SM OU Thundurus-T Ofense


Banned deucer.
Hey there guys,
I'm here to bring you one of my most successful teams in the current meta. I climbed up to more than 1950 points in the ladder with it so far. So that's no joke. The first idea of the team was to use thundurus-t successfully (this idea came to me after watching the smogon tour 26 finals). So let's go through the team building process!

The first mon of the team was, as i said before, thundurus-t. I decided to use the nasty plotting electrium z thundurus-t. The idea behind that set is that you'll be able to do massive damage to the opposing team even though you don't set up.
At +2 however, this mon can smack things like chansey for a lot of damage. And it can also destroy things like av magearna with gigabolt havoc.

The next mon of the team i decided to add was ash greninja. the reason behind that is that both pokemon bait in similar checks to each other, so either one or the other can sweep in the end. Nothing to say about the set really. Standard specs ashninja with spikes to support the team.

The third pokemon i added to the team was mega scizor. This mega scizor set is meant to knock off the opposing teams items to do massive work with the other mons. Alternatively, scizor baits in pokemon like zapdos, which thundurus-t can take advantage of. If those pokemon are weakenned or straight up knocked out, scizor becomes a huge threat for the opposing team. This mega scizor also provides a mega alakazam check for the team, as well as a zygarde check with curse + roost.

After this half of the team, i started building the defensive backbone of the team (in tandem with mega scizor of course). So first of all, i added specially defensive heatran, which gives stealth rock to the team, as well as toxic to wear down anoying threats to the team such as zapdos. This heatran also serves as a tapu lele check.

If you haven't realised it already, the team is pretty slow so far and on the top of that, i still need hazard removal. So i slapped a scarf lando-t in there. The scarf lando-t compresses some rolls for the team. First of all, it removes all the hazards for teh team with defog. It is a secondary check to zygarde if needed with hp ice. It is a ground immunity for the team and it gives momentum with u-turn.

Last but not least, toxapex was added to the team. One of the last main things i had to have a check to was ash greninja. It 2hkoed or ohkoed all my mons with its stab moves so far. A part from checking ash greninja, toxapex provides toxic spikes to support the team, as well as scald to burn opposing physical threats that tend to switch in against toxapex such as bulu. Haze is there to stop set up mons.

Here's the importable of the team:

I hope you like the team!!! :)

I'll leave some replays of some battles i had through the climb:
Yo, this is a really cool team. Good job using a unique mon like this and making it work.

Heatran: No switch in whatsoever. Toxapex is trapped and beaten by taunt earth power.

Mega Medicham: Since the only things that outspeed are Greninja and scarf Lando, this thing just spams HJK and zens here and there for Toxapex. You need to get Scizor in there safely and wear it down with bullet punch.

Ash Greninja: Though you have Toxapx, it’s vulnerable to spikes and flinches. Then the whole team dies. And removing spikes is harder as Lando is the defogger and you can’t remove them vs a lot of offensive and fat stuff.

I’d say you could remove Toxapex for Tapu Fini as it’s a better Ash Greninja, Heatran, Medicham, Hawlucha, and even Zygarde measure that can defog. With this done, Lando can be 4 attacks scarf.

With this change, I would make your own Heatran taunt over toxic cause terrain.


Hope this helped a bit.
Yo, this is a really cool team. Good job using a unique mon like this and making it work.

View attachment 149784Heatran: No switch in whatsoever. Toxapex is trapped and beaten by taunt earth power.

View attachment 149785Mega Medicham: Since the only things that outspeed are Greninja and scarf Lando, this thing just spams HJK and zens here and there for Toxapex. You need to get Scizor in there safely and wear it down with bullet punch.

View attachment 149786Ash Greninja: Though you have Toxapx, it’s vulnerable to spikes and flinches. Then the whole team dies. And removing spikes is harder as Lando is the defogger and you can’t remove them vs a lot of offensive and fat stuff.

View attachment 149788I’d say you could remove Toxapex for Tapu Fini as it’s a better Ash Greninja, Heatran, Medicham, Hawlucha, and even Zygarde measure that can defog. With this done, Lando can be 4 attacks scarf.

