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LC Trapinch


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Trapinch's rather good bulk and access to Arena Trap allow it to switch into, trap, and KO specific Pokemon. Notably, Trapinch is guaranteed to remove Onix and has great odds to remove Pawniard thanks to its ability to switch into these Pokemon, something Diglett cannot do. However, due to its slow Speed, Trapinch fears Scald burns and Iron Head flinches far more than Diglett does. First Impression gives Trapinch some extra utility against many faster Pokemon, though many of the move's targets often run Protect for this specific reason. Trapinch will often be at low HP after it has trapped its target, and due to its low Speed, it will likely only attack again with a priority move.

name: Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: First Impression
move 4: Superpower / Feint
item: Eviolite
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Careful
evs: 76 HP / 36 Atk / 236 Def / 116 Spe

Earthquake is mandatory in order for Trapinch to threaten the likes of Ponyta and Pawniard. Giga Drain is primarily for Onix, though it also allows Trapinch to remain healthy enough to potentially trap another Pokemon if needed. First Impression offers some marginal utility to Trapinch once its primary targets have been KOed; it is potentially useful against a foe like Galarian Ponyta or a low health Vullaby after a Defense drop from Weak Armor. Superpower allows Trapinch to greatly damage Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard. Feint can be used instead for substantially weaker priority that is nonetheless useful for picking off a low health Pokemon; it can be particularly useful against Abra, which will often use Protect to avoid First Impression. Alternatively, Protect is useful to scout for Onix's Explosion, especially when Trapinch needs to remain healthy throughout the match.

Set Details
The Speed EVs let Trapinch hit 9 Speed to outspeed Ferroseed. The remaining EVs are tailored to trap and remove Onix as efficiently as possible, with Eviolite bolstering Trapinch's ability to handle Dragon Dance Onix and other powerful physical attackers. A Careful nature is desirable to give Trapinch a better chance to survive a Scald from Mareanie in a pinch, and it will not drop Trapinch's Special Attack.

Usage Tips
It is most important to prioritize Trapinch's targets in any given game, and such targets will vary depending on your team's structure regardless of team archetype, with the biggest priorities tending to be Onix and Diglett. Trapinch is a support Pokemon and thus will seek to trap the counters of its teammates. Typically, Trapinch is able to switch directly into what it is meant to remove and can use the appropriate move without issue. In some cases, preserving Trapinch to nail a revenge killer like Abra or Grookey with First Impression later in the game can be particularly useful.

Team Options
Vullaby and Ponyta love Trapinch's ability to switch into and remove two of their best checks in Pawniard and Onix, and Ponyta also appreciates Trapinch counter trapping Diglett. Spritzee forms a great defensive pairing with Trapinch, as the two can take care of each other's checks. Ferroseed also shares good type synergy with Trapinch, as it acts as a solid answer to Staryu and Grass-types, which prove to be troublesome for teams built around Trapinch. Offensive Porygon appreciates the removal of Steel-types and is a useful teammate due to its good bulk.

Other Options
Toxic can be useful to status Spritzee and Porygon, which Trapinch does not threaten otherwise, but the move can be hard to fit over other options. An alternative EV spread of 156 HP / 36 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe with a Jolly nature is useful, albeit only on Sticky Web teams. The additional Speed alongside Sticky Web enables Trapinch to trap several more Pokemon such as Mareanie and some variants of Chinchou. Rock Slide can threaten Flying-types and prevent Trapinch from giving free turns to some of the more threatening Pokemon in the tier.

Checks and Counters
It should be noted that Trapinch cannot be countered directly, as its ability Arena Trap prevents switching out if the Pokemon is grounded. With the ability to pick its matchups, Trapinch often needs to be dealt with after it has picked up a KO. Fortunately, Trapinch will frequently take significant damage in the process, which can leave it vulnerable to almost any strong attacker in the tier.

