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Type of the Month Club Giveaway [December][COMPLETE]

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Type Of The Month Club Giveaway
December: Flying

My FC: 1349-5699-5824
My IGN: Victor

Hello everyone! I’m posting on behalf of the Type of the Month Club. Who are we? We’re a group of Smogon members that enjoy collecting rare and unique pokemon, and every month we share pokemon of a specific type with the rest of the community. I’ve had the pleasure of hosting this month’s giveaway, which will feature Brave Bird spam Flying types.

How to Participate:
To get one of these winged pokemon, you need to write a letter to Santa requesting the pokemon you want from the list. Please make the letter about 6-8 sentences long, and please make use of proper grammar and punctuation. The letter must include proof of you being a good boy/girl like helping someone in the Simple Questions/Requests thread with a free pokemon or item, hosting a giveaway, help someone SVcheck/hatch eggs, cloning for free or contributing to the community in general. Please leave a link to the post or thread(include page#) where you realized this good action(s) at the end of the letter.


  1. It is not allowed to copy/paste the letter from someone else or from the internet.
  2. You can only link to good actions you did in the smogon forums in 2014 or you can do something good for someone now and then make your submission to this giveaway. There is always someone in need for help in SQ/R
  3. There is a limited number of copies available for each pokemon. If the pokemon you want runs out, you will have to pick something else. You can only receive one Pokémon. It will be a clone.
  4. If the pokemon you request is either Semi-Redis or Non-Redis you must include the definition of those terms at the end of the letter.
  5. You must use the format for the letter placed in the 2nd post of this thread. Please fill it out properly.
  6. You cannot use my example or anything similar to it.
  7. If you do not fulfill these requirements, you won't be able to recieve anything.

Dear Santa Claus,

I was a good boy this year. I stopped the super ancient pokemon from destroying the Hoenn region and also saved the planet from annihilation by destroying a meteorite with my new friend Rayquaza. I also gave away free pokemon in the Giveaway sub-forum of Smogon twice.

It would be awesome to recieve a competitive Shiny Braviary in a Great ball from you this year. Braviary is my favorite Flying-type pokemon, it looks awesome and powerful.

I hope everything is well at the North pole. Thanks in advance for the gifts.



Link to my giveaways here:

Collection Note:
I'm US Central time (GMT-6), which means that sometimes it is a bit more challenging for me to coordinate with European, Asian, and Australian timezones. If our schedules are incompatible, I’ll ask one of the other club members to help get the pokemon to you.

Please be patient I will contact you when I'm available for trade.

And now here are the Pokémon available:


#587 Emolga
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Motor Drive
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Air Slash, Tickle, Baton Pass, Charm
OT: Misty ID: 21502
Nickname: Squeekerz
Notes: Hidden Power Ice, German Language
Stock: 2
Winners: acam333

Fully Redis


#290 Nincada
Gender: Female
Nature: Impish
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
Egg Moves: Endure, Bug Bite, Night Slash, Feint Attack
OT: Misty ID: 21502
Nickname: Bugzy
Notes: German Language
Stock: 3
Fully redis


Male Impish Infiltrator Zubat
Ot : Nicholas 58072

Leech Life, Defog, Brave Bird, Hypnosis
Bred by me, hatched by EffervescentSnark
Stock: 1
Winners: ShinyespeonPvP , a0161613


Male Adamant Super Luck Pidove
Ot : Yousef 42509

Steel Wing, Hypnosis, Night Slash
Bred by me, hatched by Silver_snake7
Stock: 3


Female Jolly Early Bird Doduo
Ot : Jackson 13061
Flail, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Natural Gift

Thanks Tatertot for the father, bred by me, hatched by Jackie-ghan
Stock: 3
Semi Redis


#187 Hoppip
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Infiltrator
IVs: 31/03/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Amnesia, Cotton Guard, Aromatherapy, Encore.
OT: Jozcef ID: 29934
Stock: 3
Non Redistributable


#187 Hoppip
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chlorophyll
IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Amnesia, Cotton Guard, Aromatherapy, Encore.
OT: Victoria ID: 36637
Stock: 3
Non Redistributable


Species: Rotom
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/0/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass)
Moves: Air Slash, Shock Wave, Ominous Wind, Substitute

Fully Redistributable
Notes: RNG'd by Tatertot
Stock: 3


#333 Swablu
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Agility, Haze, Hyper Voice, Power Swap
OT: Kira ID: 24321

