Turtwig (Full Analysis)*

little gk

competitive oosos player
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Kudos to Bahohns of LCF here, he wrote the draft of this and I just cleaned it up and added a few things including all the Team Options. This was an awesome job by him and he deserves a lot of credit for writing the bulk of this.

Bahohn's draft may be found here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/The_Little_Cup_Forum/topic/1569253/1/

Status: Done



name: Leadwig
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Protect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Oran Berry
nature: Impish
EVs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>This set attempts to play Turtwig as a defensive Stealth Rock lead. Utilizing this Turtwig is rather simple. This set easily equips Turtwig with the tools necessary to combat numerous oppositing leads, assuming it is played correctly and with decent prediction.</p>

<p>Turtwig needs Stealth Rock to destroy Focus Sashes and provide support for a team member trying to sweep. Protect is almost required to deal with Fake Out users, to scout, and to work against Explosions from the likes of Voltorb and Gastly, both of which are common leads today. Seed Bomb is a Turtwig's most powerful STAB attack and primary form of attack. The fourth move you select to use is up for grabs, as Turtwig's coverage will be flawed either way. Crunch nails Gastly and Misdreavus and is great for consistent, neutral coverage, whereas Superpower can be a surprise blow against certain leads that attempt to set up on you. The EVs provide Turtwig with strong durability and a free Speed point. Oran Berry adds extra bulk for Turtwig to take an extra hit or two and greatly increases this set's worth.</p>

<p>Against Taunting leads, Turtwig should generally attack on the predicted Taunt, and save the ability to Protect for later. If the lead is say, a Voltorb for instance, one may save Turtwig from dying to an Explosion with a well-timed Protect instead of simply losing him and his potential Stealth Rock altogether. Against other bulky leads, unless Turtwig is capable of directly hurting them, it should just lay down use Stealth Rock and allow for a more directly threatening teammate to come in afterward.</p>

<p> Keep in mind that Turtwig is not Superman, and that certain problem leads, like Houndour, are out there. Houndour, of course, is a threat to lead Turtwig and may be remedied by using a Houndour of your own with Flash Fire, or a Fire-type resist to take the attack. Chimchar, though uncommon, can also cause problems for Turtwig by using its Fire-type STAB. This can also be remedied by a Fire-type resist or immunity. Meowth also causes some problems, but all it can really do to hurt you is a super-effective U-turn.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Double-Edge / Return
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant
EVs: 236 HP / 212 Atk / 4 Def / 28 Spe

<p>Although slow, bulky Choice Banders are rarely ideal in the Little Cup metagame, Turtwig is a fine choice for one nonetheless. Turtwig's stats and moves make it perfect for the job of a wall breaker. Turtwig is slow, sturdy, strong, and blessed with an outstanding physical move pool for a Grass-type. Although bulky, Turtwig is still easily revenge killed. As such, Turtwig is best utilized as a team's wall breaker; it hits just about anything hard if it predicts correctly, and then goes down fighting. Considering the great coverage that its move pool provides, it is very capable of doing this effectively.</p>

<p>Seed Bomb is a strong, reliable STAB attack for Turtwig to use as its main attack to rip holes with. The other moves help coverage. Superpower hits just as hard as STAB Seed Bomb on a neutral hit and provides valuable Fighting coverage against Steel-types. Crunch cripples any Ghost-types you'll encounter when running off of Turtwig's impressive Attack. In the fourth slot, Normal-type attacks provide excellent neutral coverage and Double-Edge is the stronger choice, and plays well with Turtwig's aforementioned role as team "wrecking ball.” However, without STAB, the difference in power between Return and Double-Edge is rarely significant, but the recoil can be. The above EVs provide Turtwig with max Attack and HP, with the remaining EVs going into the only areas they can round out: Speed and Defense.</p>

<p>As mentioned above, this Turtwig can be easily revenge killed due to its pitiful speed and inability to change attacks. With this, the revenge killer will usually resist your Turtwig’s attacks and threaten with a super-effective attack of its own. All you can do is predict that attack and switch out to a Pokemon with resistances to Turtwig's weaknesses. One example of a Pokemon with these resistances includes Munchlax, who resists Fire- and Ice- type attacks. Fire-types also have great synergy with Turtwig as they cover eachothers most glaring weaknesses. Examples of these include Houndour, Magby, and Cyndaquil. All of these pokemon can switch in on an Ice-, Fire, or Bug-type attack aimed at Turtwig and threaten your opponent. Bronzor makes a good partner with Turtwig with resistances to Ice and Flying and an immunity to Poison.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Crunch / Stealth Rock
item: Light Clay
nature: Impish
EVs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>Turtwig is the only Grass-type Pokémon capable of learning both dual screens and Stealth Rock, allowing it to fill a valuable niche as a supporter. The goal is to bring Turtwig in on something that it resists, and set-up both Stealth Rock and the dual screens. Crunch allows Turtwig to hit both ghosts for super effective damage and bronzor for nuetral if you already have something to set Stealth Rock up, but it may be the better choice allowing Focus Sashes to be broken as early as possible, while setting up screens is useful for opening up a potential sweep later in the game. The given EVs are the same as on the Lead set, and for the same reasons; bulk is essential, and little else is useful anyway.</p>