**Water-types**: Staryu and Wingull can punish Trapinch with relatively few downsides. Both are rather difficult to switch into outside of specific counters, which often forces Trapinch to stay in and be KOed. Mareanie is threatened by a healthy Trapinch, but it can often burn Trapinch with Scald, allowing it to stall out Earthquake with Recover.

**Grass-types**: With the exception of Ferroseed, Grass-types fear little from Trapinch after its first turn. Grookey and Foongus are solid examples of capable revenge killers, though Grookey does need to be mindful of First Impression.

**Woobat**: Trapinch gives Woobat free turns, which can can end the game immediately. Very few Pokemon in LC can survive a +4 Heat Wave or Stored Power, and Woobat can be hard to revenge kill.

**Porygon**: Porygon is incredibly bulky and can Trace Arena Trap, locking Trapinch on the field. If Porygon is unable to KO Trapinch immediately, it can stall out Superpower with Recover. Alternatively, Download Porygon can often KO Trapinch reliably and make use of this relatively free turn.

- Written by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Dreamcatcher, 449990], [San Tomas, 255030]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Empress, 175616], [Estronic, 240732]]
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Since I’m mostly bored let me AM check this. You wanted help, and I’ll give it to you.

Bold - Add
Strikethrough - Remove
(Parentheses) - Comment
* Greater bulk compared to Diglett allows Trapinch is able to switch into most of its targets and trap them.
* Guaranteed to remove Onix or Pawniard at the expense of Diglett's flexibility. (Good)
* Besides trapping one of these specific targets or some other earthquake Earthquake weak offensive Pokemon, Trapinch struggles to accomplish much. (mention why Trapinch struggles)
* First Impression gives Trapinch some extra utility against many faster Pokemon, though many of the ideal Pokemon to catch with this often run Protect specifically to avoid this. (Since this talks about moves, I would move this to the Moves section. So far, good overview!)

name: Bulky Arena Trap
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: First Impression
move 4: Superpower
item: Eviolite
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Careful
evs: 76 HP / 36 Atk / 236 Def / 116 Spe

* Earthquake is mandatory in order for Trapinch to trap anything other than Onix. (No need to talk about STAB.)
* Giga Drain is specifically for Onix, as it allows Trapinch to remain healthy enough to potentially trap another Pokemon if needed.
* First Impression offers some marginal utility to Trapinch once its primary targets have been KOed; potentially useful against Ponyta-Galarian or a low health Vullaby after Weak Armor.
* Superpower allows Trapinch to greatly damage Ferroseed. (other examples)
* Feint can be used instead for substantially weaker priority that is useful for following up an attack to pick off a low health Pokemon. Quick Attack is a slightly more powerful option though in a lower priority bracket which can be an issue against Pawniard if Superpower is not used.
* Protect is useful primarily for scouting against Onix's Explosion, especially when Trapinch needs to be healthy throughout the match.
* Rock Slide is notable for being the only option to threaten Flying-types and can be greatly beneficial in that Trapinch now does not give free turns to some of the more threatening Pokemon in the tier. (Cite examples of Flying-types for the newcomer to LC can understand what the top-tier threats of the format are. Moves are decent anyways!)

Set Details
* Trapinch is EVed to hit 9 Speed to outspeed Ferroseed, and otherwise invests to trap and remove Onix as efficiently as possible, with Eviolite bolstering its ability to handle Dragon Dance Onix. 116 EV investment in Speed allows Trapinch to outspeed Ferroseed, and can otherwise invest to trap and KO Onix.
* As Giga Drain does not gain any benefits from a neutral nature, a Careful nature is desirable for allowing Trapinch to better survive a Scald in a pinch.

(So far, great Set Details. I only revised the first bullet since it can be a bit tricky to read, but aside from that, good job!

Usage Tips
* The biggest learning curve with Trapinch is correctly prioritizing its targets in any given game. This is dictated by the structure of the team Trapinch is on. As a blanket statement however, the biggest priorities will tend to be Onix and Diglett.
* Typically, Trapinch is able to directly switch into what it is meant to remove and can click the appropriate move without issue.

