SM Ubers The Return of Wobbuffet

Hi everyone. I'm making my first RMT post, and I wanted to build a HO team based around the OG of shadow-tagging, Wobbuffet.
It still has a niche over Goth and Mega Gengar as a shadow-tagger that doesnt take the mega slot and can give Encore/CounterCoat support for set-up sweepers. HO is my favorite playstyle, and this team is something I've tried using over the last few weeks.



Wobbuffet (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Safeguard
- Counter
- Encore
- Mirror Coat

The OG of shadow tagging. I made this team based around Wobba. It still has a small, viable niche as a shadow-tagger on HO teams to give set-up chances to sweepers and wallkbreakers such as P-Don and Mega Luke. If I peak high enough, I will try to use some of the replays to make a case for Wobba to be ranked on the viability rankings as it's currently unranked now (could be at least C- in my opinion). He's on of only a few pokemon on HO that can tank a +2 moonblast from Xern and revenge kill it. I dont bother with Def spread, as most physical attackers from dark and ghost knock it out anyway. Provides Counter-coat and Encore support for the team.

+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Wobbuffet: 456-537 (78 - 91.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 96 HP / 248 Atk / 48 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Edge
- Rock Polish

The king of ubers himself, I'm using the classic ORAS dual dance set for P-don. It benefits from Wobba giving it set-up chances as I can sometimes get both a RP and SD up in the same match. I've tried Fire punch over SE, but hitting Mence and Yveltal is too good to pass up. 116 speed means i outspeed scarf timid yveltal after a RP. I tried the mixed RP set and even the T-wave SD set, but i like having SD and RP on the team in case i face stall or HO teams.


Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat

The mega of the team. Mega Luke has the bility to rip through stall teams and slow balance teams with dual STAB after a SD boost. Because it's defences are so poor by uber standards, it also benefits from Wobba giving it a chance to get an SD up safely, with Safeguard support. I have tried using Ice punch for Zygarde and Mence, but found MM to be the most reliable. Also, SE is an option to hit Ho-oh, who is a huge threat to the team. I tried Mega Blaziken over Luke, but found Blaze gets worn down from Flare Blitz too easy and Luke having priority Bullet Punch meant I chose not to use Blaze.


Yveltal @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Foul Play
- U-turn

My form of speed control, Scarf Yveltal is here to give U-turn support and makes sure i dont get steamrolled by Dusk Mane and Marsh. Modest is used for more power over Timid. The mixed set i found was too slow to be effective against faster teams, as P-don and Luke already pressure balance teams enough with their sets. This is my main Marsh switch-in and ghost/dark resist. U-turn also gets Wobba in safely to trap something like Xern or Magearna.


Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 104 HP / 152 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Judgment
- Recover
- Flamethrower/ Earth Power

The team's dragon and dark switch-in. Fairy Arceus is used to pressure Marsh/Mence/Ray/Zygarde/Yveltal. Flamethrower is used to catch any Ferro or Celesteela off guard but sometimes i use EP to hit P-Don and Magearna. The Hp spread is variable at this point, as some games i wish i had more SpA , but then i lose out on a lot of bulk. Full speed to at least speed-tie jolly mence and other Arceus forms. I use him over Z-move Xern, as Arceus has reliable recovery and faster initial speed to force out those mentioned threats.

252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 104 HP / 0 Def Arceus-Fairy: 160-188 (39.3 - 46.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO


Excadrill (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

The final member is Sash lead Excadrill. His job is to anti-lead Deoxys, get rocks up and spin away hazards. Jolly is used to outspeed very slow support Arceus forms and at least speed-tie with other Excadrills. I try to spread Toxic as much as possible, so Drill isnt complete set-up bait. I have tried Deoxys instead, but i like having hazard control with Drill, and his ability means i can get rocks up vs Mega Diancie and Sableye.