<p>Turtwig's role here is to set up in order for other Pokemon to sweep. Mantyke makes excellent use of screens, notably Reflect, and is resistant to Fire and neutral to Ice. Ghosts such as Midreavus and Drifloon greatly appreciate screens, as it allows them to set up Calm Minds for a sweep. Gligar also benefits from screens greatly, going from bulky to nearly impenetrable. There are plenty of other setup sweepers in Little Cup to use in tandem with Turtwig, but the ones mentioned above are the most notable.</p>

name: MixTwig
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Crunch
item: Life Orb
nature: Quiet
EVs: 216 Atk / 4 Def / 240 SpA
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 2 Spe
[Set Comments]

<p>Turtwig's slow Speed makes it very dangerous with proper Trick Room support, as it reaches a slugish 7 Speed minimum. This set is built to abuse Trick Room by turning Turtwig into a speedy, offensive Juggernaut while Trick Room is active. By using a mixed set, Turtwig is able to take advantage of its well-rounded coverage when using both physical and special moves, as well as its freedom to invest in both of its offenses. Many things are hit either super effective or for a strong neutral hit by this set's offenses. Life Orb is a must on this set in order for Turtwig to hit as hard as possible.</p>

<p>Seed Bomb is a strong and reliable STAB and is Turtwig's main move on this set. Earth Power is one of Turtwog's two special attacks and hits Steels that could cause harm to this Turtwig. Hidden Power Fire allows Turtwig to hit opposing Grass-types for super effective damage as well as Bronzor who would otherwise wall this set. Crunch, in the final slot, hits Ghosts such as Misdreavus, Shuppet, and Gastly and has excelent neutral coverage.</p>

<p>Having a good Pokémon to set up Trick Room is essential for optimal use of this set. Without Trick Room, this set pales in comparison to the Choice Band set, as it hits softer, is even slower, and is frailer. Some Pokemon who can help Turtwig out immensely by setting up Trick Room include Slowpoke, who resists both Fire- and Ice-type attacks and Bronzor who resists every one of Turtwig's weaknesses but Fire.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Turtwig's physical options are limited at best and everything usable has already been covered above. For special attacking options, Turtwig could use Hidden Power Ice, Electric, or Psychic over Hidden Power Fire, in order to deal 4x damage to Gligar, Mantyke, or Croagunk, respectively.</p>

<p>Turtwig's supporting move pool is excellent. Outside of the several supporting moves above, Turtwig has notable access to Leech Seed and Synthesis. Unfortunately, neither of these are useful enough to warrant a move slot. Leech Seed is probably the best option of the two, as it improves Turtwig's stalling power and allows it to force switches. Turtwig, though sturdy, just isn't bulky enough to use Synthesis effectively in the exceedingly offensive Little Cup metagame.</p>

<p>Turtwig has plenty of set-up moves to offer in Amnesia, Curse, Growth, Swords Dance, Rain Dance, and Sunny Day. Unfortunately, sets utilizing Amnesia and Curse are generally too easy to take down before they accomplish anything significant. Sets running Growth or Swords Dance would also run into a similar issue and could only reach 13 Speed at best, which is very slow. Turtwig is easily outclassed by other Pokémon who can set up weather.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, for Turtwig, three of its base stats end in 5, which limits the number of EVs it is able to effectively distribute. However, Turtwig's 64 Defense does grant it a Defense point with an investment of only four EVs. Being so slow, Turtwig is best off investing in HP and defenses on the defensive sets, and HP and its chosen attacking stat on the offensive sets. Defensive sets can choose between being mostly physically defensive, slightly physically defensive, balanced, or slighty specially defensive; just configure the EVs and nature according to what types of attacks you want Turtwig to take. If you have some EVs left over, keep in mind that Turtwig can invest 28 EVs in Speed to gain a +1 bonus, which is better than nothing and could assist it in outrunning other slow, bulky Pokémon such as Aron, Nosepass, and Shieldon. Turtwig's inability to reach 19 HP means that Life Orb will always do 2 damage to it; keep this in mind if you're using Life Orb.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Pokemon who can set up the field effect Trick Room work extremely well with Turtwig, due to its horrible Speed stat. A Pokemon who can do this effectively and has good synergy with Turtwig is Slowpoke. Slowpoke has great typing to be paired up with Turtwig, as it is able to take the Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig, while Turtwig can take both Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Slowpoke. Bronzor can also set Trick Room up for Turtwig as it resists all of its weaknesses bar Fire-type attacks. Munchlax works well with Turtwig as they both can function under Trick Room well and Munchlax resists Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig. Mantyke functions well with Dual Screen Turtwig, as when Mantyke is behind screens, it can set-up much easier.</p>


<p>Turtwig is an interesting Grass-type to use in Little Cup. Thanks to its relatively unique attribute allocation and move pool, Turtwig manages to be a stand-out amongst the pure Grass types of Little Cup. When compared to its fellow Grass-types, it plays well in Trick Room, lacks any real status options, has a significant physical move pool, and has access to a few unique moves like Earth Power and Stealth Rock. Whether or not its strengths are enough to merit it a slot on your team, however, is up for debate. Turtwig is incredibly slow, boasts no priority, and is easily taken out with super effective attacks or worn down over time by repeated assaults. Using Turtwig to the best of its abilities can be problematic, although it often manages to be decent competitor regardless.</p>


