National Dex UU Twilight Masquerade (Sinistcha) [GP: 1/1]

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Sinistcha @ Leftovers
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 248 HP / 164 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Matcha Gotcha
- Strength Sap / Substitute
- Shadow Ball

Sinistcha's solid defensive typing, good bulk, and access to Calm Mind make it a threatening setup sweeper, matching up well against common defensive stalwarts such as Hippowdon, Rotom-W, and Skarmory. Strength Sap is used to provide Sinistcha with a means of reliable recovery; it also cripples Pokemon such as Mienshao and Choice Band Iron Boulder, ensuring Sinistcha can defeat them one-on-one. Alternatively, Substitute allows Sinistcha to dodge status moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave from the likes of Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Slowking while allowing it to set up in front of Blissey and Chansey. It also provides Sinistcha with extra security against offensive threats such as Bisharp and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, allowing it to potentially beat them through burns from Matcha Gotcha. Shadow Ball provides Sinistcha with a reliable secondary STAB move that consistently threatens the likes of Aegislash, Celesteela, and Iron Moth once boosted. 96 Speed EVs allow Sinistcha to outrun Adamant Azumarill. Sinistcha fits best on bulky offense and balance structures as a wincon that helps even out matchups against common defensive Pokemon that they would otherwise struggle to break through, such as Hippowdon and Amoonguss. Entry hazard setters like Clefable, Ting-Lu, and Skarmory are solid choices that can check and wear down certain Pokemon that Sinistcha struggles against, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Clefable is especially noticeable, as it can also use Knock Off to remove key items from targets such as defensive Celesteela, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Heavy-Duty Boots Iron Moth, making it easier for Sinistcha to break past them in the long run. On the other hand, wallbreakers such as mixed Aegislash, offensive Mega Latias, and Life Orb Mienshao are similarly efficacious teammates that can help open up opportunities for Sinistcha to sweep. Sinistcha values its longevity, thus preferring not to lose its Leftovers or be crippled by any form of residual damage before setting up. Therefore, defensive pivots such as Mold Breaker Excadrill, Rotom-W, Slowbro, and Scizor are all appreciated for their ability to assist in these areas; Excadrill and Rotom-W serve as effective hazard removal options, whereas Slowbro and Scizor can use Teleport and U-turn respectively to help Sinistcha enter the battlefield safely and absorb Knock Off users such as Clefable and Mega Venusaur in the process.

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Sinistcha @ Leftovers
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 248 HP / 164 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Matcha Gotcha
- Strength Sap / Substitute Is Sub really slashed here? Tea's entire niche is dominating Physical attackers with Sap. Maybe slash this with Shadow Ball instead?
- Shadow Ball

Sinistcha's solid defensive typing, good bulk, and access to Calm Mind make it a threatening setup sweeper, allowing it to match up well against common defensive stalwarts such as Hippowdon, Rotom-W, and Skarmory. Strength Sap is used to provide Sinistcha with a means of reliable recovery; it also notably cripples Pokemon such as Choice Band Iron Boulder and Mienshao maybe swap order so Mienshao isn't assumed to be Choice Band, ensuring Sinistcha can force them out defeat them one-on-one. Alternatively, Substitute is a good alternative that allows Sinistcha to dodge status moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave from the likes of Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Slowking, while allowing it to set up in front of Blissey and Chansey. It also allows Sinistcha to safely fish for burns from Matcha Gotcha against Bisharp and Choice Scarf Hydreigon This makes it seem like you can do so multiple times? Maybe change the wording to imply only once while the Substitute is up.. Shadow Ball provides Sinistcha with a reliable secondary STAB move that consistently threatens the likes of Aegislash, Celesteela, and Iron Moth once boosted. 96 Speed EVs allow Sinistcha to outrun Adamant Azumarill. Sinistcha fits best on bulky offense and balance structures as a wincon that helps with evening out matchups versus opposing bulky teams How so? I would explain this somewhere.. Entry hazard support from the likes of Clefable, Ting-Lu, and Skarmory are solid choices that can check and wear down certain Pokemon that Sinistcha struggles against, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Clefable is especially noticeable, as it can also use Knock Off to threaten remove key items from targets such as Defensive Celesteela, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Heavy-Duty Boots Iron Moth, making it easier for Sinistcha to break past them in the long-run. On the other hand, wallbreakers such as Mixed Aegislash, Offensive Mega Latias, and Life Orb Mienshao are similarly efficacious teammates that can help open up opportunities for Sinistcha to sweep. In addition, Sinistcha values its longevity, thus preferring not to lose its Leftovers or be crippled by all any forms of residual damage before setting up, therefore, defensive pivots such as Mold Breaker Excadrill, Rotom-W, Slowking, and Scizor are all appreciated for their ability to assist in these areas I would maybe expand on why these options in particular help Sinistcha play around Knock Off/Status.

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Good analysis. Wanna discuss the moveset before moving to GP, so check Discord. 1/1 when implemented
GP 1/1
Sinistcha @ Leftovers
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 248 HP / 164 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Matcha Gotcha
- Strength Sap / Substitute
- Shadow Ball

Sinistcha's solid defensive typing, good bulk, and access to Calm Mind make it a threatening setup sweeper, allowing it to match matching up well against common defensive stalwarts such as Hippowdon, Rotom-W, and Skarmory. Strength Sap is used to provide provides Sinistcha with a means of reliable recovery; it also cripples Pokemon such as Mienshao and Choice Band Iron Boulder, ensuring Sinistcha can defeat them one-on-one. Alternatively, Substitute is a good alternative that allows Sinistcha to dodge status moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave from the likes of Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Slowking (RC) while allowing it to set up in front of Blissey and Chansey. It also provides Sinistcha with extra security against offensive threats such as Bisharp and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, allowing Sinistcha it to potentially beat them through burns from Matcha Gotcha. Shadow Ball provides Sinistcha with a reliable secondary STAB move that consistently threatens the likes of Aegislash, Celesteela, and Iron Moth once boosted. 96 Speed EVs allow Sinistcha to outrun Adamant Azumarill. Sinistcha fits best on bulky offense and balance structures as a wincon that helps even out matchups against common defensive Pokemon that they would otherwise struggle to break through, such as Hippowdon and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from the likes of setters like Clefable, Ting-Lu, and Skarmory are solid choices that can check and wear down certain Pokemon that Sinistcha struggles against, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Clefable is especially noticeable, as it can also use Knock Off to remove key items from targets such as defensive lowercase Celesteela, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Heavy-Duty Boots Iron Moth, making it easier for Sinistcha to break past them in the long-run long run. On the other hand, wallbreakers such as mixed lowercase Aegislash, offensive lowercase Mega Latias, and Life Orb Mienshao are similarly efficacious teammates that can help open up opportunities for Sinistcha to sweep. Sinistcha values its longevity, thus preferring not to lose its Leftovers or be crippled by any form of residual damage before setting up (RC). (AP) Therefore, uppercase defensive pivots such as Mold Breaker Excadrill, Rotom-W, Slowbro, and Scizor are all appreciated for their ability to assist in these areas; Excadrill and Rotom-W serve as effective hazard removal options, whereas Slowbro and Scizor can use Teleport and U-turn respectively to help Sinistcha enter the battlefield safely (RC) also being able to absorb potential and absorb Knock Off from users of Knock Off such as Clefable and Mega Venusaur (RC) in the process.

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