Gen 8 Togekiss [WIP]


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NDPL Champion
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Flamethrower / Heal Bell
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Timid
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Air Slash
move 2: Flamethrower
move 3: Trick
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Togekiss's typing, reliable recovery, and infamous ability to make checks flinch with Serene Grace Air Slash let it thrive as either a wallbreaker or a utility Pokemon. Its bulk and typing allow it to comfortably check common Pokemon like Noivern, and its recovery helps it outlast its offensive checks, most commonly Electric-types. Various move choices give Togekiss answers to some of its usual counterplay, such as Flamethrower and Aura Sphere for Steel-types and Heal Bell for Toxic. However, common Electric-types like Raikou and Xurkitree mean that most teams will have a way to handle Togekiss's Air Slash and potential Thunder Wave. Reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots means that Togekiss greatly dislikes taking Knock Off, making
Incineroar, Golisopod, and Pangoro less favorable matchups than they would appear. Togekiss is a situational check to Fighting-type Pokemon despite its typing because most have a way to get around it, such as Lucario and Toxicroak threatening it with their other STAB moves; this forces Togekiss's team to find other checks to Fighting-types.

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Flamethrower / Aura Sphere
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Timid
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe


Flamethrower helps Togekiss break through Steel-types like Registeel, Metagross, and Steelix and wears down Electric-types like Xurkitree and Raikou much faster. Aura Sphere hits Stakataka harder but loses out on damage against Metagross, Doublade, and Toxtricity. Heal Bell can be used over coverage to cure Toxic from Pokemon such as Umbreon and Milotic. Maximum HP investment helps Togekiss fulfill its more defensive role, but Special Attack investment can be used on more aggressive teams.

Togekiss is capable of harassing many bulky cores between its recovery and boosted Air Slash, but its biggest annoyances are faster Electric-types. Roserade and Flygon can threaten Xurkitree and Raikou. In return, Togekiss can wear down Steel-types for Roserade. Teammates like Milotic and Metagross threaten Rock-types like Diancie and Stakataka, which are risky to attack with Togekiss alone. Roserade can be an annoying offensive check to Togekiss, so answers to it such as Registeel are appreciated. Pokemon that can switch into Steel-type attacks, such as Milotic and Gastrodon, are helpful.

name: Utility
move 1: Air Slash
move 2: Heal Bell / Wish
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Serene Grace
nature: Timid
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe


Flamethrower is chosen for more damage against Steel- and Electric-types like Steelix, Metagross, Raikou, and Xurkitree. Aura Sphere is an alternative for hitting Stakataka but misses Metagross, Doublade, and Bronzong. Heal Bell lets Togekiss heal Scald burns and Toxic poisoning from Pokemon like Registeel and Gastrodon. Wish is an option to heal up a teammate if it gets worn down. Defog can be run if your team necessitates it, but Togekiss isn't a great user of the move because it struggles to beat common entry hazard setters like Metagross and Diancie and doesn't have the speed to use Defog in emergencies like Crobat. Thunder Wave is an option for Air Slash synergy and threatens many faster Pokemon like Crobat, Tornadus, and Mimikyu; however, it leaves Togekiss unable to hit Electric-types neutrally.

Electric-types like Raikou, Xurkitree, and Toxtricity will often use Togekiss as a point of entry and a chance to gain momentum; Pokemon immune to Electric like Nidoqueen, Steelix, and Flygon can check them and stop their Volt Switch. Nidoqueen and Steelix appreciate Wish support, as do other Pokemon without recovery such as Incineroar. Dhelmise resists Electric and is able to remove entry hazards for Togekiss if it loses Heavy-Duty Boots. Togekiss appreciates Pokemon that can switch into Roserade such as Metagross and Registeel. It also appreciates switch-ins such as Starmie and Gastrodon for Steel-types. Vileplume and Starmie check Fighting-types, which often threaten Togekiss.

Other Options

Togekiss can use Toxic to cripple Electric-types and Diancie. Choice Scarf with Trick allows Togekiss to attempt to make faster Pokemon flinch and cripple bulkier switch-ins, but Togekiss will then get worn down by Stealth Rock and struggle to make use of its defensive qualities.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types**: Electric-types like Raikou and Xurkitree resist Togekiss's most spammable attack and are immune to Thunder Wave, allowing them to outspeed Togekiss reliably and avoid having to risk flinching. Other Electric-types such as Rotom-C can also outspeed and threaten it, but they are not safe switch-ins. Toxtricity can also act as an offensive Togekiss check but is susceptible to flinching.

**Rock-types**: Stakataka and the rare Tyrantrum can shrug off Air Slash but must be wary of Aura Sphere and, if worn down, repeated flinching. Diancie can check Togekiss no matter what coverage it's running, but only Toxic variants can consistently beat Togekiss.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Steelix, Registeel, and Metagross can handle Air Slash while threatening Togekiss in return. Lucario can't switch in as comfortably but outspeeds Togekiss. Coverage moves can make Steel-type answers much less reliable, however.

**Toxic**: Togekiss sets without Heal Bell are susceptible to being worn down by Toxic from Pokemon like Flygon and Incineroar.

- Written by: [[NEON_Voyager, 475994], [Jmash, 363823]]
- Quality checked by: [[zizalith, 410251], [GoldCat, 359771]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro, 331519], [DC, 449990]]