<p>With the right move from the right set Turtwig is capable of hurting just about anything in Little Cup. This, however, is common in Little Cup and as such, Turtwig is perfectly counterable by a number of pokemon. Bronzor is Turtwig's best switch-in as it resists most of its attacking moves and can deal with Crunch. It fares particularly well against the physical sets, although it would be wise to watch out for Hidden Power Fire. Against the physical sets, Gligar is an outstanding switch-in unless Turtwig is running Hidden Power Ice, and Turtwig lacks anything with which to significantly hurt Gligar. Gligar can in turn threaten Turtwig with STAB Aerial Ace, but an AquaTail/Earthquake Gligar cannot do much against Turtwig. Other Grass types, if they avoid Hidden Power Fire, only have Crunch to contend with. Faster Grass/Poison types with Sludge Bomb can often switch in fine and threaten Turtwig with a OHKO.</p>

<p>Taunt can shut down a support Turtwig, as it stops any non-attacking moves. Considering how slow Turtwig is, landing a faster Taunt is easy for just about anything who knows the move. Also due to its low Speed, Turtwig is incredibly easy to revenge kill by anything faster with a powerful super-effective attack. Turtwig can be quite the threat under Trick Room. Pokémon who are even slower than Turtwig, like Munchlax and Trapinch, can attempt to hold it at bay or KO it by getting the initiative. Protect stalling also works quite well when applicable. Priority attacks other than Aqua Jet can also be great against a Trick Room Turtwig, as it lacks any priority whatsoever. Ice Shard works particularly well.</p>
Kudos to Bahohns of LCF here, he wrote the draft of this and I just cleaned it up and added a few things. This was an awesome job by him.



name: Leadwig
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Protect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Oran Berry
nature: Impish
evs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>This set attempts to play Turtwig as a defensive Stealth Rock lead, utilizing this Turtwig is rather simple. This set easily equips Turtwig with the tools necessary to combat a numerous amount of opposing leads, assuming it is played correctly and with some prediction.</p>

<p>Against Taunting leads, Turtwig should generally attack on the predicted Taunt, and save the ability to Protect for later. If the lead is say, a Voltorb for instance, one may save Turtwig from dying to an Explosion with a well-timed Protect instead of simply losing him and his potential Stealth Rock altogether. Against other bulky leads, unless Turtwig is capable of directly hurting them, it should just lay down use Stealth Rock and allow for a more directly threatening teammate to come in afterward.

<p>Turtwig needs Stealth Rock for obvious reasons, and Protect is almost required to deal with Fake Out users, to scout, and to work against Explosions from the likes of Voltorb and Gastly, both of which are common leads. Seed Bomb is a given, as it is Turtwig's most powerful STAB attack. However, the complimentary move you elect to use is up for grabs, as Turtwig's coverage will be flawed either way. Crunch nails Gastly and Misdreavus and is great for consistent, neutral coverage, whereas Superpower can be a surprise smash against certain leads that attempt to set up on you. The given EVs provide Turtwig with strong durability and a free Speed point. </p>

<p> Keep in mind that Turtwig is not Superman, and that certain problem leads, like Houndour, are out there. Houndour, of course, is a threat to lead Turtwig and may be remedied by using a Houndour of your own with Flash Fire, or a Fire-type resist to take the attack. Meowth also causes some problems, but all it can really do is hurt you by using a super-effective U-turn.</p> (It can sleep you to, maybe add that in there)

name: Choice Band
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Double-Edge / Return
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant
evs: 236 HP / 212 Atk / 4 Def / 28 Spe

<p>Although slow, bulky Choice Banders are rarely ideal in the Little Cup metagame, Turtwig is a fine choice for one nonetheless. Turtwig's summation of stats and moves make it perfect for the job. Turtwig is slow, sturdy, strong, and blessed with an outstanding physical move pool for a Grass-type, all of which makes it, again, an ideal Choice Bander.</p>

<p>Although sturdy, it is foolish to believe that this Turtwig could not be revenged killed rather easily. As such, Turtwig is best utilized as a team's "wrecking ball"; it hits just about anything hard, if it predicts correctly, and then goes down fighting. Considering the great coverage that its move pool provides, it is very capable of doing this.</p>

<p>As its move pool goes, Seed Bomb is a strong, reliable STAB attack for Turtwig to use. The other moves help to fill coverage holes. Superpower hits just as hard as STAB Seed Bomb on a neutral hit and provides valuable Fighting coverage against Steel-types. Crunch maims any Ghosts you'll encounter when running off of Turtwig's impressive Attack.</p>

