The Reincarnation of Classical Stall

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Uber stall was previoulsy thought to be near impossible. However, modern stall is one of the most common style of play in ubers this day. With the passage of time and the evolving nature of the metagame,classical stall on the other hand is left unused.The modern uber stall usually features Blissey, Forretress, Groudon, Palkia, Giratina-o and Ho-oh. All new stall teams are faster pace stall with some less bulky pokemon than old stall team members. However, classic stall can still be very effective when used correctly.


To ensure a victory,good predictions must be made. This team maximizes bulkiness and thus can afford to mispredict a few times. However, even the bulkiest pokemon can go down if attacked repeatly by effective moves. Although stall is meant to buffer attacks,this team still has a great set-up sweepers to give the team some offence. Most teams are not prepared to handle classical stall nowadays. For example, new stall teams are sometimes not prepared to directly kill the Giratina/Lugia Bliss combo. All stall teams are weak to dragon dance rayquaza,but this team is an exception, as it has two counters to dragon dance Rayquaza and Garchomp. Meaning, the salamence and rayquaza combo cannot break through this team as easily as it can with most modern stall teams. This team works around by setting up all entry hazards.



Evs: 252HP/240 SPDEF/16 ATK
Adamant Nature(+ Atk,- SAtk)
-Stealth rock
-Bulk Up
-Stone edge

The usual lead for stall teams,this one is no difference. This unusual ev spread allows Groudon to survive two lustrous orb palkia spacial rend most of the time while giving Groudon some extra attack and maximum hit points. Bulk up is required for Groudon to deal with end game bulk up Dialgas and lugia cannot deal with Dialga with bulk up when it is the last pokemon. The high special defense investment also allows this beast to never be ohkoed by mix Rayquaza's Draco meteor even after stealth rock. Stone edge is for Lugia,Rayquaza and Ho-oh mostly while earthquake is for the obvious stab and dealing good damage to most pokemon. Groudon always starts the game with the sun and it handles lead Dialga fairly easily thanks to the special defense evs. Blissey can easily take special attacks aimed at groudon while latias can handle kyogre for groudon. Grass attacks are directed to Latias, Giratina or Lugia. Ice attacks can be taken by forretress. Groudon somewhat counters rayquaza even with no defense investment. As Stone edge will ohko Rayquaza after stealth rock while Rayquaza cannot do the same. Groudon also sets up stealth rock early in the game or just kill deoxys-e outright with earthquake even though Groudon cannot prevent it from setting up hazards.

EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback / Bug bite

Forretress,the half staple of stall. Stall in ubers is made possible by the forretress and blissey combo. Forretress has auspicious typing for ubers since it resists the ever common dark,ice,dragon and ghost attacks. It is only weak to fire which is rare in ubers. If there is a fire attack,latias or giratina can easily take it for forretress. Forretress has great physical bulk,so it needs to maximize its special defense to utilize its great typing as special attacks are more common in ubers. Spikes are almost on every forretress set because there are useful. When forretress is low on health, blissey can easily pass wish to it. Forretress can also set up the dreaded toxic spikes which affects a lot of hard hitters such as Kyogre, Groudon, Garchomp and Darkrai. Forretress can set up on scarf garchomp and palkia stucked on dragon moves rather easily. Forretress can set up on blissey as well. It can also wall jirachi and use it as set up bait. Forretress provides the important rapid spin to the team so that the team is not wear down by opposing hazards. Payback is used to hit the abundant psychic types and Giratina-o hard while bug bite hits Wobbuffet and Darkrai harder,which is important since Darkrai has a chance to run over the team, so i have not decide to use which move.

