OU The Smogon Classic / RBY Cup VIII Replays & Usage Stats

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Smogon Classic VIII

Finchinator vs Amaranth
swordstrike vs Yelodash
Finchinator vs Yelodash

[Round 1]
Pohjis vs Yelodash
august vs Isza
GaryTheGengar vs Kristyl
twash vs Jisoo
SoulWind vs hellpowna
Conflict vs McMeghan
M Dragon vs ABR
Gilbert arenas vs Luigi

[Round 2]
Pohjis vs Luigi
twash vs SoulWind
august vs ABR
Conflict vs Kristyl

Pohjis vs SoulWind
august vs Kristyl

august vs SoulWind



chuva de perereca  vs  Justamente - G1 / G2
Conflict  vs  shiloh - G1 / G2 / G3
Gastlies vs  august - G1 / G2
Malekith vs  LNumbers - G1 / G2 / G3
Green on fire  vs  Maya Chansey - G1 / G2 / G3
Ctown6  vs  HSOWA - G1 / G2 / G3


HSOWA  vs  shiloh - G1 / G2 / G3
august  vs  chuva de perereca - G1 / G2
Maya Chansey  vs  LNumbers - G1 / G2


shiloh vs chuva de perereca - G1 / G2
shiloh vs LNumbers - G1 / G2 / G3
chuva de perereca vs LNumbers
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:rb/chansey: Smogon Classic VIII :rb/snorlax:
Moves and Teammates | Combos | Leads
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Chansey            |   30 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Snorlax            |   29 |  96.67% |  48.28% |
| 3    | Tauros             |   28 |  93.33% |  46.43% |
| 4    | Starmie            |   20 |  66.67% |  45.00% |
| 5    | Alakazam           |   15 |  50.00% |  53.33% |
| 6    | Exeggutor          |   12 |  40.00% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Gengar             |   11 |  36.67% |  54.55% |
| 8    | Jynx               |   10 |  33.33% |  60.00% |
| 9    | Cloyster           |    8 |  26.67% |  37.50% |
| 9    | Rhydon             |    8 |  26.67% |  37.50% |
| 11   | Zapdos             |    3 |  10.00% |  66.67% |
| 12   | Slowbro            |    2 |   6.67% |  50.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLIFFORD HAMMERSLY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from M DRAGON.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from YELODASH.

:rb/chansey: RBY Cup VIII :rb/snorlax:
Moves and Teammates | Combos | Leads
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Chansey            |   56 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Snorlax            |   56 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Tauros             |   53 |  94.64% |  47.17% |
| 4    | Starmie            |   45 |  80.36% |  51.11% |
| 5    | Exeggutor          |   26 |  46.43% |  50.00% |
| 6    | Alakazam           |   21 |  37.50% |  47.62% |
| 7    | Gengar             |   17 |  30.36% |  58.82% |
| 8    | Zapdos             |   14 |  25.00% |  57.14% |
| 8    | Rhydon             |   14 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Jynx               |   11 |  19.64% |  45.45% |
| 11   | Cloyster           |    8 |  14.29% |  50.00% |
| 12   | Jolteon            |    6 |  10.71% |  16.67% |
| 13   | Slowbro            |    1 |   1.79% |   0.00% |
| 13   | Victreebel         |    1 |   1.79% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CT0WN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from HSOWA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLIFFORD HAMMERSLY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLIFFORD HAMMERSLY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
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