<p>The last slot isn't quite filler, as even the above three moves fail to provide perfect neutral coverage, with Croagunk being the Pokemon who resists them all. As such, Turtwig's basic Normal options, Double-Edge and Return, come in to play and into this move set. Double-Edge is the stronger choice, and plays well with Turtwig's aforementioned role as team "wrecking ball,” but, without STAB, the difference in power between Return and Double-Edge is rarely significant. The above EVs provide Turtwig max Attack and HP, with the remaining EVs going into the only areas they can round out; Speed and Defense. </p>

<p> As mentioned above this Turtwig can be easily revenge killed due to its pitiful speed and that it is locked in on one attack. With this, the revenge killer will usually resist your Turtwig’s attacks and threaten with a super-effective attack of its own. All you can do is predict that attack and switch out. </p>

name: Dual Screen
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Stealth Rock
item: Light Clay
nature: Impish
evs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>Turtwig is the only Grass-type Pokémon capable of learning dual screen and Stealth Rock, allowing it to fill a valuable niche as a supporter. The idea is to bring Turtwig in on something that isn't going to hurt it, and then support your team accordingly. Early in the match, Stealth Rock may be the stronger choice. Later in the match, you would want to use the screen more appropriate for taking the offenses of whatever comes in, then use the other screen and take one for the team, opening up a potential sweep. The given EVs are the same as on the Lead set, for the same reasons; bulk is essential, and little else is all too useful anyways. Since this set is used for support, it is easily walled by anything that resists Seed Bomb. Taunt users also pose a threat to this set as they can ruin Turtwig’s ability to set-up. </p>

name: MixTwig
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Crunch
item: Life Orb
nature: Quiet
evs: 216 Atk / 4 Def / 240 SpA
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 2 Spe
[Set Comments]

<p>Turtwig's slow Speed makes it play well with Trick Room support, as it reaches a rather slow 7 Speed minimum. This set is built to abuse Trick Room by turning Turtwig into a speedy, offensive Juggernaut; assuming, of course, that Trick Room is active.</p>

<p>By using a mixed set, Turtwig is able to take advantage of its well-rounded coverage when using both physical and special moves, as well as its freedom to invest in both of its offenses. Many things are hit either super effective or for a strong neutral hit by this set's offenses.</p>

<p>Having a good Pokémon to set up Trick Room is essential for optimal use of this set. Without Trick Room, this set pales in comparison to the Choice itemed set, as it hits softer, is slower, and is frailer. Trick Room may be easily stalled out though as the effects of it last for only 5 turns. Substitute could go over any one of the options in this set to help Turtwig deal with Sucker Punches when it is at less than 50% HP, allow finding an attack to replace is difficult, as they all provide essential coverage.</p> (what is with that last sentence, i don't get what you're saying. change that around. :|)

[Other Options]

<p>Turtwig's physical options are limited; everything usable has already been covered. For special options, Turtwig is able to elect to use an alternative Hidden Power over Hidden Power Fire, in order to deal 4x damage to certain threats/walls. Examples of what types of Hidden Powers could be utilized include Hidden Power Ice , Hidden Power Electric, and Hidden Power Psychic .</p>

<p>Turtwig's support move pool is excellent; that is, save for a lack of status options (barring Toxic). Outside of the several support moves mentioned (Light Screen, Reflect, Stealth Rock), Turtwig has notable access to Leech Seed, Synthesis, Tickle and Worry Seed; none of which, unfortunately, are generally useful enough to warrant a move slot. Leech Seed is probably the best option of the lot, as it improves Turtwig's staying power and allows it to force switches. Combine with Hidden Power Fire (to threaten other Grass-types) for best results. Turtwig, though sturdy, just isn't bulky enough to use Synthesis effectively in the exceedingly offensive Little Cup metagame. Tickle is a mediocre option in the again, offensive metagame that is Little Cup, whereas Worry Seed is, by contrast, too gimmicky to really merit inclusion.</p>

<p>In lieu of setup options, Turtwig is stocked, as its move pool has Amnesia, Curse, Growth and Swords Dance, in addition to both Rain Dance and Sunny Day, of course. Unfortunately, sets utilizing Amnesia and Curse are generally too easy to take down before they accomplish much anything. Likewise, sets running Growth and/or Swords Dance would also run into a similar issue and could only reach 13 Speed at best; a rather insufficient number. As for setting-up the weather, Turtwig is inferior to many of its fellow Chlorophyll Grass-types in the Sun, and is just an awkward choice in general for Rain use.</p>

<p>For alternative item choices, you are generally limited to BigRoot and Choice Scarf. BigRoot is a fair option on any set that utilizes Leech Seed and isn't heavily dependent on its item otherwise. Choice Scarf has some surprise value, but with only 19 Speed at best, Turtwig is just too slow for it to be of any significant use. </p>


<p>Unfortunately, for Turtwig, three of its base stats end in 5s, which limits just how many of its 508 EVs it is able to effectively distribute. However, Turtwig's 64 Defense does essentially grant it a free Defense point (for only 4 EVs) so it's not all too bad. Being so slow, Turtwig is best off investing in HP and defenses on the defensive sets, and HP and its chosen attacking stat on the attacking sets. Defensive sets can choose between either being mostly physical defensive, slightly physical defensive, balanced or slight special defensive; just configure the EVs and nature according to what types of attacks you expect Turtwig to be taking for the most part. If you have some EVs left over, keep in mind that Turtwig can invest 28 EVs in Speed to gain a +1 bonus, which is better than nothing is and could assist it in outrunning other slow, bulky Pokémon. Turtwig's inability to reach 19 HP means that Life Orb will always do 2 damage to it; keep this in mind if you're using Life Orb.</p>