Evs:252 HP/252 DEF/6 SDef
Bold nature (+DEF,-ATK)
-Ice beam

Lugia, the unchallenged wall of the pokemon world. While Giratina seems to be bulkier at first, there are still threats that giratina cannot handle but Lugia can, such as Garchomp, Rayquaza, Palkia and Kindgra. Lugia is not just a physical wall but a mixed wall. One may find the ev spread to be strange but lugia needs that spread to survive a hit from +1 Outrage from Dragon dance Rayquaza holding life orb after taking stealth rock. I did not feel the lack of speed to be a problem since Lugia will be outspeeding most Ho-oh and Groudons anyway and the only groudon that is faster is a rock polish groudon after a boosts. Furthermore,most people will be surprise whne their life orb groudon did at most 59% with stone edge to this Lugia. Lugia can stall out Groudon's stone edge as he has only 4 chances and if one misses, Groudon loses. This Lugia is so bulky that not even a +2 stone edge from garchomp can ohko it even after stealth rock. Even choice banded Tyranitar cannot get past this lugia as lugia can reflect and roost stall it. The lack of speed is not much of an issue anyway and i prefer bulkiness over speed in this case.The beefed up defense from Lugia also allows Lugia to handle Ho-oh and Bulk up mixed Dialga rather easily, especially with reflect. Timid lugia will hate taking sun-boosted sacred fires from Ho-oh and is nearly ohkoed by it after stealth rock. Lugia acts as the team's phazer and main physical wall. Electric attacks and rock attacks can be directed to groudon and giratina while latias can easily counter Kyogre for Lugia. Ice, dark and ghost attacks are taken by forretress. Lugia helps shuffle the oponent's team around,forcing entry hazards to take their toll.

Evs:248 HP/252 DEF/12Spd
Bold Nature (+DEF,-SAttk)

Despite being the usually inferior Giratina forme,giratina-A is still one of the bulkiest pokemon in the game.It can act as a status absorber and it can burn things easily.When physical hard-hitters are burned they usually cannot harass Blissey anymore.He also gives the team a spin blocker as forretress has no hope at all to break through Giratina's massive defenses,unlike giratina-o.However.Giratina actually risks being set up by Forretress himself,so i will usually not switch giratina on Forretress on sight unless I am predicting a spin or i have a lot of hazards up.He also checks Lucario and Groudon easily with will-o-wisp and thanks to his colossal defenses.All of Giratina's weakness is resisted by Forretress and vice versa.As no physical attacks can ohko Giratina,he makes a great physical wall and can easily takes resisted special hits too, barring a specs Water spout.Ho-oh can annoy Giratina, but Giratina can usually roar it out and if rocks are down,Ho-oh will really hate it. Giratina's typing unfortunately however makes him weak to the incredibly common dragon assaults. Garchomp and Rayquaza can threatened Giratina, however they absolutely hate a burn and Lugia can counter the dragons that can damage Giratina.Many powerful special dragon or ice attacks will be launched on Giratina for super effective damage but blissey can easily take them, as can Forretress. Latias can counter the mighty kyogre for giratina.With Giratina's loud roar, he can phaze with no problems.

Latias@Soul Dew
Timid Nature(+SPD,-Atk)
-dragon pulse
-calm mind

Arguably the best Kyogre counter in the game, thanks to her triump card,soul dew. Latias can easily handle Kyogre with thunder and check Groudon and Palkia in a pinch. Latias can survived a spacial rend from Palkia and deal a killing blow to it with dragon pulse. Non-scarf garchomp and mixed Rayquaza is ohkoed directly by dragon pulse. Latias provides the team some offense thanks to calm mind and soul dew allowing Latias to be both an offesive and defensive threat. All of laitas weaknesses is resisted by Forretress and some by Giratina. Scizor and Metagross pose threat to it but scizor is easily handled by Groudon, Forretress, Lugia and Giratina. Latias can recover off the damage taken and is unaffected by spikes and toxic spikes, some of the advantages over Palkia. Latias is faster than most dragons allowing latias to kill them if they had not set up. Latias also handles the rare Manaphy and has Thunder to kill off Lugia and Ho-oh after some boosts. Latias saved me in multiple matches as many teams are not prepared to handle it.

Ability:Natural cure
Calm nature
-seismic toss

The undoubted king or queen of special walling. Having an enormous hp stat and great special defense stat, blissey can soaked up most special attacks even in ubers. Even mighty special attackers like specs dialga and palkia risked getting walled by this pink blob. Blissey is the most crucial member of the team as special attacks are so common in ubers.Latias can take on specs Kyogre which even Blissey can fall too, while lugia takes on most physical attackers that attempt to harass Blissey such as Rayquaza. Seismic toss is for consistent damage and toxic will annoy bulky sweepers like kyogre and groudon. Blissey forces a lot of switches and passes the important wish to forretress and groudon as they lack recovery. Blissey is the team's only answer to darkrai after it slept something which could be risky. Latias together with blissey will form a nearly impenetrable special fort while lugia together with blissey will form an impressive wall that can take hits from almost all attackers. Rayquaza and Garchomp can attempt to threaten Blissey but Lugia usually scares them off forcing them to switch and eat more entry hazards.