(Almost perfect Usage Tips. I would recommend to add a bullet on what stage of the

Team Options
* Vullaby loves Trapinch's ability to switch in and remove its best checks in Pawniard and Onix and in return, Vullaby can check Grass-types like Bulbasaur for Trapinch.
* Ponyta appreciates similar support. (Cite examples on what Pokemon Ponyta appreciates Trapinch removing and what Pokemon Ponyta can remove for Trapinch in return.)
* Spritzee is a great defensive pairing with Trapinch as it not only benefits from what Trapinch, specifically with Superpower, can remove for Spritzee while Spritzee is able to deal with a majority of Pokemon that can take advantage of Trapinch.
* Chinchou is a useful teammate to patch up the defensive holes that Trapinch brings, namely against Flying- and Water-types.
* Offensive Koffing has an easier time pressuring teams once Trapinch has done its job, and has enough bulk to round out defensive backbone of some teams.


Other Options
* Toxic is chiefly for statusing a bulky Pokemon which Trapinch otherwise does not threaten but can be hard to fit over other options.
* An alternative EV spread of 156 HP / 36 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe with a Jolly Nature is useful on Sticky Web teams but is otherwise inferior to the spread on the main set. The additional Speed in addition to Sticky Web enables Trapinch to trap several more Pokemon such as Mareanie and some Chinchou.
* Choice Band Trapinch is able to trap Munchlax at the expense of doing much else.

Checks and Counters

**Woobat**: Woobat is a threatening enough sweeper that the free turns Trapinch gives it can end the game immediately. Little survives a +4 Heatwave or Stored Power in the tier and may be hard to revenge kill.

** Grass-types**: With the exception of Ferroseed, Grass-types are completely unthreatened by Trapinch. They are able to freely regain health.
(I'm struggling here, help wanted)

(Add bullets on Water-types like Chinchou and Wingull who can outspeed and force Trapinch out, and Flying-types like Vullaby that resist or is immune to all of Trapinch’s attacks and force it out. You can add your Woobat mention here. You could also have Wingull as a separate C&C. So far, nice C&C!)

- Written by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
This is a good analysis.
2 quick things. For your Usage Tips, I'd mention that Onix's Explosion can be predicted once you trap it and use Giga Drain and you can switch out to your own Onix, or something else that resists it (or run Quick Attack Trapinch)

For your checks and counters:
- Timburr, Pancham, Scraggy (most Fighting-types) checks Trapinch by outspeeding and 2/3HKOing it.
- Wynaut checks it by trapping it and using Counter.
- Mudbray checks it as Stamina makes it a beastly tanky boi

And as ImperialGamer said, Water-types (Frillish) is also a great check as well.

I'd like a mention in the overview about how Trapinch's bad speed stat means that it's outsped by many of the targets it wants to trap and as a result has to directly take damage from them. While it has impressive enough bulk, this means that it has a harder time trapping certain Pokémon (e.g it risks burns from Mareanie). Also just talk about how it faces competition from Diglett.

Team Options
Just expand on what you've got here and explain either what Trapinch can do in return or why Trapinch appreciates these Pokemon. i.e Trapinch also appreciates Spritzee's ability to pass wishes, allowing it to potentially remove more targets.

Checks and Counters

I think it's important to just say that Trapinch can't be countered in a conventional way due to Arena trap allowing it to be able to pick its matchups. From there I'm not too fussed about what goes in here, as there's a whole bunch of things that technically "check" Trapinch, as it's role is to trap and remove stuff so virtually anything that stops it from being able to do that could be seen as a check. I'd definitely like to see Ground-immune Pokemon here, as Trapinch's whole job is to trap stuff, it's really not doing shit to Koffing and if it's not running Rock Slide then Vullaby and Wingull don't care about it that much.