[Team Options]
forgot to write this it'll be up quickly


<p>Turtwig is an interesting Grass-type to use in Little Cup. Thanks to its relatively unique attribute allocation and move pool, Turtwig manages to be a stand-out amongst the pure Grass types of Little Cup. When compared to its fellow Grass-types, it plays well in Trick Room, lacks any real status options, has a significant physical move pool, and has access to a few unique moves like Earth Power and Stealth Rock. Whether or not its strengths are enough to merit it a slot on your team, however, is up for debate. Turtwig is incredibly slow, boasts no priority, and is easily taken out with super effective attacks or worn down over time by repeated assaults. Using Turtwig to the best of its abilities can be problematic, although it often manages to be decent competitor regardless.</p>


<p>Turtwig, with the right move from the right set, is capable of hurting just about anything; however, the same could be said for a huge cast of Little Cup contenders. As such, Turtwig is perfectly counterable. Bronzor is, in most cases, Turtwig's best switch-in. It resists most of its common attacking moves and can deal with Crunch. It fares particularly well against the physical sets, although it would do well to watch out for Specs Hidden Power Fire. Against the physical sets, Gligar is a stand-out switch-in. Unless Turtwig is running Hidden Power Ice, it lacks anything with which to significantly hurt Gligar. Gligar can in turn threaten Turtwig with STAB'd Aerial Ace; do bear in mind, however, that standard Aqua Tail/Earthquake Gligar fares poorly against Turtwig. Other Grass types, if they avoid Hidden Power Fire, only have Crunch at worst to contend with. Faster Grass/Poison types (namely, all of them) with Sludge Bomb can often switch in just fine and threaten Turtwig with a KO.</p>

<p>Against a supporter-type Turtwig, Taunt is quite the boon, as it brings to a halt any supportive moves it would've used to help its team. Considering just how slow Turtwig is, landing a faster Taunt is impeccably easy for just about anything (that is, of course, capable of using Taunt). Being so slow (and being a Grass-type, which yields several weaknesses), Turtwig is incredibly easy to revenge kill. Anything faster (which constitutes as most everything) with a powerful super effective attack can easily revenge kill Turtwig. Lastly, a word of warning: Turtwig can be quite the threat under a Trick Room. Pokémon who are even slower than Turtwig, like Munchlax/Trapinch, can attempt to hold it at bay/KO by getting the initiative. Protect stalling also works quite well when applicable. Priority attacks, minus Aqua Jet, can also be great against a Trick Room Turtwig, as it lacks any priority whatsoever. Ice Shard works particularly well.</p>

I'm tired i'll do the rest in the morning
I'm gonna start where SoT left off

Snorlax14 said:
[Other Options]

<p>Turtwig's physical options are limited at best and everything usable has already been covered above. For special attacking options, Turtwig could use Hidden Power Ice, Electric, or Psychic over Hidden Power Fire, in order to deal 4x damage to Gligar, Mantyke, or Croagunk, respectively.</p>

<p>Turtwig's supporting move pool is excellent. Outside of the several supporting moves above, Turtwig has notable access to Leech Seed and Synthesis. Unfortunately, neither of these are useful enough to warrant a move slot. Leech Seed is probably the best option of the two, as it improves Turtwig's stalling power and allows it to force switches. Turtwig, though sturdy, just isn't bulky enough to use Synthesis effectively in the exceedingly offensive Little Cup metagame.</p>

<p>Turtwig has plenty of set-up moves to offer in Amnesia, Curse, Growth, Swords Dance, Rain Dance, and Sunny Day. Unfortunately, sets utilizing Amnesia and Curse are generally too easy to take down before they accomplish anything significant. Sets running Growth or Swords Dance would also run into a similar issue and could only reach 13 Speed at best, which is very slow. Turtwig is easily outclassed by other Pokémon who can set up weather.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, for Turtwig, three of its base stats end in 5, which limits the number of EVs it is able to effectively distribute. However, Turtwig's 64 Defense does grant it a Defense point with an investment of only four EVs. Being so slow, Turtwig is best off investing in HP and defenses on the defensive sets, and HP and its chosen attacking stat on the offensive sets. Defensive sets can choose between being mostly physically defensive, slightly physically defensive, balanced, or slighty specially defensive; just configure the EVs and nature according to what types of attacks you want Turtwig to take. If you have some EVs left over, keep in mind that Turtwig can invest 28 EVs in Speed to gain a +1 bonus, which is better than nothing and could assist it in outrunning other slow, bulky Pokémon such as Aron, Nosepass, and Shieldon. Turtwig's inability to reach 19 HP means that Life Orb will always do 2 damage to it; keep this in mind if you're using Life Orb.</p>

