Approved by Hogg and King UU
General OP idea largely taken from Mr Aldo / Agent Gibbs which was taken from Gary2346
Co-hosted with Pearl
The 6th gen UU metagame has arguably changed more and more often than almost any other Smogon tier. At the start of the generation, many former OU Pokemon, such as Hydreigon, Jirachi, Celebi, Tentacruel, Starmie, and more, received their chance to shine in the new Smogon UU. XY also introduced a wide variety of 'staple' Pokemon to the tier, such as Florges, Doublade, Slurpuff, and Zygarde, which further diversified the tier. XY didn't just add new Pokemon to the tier. It also introduced a new game mechanic called Mega Evolution, which gave previously mediocre Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Blastoise, Ampharos, and Houndoom a way to assert their influence on the UU metagame. Needless to say, XY UU was definitely one of the most diverse and fun metagames to witness.
A year into the generation, the release of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire brought new additions that exerted enormous influence over the tier. New pivotal Mega Evolutions such as Mega Sceptile, Pidgeot, Swampert, Beedrill, and Sharpedo quickly started to dominate the tier. Previously mediocre Pokemon like Feraligatr, Tyrantrum, and Dragalge finally gained their hidden abilities, all of which turned them into fearsome wallbreakers the tier had to prepare for. Pokemon we never thought would drop from OU like Mamoswine, Salamence, Sylveon, Conkeldurr, Alakazam and Gyarados, along with the rise of Pokemon like Celebi, Starmie and Jirachi, all heavily influenced UU in their own special ways. Metagame trends caused a sudden increase in the viability of Cobalion, Whimsicott, Cresselia, Doublade, and Reuniclus, resulting in their rise from RU. And here we are in the current ORAS UU metagame!
And thats how you summarize an entire gen in 2 quick paragraphs! But that's not the deal, the real question is: Out of all the amazing Pokemon that graced (or disgraced) this tier, what can we say were the Top 10 that were the most influential? What Pokemon had the bigger impact in the metagame? Some made you run specific Pokemon and sets to handle them? Which one of them shaped the metagame? We need to consider all the questions to find 10 of the most defining Pokemon.
And here is where you, yes you the guy behind the monitor, enter! From September 29th to October 15th you guys will nominate Pokemon to be voted on to be placed as candidates for the Top 10 Titans of 6th Gen UU! After October 14th, we will evaluate all the nominations and begin to individually rank them from 1-10 by vote. All nominations will be counted as long as they fit the criteria and are reasonable. If you're going to nominate something like Vaporeon or Goodra, then everyone will promptly laugh at you. Keep in mind that we aren't ranking on how good a Pokemon is, we are ranking on how influential the Pokemon has been this generation, and how much of an impact it has had on the metagame itself. This is very important when nominating a Pokemon, so please keep that in mind. I obviously missed a good amount of potential titans in the metagame summary tbh.
A general rule of thumb: The Pokemon should have been available at least for 2 or 3 metagame stages in order to accurately determine their influence. Pokemon like: Terrakion, Mega Altaria, Mega Pinsir, Mega Gyarados, etc would be very hard to analyze since they were in the tier for a very small amount of time but Pokemon like Zygarde, Jirachi, Victini and Mega Alakazam can be brought up. Again, 2 or 3 metagame stages (you know like stage 0, 1, 2, 13, the np threads will help with that). And I would recommend for you to be familiar with the metagame of course, living the experience is an important part y'know :V. Also note that I will be grouping Megas and their regular formes (so Pokemon like Alakazam and Swampert will have 1 nomination for its mega + regular form), so be sure to include both formes in the nomination post!
Past Viability Ranking Threads (s/o Pearl n_n):
Nominations (with links to posts):
You are allowed to reserve nominations, but if you don't post your nomination within 24 hours of reserving it, it will be back up for grabs. I'll try to be as lenient about this as I can, but I also don't want anyone to sit on a nomination for too long. You can also only reserve one nomination at a time, but if you finish one entry, you can reserve a new one.
Have fun!
General OP idea largely taken from Mr Aldo / Agent Gibbs which was taken from Gary2346
Co-hosted with Pearl
The 6th gen UU metagame has arguably changed more and more often than almost any other Smogon tier. At the start of the generation, many former OU Pokemon, such as Hydreigon, Jirachi, Celebi, Tentacruel, Starmie, and more, received their chance to shine in the new Smogon UU. XY also introduced a wide variety of 'staple' Pokemon to the tier, such as Florges, Doublade, Slurpuff, and Zygarde, which further diversified the tier. XY didn't just add new Pokemon to the tier. It also introduced a new game mechanic called Mega Evolution, which gave previously mediocre Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Blastoise, Ampharos, and Houndoom a way to assert their influence on the UU metagame. Needless to say, XY UU was definitely one of the most diverse and fun metagames to witness.