Anyway. Good job 1/3
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AMQC Check. Standard colors
[OVERVIEW] - I reordered the points
* Greater bulk compared to Diglett allows Trapinch is able to switch into most of its targets.
* Guaranteed to remove Onix, and has great odds to remove Pawniard
at the expense of Diglett's flexibility. - Combine these two points

* Superpower allows Trapinch to leave Ferroseed at minimal health.
* First Impression gives Trapinch some extra utility against many faster Pokemon, though many of the ideal Pokemon to catch with this often run Protect specifically to avoid this.
* Besides trapping one of these specific targets or some other earthquake weak offensive Pokemon, Trapinch struggles to accomplish much.
* Due to its slow Speed, Scald burns and Iron Head flinches are a hazard that Trapinch must deal with that Diglett does not.
* Trapinch will often be at low HP after it has trapped its target, and due to its low Speed will likely only attack again with a priority move.
- Overview could be a bit clearer and concise. Try to have a sentence that talks about its good attributes (good physical bulk, recovery, strong priority). Then, discuss its weaknesses (low Speed leaving it unable to trap alot of Pokemon) which makes it more suitable for specific trapping.

name: Bulky Arena Trap Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Giga Drain / Feint
move 3: First Impression
move 4: Superpower
item: Eviolite
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Careful
evs: 76 HP / 36 Atk / 236 Def / 116 Spe

* Earthquake is mandatory in order for Trapinch to trap anything other than Onix. (Wording is iffy; makes it sound like Earthquake doesn't trap Onix)
* Giga Drain is specifically for Onix, as it allows Trapinch to remain healthy enough to potentially trap another Pokemon if needed.
* Feint can be used instead for substantially weaker priority that is useful for following up an attack to pick off a low health Pokemon; it can be particularly useful against Abra which will often use Protect to avoid First Impression. - Discussed this on Discord; Would much rather have this slashed with Superpower or moved to OO
* First Impression offers some marginal utility to Trapinch once its primary targets have been KOed; potentially useful against Ponyta-Galarian Galarian Ponyta or a low health Vullaby after Weak Armor.
* Superpower allows Trapinch to greatly damage Ferroseed.
* Protect is useful primarily for scouting against Onix's Explosion, especially when Trapinch needs to be healthy throughout the match. - OO
* Rock Slide is notable for being the only option to threaten Flying-types and can be greatly beneficial in that Trapinch now does not give free turns to some of the more threatening Pokemon in the tier. - OO

Set Details
* Trapinch is EVed to hit 9 Speed to outspeed Ferroseed, and otherwise invests to trap and remove Onix as efficiently as possible, with Eviolite bolstering its ability to handle Dragon Dance Onix. - Would just generalize to physical attackers
* As Giga Drain does not gain any benefits from a neutral nature, a Careful nature is desirable for allowing Trapinch to better survive a Scald in a pinch.

Usage Tips
* The biggest learning curve with Trapinch is correctly prioritizing its targets in any given game. This is dictated by the structure of the team Trapinch is on. As a blanket statement however, the biggest priorities will tend to be Onix and Diglett.
* Typically, Trapinch is able to directly switch into what it is meant to remove and can click the appropriate move without issue.
- Add a point on how preserving Trapinch could be valuable due to First Impression's ability to remove weakened foes.
- Have a sentence detailing some scenarios where Trapinch might want to switch out.

- Usage Tips need some beefing up. The first point is good, but is very vague. I would elaborate on how Trapinch is best suited to remove specific targets (Onix, Diglett, Pawniard) to aid its teammates.

