last one, spikes give us cheap and welcome damage. The 0 IV on speed are because you cant outspeed anything anyway but Trick Rooms teams.

Sad rock: Corsola-Galar

Corsola-Galar (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Cursed Body
Happiness: 160
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Night Shade
- Stealth Rock
- Strength Sap
- Will-O-Wisp​

Yep, another defensive Pokémon. Corsola galar can handles fighting- types that ferro can´t. This is the typical set, SR when the opponent switch out, Strength Sap for recovery. Will-o-wisp for obvious reasons an Night Shade to avoid taunt but not only that. You can also kill damaged pokemon if they get paralize before with Clefable. One last thing: be careful with Strength Sap if the enemy have a Bisharp.

I am speed: Dragapult

Dragapult (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- U-turn​

I tried a lot of Pokémon for the revenge killer place. Because the team works very good with the other 5 pokemon you can any revenge killer with success. But if you can choose why not choose the strongest pokemon in the game? This is the reason because I use Dragapult. Choice specs Dragapult is the best option because it can revenge kill more different mons than other sets. Dragapult also give us momentum with U-turn, helping the entrance of Clefable. Infiltrator is necesary to kill sub Hydreigon. And talking abut that...

Nasty plot + sub Hydreigon: If the enemy have the momentum and can set this Monster they are going to kill someone for sure. Most of the times hard switch Dragapult is our best option. For Scarf Hydreigon you have a Tyranitar.

Spa Aegislash: Tyranitar can trade it but losing a lot of hp before that. If you don´t need Clefable to deal other enemies you can sacrifice against this poke dealing it some damage with fire.

Bisharp: burn it with Corsola, then ferro can beat it. Tytar survive one hit and can kill it with Superpower.

Sadly I didn´s save any replays.

And here is the pokepaste:


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So, I am not a massive fan of Dragapult myself, so my personal choice would be to swap it for the standard Scarf Hydreigon set which allows you to do big damage to the Aegislash you're scared of, Fire blast or flamethrower an unboosted Bisharp (I dunno if +2 sucker even kills Hydreigon at full) and also helps to revenge kill opposing Hydreigon if you can at least break the sub.

I will say, however, I had a lot of fun with the team myself and while it is low ladder, I do have a pretty fun replay. I'm a little dumb and sac'd Dragapult turn 1 to the enemy scarfed Flygon; but I managed to pull through with the immense chip damage from Ferro and hazards, allowing for an endgame clean up with Excadrill under sand.
Hey nice team, i would suggest to run the sub wow set on dragapult, so that you still have a reliable special attacker alongside with a desperate way to wreck bisharp's role, you first sub then you burn it and ferrothorn ends the work. Nice team overall, definitely i'll try it in the upcoming tour