Stock: 2
Winners: Fiat500

Non Redistributable


Fletchling (F)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Gale Wings
IVs: 31/31/31/08/31/31
OT: Jacklyn ID: 10011
Hatched by Reddit User Jackie-ghan. TSV Thread.
Stock: 0
Winner: Trinitrotoluene
Non Redistributable


IVs: 31/0/31/30/30/31
Nature: Timid
Ability: Tangled Feet
Egg Moves: Brave Bird, Defog, Uproar, Pursuit
OT: Misty ID: 08851
Notes: HP Ground Bird Jesus. Bred by me, Hatched by .com
Stock: 2
Winners: Quello93


IVs: 31/0/31/30/30/31
Nature: Modest
Tangled Feet
Egg Moves: Brave Bird, Defog, Uproar, Pursuit
OT: Misty ID: 08851
Notes: HP Ground Bird Jesus. Bred by me, Hatched by .com
Stock: 2
Winners: MagnusArcanum



IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31
Nature: Timid
Ability: Scrappy
Moves: Boomburst, Pursuit, Defog, Brave Bird
OT: Misty ID: 08851
Notes: HP Grass. 31 attack for u turn. Hatched by .com

Stock: 3


#666 Vivillion-Archipielago
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Jungle
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Ocean
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Polar
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Sandstorm
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Savannah
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#666 Vivillion-Sun

Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Rage Powder
OT: Mike ID: 43466
Notes: Only available at level 12
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable


#207 Gligar

1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Hyper Cutter
IVs: 31/31/31/00/31/31
Egg Moves: Counter, Baton Pass, Agility, Feint
OT: Carl ID: 06254
Notes: TSV hatched by /u/ambrosius23. Style points for 0 SpAtk.
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable

#396 Starly

1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Reckless (HA)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Double-Edge, Detect, Pursuit, Feather Dance
OT: Tegan ID: 33801
Notes: TSV hatched by /u/Teganrose1.
Stock: 0
Winners: Glaedrix

Non Redistributable


#627 Rufflet

Level: 58 (UT)
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Hustle >Defiant (HA)
IVs: 30/31/31/xx/31/31
Current Moves: Air Slash, Crush Claw, Sky Drop, Whirlwind
OT: Victor ID: 46675
Notes: DexNav capture by vzxt. Captured in Mirage Mountain in AS during a 300+dexnav chain hence the high level (w/o chaining max level is 38). The 30 HP IV makes no difference at lvl 50.

Stock: 0
Winner: P3DS

Non Redistributable


#225 Delibird

1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Hustle
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Fake Out, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Destiny Bond
OT: Victor ID: 26084
Notes: "Merry christmas ya filthy animal"
Stock: 3
Fully Redis
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Format for the giveaway

This is the format you must use to participate.
Please erase the orange text and fill out the format as best as you can. :D


Dear Santa Claus,

Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter.

Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter. Body of the letter.


your username/IGN/name

Link to a good action:


IGN: type your in-game name here
FC: type your 3DS friend code here

Copy the info of the pokemon you want and paste it here

Redis rights section
If the pokemon you want is Semi-redis or Non-redis type what that means.
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Dear Santa Claus,

I have been an especially good boy this year. I have written an analysis for VGC raichu, which has been used by many new players, and it makes me happy to see that people are using the spreads, since I would have spent time for nothing. I also spread HA snivy around the internet via reddit. Although only a few were given, people will breed more from this, and will distribute them around. What is better than being part of a chain reaction of a gift that keeps on giving?

I would really love to get the luxury ball Braviary. It is such a majestic Pokemon, and I am a huge fan of flying types based off of birds of prey.


Link to a good action:
(Hope it counts. Spreading the joy of HA snivy around the world)

IGN: Phil
FC: 1461-6185-4413

#627 Rufflet
Level: 58 (UT)
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Hustle >Defiant (HA)
IVs: 30/31/31/xx/31/31
Current Moves: Air Slash, Crush Claw, Sky Drop, Whirlwind
OT: Victor ID: 46675
Notes: DexNav capture by vzxt. Captured in Mirage Mountain in AS during a 300+dexnav chain hence the high level (w/o chaining max level is 38). The 30 HP IV makes no difference at lvl 50.
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable

If the pokemon you want is Semi-redis or Non-redis type what that means.
Non redis means I am not allowed to trade it to someone else

Huge shoutout to you guys for doing this. Also, who can I contact to assist in these kind of giveaways
Dear Santa Claus,

I was a good boy this year. I returned to Pokemon after being away since GenIII and studied hard on breeding methods and teambuilding. Using what I learned, I tried to help out other new players like myself get a little help by giving away some Pokemon on the Giveaway sub-forum and a few times in the Simple Questions/Requests thread.