Team Options
* Vullaby loves Trapinch's ability to switch in and remove its best checks in Pawniard and Onix.
* Ponyta appreciates similar support. - Mention Diglett in this point.
* Spritzee is a great defensive pairing with Trapinch as it not only benefits from what Trapinch, specifically with Superpower, can remove for Spritzee while Spritzee is able to deal with a majority of Pokemon that can take advantage of Trapinch -like?.
* Abra struggles to get around the Steel-types of the tier, but can often punch through teams after they have been trapped.
* Ferroseed is able to patch up a lot of defensive holes that using Trapinch can open up. Ferroseed provides hazard support and acts as a solid answer to Staryu and the Grass-types which prove to be troublesome for Trapinch reliant teams.
* Offensive Porygon appreciates the removal of Steel-types while its substantive bulk helps offset Trapinch's middling defensive presence. - Combine with Abra (they basically appreciate the removal of Steel-types)

Other Options
* Toxic is chiefly for statusing a bulky Pokemon Spritzee and Porygon which Trapinch otherwise does not threaten but can be hard to fit over other options.
* An alternative EV spread of 156 HP / 36 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe with a Jolly Nature is useful on Sticky Web teams but is otherwise inferior to the spread on the main set. The additional Speed in addition to Sticky Web enables Trapinch to trap several more Pokemon such as Mareanie and some Chinchou. - Im not sure how relevant this set is. Most team seem to be using Air Balloon Dig on Webs over fast Pinch
* Choice Band Trapinch is able to trap Munchlax at the expense of doing much else. Terrible set unfort

Checks and Counters
It is of note that Trapinch is not directly countered as its ability Arena Trap prevents switching out if the Pokemon is grounded. With the ability to pick its matchups Trapinch often needs to be deal with after it has picked up a KO. Moreover, Trapinch will frequently have already taken significant damage which can leave it vulnerable to many strong attackers in the tier.

**Water-types**: Staryu and Wingull are able to punish Trapinch with relatively few downsides. Both are rather difficult to switch into outside of specific counters, and therefore Trapinch will often stay in as a result. Might be worthy to mention Mareanie and how it can deter Trapinch from trapping it by burning it with Scald.

**Grass-types**: With the exception of Ferroseed, Grass-types are relatively unthreatened by Trapinch after its first turn. Grookey and Foongus are solid examples of capable revenge killers that Trapinch is not able to effectively retaliate against.

**Woobat**: Woobat is a threatening enough sweeper that the free turns Trapinch gives it can end the game immediately. Little survives a +4 Heatwave or Stored Power in the tier and Woobat may be hard to revenge kill.

**Porygon**: Porygon is incredibly bulky and can forcibly keep Trapinch via Tracing Arena Trap. Superpower can be continually healed off with Recover if Porygon is unable to KO Trapinch immediately. Porygon running the ability Download instead can often KO Trapinch reliably and make use of this relatively free turn.

- Written by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [, ], [, ]] - Removed a space for credits
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
Nineage ready for your check.

I implemented almost all of Dreamcatcher's, though I opted to not specific when you'd want to switch out trapinch and instead said when keeping it alive might be a good idea. I also added some of the extra info instead of directly replacing things (e.g. evio is nice for dd onix and physical attackers now).

Also changed Feint to be slashed with Superpower. And left Protect as a moves mention as it is better than anything in OO but not really better than the slashed moves.


  • Trapinch does not have middling speed. I'd say low, like later in the paragraph.
  • Any reason to not mention Diglett as something Trapinch can switch into? Balloon is the best set rn but it basically runs that specifically to avoid Pinch... this one is up to you, just my thought here.
  • don't wanna GP in a QC check but the word "as" in sentence 2 should probably be "and".
[set details]
  • I'm assuming you mean a Mareanie Scald, which would be good to mention whether or not I'm correct in that jaja.
  • paragraph 1 "dealt" is missing a t
  • paragraph 1 I'd also say "almost any of the" instead of "many" cause really, what can't revenge a weakened Pinch?