There is the team. It is a classic stall team with little changes. Forretress packed Payback instead of Gyro ball to hit Giratina-o harder and to outspeed Wobbuffet.Like most stall teams. Darkrai gives the team major issues and if toxic spikes are not out,i t has to be predicted around. Darkrai usually sleeps Giratina, Latias or Lugia, if not Darkrai will get hit for heavy damage or phazed out. Taunt defensvie mewtow can sometimes annoy the team, however Latias can kill it if it lacks light screen or forretress can payback it for some damage. If toxic spikes are not out, mewtwo could be a nuisance. Baton pass teams will run over the entire team if the opponent plays smartly. I am thinking of switching Forretress as the lead instead of groudon so that the opponent cannot get any hazards up with Deoxys-s since Forretress can just spin away the hazards unless it has fire punch or trick. In a nutshell, I am quite satisfied on how the team worked out.This team still worked well to this day when played correctly. I obtained a lot of success with this classic stall team. I would appreciate any rates or criticism, thank you for anyone who read this!

Threat List
Red=dangerous threat


Kyogre: My first switch is usually Latias, who only hates fighting thunder wave versions if they get too much parahax (which happened a lot), then I can hit it with thunder.Calm mind ones are boosted along side by latias and will eventally kill it off with Thunder. Scarf or non calm mind versions are walled by blissey,who can toxic it and Giratina can also roar it out. Toxic spikes will ruin non rest versions.Groudon can annoy the resttalk versions by coming in on rest and change the weather. In the sun, Kyogre's water attacks are much weaker than usual. Lead kygore will be dealt by first switching to Blissey if it is slower and then back to Groudon.

Dialga: Dialga is usually handled by blissey.Special versions are stopped completely by blissey. Lugia can come in on any move not named thunder and phaze it out. Mixed bulk up variants are stopped by lugia and so are the mixed ones if they lack thunder.In the sun thunder is extremely unrealible. Bulk up dialga is handled by lugia or groudon especially if it is the last pokemon. Lead dialgas are deal by groudon who can earthquake it for the 2hko.

Groudon: My own Groudon can bulk up and earthquake it, Giratina can burn it and phaze it out, Latias hits it hard. Lugia walls it and can set up reflect too, packs a faster whirlwind. Forretress can sometimes set up on support groudon. Choice banded grouodn are still handled by giratina and lugia. The paradancer is countered by giratina and lugia, since it is a slow lugia, lugia does not mind being paralysed too much, not a problem.

Rayquaza: Groudon for physical versions, even though it can be KO'd by a +2 waterfall or outrage. Lead rayquaza cannot ohko groudon,while stone edge will hit it hard. Lugia will stop physical versions, survivng even a boosted stone edge after stealth rock. Latias can switch in on mixed rayquaza on the right move and threaten it with dragon pulse.The rather rare choice band rayquaza can still be stopped by lugia and latias to an extend.Forretress can take an outrage and lay out hazards.

Palkia: If sun is up which is usually out, it is a lot easier to deal with, if it's choiced and not locked into fire blast, I can go to Forretress, if it's not choice scarfed, I can kill it with Latias. Lugia can wall most as thunders usually fail in the sun. Blissey can easily wall choice specs versions and come in on special attacks. The rare choice band version which sometimes appears, is walled by lugia and forretress. Latias can come in on non dragon attacks and ohko it with dragon pulse.

Giratina-O: Lugia all the way, walling mixed versions with relatvie ease, worrying only calm mind shadow ball versions. Latias can kill it, and calm mind versions are boosted along side and latias can win the calm mind war. Forretress can annoy the non hidden fire versions with payback if they come in to block spin.

Darkrai: The bane of classic stall team. If it comes in on a boosted latias and i slept someone, latias will kill it while it cannot kill back. Blissey can take it on with some luck or if toxic spikes are out. Darkrai cannot set up on giratina or lugia for free as both can phaze it out. After sleeping someone, blissey can handle darkrai better.Toxic spikes will ruin darkrai's sweep. Still, darkrai is the most dangerous threat to the team.

