The Sprite Bazaar of Skuntank3800

Hi ! Welcome to my Spirte Bazaar.

Hypotrempe forme Poison Dragon Normal.png
Hypocean forme Poison Dragon.png
Hyporoi Normal.png


What do you think my sprite of the new Horsea line ? Instead of Water type he changed form in the Valley with very little water on cave, but he not have so much and he getting the Poison and Dragon type a little like Dragalge but a little more useful. And more this ability are 1st: Toxitouch, 2nd: Adaptability, HA: Berserk
that's not all here is strategy set i think with it.

Kingdra @ Choice Specs
Abilty: Adaptability/Berserk
252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Wave
- Fire Blast
- Flash Cannon/Shadow Ball (Shadow Ball for counter the Psychic type)

Thank you to have seen, analyze my sprite,and read... ;)


  • Hyporoi Normal.png
    Hyporoi Normal.png
    1.5 KB · Views: 437
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those are pretty good, but I'd advise you to use a bit more shading besides the head, it looks very flat atm, and less realistic.
Otherwise, though, pretty good!
Thank you so much ! I should that i'm thinking about it for shading, i was thinking make a fan game and more i have other ideas in mind like a Fletchider and Talonflame Ice and Flying Type it is necessary that find the skin on my imagination. ;)

PS: This is Ice Body and Slush Rush (Hidden Ability)
Fletchinder Ice type.png

Here is my Fletchinder Ice type inspired by a winter harrier well sorry for double post but what do you think. ;)
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