[Team Options]
<p>Pokemon who can set up the field effect Trick Room work extremely well with Turtwig, due to its horrible Speed stat. A Pokemon who can do this effectively and has good synergy with Turtwig is Slowpoke. Slowpoke has great typing to be paired up with Turtwig. Slowpoke is able to take the Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig, while Turtwig can take both Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Slowpoke. Munchlax works well with Turtwig as they both can function under Trick Room well and Munchlax resists Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig. (I took out a sentence here)Mantyke functions well with Dual Screen Turtwig. When Mantyke is behind screens, it can set-up much easier.</p>


<p>Turtwig is an interesting Grass-type to use in Little Cup. Thanks to its relatively unique attribute allocation and move pool, Turtwig manages to be a stand-out amongst the pure Grass types of Little Cup. When compared to its fellow Grass-types, it plays well in Trick Room, lacks any real status options, has a significant physical move pool, and has access to a few unique moves like Earth Power and Stealth Rock. Whether or not its strengths are enough to merit it a slot on your team, however, is up for debate. Turtwig is incredibly slow, boasts no priority, and is easily taken out with super effective attacks or worn down over time by repeated assaults. Using Turtwig to the best of its abilities can be problematic, although it often manages to be decent competitor regardless.</p>


<p>With the right move from the right set Turtwig is capable of hurting just about anything in Little Cup. This, however, is common in Little Cup and as such, Turtwig is perfectly counterable by a number of pokemon. Bronzor is Turtwig's best switch-in as it resists most of its attacking moves and can deal with Crunch. It fares particularly well against the physical sets, although it would be wise to watch out for Hidden Power Fire. Against the physical sets, Gligar is a an outsanding switch-in unless Turtwig is running Hidden Power Ice, and Turtwig lacks anything with which to significantly hurt Gligar. Gligar can in turn threaten Turtwig with STAB Aerial Ace, but an AquaTail/Earthquake Gligar cannot do much against Turtwig. Other Grass types, if they avoid Hidden Power Fire, only have Crunch to contend with. Faster Grass/Poison types with Sludge Bomb can often switch in fine and threaten Turtwig with a OHKO.</p>

<p>Taunt can shut down a support Turtwig, as it stops any non-attacking moves. Considering how slow Turtwig is, landing a faster Taunt is easy for just about anything who knows the move. Also due to its low Speed, Turtwig is incredibly easy to revenge kill by anything faster with a powerful super-effective attack. Turtwig can be quite the threat under Trick Room. Pokémon who are even slower than Turtwig, like Munchlax and Trapinch, can attempt to hold it at bay or KO it by getting the initiative. Protect stalling also works quite well when applicable. Priority attacks, minus Aqua Jet, can also be great against a Trick Room Turtwig, as it lacks any priority whatsoever. Ice Shard works particularly well.</p>

I'm still new at this so it's very likely a missed stuff or made some mistakes.
Edit: I noticed a couple other things. These will be in blue bold to be noticeable.
All you can do is predict that attack and switch out, or try to survives and cripple it.
Replace with something about having resistances to Turtwig's weaknesses helps to switch out on predicted attacks, and give some examples of Pokemon who cover several at once.
Having a good Pokémon to set up Trick Room is essential for optimal use of this set. Without Trick Room, this set pales in comparison to the Choice itemed set, as it hits softer, is even slower, and is frailer. Trick Room may be easily stall-out though as the effects of it last for only 5 turns.
Mention a couple of TR setupers who's resistances mesh well with Turtwig.

Examples of what types of Hidden Powers could be utilized include Hidden Power Ice, Hidden Power Electric, and Hidden Power Psychic all hit specific pokemon.
Which do they hit, do you need to hit them and what about them makes them less appealing than HP Fire? A new LC player would not know these things.

Similarley, sets running Growth, or Swords Dance would also run into a similar issue and could only reach 13 Speed at best, which is still pretty slow.
Double use of variations of "similar" seems awkward.

The actual Team Options section needs serious improvement, both for flow and content. You only mention three Pokemon (and don;t give that much info about two of them) and not much about which Pokemon can make use of the DS support. Also Fire>Frie.
alright I'll rewrite the Team Options most likely and add in those corrections and suggestions

Edit: fix'd
Kudos to Bahohns of LCF here, he wrote the draft of this and I just cleaned it up and added a few things including all the Team Options. This was an awesome job by him and he deserves a lot of credit for writing the bulk of this.

Bahohn's draft may be found here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/The_Little_Cup_Forum/topic/1569253/1/

Status: Done



name: Leadwig
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Protect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Oran Berry
nature: Impish
EVs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>This set attempts to play Turtwig as a defensive Stealth Rock(removed comma) lead. Utilizing this Turtwig is rather simple. This set easily equips Turtwig with the tools necessary to combat numerous oppositing leads, assuming it is played correctly and with decent prediction.</p>

(moved this paragraph down)

<p>Turtwig needs Stealth Rock to destroy Focus Sashes and provide support for a team member trying to sweep. Protect is almost required to deal with Fake Out users, to scout, and to work against Explosions from the likes of Voltorb and Gastly, both of which are common leads today. Seed Bomb is a Turtwig's most powerful STAB attack and primary form of attack. The fourth move you select to use is up for grabs, as Turtwig's coverage will be flawed either way. Crunch nails Gastly and Misdreavus and is great for consistent, neutral coverage, whereas Superpower can be a surprise blow against certain leads that attempt to set up on you. The EVs provide Turtwig with strong durability and a free Speed point. Oran Berry adds extra bulk for Turtwig to take an extra hit or two and greatly increases this set's worth.</p>