Mewtwo: While Mewtwo CAN be an issue, it usually isn't though. I usually predict around switching with the LO versions, and end up KOing it. Selfdestuct can be taken by giratina. Latias can survive a life orb ice beam and hit back with dragon pulse. Forretress can annoy non fire blasts versions. Toxic spikes will mess it up badly.

Wobbuffet: I consider Wobbuffet a mild threat, it can set up encore on lugia or giratina with ease. Toxic spikes will mess it around. Latias can hit it hard with a boosted dragon pulse. Forretress can set on hazards on it. Blissey can toxic it before it safeguards. If it has tickle, and comes in on blissey, blissey will die to a pursuiter. Giratina and Lugia can survive though by burning the pursuiter or reflecting.

Deoxys-F: As a lead I usually just earthquake, then go to Giratina or latias. Latias can live a special super effective attack if it must.Choice band sets are countered by forretress, giratina, lugia and groudon. Choice specs sets are stopped by blissey or latias. Life orb ones can be killed by forretress if it lacks fire attacks or predicted around.

Deoxys-L: I usually spike against it with Forretress, if it taunts then i spin away it's hazards.The life orb sets are handled by lugia or latias.Groudon can 2hko it but it will get 2 hazards up.

Deoxys-D: Toxic from Blissey, set up on by Latias if it lacks knock of for toxic and forretress can spin away spikes and set up my on spikes. Phaze around by Lugia and Giratina.

Deoxys: Groudon can 2hko the leads. Forretress can payback it or spin away if it lacks fire attacks. Latias can stop it. It is pretty much a slighlty bulkier but weaker Deoxys-A.

Shaymin-S: Can be annoying, but Lugia resists that set's main attacks and can phaze it away, as can Giratina. LO users are more destructive, I can hit it with latias's dragon pulse. Lugia walls it and can ice beam it to death. All sets are walled by blissey. Lugia, Giratina, Blissey can switch around the sub seed it need to be.

Mew: I usually just set up rocks against leads wiht groudon, and finish it with earthquake or Giratina can roar it later if it lacks taunt. Baton passers are annoying, especially behind screens, I go to Latias and boost alongside it and try to KO with dragon pulse, or if I can't KO with dragon pulse, the team will lose. Baton passers will destroy the team if played correctly.

Manaphy: Latias easily.As she can boost alongside it and ko with thunder. Groudon can annoy it with the sun.

Lugia: Latias again, toxic from blissey too, and groudon can hurt it alittle with stone edge. Forretress sets up on it.Calm mind ones are stopped by Blissey, Giratina and my own lugia can phaze it out.

Latios: Blissey walls all, if it doesn't have HP fire and sun is up, Forretress can annoy it. My own latias can annoy it if it switches into me.the rare dragon dancer is stopped by Lugia and Groudon.

Latias: Same as Latios, except less powerful.

Ho-oh: With stone edge on Groudon I feel safer. Lugia can wall it with reflect and roosts. Giratina can take on non life orb variants all day and roar it out.Life orb ones are taken on by lugia and giratina as well .It will really hate stealth rock. While it can 3hko Giratina with brave bird ,Ho-oh will also take a lot of damage in the process.

Garchomp: Groudon takes hits easily, but can get wrecked by a +2 outrage. Lugia walls it most of the time as even a +2 stone edge fails to ohko. Ice beam will kill it after spikes damage. Latias can kill non scarf versions or if the haban berry is already activated. Giratina can come in on the scarf variants easily, other than on outrage and proceed to burn it.

Giratina: No problem, Latias can boosts up and take it out with dragon pulse. Forretresss can set up on it.Calm mind giratina is also taken on by Latias or Lugia can easily phaze it out as Lugia is faster. Choice specs sets are walled by blissey easily and choice bad sets are still walled by Lugia, Forrertress or even my own Giratina.

Salamence: No problem, the dragon dancer is handled by Lugia and Groudon. Lugia and Groudon can ohko it while Salamence cannot do the same. The mixed ones are still stopped by Groudon, Lugia or even Latias if it lacks dragon dance. It can also be predicted around with Blissey by coming in on draco meteors. Forretress can take outrages.


