Toxic Stall FTW!!!!

Bold | Pressure
252 HP/ 220 Def / 36 Spd
~ Thunderbolt
~ HP Ice
~ Roar
~ Roost

Counter to Gyarados.Roar to phaze.My lead.

Bold | Pressure
252 HP / 192 Def / 28 SpD / 36 Spe
~ Cosmic Power
~ Taunt
~ Recover
~ Toxic

Ultimate staller.CP then taunt recover damage.

Impish | No Guard
188 HP/56 Atk/216 Def/8 Spd/40 SDef
~ Dynamicpunch
~ Ice Punch
~ Rest
~ Sleep Talk

Status absorber.DPunch to cause switches.

Tentacruel@Black Sludge
Calm | Liquid Ooze
204 HP / 96 SpA / 172 SpD / 36 Spe
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Rapid Spin
~ Toxic Spikes

The most important part to this team.Sets up the spikes.

Calm | Natural Cure
252 Def / 80 SpA / 176 SpD
~ Wish
~ Softboiled
~ Flamethrower
~ Toxic

Wish support.

Careful | Pressure
252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD
~ ThunderPunch
~ Fire Punch
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Pain Split


Ok I'm SDLuke weak and Hera so I might put Spiritomb over Dusknor.
For a stall team, it's pretty weak to a lot of common threats. Like you said, SDLuke rips through your team. I don't see it hold up well against Yache Garchomp.

The Deoxys set is innovative, but you need to support it better.

I'm not sure I'd keep Zapdos, as it seems to phaze and do little else. I think Heatran can phaze better with Roar and Stealth Rock, along with Flamethrower and Earth Power. 252 HP / 6 Spd / 252 SDef would be my suggestion.

I would put SToss/Night Shade > Toxic on Deoxys. I'd also make it your lead.

Other than taking Sleep, what is Machamp doing for you? I'd actually put in Gliscor for it, it would fix your SD Luke/Heracross weak. Because Heatran has SR, you can run Taunt, Aerial Ace or Knock Off on it.

Tentacruel can stay. Give it a more defensive spread (252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Bold to help take Infernape Close Combats better)

As you have Heatran to serve as a special wall, Celebi may be a better choice, as it directly counters Gyarados. A spread of 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spd Bold with Leech Seed / Reflect / Grass Knot / Recover would be best.

To be honest, I hardly ever use the bulky ghosts on stall teams. I recommend Scarf Gengar, as it gives you speed to take out dangerous theats like Salamence, Garchomp, Gyarados, and even other Gengars. However, it's not durable, and you may want to use something like Dusknoir to add extra defensive coverage.
I really don't understand that Deoxys set. I could see Leaf Green pulling that off, but not speed version. Now Metagross rapes you even harder, compared to versions who use the speeds decent special attack to launch HP Fires at it.

Gliscor>Zapdos should help against Lucario and Heracross, who both love switching into your Deoxys set as well as Blissey. CB Heracross will give this team headaches, as Pursuit destroys Dusknoir if you accidentally Will-o-Wisp it or it takes advantage of those Toxic Spikes.
Well, I like your original idea to put Spiritomb over Dusknoir, though blasphemy's suggestion of Gliscor over Zapdos solves the luke problem as well.

The Deoxy's set definitely wants Night Shade over Toxic--with t-spikes and Blissey's toxic you should have things covered alright as far as "toxic stall" is concerned.

I feel like SD Garchomp could become a problem as well--with Zapdos switching in to rocks most of the time to counter it. In addition, Chomp is nearly always paired with Sandstorm nowadays--thus rendering your final hope to WoW it rather unreliable. Machamp is not going to be surviving its assault too well either.

Take my Garchomp comments with a grain of salt though--I always feel vulnerable to Garchomp, and if the team is working then ignore them :toast:
Thanks for the help.I will test this team out on wifi.If the threats you mentioned cause problems I'll fix them.

@Dormin: Watch out Arin is coming to get you on shoddy.^__-
I can attest to that Deoxys set, it's simply awesome. Your best bet to counter it, is to get CB Tar or Chomp straight away, cause once it gets 4+ Cosmic Powers, it's unstoppable unless you use Scope Lens Absol. Nevertheless, you already have Tentacruel, no need for Toxic. Just go with Seismic Toss or Night Shade.
Deoxys / clefable
Tentacruel / Vaporeon
Dusknoir / spiritomb

You Deoxys is pretty kewl, Taunt really helps him for preventing walls pwn you, and give you more time setuping etc. but that's the only thing that deoxys does better than Clefable. which has cosmi power, better defenses, toxic and softboiled. Lucario rapes both Clefable and Deoxys, so that makes no changes a lot. BUT, Clefable with cosmic powers is way more sturdy than Deoxys. Also, Leech seed, Toxic and Burn do not affect her. well they do, but no damage is recieved. so the only status that might affect are Sleep, Freeze and Paralisis. Sleep can be managed with your sleep talker, and paralisis isnt much of a problem since The pokémon is only focused on stalling. Try it out =).

-Tentacruel, Vaporeon & Forry o.o!
Well, Tentacruel is one of the best Toxic Spikers in the metagame. it can be pretty useful for that and rapid spin. In your team has no real other use than that. you already have blissey as your Special Wall, and 2 pokemons with toxic. so it can be substituted with Vaporeon.
Vaporeon is more of a bulky water than tentacruel. with HP electric can be used as a gyarados counter, and can also give Wish support, which gives more reliability to the team. If you have Wish with Vaporeon you can substitute wish/ protect in blissey, with Softboilled and aromatherapy if you wanna use clefable. but you can use your blissey like it is, and you can have 2 wish supporters which arent bad for a stall team.
Now, if you really want to rely on Toxic Spikes you can also use Forrestress. forry can Set up Toxic Spikes & Rapid Spin, just like Tentacruel. the difference with Tentacruel is that HE CAN counter in some way lucario, heracross, and other physical threats that otherwise couldnt be handled. for that you can use in him: Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, EQ and Explosion. Explosion as a last resort, or taking down something that may harm your team otherwise.

-Spiritomb, well, its almost always a better choice than dusknoir because of its versatility and the plus that it has no weakneses.
For spiritomb you can use: HP fight which takes care of lucario, Shadow Ball. this as common attacks. the other 2 depend on your choices. you can use him sleep talker but you already have one. you can use him calminder with WoW. many options. ill put the one i think is the best below.

Those are the options you should consider. think about it and try them =3. in my opinion i would finish it like this:

Impish | No Guard
188 HP/56 Atk/216 Def/8 Spd/40 SDef
~ Dynamicpunch
~ Ice Punch
~ Rest
~ Sleep Talk

Bold | Pressure
252 HP/ 220 Def / 36 Spd
~ Thunderbolt
~ HP Ice
~ Roar
~ Roost

Calm | Natural Cure
252 Def / 80 SpA / 176 SpD
~ Wish
~ Softboiled
~ Flamethrower
~ Toxic

Clefable @ Leftovers
Magic Guard - Bold / Calm
252 HP / 152 Def / 100 SpD / 4 Spe
~ Encore / Seismic Toss
~ Softboiled
~ Toxic
~ Cosmic Power
Encore a can be used as a Taunt. Seismic if you wanna attack.

Forretress @ Leftovers / Shed Shell
Sturdy - Impish
252 HP / 162 Atk / 96 Def
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Rapid Spin
~ Earthquake
~ Explosion

Spiritomb @ Leftovers
Pressure -
~ Hidden Power [Fighting]
~ Shadow Ball
~ Calm Mind
~ Hypnosis / Will O Wisp / Taunt

*Choose to your preference.


I hope that works for you, Cya!