great stuff, 3/3
San Tomas, 255030
add remove comment
Trapinch's is notable for having rather good bulk and access to Arena Trap; these traits combine to Trap allow Trapinch it to switch into, trap, and KO specific Pokemon though with such low Speed Trapinch has little ability to do more. Notably, Trapinch is guaranteed to remove Onix and has great odds to remove Pawniard thanks to its good defensive stats which allow Trapinch ability to switch into these Pokemon, something Diglett cannot do. Due However, due to its slow Speed, Trapinch fears Scald burns and Iron Head flinches are a hazard that Trapinch must deal with that far more than Diglett does not however. First Impression gives Trapinch some extra utility against many faster Pokemon, though many of the ideal Pokemon to catch with this move's targets often run Protect specifically to avoid this for this specific reason. Trapinch will often be at low HP after it has trapped its target, and due to its low Speed, (AC) it will likely only attack again with a priority move.

name: Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: First Impression
move 4: Superpower / Feint
item: Eviolite
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Careful
evs: 76 HP / 36 Atk / 236 Def / 116 Spe

Earthquake is mandatory in order for Trapinch to threaten the likes of Ponyta or and Pawniard. Giga Drain is specifically primarily (It has other uses, as you describe) for Onix, and though it also allows Trapinch to remain healthy enough to potentially trap another Pokemon if needed. First Impression offers some marginal utility to Trapinch once its primary targets have been KOed; it is potentially useful against a foe like Galarian Ponyta or a low health Vullaby after a Defense drop from Weak Armor. Superpower allows Trapinch to greatly damage Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard. Feint can be used instead for substantially weaker priority that is nonetheless useful for following up an attack to picking off a low health Pokemon; it can be particularly useful against Abra, (AC) which will often use Protect to avoid First Impression. Protect is useful primarily for scouting against to scout for Onix's Explosion, especially when Trapinch needs to be remain healthy throughout the match. (Either add "Alternatively," at the start of the sentence, or explain why Protect doesn't merit a slash.)

Set Details
Trapinch is EVed toThe Speed EVs let Trapinch hit 9 Speed to outspeed Ferroseed, and otherwise invests Ferroseed. The remaining EVs are tailord to trap and remove Onix as efficiently as possible, with Eviolite bolstering its Trapinch's ability to handle Dragon Dance Onix and other powerful physical attackers. As Giga Drain does not gain any benefits from a neutral nature, a A Careful nature is desirable for allowing to give Trapinch to a better chance to survive a Scald from Mareanie in a pinch, and it will not drop Trapinch's Special Attack.

Usage Tips
The biggest learning curve with Trapinch is correctly prioritizing its It is most important to prioritize Trapinch's targets in any given game. This is dictated by the game, and such targets will vary depending on your team's structure of the team Trapinch is on. As a blanket statement Regardless of team archetype, the biggest priorities will tend to be Onix and Diglett. Trapinch is a support Pokemon and as such thus will bein seeking to trap the counters of its teammates. Typically, Trapinch is able to directly switch directly into what it is meant to remove and can click the appropriate move without issue. In some cases, preserving Trapinch for to nail a revenge killer like Abra or Grookey with First Impressions later in the game will can be particularly useful, such as against Abra or Grookey.

Team Options
Vullaby and Ponyta loves Trapinch's ability to switch into and remove its two of their best checks in Pawniard and Onix. Ponyta appreciates similar support, with the added enjoyment of Onix, and Ponyta also appreciates Trapinch counter trapping Diglett. Spritzee is forms a great defensive pairing with Trapinch, (AC) as it not only benefits from what Trapinch, specifically with Superpower, can remove for Spritzee while Spritzee is able to deal with a majority of Pokemon that can take advantage of Trapinch the two can take care of each other's checks. (Much, much less wordy) Ferroseed is able to patch up a lot of defensive holes that using Trapinch can open up. Ferroseed provides hazard support and also shares good type synergy, as it acts as a solid answer to Staryu and the Grass-types, (AC) which prove to be troublesome for teams built around Trapinch reliant teams. Offensive Porygon and Abra appreciates the removal of Steel-types while its substantive bulk helps offset Trapinch's middling defensive presence. (I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Please clarify so that we can rework this.)