Scizor: Not a problem, Giratina can easily take whatever it uses and burn it. Lugia can do the same or set up reflect to wall it all day. Forretress can take any attack like a champ and set up hazards on it.

Blissey: Groudon can threatened her with powerful earthquakes. Giratina can outstall it easily with pressure. My own Blissey can toxic calm mind ones. Lugia and Giratina can aslo phaze out calm mind ones. Forretress can set up hazards on it.

Lucario: Groudon can live a boosted close combat and ohko it. Giratina can take any attack and burn it. Lugia can take an attack and reflect, the phaze it out. It needs a lot of entry hazards to threatenen the team. Lugia can survive a boosted crunch followed by a reflected crunch at full health and blow it out. Agility Lucario is easily stopped by the Giratina, Lugia and Groudon.

Forretress: Can be annoying. Giratina can block spin and burn it but risks getting set up on. Latias can kill it with a boosted thunder. My own Forretress can spin away its hazards. Usually forretress has to be predicted around. Groudon can damage it with boosted earthquakes.

Ludicolo: In the sun, it is not a problem at all. In the rain, Forretress will be a true nuisance to it by spinning and resisting grass knot and ice beam. Leech seed can annoy the team though. Blissey can toxic it. Giratina or Lugia can phaze it around. Toxic spikes will ruin it. Latias can hit it hard with boosted dragon pulses.

Tyranitar: Can be a major threat if it is the dragon dancer when Groudon is dead.If it lacks taunt, Lugia can set up reflect or Giratina can burn it. Toxic spikes will stop in from sweeping. Choice band versions are stopped by lugia and giratina by reflecting or burning it as can Groudon. Forretress can come in on choiced pursuits or crunches. Lead ones are stopped by Groudon easily.

Metagross: Groudon can take it on besides explosion, Giratina can burn it and wall it all day as can Lugia by reflecting and phaze away boosts. Giratina is immune to explosion and Lugia can survive even a choice banded explosion behind reflect. Forretresss can wall it and set up hazards on it.

Ninjask: Lol,Lugia and Giratina can easily phaze it out. Groudon can stone edge it or bulk up on it.

Kingdra: It's kind of annoying in rain, but I just go back to Groudon and then it is completely handled by Lugia and Latias. (Unless it DD'd and is at +1 speed for Latias) Lugia still stops it handily unless it gets too lucky with flinches or critical hits. Forretress can wall it in the sun.

Shedinja: Any hazards will kill it.Spinning is impossible if Giratina is around. Groudon can stone edge it.Lugia can wall it all day with reflect and blow it away forcing it to die next switch to hazards. Forretress paybacks it and spikes will kill it on the switch. Giratina can ohko it will will-o-wisp.

Registeel: Groudon can threaten it with earthquake. Forretress can easily wall it, spin away rocks and set up on hazards. Giratina can laugh at it, burn it and wall it forever.

Heatran: Groudon can ohko it. Latias, Blissey and Giratina can wall most, if they have taunt then it will be annoying. Blissey can seismic toss it. Latias can hit it hard with a boosted thunder however sun ruins the accuracy.Torment tran is still ohkoed by Groudon and can be predicted around. Choice specs sets are stopped by Blissey. Latias or Giratina. Choice scarf sets are walled even easier. Life Orb Heatran is walled to death by Blissey or Latias, fearing only explosion. Giratina can absorb explosion and most attacks.

Jirahi: Groudon walls it and koes with eathquake. Forretress sets up on it if it lack fire punch. Giratina and Lugia walls it to no end. However, they fear trick.

Bronzong: It can set up dual screen, but it itself is set up on by Groudon and Forretress who can also blow away hazards. Giratina and Lugia walls it forever, not fearing even explosion. Giratina can also burn it.

Inferape: Weird pokemon in ubers, however Latias an Giratina can easily stop it. Lugia can do the same sometimes. Sword dancer is handled by Giratina easily and Lugia. Groudon can earthquake the it while surviving overheat. Lead ones can be stopped the same and Groudon can earthquake it while risking a massive hit from overheat though.

Celebi: Lugia and Giratina can wall it all day, although both truly hates leech seed. Blissey can easily wall it if it lacks physical attacks. Forretress can set up on non fire attacks ones.