<p>Against Taunting leads, Turtwig should generally attack on the predicted Taunt, and save the ability to Protect for later. If the lead is say, a Voltorb for instance, one may save Turtwig from dying to an Explosion with a well-timed Protect instead of simply losing him and his potential Stealth Rock altogether. Against other bulky leads, unless Turtwig is capable of directly hurting them, it should just lay down use Stealth Rock and allow for a more directly threatening teammate to come in afterward.</p>

<p> Keep in mind that Turtwig is not Superman, and that certain problem leads, like Houndour, are out there. Houndour, of course, is a threat to lead Turtwig and may be remedied by using a Houndour of your own with Flash Fire, or a Fire-type resist to take the attack. Chimchar, though uncommon, can also cause problems for Turtwig by using its Fire-type STAB. This can also be remedied by a Fire-type resist or immunity. Meowth also causes some problems, but all it can really do to hurt you is a super-effective U-turn.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Double-Edge / Return
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant
EVs: 236 HP / 212 Atk / 4 Def / 28 Spe

<p>Although slow, bulky Choice Banders are rarely ideal in the Little Cup metagame, Turtwig is a fine choice for one nonetheless. Turtwig's stats and moves make it perfect for the job of a wall breaker. Turtwig is slow, sturdy, strong, and blessed with an outstanding physical move pool for a Grass-type (removed unnecessary comment). Although bulky, Turtwig is still easily revenge killed. As such, Turtwig is best utilized as a team's wall breaker; it hits just about anything hard if it predicts correctly, and then goes down fighting. Considering the great coverage that its move pool provides, it is very capable of doing this effectively.</p>

<p>Seed Bomb is a strong, reliable STAB attack for Turtwig to use as its main attack to rip holes with. The other moves help coverage. Superpower hits just as hard as STAB Seed Bomb on a neutral hit and provides valuable Fighting coverage against Steel-types. Crunch cripples any Ghost-types you'll encounter when running off of Turtwig's impressive Attack. In the fourth slot, Normal-type attacks provide excellent neutral coverage and Double-Edge is the stronger choice, and plays well with Turtwig's aforementioned role as team "wrecking ball.However, without STAB, the difference in power between Return and Double-Edge is rarely significant, but the recoil can be. The above EVs provide Turtwig with max Attack and HP, with the remaining EVs going into the only areas they can round out: Speed and Defense.</p>

<p>As mentioned above, this Turtwig can be easily revenge killed due to its pitiful speed and inability to change attacks. With this, the revenge killer will usually resist your Turtwig’s attacks and threaten with a super-effective attack of its own. All you can do is predict that attack and switch out to a Pokemon with resistances to Turtwig's weaknesses. One example of a Pokemon with these resistances includes Munchlax, who resists Fire- and Ice- type attacks. (Please mention more teammates, such as some Fire-types that can switch in on Turtwig's weaknesses.)</p>

name: Dual Screen
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: Seed Bomb
move 4: Stealth Rock
item: Light Clay
nature: Impish
EVs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 76 SpD / 28 Spe

<p>Turtwig is the only Grass-type Pokémon capable of learning both dual screens and Stealth Rock, allowing it to fill a valuable niche as a supporter. The goal is to bring Turtwig in on something that it resists, and set-up both Stealth Rock and the dual screens. Early in the match, Stealth Rock may be the stronger choice allowing Focus Sashes to be broken as early as possible, while setting up screens is useful for opening up a potential sweep later in the game. The given EVs are the same as on the Lead set, and for the same reasons; bulk is essential, and little else is useful anyway. Since this set is used for support, it is easily walled by anything that resists Seed Bomb. Taunt users also pose a threat to this set as they can ruin Turtwig’s ability to set-up.</p>

name: MixTwig
move 1: Seed Bomb
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Crunch
item: Life Orb
nature: Quiet
EVs: 216 Atk / 4 Def / 240 SpA
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 2 Spe
[Set Comments]

<p>Turtwig's slow Speed makes it very dangerous with proper Trick Room support, as it reaches a slugish 7 Speed minimum. This set is built to abuse Trick Room by turning Turtwig into a speedy, offensive Juggernaut while Trick Room is active. By using a mixed set, Turtwig is able to take advantage of its well-rounded coverage when using both physical and special moves, as well as its freedom to invest in both of its offenses. Many things are hit either super effective or for a strong neutral hit by this set's offenses. Life Orb is a must on this set in order for Turtwig to hit as hard as possible.</p>

(Needs a paragraph about what each move achieves here)