Other Options
Toxic can be useful to status is chiefly for statusing Spritzee and Porygon, (AC) which Trapinch otherwise does not threaten otherwise, butthe move can be hard to fit over other options. An alternative EV spread of 156 HP / 36 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe with a Jolly Nature is useful, albeit only on Sticky Web teams but is otherwise inferior to the spread on the main set. (You emphasize the benefits of using Trapinch on Sticky Web teams in the next sentence, so I made this one a little more positive.) The additional Speed in addition to Sticky Web enables Trapinch to trap several more Pokemon such as Mareanie and some Chinchou. Rock Slide is notable for being the only option to can threaten Flying-types and can be greatly beneficial in that Trapinch now does not give prevent Trapinch from giving free turns to some of the more threatening Pokemon in the tier (such as?).

Checks and Counters
It is of note should be noted that Trapinch is not directly cannot be countered directly, as its ability Arena Trap prevents switching out if the Pokemon is grounded. With the ability to pick its matchups, (AC) Trapinch often needs to be dealt with after it has picked up a KO. Moreover Fortunately, Trapinch will frequently have already taken significant damage in the process, which can leave it vulnerable to almost any strong attackers attacker in the tier.

**Water-types**: Staryu and Wingull are able to can punish Trapinch with relatively few downsides. Both are rather difficult to switch into outside of specific counters, which often forces Trapinch to stay in and be KOed. Mareanie is threatened by a healthy Trapinch, but it can often Scald burn Trapinch into Recovering off its Earthquakes with Scald, allowing it to stall out Earthquake with Recover.

**Grass-types**: With the exception of Ferroseed, (As in "Ferroseed is also unthreatened on the first turn", or "Ferroseed is threatened on the second turn and beyond"?) Grass-types are relatively unthreatened by fear little from Trapinch after its first turn. Grookey and Foongus are solid examples of capable revenge killers that Trapinch is not able to effectively retaliate against. (As in, "Once Grookey/Foongus lands a revenge kill, Trapinch cannot retaliate back"? Or are you saying that they can revenge kill Trapinch themselves?)

**Woobat**: Woobat is a threatening enough sweeper that the free turns Trapinch gives Woobat free turns, which can it can end the game immediately. Little survives Very few Pokemon in LC can survive a +4 Heatwave Wave or Stored Power, (AC) in the tier and Woobat may can be hard to revenge kill.

**Porygon**: Porygon is incredibly bulky and can Trace forcibly keep Trapinch via Tracing Arena Trap, locking Trapinch on the field. Superpower can be continually healed off with Recover if If Porygon is unable to KO Trapinch immediately, it can stall out Superpower with Recover. Alternatively, Download Porygon running the ability Download instead can often KO Trapinch reliably and make use of this relatively free turn.
GP 1/2
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you and me both
add remove (comments)
Trapinch's rather good bulk and access to Arena Trap allow it to switch into, trap, and KO specific Pokemon. Notably, Trapinch is guaranteed to remove Onix and has great odds to remove Pawniard thanks to its ability to switch into these Pokemon, something Diglett cannot do. However, due to its slow Speed, Trapinch fears Scald burns and Iron Head flinches far more than Diglett does. First Impression gives Trapinch some extra utility against many faster Pokemon, though many of the move's targets often run Protect for this specific reason. Trapinch will often be at low HP after it has trapped its target, and due to its low Speed, it will likely only attack again with a priority move.

name: Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: First Impression
move 4: Superpower / Feint
item: Eviolite
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Careful
evs: 76 HP / 36 Atk / 236 Def / 116 Spe

Earthquake is mandatory in order for Trapinch to threaten the likes of Ponyta and Pawniard. Giga Drain is primarily for Onix, though it also allows Trapinch to remain healthy enough to potentially trap another Pokemon if needed. First Impression offers some marginal utility to Trapinch once its primary targets have been KOed; it is potentially useful against a foe like Galarian Ponyta or a low health Vullaby after a Defense drop from Weak Armor. Superpower allows Trapinch to greatly damage Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard. Feint can be used instead for substantially weaker priority that is nonetheless useful for picking off a low health Pokemon; it can be particularly useful against Abra, which will often use Protect to avoid First Impression. Alternatively, Protect is useful to scout for Onix's Explosion, especially when Trapinch needs to remain healthy throughout the match.