Heracross: Deadly, but unfortunately Giratina is a total halt to it. Lugia can do the same with reflect. Groudon can take a few hits. Forretress can set up on it, fearing only a choice banded or guts boosted close combat.

Mamoswine: Giratina stops it by burning it. Lugia can wall it with reflect. Forretress can set up on it if it lacks life orb. Lead ones are stopped by Giratina who is also immune to endeavor and Forretress can spin away rocks.

Jumpluff: Cannot kill anyone. Forretress also stops it cold. Lugia can ohko it as can Latias.

Shiftry: Forretress can annoy it. Blissey walls special attackers and Giratina can take the explosion. The swords dancer is stopped by Giratina or Lugia.

Exeggutor: Latias, Lugia, Giratina and Blissey stops it cold.

Tangrowth: Lugia and Giratina walls it anytime of the day. Blissey totally walls special attacking ones.

Gengar: Blissey can wall it. Latias can take a shadow ball and ohko back. Forretress can payback it if it lacks hidden power fire.

Kabutops: Giratina burns it and phaze it out.In the sun, even Lugia walls it with reflect and roosts. Latias outspeeds it without rain and Groudon can ohko it wit hearthquake can change the weather.

Abomasnow: Forretress can set up on it. Entry hazards will ruin this christmas tree too as it is affected by both spikes and weak to rock. Blissey walls special attacking ones.

Uxie: It can set up dual screens but cannot harm any member. Blissey can toxic it and Forretress can set up on it.

Magnezone: Groudon kills it off. Blissey walls it as can Giratina.

Dugtrio: Giratina and Lugia stops it easily. Groudon screws it up. It CAN trap blissey though which can be annoying.

Cloyster: Forretress stops it. Latias ohkoes it easily.

Hariyama: Groudon owns it. Giratina and Lugia walls it to no end.

Froslass : Groudon can easily take icy wind and 2hko it. Forretress can annoy it.

Qwilfish: Stopped completely by Giratina or Lugia. Groudon can do the same.

Parasect: Groudon can stone edge it. Latias can wreck it with dragon pulse. Giratina walls it easily and does not mind status.

Quagsire: Forretress, Lugia and Giratina easily walls it.Blissey can toxic it and Latias can hit it hard.

Roserade: If it lacks fire attacks, Forretress will ruin it. Lugia, Blissey, Latias and Giratina can wall it all day.

Araiados: Groudon 2hkoes it. Forretress ruins its attempts. Giratina and Lugia walls it forever.

Skarmory: Can be annoying but Latias ohkoes it.If it lacks taunt Giratina and Lugia can roar it out before it does making its whirlwind useless.Forretress can ruin its spiking attempts.

Thank for reading
Wow this is a well thought out team, Just a couple of nitpicks
No Lum for Darkrai leads?
and how do you deal with wob or CM Taunt Mewtwo coming in on Lugia?
Darkai is the bane of old stall.It has to sleep someone anyway and blissey can take it on after it slept someone.Groudon just takes the sleep.Hazards are most likely out so mewtwo will take some damage.Forretress can switch in payback mewtwo for some damage or blissey can try to seismic toss it out.
Great team here Trickroom although I can point out 1 massive weakness and that is to Lucario. A +2 Crunch manages a 2 K.O on both Lugia and Giratna and Giratina can't K.O Lucario with Aura Sphere and both Lugia and Giratina they can't keep switching in forever. I'm not sure how to fix this but I just thougt I'd point out that massive wekaness
Golden sun,that is not true.Lucario is not a weakness at all,unless I allowed it to set up to max.Lugia takes a blow,reflects,survives the next.Giratina hits lucario with aura sphere to the point where it no longer survives long.Groudon survives even +2 close combat and ohko back.Latias easily survives +2 extreme speed and ohko lucario with thunder after a defense drop.Giratina can survive even a +4 crunch.If lucario really troubles me,i can just use a slightly faster lugia anyway.
Yes, like Golden Sun says, Lucario can cause you problems. I really think you should put Will-O-Wisp on Giratina instead of Aura Sphere (Lucario is not a rare Pokemon in Ubers!). With him burned, Lugia can wall him with ease. I know this gives Giratina coverage issues, but the only normal Pokemon commonly used in Ubers is Blissey, and she can't do shit to Giratina.

