LC Trapinch


Ultimate Edgelord
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Trapinch @ Eviolite
Ability: Arena Trap
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 76 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- First Impression
- Superpower
- Giga Drain

Trapinch's huge mouth is not just for show, as its great bulk and strong priority move in First Impression distinguish it from Diglett, letting it better trap foes such as Onix and Pawniard. With First Impression, it can pick off Grookey and a weakened Galarian Ponyta. Superpower is used to KO a weakened Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard, while Giga Drain takes care of and gains HP back from Onix. Partners such as Choice Scarf Vulpix and Porygon appreciate Trapinch for taking care of Onix and Steel-types like Ferroseed and Pawniard, respectively. Vulpix is an especially good partner, as it can take care of Grass-types like Grookey and Foongus. Trapinch also loves partners like Foongus and Ferroseed that can come in on opposing Water-types such as Staryu and Mareanie.
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I would like certain parts of the spotlight rewritten, as it sounds too similar to an analysis.
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Trapinch @ Eviolite
Ability: Arena Trap
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 76 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- First Impression
- Superpower
- Giga Drain

Trapinch's huge mouth is not just for show, as it is a fearsome revenge killer with Arena Trap, as it can trap and take care of Pokemon the set up Stealth Rock like Onix and Pawniard and also take care of Ponyta and Grookey. (This is overly vague and sorta applies to Diglett. For the opening sentence, I would like a sentence on why you should use Trapinch over Diglett. Some things to mention are its bulk and strong priority in First Impression.) With First Impression, it can OHKO pick off Grookey and a weakened Galarian Ponyta. (FI actually doesn't OHKO Pony =<) Earthquake is vital to trap and take care of Ponyta and Magnemite while Superpower is used to KO a weakened Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard. Giga Drain is used to gain HP back when trapping Onix. (Dont explain EQ. Condense down the Superpower and Giga Drain points into a single sentence on how Trapinch's coverage allows it to consistently trap the targets that you mentioned.) Trapnich loves Ponyta as a partner as it can take care of Grass-types such as Ferroseed and Foongus, and Ponyta loves Trapinch for trapping and taking care Onix and Diglett. Trapinch also loves Pokemon like Porygon and Ferroseed that can come in on Staryu's STAB attacks. (Ponyta is not as relevant in the meta as a partner. For offensive partners, I would mention Choice Scarf Vulpix and Porygon that appreciate Onix and Steel-types being gone respectively. For the second sentence, mention Grass-types that can switch into opposing Water-types like Staryu and Mareanie.)
QC 1/1 after implementing my comments. Good work!
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Trapinch @ Eviolite
Ability: Arena Trap
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 76 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- First Impression
- Superpower
- Giga Drain

Trapinch's huge mouth is not just for show, as its great bulk and strong priority move in First Impression distinguishes it from Diglett, letting it better trap foes such as Onix and Pawniard. With First Impression, it can pick off Grookey and a weakened Galarian Ponyta. Superpower is used to KO a weakened Ferroseed and OHKO Pawniard, (AC) while Giga Drain is used to takes care of and gains HP back when trapping from Onix. Partners such as Choice Scarf Vulpix and Porygon appreciate Trapinch for taking care of Onix and Steel-types like Ferroseed and Pawniard, (AC) respectively. Vulpix is an especially good partner, as it can take care of Grass-types like Grookey and Foongus. Trapinch also loves partners like Foongus and Ferroseed that can come in on opposing Water-types such as Staryu and Mareanie.