Set Details
The Speed EVs let Trapinch hit 9 Speed to outspeed Ferroseed. The remaining EVs are tailord tailored to trap and remove Onix as efficiently as possible, with Eviolite bolstering Trapinch's ability to handle Dragon Dance Onix and other powerful physical attackers. A Careful nature is desirable to give Trapinch a better chance to survive a Scald from Mareanie in a pinch, and it will not drop Trapinch's Special Attack.

Usage Tips
It is most important to prioritize Trapinch's targets in any given game, and such targets will vary depending on your team's structure regardless of team archetype, with the biggest priorities will tending to be Onix and Diglett. Trapinch is a support Pokemon and thus will seek to trap the counters of its teammates. Typically, Trapinch is able to switch directly into what it is meant to remove and can click use the appropriate move without issue. In some cases, preserving Trapinch (spacing) to nail a revenge killer like Abra or Grookey with First Impression later in the game can be particularly useful.

Team Options
Vullaby and Ponyta love Trapinch's ability to switch into and remove two of their best checks in Pawniard and Onix, and Ponyta also appreciates Trapinch counter trapping Diglett. Spritzee forms a great defensive pairing with Trapinch, as the two can take care of each other's checks. Ferroseed also shares good type synergy with Trapinch, as it acts as a solid answer to Staryu and Grass-types, which prove to be troublesome for teams built around Trapinch. Offensive Porygoy Porygon appreciates the removal of Steel-types, (RC) and is a useful teammate due to its good bulk.

Other Options
Toxic can be useful to status Spritzee and Porygon, which Trapinch does not threaten otherwise, butthe but the move can be hard to fit over other options. An alternative EV spread of 156 HP / 36 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe with a Jolly nature is useful, albeit only on Sticky Web teams. The additional Speed in addition to alongside Sticky Web enables Trapinch to trap several more Pokemon such as Mareanie and some variants of Chinchou. Rock Slide can threaten Flying-types and prevent Trapinch from giving free turns to some of the more threatening Pokemon in the tier.

Checks and Counters
It should be noted that Trapinch cannot be countered directly, as its ability Arena Trap prevents switching out if the Pokemon is grounded. With the ability to pick its matchups, Trapinch often needs to be dealt with after it has picked up a KO. Fortunately, Trapinch will frequently take significant damage in the process, which can leave it vulnerable to almost any strong attacker in the tier.

**Water-types**: Staryu and Wingull can punish Trapinch with relatively few downsides. Both are rather difficult to switch into outside of specific counters, which often forces Trapinch to stay in and be KOed. Mareanie is threatened by a healthy Trapinch, but it can often burn Trapinch with Scald, allowing it to stall out Earthquake with Recover.

**Grass-types**: With the exception of Ferroseed, Grass-types fear little from Trapinch after its first turn. Grookey and Foongus are solid examples of capable revenge killers, though Grookey does need to be mindful of First Impression.

**Woobat**: Trapinch gives Woobat free turns, which can can end the game immediately. Very few Pokemon in LC can survive a +4 Heat Wave or Stored Power, and Woobat can be hard to revenge kill.

**Porygon**: Porygon is incredibly bulky and can Trace Arena Trap, locking Trapinch on the field. If Porygon is unable to KO Trapinch immediately, it can stall out Superpower with Recover. Alternatively, Download Porygon can often KO Trapinch reliably and make use of this relatively free turn.

- Written by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Dreamcatcher, 449990], [San Tomas, 255030]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Empress, 175616], [, ]]
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