I would love to have a shiny Modest Pidgey. Pidgey was the very first Flying Pokemon I caught when I started playing on Pokemon Crystal, so it will always have that special place. And with the new Mega-evolution it received, I think it'll be very fun to play with Pidgeot again after so long.

I hope everything is well. If I am worthy of receiving this gift, thank you very much. If not, still, I give my thanks to you and everyone who has helped me along the way.


Link to a good action: http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...astly-aqua-jet-marill-48hrs-finished.3525509/
IGN: Hikari
FC: 2509-3708-5125

IVs: 31/0/31/30/30/31
Nature: Modest
Tangled Feet
Egg Moves: Brave Bird, Defog, Uproar, Pursuit
OT: Misty ID: 08851
Notes: HP Ground Bird Jesus. Bred by me, Hatched by .com

Redis Rights: This Pokemon is Non-Redistributable, so I will not be trading it to anyone else.
P3DS your good action wasn't in the list of things I mentioned but the whole point of the "good action" mechanic is to get people involved in the community and contributing to it. Doing an analysis certainly counts, good job. You have won my DexNav Rufflet ;D

MagnusArcanum good job on the giveaway. You get a copy of the pidgey you requested. :)

I will contact you guys later via PM so I can give you your prizes.
P3DS your good action wasn't in the list of things I mentioned but the whole point of the "good action" mechanic is to get people involved in the community and contributing to it. Doing an analysis certainly counts, good job. You have won my DexNav Rufflet ;D

MagnusArcanum good jon on the giveaway. You get a copy of the pidgey you requested. :)

I will contact you guys later via PM so I can give you your prizes.
Thank you so much! :D
Dear Santa Claus,
I was a good boy this year. This was the first year I started playing Pokemon competativly and I have learned so much from the smogon community and I am very greatful for that. I started my first trade thread this year and traded with a lot of different people and helped other people out whenever I could whether it be breeding something for somebody or trading somebody a Pokemon they needed for their pokedex that I had. I also just started my first giveaway.

I would absolutely be thrilled to get a shiny timid emolga, as I would like to give it to my best friend as a gift because emolga is one of his favorite Pokemon.


Link to a good action:
IGN: Austin
FC: 0619-4647-5767
#587 Emolga
Nature: Timid
Ability: Motor Drive
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Air Slash, Tickle, Baton Pass, Charm
OT: Misty ID: 21502
Nickname: Squeekerz
Notes: Hidden Power Ice, German Language
Stock: 3
Fully Redis
Dear Santa Claus,

I think I’ve been good or even better than good. I got back in Pokemon in a big way in the summer. Since then I’ve put far too much time into it but I couldn’t be enjoying it more.

I like to think I contribute well to the Smogon community. I’ve got plans to hold my first giveaway, although this was borne out a disagreement with two other members over breeding in Gen VI games. I try and help by offering opinions on keep/toss decisions and looking to inform others and answer their questions; I’ve added people for Friend Safaris, SV matches Battle Maison partners & plan to continue this.

The mos recent example of such community generosity is a recent breeding project for Arhan, where I turned his 2 IV spitbacks into perfect females, using the Time Machiine breeding method, of which I am a big advocate. I did this in return for keeping of spitbacks but of course using this method, there is not so many.

I'd love to have the Zubat please. I've always enjoyed the evo line and I always like seeing the Gen 1 pokes that have metagame viability, especially if it did not seem so useful to begin with.




Link to action:
(plus evidence on profile)

IGN Alex
FC 5370 0525 7917

Male Impish Infiltrator Zubat
Ot : Nicholas 58072

Leech Life, Defog, Brave Bird, Hypnosis
Bred by me, hatched by EffervescentSnark
(Semi-redis rights acknowledged, if I trade it to anyone, then they can't trade it on.)

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Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a very good boy. I joined smogon this year, and since then I've learned lots of new things. I have tried to help people to the best of my abilities, and hope to contribute more to this community. I'm most frequently in the wifi part of the forums, and spend most of my time in the SQSA thread. There whenever I see something that a person needs help with, that I know I can accomplish I lend my assistance.

I hope to receive a Shiny zubat in a dusk ball as my present this year. I would love to use it on battle spot as my teams defogger as I don't have one yet. Thank you in advanced for my present, Santa Claus.



Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)
IGN: Anthony
FC: 5284-1517-4761

Male Impish Infiltrator Zubat
Ot : Nicholas 58072

Leech Life, Defog, Brave Bird, Hypnosis

The pokemon I will be receiving is Semi-Redis. A pokemon that is Semi-Redis can only be traded by me, but the person I trade it to cannot. I will list the pokemon as "Not-Redistribute" If I am to trade it.
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Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good boy this year, I started my account on Smogon earlier this year and have started a trade thread since then to help myself and others collection of Pokemon. I have also previously given away a whole box of HP Ground Shiny Larvestas, which I bred myself to people. Some new people and some who have been around for a while.

I hope I get a Hidden Power Ground Pidgeot this year, he's a genwunner and that's the generation when I started so he's the original cool bird. He also mega-evolves now which is very cool. Anyways I hope you get this Santa!



Link to a good action:
My Giveaway! :D

IGN: Quello93
FC: 3110-4929-2928

IVs: 31/0/31/30/30/31)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Tangled Feet
Egg Moves: Brave Bird, Defog, Uproar, Pursuit
OT: Misty ID: 08851
Notes: HP Ground Bird Jesus. Bred by me, Hatched by .com
Stock: 3
Non-Redis; I WILL NOT trade this to anybody else, it is for my own personal use and my own personal use only.
Dear Santa Claus,

I uh... Oh yeah, I helped... Oh wait no. I.... Ah fuck it.




Jk lol, just here to say everyone part of the TOTM giveaways are the best!
Dear Santa Claus,

I uh... Oh yeah, I helped... Oh wait no. I.... Ah fuck it.




Jk lol, just here to say everyone part of the TOTM giveaways are the best!

Thanks :D You could've gotten something if you had actually tried. lol
Dear Santa Claus,

I have been quite goid this year. I hosted a giveaway where I gave out 5 IV Kangaskhans in Friend Balls just a few weeks ago to help people who want to have a headstart breeding powerful Kangaskhans in matching Pokéballs. I also am currently hosting a Team Building Workshop with a couple of my friends in the Overused subforum, which has helped quite a few people who want / need help building effective teams so they too can learn the OU tier a bit better.

I think it would be pretty awesome if I got a shiny Fletchling in a Great Ball this year. Shiny smogonbird Talonflame has a boss color scheme and, in my opinion, it's one of the best Pokemon out there, both aesthetically and competitively.

I hope everything's working smoothly up there.




giveaway: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/kangamom-giveaway-itt-48hrs-finished.3525043/

ou team building workshop: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/team-building-shop-redux-open-new-builders-itt.3523084/

IGN: Scarlett (Omega Ruby) / Rebecca (X)
FC: 0173-1523-3949

Fletchling (F)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Gale Wings
IVs: 31/31/31/08/31/31
OT: Jacklyn ID: 10011
Hatched by Reddit User Jackie-ghan. TSV Thread.
Stock: 1

The Pokemon I want to receive is non-redistributable. This means I cannot give it out to anyone.
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Dear Santa Claus,

I've been good this year (kinda - depends on your perspective). I have studied hard everyday (give or take a few days). I helped a lot of people on PS! and also helped people in RMTs :) (even tho it's not that great). I haven't been very active lately due to exams but I do help a lot of people. It would be nice if you gave me what I wanted. I'm also planning on breeding and hosting giveaways soon once I complete my copy of OR.

I want the shiny starly. It just looks so cool and is also excellent competitively. It is also one of the best bird spams (second to lameflame :P) and I hope you give it to me :D.


Link to a good action:
Some of the RMTs I've rated :
No proof for helping people on PS! :P

IGN: Mamba
FC: 4613 8511 7235

#396 Starly

Level: 1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Reckless (HA)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Double-Edge, Detect, Pursuit, Feather Dance
OT: Tegan ID: 33801
Notes: TSV hatched by /u/Teganrose1.
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable
Non Redis means I cannot and will not trade this to anyone else.

Thanks in advance if you accept this !
Also I live in India so PM me if that's hard and I will try to work something out.
Dear Santa,

As you might have seen (ofcourse you have, you are Santa) I have became a father this year, and while this is taking up a lot of my time, I am still an aspiring Pokemon trainer and are working hard to give my son a Pokemon empire of his own. I don't have the ability to clone Pokémon, so I haven't been doing any give aways myself, but I do like to reward people that do giveaways with a nice trade back like a Dream Ball Female. However I didn't have a link to that, so it took a while before I could do something nice to show for.

In the small questions section I came accross of a trainer who would love to have a Bold Suicune to be his partner, and I remembered a different give away that happened elsewhere, so I decided to show him the way and find his desired life partner, you can see this here:


While I don't know if this is enough, as this redirection isn't helping him directly, but just guiding him. I would love to get my hands on this Hoppip if it does count though.

