Setup originally created by TinCow at, later re-used by Visorslash at Hosted by Walrein.

For those of you who haven't seen John Carpenter's excellent 1982 film The Thing, the basic gist of it is that a shapeshifting alien kills off the members of a research base one by one while assuming their identities.
As it turns out, this makes an excellent excuse for a game of mafia.
So here's the deal. This game will be 100% anonymous. That means that not only will we be playing under aliases on an offsite forum, but the playerlist won't be publicized, and sign-ups should be messaged directly to me rather than posted in this thread. Don't talk to others about signing up or planning to sign up - if you do, I'm just gonna crumple up your signup and throw it out the window. This game has 17 players, and slots will be first come, first served.
THE SETUP: is fairly simple.
14 x vanilla town
3 x vanilla mafia
So what's the catch? Each night, the mafia may use one of two different kill options:
1. kill a dude normally
2. perform an assimilation kill. One of the mafia team's original aliases will flip, the player behind a target account will be killed, and access to that account will be given to the mafioso whose alias flipped. Essentially, you kill someone and assume their identity.
"Oh, so THAT's why we're playing with aliases."
To protect the effectiveness of the assimilation kill, nightkilled alias's alignments will not be revealed upon flip. This does not apply to lynches.
Oh, and DON'T claim your identity when in-game. Don't speculate on others' identities. "I have an alias read on X and because of it I think they're town" is fine, but don't elaborate beyond that. This game is anonymous for a reason.
Other mechanics:
48 hour days, 24 hour nights.
NO majority lynches - all lynches will occur via a plurality of votes at deadline.
Mafia members will be able to communicate with each other at all times.
It's NOC, so don't talk outside the thread.
Standard Circus and NOC mafia rules apply.
If you're a confused newbie, PM me and I'll walk you through it.
This is gonna be a boring signup thread, but it'll be one hell of a fun game. As the title says, game starts at 11 PM CDT on 8/4; you have until an hour prior to that to sign up. If the game fills rapidly, I may start early, but this will be announced ahead of time.
current sub count: 4
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