On another note, I can see this team being out-stalled by modern stall and Light Screen Mewtwo QuickStall. Yes, Forretress cannot spin away hazards as it can't get past Giratina, but there's no reason why he can't just take advantage of the fact that Giratina can't do shit to him in return and thus set-up layers upon layers of Toxic Spikes and Spikes on you, while your Forretress can't spin them away because Giratina-O fries him with HP Fire. Since the "wild-card" in modern stall is usually Ho-oh (Who can dismantled an entire stall team if played right, although over-bulky Lugia does help a bit), it is going to cause you a lot of headaches. I really don't know how to solve this without disassembling a lot of your team, though.

EDIT: I guess you can run a faster Lugia (Minimum speed Lugia WILL get outsped).
Aura sphere is used to hit darkrai and dialga.Lucario gets hit hard by aura sphere and groudon easily ohkoes it.If luacrio is became a major issue,i can always use impish groudon or a faster lugia.Mewtwo gets slapped by boosted shadow ball.forretress gets set up on giratina,not the other way round and there is nothing in modern stall that can quickly dispatch giratina after a boost,not even palkia.Giratina-o will hate taking boosted shadow balls and cant ohko giratina in return.There is nothing in modern stall that can ko giratina without being ko itself and ho-oh really hates rocks.Forretress is the one cant do anything to giratina while it gets set up on.Please take that into account.Many players lost their entire team to giratina because of that dumb attempt to allow giratina to set up.

Obviously this is a great Uber team. Also thumbs up for using classic uber stall in today's metegame to such great success. I couldn't figure out many major weaknesses and I agree with you as far as your ability to beat SD Lucario (who's rarely seen in ubers nowadays IIRC) is concerned.
Only one thing I'm worried about. How do you beat the (kinda noobish and cheap, I know) Dual Screen - Pure Baton Pass Mew - Lum Groudon combo? For example if Mewtwo with Taunt is the Dual Screener, I really don't see any chance for your team to stop the sweep. Mew should always be able to set up one agility and 2 SDs and +4/+2 Groudon will run through your whole team (even Giratina gets 81% minimum from +4 Dragon Claw and Shadow Ball only does like 30% back).
Apart from that, I don't see any major problems.

Great team. Good work !
The team cannot handle baton pass teams unless i change the team.Bulk up groudon or giratina can kill mew with some luck if they have some boosts before mew comes in.Giratina can do some damage to mew with shadow ball but it wont do much because of light screen and giratina's average special attack.
Yes, I thought so. Baton Pass really gives classic stall the blues. Nevertheless I have an idea. By chance I know that Impish Groudon with 252HP and 252Def EVs gets a maximum of 99% from adamant +6 Groudon's Earthquake. Considering that Groudon is almost the only Baton Pass reciever used in Ubers, using the following Gtoudon set yourself could really help:
Impish-252HP, 252Def, 4SpDef
-Stone Edge/Filler
-Stealth Rock
This is not a suggestion though as I think you won't want to give up your Bulk Up Groudon, it's only a hint. You can test it if you feel Baton Pass teams become a threat.

Great team though :)
The groudon you recommended fares worse against dialga and kyogre leads due to the lack of special defense evs.Dialga can 2hko your groudon with draco meteor or even fire blast.Giratina-o hits your groudon much more with draco meteor too but i might use the impish groudon to counter baton pass teams if baton passing became popular.
I don't have much to add since this is definitely a good team, but I really want to suggest raising Lugia's Speed to beat Rayquaza, since nothing is stopping a decently played Mixquaza from hopping in and out of the game (assuming SR has been spun) and spamming Draco Meteors left and right. Latias is your only hope to revenge kill it, and it can't switch in on anything except Fire Blast. For Lugia, Timid with 309 Speed (100 EVs) is enough to beat standard Mixquaza, or you could simply go for 319 Speed (136 EVs) to outpace every Rayquaza variant. There's not really any reason to go above that, since you already have answers to threats like the Lati twins. A faster Lugia will also help against Lucario, although your Groudon would fair well against Luke if you make it Impish.