The mixed set and DD set are big problems for me if i misplay, as im not running Timid Yveltal to revenge kill and Arceus Fairy gets worn down by DA. Mence is also a problem if it sets up early on


No flying resist on the team means Ho-oh is a big problem if rocks arent up. I try to trap/pressure the opponents defogger to ensure Drill gets rocks up. Big problem if it's SubRoost as i only have P-don to threaten Ho-oh.


Massive threat if Yveltal gets knocked out early. Revenge kills Arceus and Luke. Wobba can tank 1 shadow ball, but b/c I cant trap Gengar, it can freely switch out whenever it wants.


Webs are a pain in the neck if I cant spin them away early on. Arceus and Luke become ineffective with their speeds lowered and P-Don gets outsped by Marsh and other fast pokemon if it's only at +1 speed instead of +2. Have to pressure the shuckle or smeargle early on to ensure I can get the rapid spin away.

Replays (an old version of the team with Deo, Ray and Dark Arceus, playing a weird stall team) (Wobba trapping Arceus) (Turn 9, Wobba does his job... Peak 1660) (same guy as the previous replay) (Wobba knocks out Mag) (Dual Dance P-Don putting in the work)


Any Improvements or suggestions would be appreciated!
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Great Team Peaked 1732 with it Wouldn't change much just ran rock tomb over toxic on Excadrill So sub mega mence and Rayquaza don't get any speed boost's on drill but this does make it harder to do anything against Giratina-Origin which just defog spams on drill as you can't touch it but i think its a decent trade off. I honestly think the teams great the way it is its only really my personal preference to carry rock tomb over toxic.
Hey, Fire Eyes

The team looks good. Interesting replays. Wobb is key with Encore to open gaps with PDon or Lucario adding the pressure of SR that can cancel Sash. I'm an admirer of playing offensive but I do not usually use this kind of team or strategy. I must try.

Maybe the bad part is that Excadrill is a throwaway, suicide lead. You have nothing with Taunt or insurance to fit them and press more. A DeoxS or Taunt in Yveltal sacrificing Scarf. You can meditate change something. By the way, as they said I consider Rock Tomb mandatory in Exca. Oh, you do not see much but be careful with anti leads like Cloyster or users of Toxic Spikes can hurt too.

You have to be careful with match up Sticky. Only your lead with Rapid Spin can release but it does not seem very reliable and more if there is a spin block that can enter. Anyway because of the style of play that is (aggressive) the goal is to do the maximum damage possible with SR - Spikes depends on what you wear.

It is very delicate to try to make changes or help in finding solutions in teams like this. I have not been able to help much but the little I hope it can help.
Hey, Fire Eyes

The team looks good. Interesting replays. Wobb is key with Encore to open gaps with PDon or Lucario adding the pressure of SR that can cancel Sash. I'm an admirer of playing offensive but I do not usually use this kind of team or strategy. I must try.

Maybe the bad part is that Excadrill is a throwaway, suicide lead. You have nothing with Taunt or insurance to fit them and press more. A DeoxS or Taunt in Yveltal sacrificing Scarf. You can meditate change something. By the way, as they said I consider Rock Tomb mandatory in Exca. Oh, you do not see much but be careful with anti leads like Cloyster or users of Toxic Spikes can hurt too.

You have to be careful with match up Sticky. Only your lead with Rapid Spin can release but it does not seem very reliable and more if there is a spin block that can enter. Anyway because of the style of play that is (aggressive) the goal is to do the maximum damage possible with SR - Spikes depends on what you wear.

It is very delicate to try to make changes or help in finding solutions in teams like this. I have not been able to help much but the little I hope it can help.

Thanks both for the suggestions. I'll try using rock tomb Drill over Toxic, for speed control. I have used LO Yveltal, but I find it too slow for this team, and having Scarf + U-turn can get Wobba in safely. I might try it again, as I have lost a few games recently to webs , wishing I had Taunt + 3 attacks.