<p>Having a good Pokémon to set up Trick Room is essential for optimal use of this set. Without Trick Room, this set pales in comparison to the Choice Band set, as it hits softer, is even slower, and is frailer. (removed unnecessary sentence.) Some Pokemon who can help Turtwig out immensely by setting up Trick Room include Slowpoke, who resists both Fire- and Ice-type attacks and Bronzor who resists every one of Turtwig's weaknesses but Fire.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Turtwig's physical options are limited at best and everything usable has already been covered above. For special attacking options, Turtwig could use Hidden Power Ice, Electric, or Psychic over Hidden Power Fire, in order to deal 4x damage to Gligar, Mantyke, or Croagunk, respectively.</p>

<p>Turtwig's supporting move pool is excellent. Outside of the several supporting moves above, Turtwig has notable access to Leech Seed and Synthesis. Unfortunately, neither of these are useful enough to warrant a move slot. Leech Seed is probably the best option of the two, as it improves Turtwig's stalling power and allows it to force switches. Turtwig, though sturdy, just isn't bulky enough to use Synthesis effectively in the exceedingly offensive Little Cup metagame.</p>

<p>Turtwig has plenty of set-up moves to offer in Amnesia, Curse, Growth, Swords Dance, Rain Dance, and Sunny Day. Unfortunately, sets utilizing Amnesia and Curse are generally too easy to take down before they accomplish anything significant. Sets running Growth or Swords Dance would also run into a similar issue and could only reach 13 Speed at best, which is very slow. Turtwig is easily outclassed by other Pokémon who can set up weather.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, for Turtwig, three of its base stats end in 5, which limits the number of EVs it is able to effectively distribute. However, Turtwig's 64 Defense does grant it a Defense point with an investment of only four EVs. Being so slow, Turtwig is best off investing in HP and defenses on the defensive sets, and HP and its chosen attacking stat on the offensive sets. Defensive sets can choose between being mostly physically defensive, slightly physically defensive, balanced, or slighty specially defensive; just configure the EVs and nature according to what types of attacks you want Turtwig to take. If you have some EVs left over, keep in mind that Turtwig can invest 28 EVs in Speed to gain a +1 bonus, which is better than nothing and could assist it in outrunning other slow, bulky Pokémon such as Aron, Nosepass, and Shieldon. Turtwig's inability to reach 19 HP means that Life Orb will always do 2 damage to it; keep this in mind if you're using Life Orb.</p>

[Team Options]
<p>Pokemon who can set up the field effect Trick Room work extremely well with Turtwig, due to its horrible Speed stat. A Pokemon who can do this effectively and has good synergy with Turtwig is Slowpoke. Slowpoke has great typing to be paired up with Turtwig, as it is able to take the Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig, while Turtwig can take both Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Slowpoke. Bronzor can also set Trick Room up for Turtwig as it resists all of its weaknesses bar Fire-type attacks. Munchlax works well with Turtwig as they both can function under Trick Room well and Munchlax resists Fire- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Turtwig. Mantyke functions well with Dual Screen Turtwig, as when Mantyke is behind screens, it can set-up much easier.</p>


<p>Turtwig is an interesting Grass-type to use in Little Cup. Thanks to its relatively unique attribute allocation and move pool, Turtwig manages to be a stand-out amongst the pure Grass types of Little Cup. When compared to its fellow Grass-types, it plays well in Trick Room, lacks any real status options, has a significant physical move pool, and has access to a few unique moves like Earth Power and Stealth Rock. Whether or not its strengths are enough to merit it a slot on your team, however, is up for debate. Turtwig is incredibly slow, boasts no priority, and is easily taken out with super effective attacks or worn down over time by repeated assaults. Using Turtwig to the best of its abilities can be problematic, although it often manages to be decent competitor regardless.</p>


<p>With the right move from the right set Turtwig is capable of hurting just about anything in Little Cup. This, however, is common in Little Cup and as such, Turtwig is perfectly counterable by a number of pokemon. Bronzor is Turtwig's best switch-in as it resists most of its attacking moves and can deal with Crunch. It fares particularly well against the physical sets, although it would be wise to watch out for Hidden Power Fire. Against the physical sets, Gligar is an outstanding switch-in unless Turtwig is running Hidden Power Ice, and Turtwig lacks anything with which to significantly hurt Gligar. Gligar can in turn threaten Turtwig with STAB Aerial Ace, but an AquaTail/Earthquake Gligar cannot do much against Turtwig. Other Grass types, if they avoid Hidden Power Fire, only have Crunch to contend with. Faster Grass/Poison types with Sludge Bomb can often switch in fine and threaten Turtwig with a OHKO.</p>

<p>Taunt can shut down a support Turtwig, as it stops any non-attacking moves. Considering how slow Turtwig is, landing a faster Taunt is easy for just about anything who knows the move. Also due to its low Speed, Turtwig is incredibly easy to revenge kill by anything faster with a powerful super-effective attack. Turtwig can be quite the threat under Trick Room. Pokémon who are even slower than Turtwig, like Munchlax and Trapinch, can attempt to hold it at bay or KO it by getting the initiative. Protect stalling also works quite well when applicable. Priority attacks other than Aqua Jet can also be great against a Trick Room Turtwig, as it lacks any priority whatsoever. Ice Shard works particularly well.</p>

Fixed a lot of stuff. Some areas need additional information added, but after they're done, I'll shoot this over to Stellar for approval.