#187 Hoppip
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chlorophyll
IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Amnesia, Cotton Guard, Aromatherapy, Encore.
OT: Victoria ID: 36637
Stock: 3
Non Redistributable

In my Diamond and Pearl days, Jumpluff was a vital part of my singles team and I would love to be able to reconnect with my old (but differently colored) friend. I hope this qualifies as I do tend to be a good person around here. I will of course not redistribute it any further due to the policies, but I can't clone so you don't have to worry about that at all.

- Ivo / (Skylar)Green
Dear PokeSanta,

I have only recently began playing pokemon in a competitive fashion (only starting from Y). But ever since I have always tried to learn form the Smogon community whilst at the same time give back. I think this would entitle me to a 'good boy' status :D I always hang around SQ/R in order to help anyone who needs spit backs or requires trades, various transactions of this nature will be linked below (or I'll just mention the page number because I'm not sure how to link). In addition I try to get involved with the VGC and RTM threads to help anyone who needs it, and at the same time learn.

I hope I can get a shiny Starly this year. I really would love to have this bad-ass bird because I had a close relation to this bird in my Pearl version before I lost the cartridge never to see my Staraptor again. But much like when Gandalf 'died' in the Mines of Moria only to come back stronger, I dream of the day my Staraptor the Red will return as Staraptor the Blue (lol because of the little coloured bit on his/her head).


IGN: Fiat
FC: 2251 5199 9599

Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)
SQ/R pages: 121 (2 posts), 99 (bottom of page), 96 (top of page), 93 (middle)
and there's way more but they're so hard to find since my alerts don't show them and I have to go looking


#396 Starly
Level: 1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Reckless (HA)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Double-Edge, Detect, Pursuit, Feather Dance
OT: Tegan ID: 33801
Notes: TSV hatched by /u/Teganrose1.
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable

By asking for a Non Redistributable pokemon I know I can't trade it to anyone and will only use it myself :D
SkylarGreen you didnt use the format for the giveaway and giving someone a link to a giveaway does not count.

Fiat500 I'm sorry the starly is not available. Glaedrix won it a few posts back. I thought the giveaway would be locked by now so I forgot to edit the OP. You may choose another prize please edit your post with what you want.
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SkylarGreen you didnt use the format for the giveaway and giving someone a link to a giveaway does not count.

First part can be fixed, but needed to do it quickly at work. But unfortunately I don't have much proof for a good deed otherwise. Shame but I just can't go through my whole post history to find the stuff. Sorry but guess I can't participate then. Atleast I made that other guy happy
Fiat500 I'm sorry the starly is not available. Glaedrix won it a few posts back. I thought the giveaway would be locked by now so I forgot to edit the OP. You may choose another prize please edit your post with what you want.

Dear PokeSanta,

I have only recently began playing pokemon in a competitive fashion (only starting from Y). But ever since I have always tried to learn form the Smogon community whilst at the same time give back. I think this would entitle me to a 'good boy' status :D I always hang around SQ/R in order to help anyone who needs spit backs or requires trades, various transactions of this nature will be linked below (or I'll just mention the page number because I'm not sure how to link). In addition I try to get involved with the VGC and RTM threads to help anyone who needs it, and at the same time learn.

I hope I can get a shiny Starly this year. I really would love to have this bad-ass bird because I had a close relation to this bird in my Pearl version before I lost the cartridge never to see my Staraptor again. But much like when Gandalf 'died' in the Mines of Moria only to come back stronger, I dream of the day my Staraptor the Red will return as Staraptor the Blue (lol because of the little coloured bit on his/her head).


IGN: Fiat
FC: 2251 5199 9599

Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)
SQ/R pages: 121 (2 posts), 99 (bottom of page), 96 (top of page), 93 (middle)
and there's way more but they're so hard to find since my alerts don't show them and I have to go looking

View attachment 34224 View attachment 34225 View attachment 34226 View attachment 34227 View attachment 34225 View attachment 34224
#396 Starly
Level: 1 (UT)
Gender: Female
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Reckless (HA)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Double-Edge, Detect, Pursuit, Feather Dance
OT: Tegan ID: 33801
Notes: TSV hatched by /u/Teganrose1.
Stock: 1
Non Redistributable

By asking for a Non Redistributable pokemon I know I can't trade it to anyone and will only use it myself :D


Is the Swablu available instead? Altaria was the first ever pokemon I took to lv.100 in my original Sapphire Version :D So I guess it would have the same emotional value


#333 Swablu
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Agility, Haze, Hyper Voice, Power Swap
OT: Kira ID: 24321
Stock: 3
Non Redistributable
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