A year into the generation, the release of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire brought new additions that exerted enormous influence over the tier. New pivotal Mega Evolutions such as Mega Sceptile, Pidgeot, Swampert, Beedrill, and Sharpedo quickly started to dominate the tier. Previously mediocre Pokemon like Feraligatr, Tyrantrum, and Dragalge finally gained their hidden abilities, all of which turned them into fearsome wallbreakers the tier had to prepare for. Pokemon we never thought would drop from OU like Mamoswine, Salamence, Sylveon, Conkeldurr, Alakazam and Gyarados, along with the rise of Pokemon like Celebi, Starmie and Jirachi, all heavily influenced UU in their own special ways. Metagame trends caused a sudden increase in the viability of Cobalion, Whimsicott, Cresselia, Doublade, and Reuniclus, resulting in their rise from RU. And here we are in the current ORAS UU metagame!
And thats how you summarize an entire gen in 2 quick paragraphs! But that's not the deal, the real question is: Out of all the amazing Pokemon that graced (or disgraced) this tier, what can we say were the Top 10 that were the most influential? What Pokemon had the bigger impact in the metagame? Some made you run specific Pokemon and sets to handle them? Which one of them shaped the metagame? We need to consider all the questions to find 10 of the most defining Pokemon.
And here is where you, yes you the guy behind the monitor, enter! From September 29th to October 15th you guys will nominate Pokemon to be voted on to be placed as candidates for the Top 10 Titans of 6th Gen UU! After October 14th, we will evaluate all the nominations and begin to individually rank them from 1-10 by vote. All nominations will be counted as long as they fit the criteria and are reasonable. If you're going to nominate something like Vaporeon or Goodra, then everyone will promptly laugh at you. Keep in mind that we aren't ranking on how good a Pokemon is, we are ranking on how influential the Pokemon has been this generation, and how much of an impact it has had on the metagame itself. This is very important when nominating a Pokemon, so please keep that in mind. I obviously missed a good amount of potential titans in the metagame summary tbh.
A general rule of thumb: The Pokemon should have been available at least for 2 or 3 metagame stages in order to accurately determine their influence. Pokemon like: Terrakion, Mega Altaria, Mega Pinsir, Mega Gyarados, etc would be very hard to analyze since they were in the tier for a very small amount of time but Pokemon like Zygarde, Jirachi, Victini and Mega Alakazam can be brought up. Again, 2 or 3 metagame stages (you know like stage 0, 1, 2, 13, the np threads will help with that). And I would recommend for you to be familiar with the metagame of course, living the experience is an important part y'know :V. Also note that I will be grouping Megas and their regular formes (so Pokemon like Alakazam and Swampert will have 1 nomination for its mega + regular form), so be sure to include both formes in the nomination post!
Nominating [Pokemon]
Enter sprite or animated model here.
What effect did [Pokemon] have on the metagame?
Explain how the Pokemon effected the metagame as whole, and how the metagame adapted around it. A brief description of which Pokemon it countered and which Pokemon it did well against would be good here as well.
In what main roles was [Pokemon] used?
Explain why this Pokemon was used on a team more often then most other Pokemon, and what was it particularly used for? What made it so good at this role?
What caused it to have a significant impact?
What exactly made this Pokemon have such a large impact on the metagame? Was it its stats, ability, useful resistances, amazing synergy, or the ability to sweep most of the metagame very easily? Did a certain Pokemon cause it to become that much better when it was partnered with it?
How do/did you deal with this Pokemon in UU?
What are the best checks/counters to this Pokemon? How does the metagame adapt to this Pokemon?
Enter sprite or animated model here.
What effect did [Pokemon] have on the metagame?
Explain how the Pokemon effected the metagame as whole, and how the metagame adapted around it. A brief description of which Pokemon it countered and which Pokemon it did well against would be good here as well.
In what main roles was [Pokemon] used?
Explain why this Pokemon was used on a team more often then most other Pokemon, and what was it particularly used for? What made it so good at this role?
What caused it to have a significant impact?
What exactly made this Pokemon have such a large impact on the metagame? Was it its stats, ability, useful resistances, amazing synergy, or the ability to sweep most of the metagame very easily? Did a certain Pokemon cause it to become that much better when it was partnered with it?
How do/did you deal with this Pokemon in UU?
What are the best checks/counters to this Pokemon? How does the metagame adapt to this Pokemon?
Nominations (with links to posts):



You are allowed to reserve nominations, but if you don't post your nomination within 24 hours of reserving it, it will be back up for grabs. I'll try to be as lenient about this as I can, but I also don't want anyone to sit on a nomination for too long. You can also only reserve one nomination at a time, but if you finish one entry, you can reserve a new one.
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