With this change, I would make your own Heatran taunt over toxic cause terrain.


Hope this helped a bit.
Thank you very much, i didn't consider fini at all when building this team. However, it's a pretty cool replacement for pex as you said.
Hey TheBleedout, that's a pretty solid and well-structured team that you've got there. There's not much to say about it, although the one thing that I noticed is your weakness to Fire-types like Zard-X and offensive Heatran, as they can both take advantage of M-Scizor. Zard-X can set-up and beat Pex with Earthquake, and Landorus-T doesn't appreciate taking a Flare Blitz. Heatran can land a Magma Storm on Pex and beat it 1v1. There are also threats like M-Alakazam and M-Medicham which can 2HKO every pokemons on your team but they can't come in as easily, seeing as you've got quite a few ways to pressure them.

Major Change

- Although Gastrodon has fallen off during the recent months, I feel like it fits very well here. It solves most of the issues Toxapex created in your team - made you more weak to Heatran and M-Alakazam - while still checking threats such as Ash-Greninja.

Minor changes

- I changed Landorus-T's spread to 80 HP / 148 Atk / 84 Def / 196 Spe which allows it to take 2 Leaf Blades from Kartana, and makes it more durable vs. physical attackers overall. Seeing as it's one of your main means of taking on physical attackers, it's very useful.

- I changed Heatran's spread to 128 HP / 132 SpD / 248 Spe Calm which allows it to check special attackers like Lele better, while also outspeeding max speed Magearna.

(optional)- You could try Fightinium Z over Electrium Z on Thundurus-T. It's pretty cool because it can beat stuff like Tangrowth, Chansey, and Quagsire better (meaning you 6-0 Stall) and it still hits stuff like AV Magearna. It's up to you though.


So that's it for my rate. I really didn't change much because the team is already pretty solid. Of course, you're still gonna be weak to stuff like M-Medicham, but as I said, it doesn't come in on a lot of stuff so it's manageable. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Hope I helped.

Hey TheBleedout, that's a pretty solid and well-structured team that you've got there. There's not much to say about it, although the one thing that I noticed is your weakness to Fire-types like Zard-X and offensive Heatran, as they can both take advantage of M-Scizor. Zard-X can set-up and beat Pex with Earthquake, and Landorus-T doesn't appreciate taking a Flare Blitz. Heatran can land a Magma Storm on Pex and beat it 1v1. There are also threats like M-Alakazam and M-Medicham which can 2HKO every pokemons on your team but they can't come in as easily, seeing as you've got quite a few ways to pressure them.

Major Change

- Although Gastrodon has fallen off during the recent months, I feel like it fits very well here. It solves most of the issues Toxapex created in your team - made you more weak to Heatran and M-Alakazam - while still checking threats such as Ash-Greninja.

Minor changes

- I changed Landorus-T's spread to 80 HP / 148 Atk / 84 Def / 196 Spe which allows it to take 2 Leaf Blades from Kartana, and makes it more durable vs. physical attackers overall. Seeing as it's one of your main means of taking on physical attackers, it's very useful.

- I changed Heatran's spread to 128 HP / 132 SpD / 248 Spe Calm which allows it to check special attackers like Lele better, while also outspeeding max speed Magearna.

(optional)- You could try Fightinium Z over Electrium Z on Thundurus-T. It's pretty cool because it can beat stuff like Tangrowth, Chansey, and Quagsire better (meaning you 6-0 Stall) and it still hits stuff like AV Magearna. It's up to you though.


So that's it for my rate. I really didn't change much because the team is already pretty solid. Of course, you're still gonna be weak to stuff like M-Medicham, but as I said, it doesn't come in on a lot of stuff so it's manageable. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Hope I helped.

Hey dude,
I apreciate the rate you made of this team. To be honest, i didn't consider gastro as a pex replacement at all. However, as you said, it checks fire types, which gave my team loads of problems (hello bloomd doom tran, goodbye gastrodon lol). Besides that i see the point behind fightinium thundy-t, as it does massive damage to many things that come in against it.
Well, i'm not going to repeat myself anymore, thanks for all dude.