Trick room destroys mons for days

Dragalge @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 8 HP / 248 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
Classic adaptablility Dragalge, Hits nearly everything in the tier for at least neutral damage,
Punches holes on the special attacking side,
The teams special sweeper Best mon in RU IMO

Pangoro @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch
Physical sweeper inside trick room after my bronzong lead
ORAS move tutors were amazing for this mon,
I dont run Gunk shot because people ow expect it fire punch deals well with any fairies quicker, only really struggles with aromatisse which isnt as common anymore

Bronzong @ Mental Herb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Explosion
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock

Mental herb nearly guarentees trick room goes up for pangoro as nothing straight one hits bronzong aside from crits, stops taunt rocks going up depend upon if the other team is weak to them as bird spam is becoming viable again

Pidgeot @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Hidden Power [Water]

Normal mega pidgeot set,
Use HP Water/grass to stop rhyperior walling it both are successful
Hurricane spam is the way to go normally

Dragonair @ Eviolite
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dragon Tail
- Toxic
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Why does nobody use this thing? Great defensive typing in mono dragon as very few mons carry ice, and has enough bulk to take a druddigons hit, removes set up sweepers and has potential to stall out stalling fairys through toxic and rest talk

Hitmonlee (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Double-Edge
- High Jump Kick
- Bounce
Hits everything hard
Use double edge over rapid spin as gives similiar damage to hjk and hazard control not a necessity for the team as mega pidge is the only mon getting any considerate damage via rocks and spike stacking is extremely rare

cute team g, i like the way you incorporate trick room here; i've always felt it was better off left as a splash to improve match-up with offense, rather than going full-on tr, so i can definitely appreciate this. that said, i feel their are a few sub-optimal choices made here, although most are fairly minor. one particular concern i have with the build at hand is it's vulnerability to fire birds, ie.moltres and fletchinder, whom this team gives a few too many switch-ins in relation to the number of responses you have for them (which is to say, ~1.5 'mons between the two of them).

regarding finer details, i feel strongly that choice specs is the superior item on dragalgae; not only is the extra damage output highly appreciable (allowing for a variety of assured ko's, which i'd be happy to provide examples of if need be), but the lack of life orb recoil is also highly valuable, as dragalgae's ability to tank hits for the team is just that much more useful when it isn't being mitigated by taking 10% from each hit it dishes out. furthermore, i would consider adjusting your ev spread to something more hp-heavy, such as 192 hp / 252 spa / 64 spe (still modest), as doing so vastly improves dragalgae's ability to take on special attacks, which is highly valuable on a pokemon with some many solid specially-based resistances imo. i would also advise against thunderbolt and surf, since with the adaptability boost, dragalgae's dragon pulse is actually hitting for almost the same damage as them haha. consider draco meteor and focus blast here; being able to nuke something with a powerful draco has a lot of value against more defensive teams, while you can keep dragon pulse for cleaning up under trick room, while having focus blast to catch steels such as registeel for the 2hko can free dragalgae up to just spam stab attacks for the remainder of the battle with just one proper prediction.

while i do agree that fairy-types should be anticipating poison or steel coverage on pangoro, i don't think that this is a reason to not use them, since the situation under which you have to hit them hard will arise more often than not, and frankly fire punch does very little for pangoro, as does ice punch. given the currently limited supply of reasonable end-game cleaners for balance, i would consider the use of swords dance + iron head over the elemental punches, which would improve this match-up acceptably in tandem with pidgeot. furthermore, i would suggest a faster spread here. in regards to my suggestions of speed on both this and dragalgae, i would understand why you would consider running speed on trick room sweepers to be unusual, but allow me to explain my mentality; given you only have one trick room user, and that it is only a move to be used against more offensive teams (which will retain the faster pokemon you wish to outspeed with trick room), it is useful to run speed on these pokemon in order to outpace the slow pokemon to be found on defensive teams, as you wouldn't be looking to set up trick room against them. in terms of specifics, i would consider a spread of 32 hp / 252 atk / 4 def / 220 spe (still adamant), which would outpace everything from minimal speed gligar down, encompassing almost all defensive, non-speed creeping defensive pokemon while still getting the drop on most relevant offensive pokemon under trick room.

definitely run gyro ball on bronzong here; the only target of iron head is aromatisse, for the most part, and generally bronzong isn't actively pressuring it without toxic regardless. something i would consider as well is the use of normal gem > mental herb; if you'll remember my mentioning of the fire birds as threats earlier, i mention that the main issue here is the fact that too many free turns are allowed to them. generally, unless a player is running full stall, it is ill-advised to attempt a defensive response to them in team-building, since it leads to subpar teams for the most part, making it better to simply build in a manner that doesn't allow them to switch in for free on too many occasions. normal gem does exactly this, cleanly ohkoing fletchinder without prior damage and shaving off upwards of 70% from moltres, preventing them from capitalizing on what could have potentially been a free switch for them. additionally, consider the use of u-turn > hp water on pidgeot; i don't believe that you need pidgeot to be handling rhyperior on its own when the remainder of your team takes it on rather well, and the ability u-turn offers to generate momentum really helps the team get in your trick room setters, nukes, and so forth safely, improving the efficiency of a lot of 'mons here. another quick change would be the use of rapid spin > bounce on hitmonlee. both are oftentimes filler moves, since scarf lee tends to just spam any of its other three moves, but unlike bounce, rapid spin actually has some value in clearing hazards in scenarios where they become a little too unwieldy

finally, i don't think dragonair is the best pick for this team =[ while i won't debate its value in the tier, i really think it kills offensive momentum for the team, and generally on builds like this, responding to threats in a defensive manner is ill-advised (think of it like slapping chansey on a team of 5 heavy hitters haha). i would consider the use of life orb tangrowth here. what this provides for your team is a reasonable 'defensive backbone' to the team alongside dragalgae + bronzong (which actually short-term checks a lot of the metagame, giving the team the ability to play an extended game decently), a bait for fat steels to help push through with dragalgae in the end-game, and either a sleep powder on knock off platform, depending on your choice (both work here, so its a matter of personal preference over much else). what's more, this makes for a great fire bird bait, being able to catch them for a clean ohko with ancientpower, which opens up a lot for pokemon like pangoro to clean up. it also makes a great 'receiver' of pidgeot's u-turn, putting immediate strain on rhyperior, bulky water, spdef gligar, etc. switch-ins, which is nice as well. this would make switching into bulky waters a little less safe, since you no longer have something that 100% shrugs off scald burns, but with regenerator, tangrowth can more-or-less handle this issue.

best of luck in the future g, hope i was of some help to ya

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 152 HP / 12 Def / 220 SpA / 124 Spe
Modest Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Focus Blast
- Ancient Power
- Sleep Powder / Knock Off
Ah dude thanks for the mentions, this team has changed considerably since I posted dragonair and hitmonlee have been replaced with reuniclus and escavalier and the team has been nothing short of great under trick room, can be difficult if trick room doesn't stay up, reuniclus has been particularly useful as the calm mind and trick room combo makes him near unstoppable and can check mega pidge with thunder under TR