Even still, classic stall basically covers everything relevant in the Ubers metagame, and your team is definitely no exception. Even the Pokes that give stall teams without a Scarfer the fits such as Darkrai and Mewtwo are neutered quite effectively with Toxic Spikes out. I can't suggest more without opening you up to a different threat, so I think I'll leave it at that!
there is nothing in modern stall that can quickly dispatch giratina after a boost,not even palkia.Giratina-o will hate taking boosted shadow balls and cant ohko giratina in return.There is nothing in modern stall that can ko giratina without being ko itself and ho-oh really hates rocks.Forretress is the one cant do anything to giratina while it gets set up on.Please take that into account.Many players lost their entire team to giratina because of that dumb attempt to allow giratina to set up.
This is actually not entirely true. You're banking a lot on the fact that your opponent won't know your Giratina's moveset.

However, if he or she knows, the best course of action would be to send in Blissey, Toxic, and stall until Giratina rests. From there, a phazer can remove Giratina-A temporarily from the field. Using this method, an enemy Forretress can probably set up two more layers in front of Giratina, since it doesn't take until +6 that Giratina can 2HKO Blissey with Aura Sphere.
Groudon survives draco meteor from mixed rayquaza,while ohkoing back with stone edge.
Well, your Groudon takes 70% - 82.7% from Draco Meteor, meaning you can't switch into it without always being 2HKO'ed in the process. Lugia on the other hand takes 54.8% - 64.4% from the same Draco Meteor, and with a spread of Timid with 252 HP/156 Def/100 Spe, you'd also only take 18.8% - 22.1% from ExtremeSpeed. While you lose if SR is on the field, I think that's a better chance than always losing regardless with Groudon. So basically I don't really think Groudon is the best answer for Mixquaza, and while Lugia would give a little bit more insurance, I guess your best bet would probably be smart switching with Blissey, Forry and Groudon.
As you know, I really like this team and have found it very succesful myself. The cheap BP mew, as has been established, gives major problems. If you give forre explosion, you might be able to eliminate mew before the pass, provided a little simple prediction. It is glaringly obvious when an opponent is attempting a Dual Screen bp, so prediction shouldn't be a problem. Also, if someone knows the Gira set and brings in Bliss, you could always switch to Forre and set up a layer of your own.

All in all.... Great Team!
What if giratina is the last pokemon and cannot be phazed?What pokemon in modern stall can eliminate it then?New stall teams has a phazer?Since they dont pack lugia,who is the phazer in modern stall other than the rare roar groudon,since groudon usually packs thunderwave,stealth rock,earthquake and dragon claw/stone edge or whirlwind ho-oh?
What if giratina is the last pokemon and cannot be phazed?What pokemon in modern stall can eliminate it then?New stall teams has a phazer?Since they dont pack lugia,who is the phazer in modern stall other than the rare roar groudon,since groudon usually packs thunderwave,stealth rock,earthquake and dragon claw/stone edge or whirlwind ho-oh?
Chances are it won't sweep outright, because
1) Blissey can still Toxic it to the point where it has to Rest, which leads to
2) Giratina-O can 2HKO with Outrage/3HKO with DClaw OR
3) Scarf Palkia 3HKOes with Outrage

Also when Giratina-A comes into the end game it won't be at full health due to the entry hazards, so it will be taken down easier.

And also Roar Groudon is very common on modern stall; it is not rare at all. A modern stall team should never go without a phazer, lol
Giratina-A ohkoes giratina-O after boosts.If giratina-O is dead already?Groudon hates boosted shadow balls,spikes and toxic.Scarf Palkia is stopped by lugia,and if groudon has roar,it will lack toxic.this means lugia is phazing groudon while groudon cannot do the same.If forretress comes in,my own forretress can do the same.
You gave me a situation where Giratina-A is the last Pokemon, and that's what I responded to. Then you mentioned Lugia around, where this does not apply if Giratina-A is the last Pokemon. Also, Giratina-A fails to OHKO Giratina-O with +1 Shadow Ball after two Stealth Rock damages
isnt giratina-o naive?It might ohko giratina-o then after two stealth rock damages.Modern stall usually depends on blissey to recover as most lacks recovery.Rayquaza and swords dance garchomp/salamence will plow through an entire modern stall.Can lugia fit into a modern stall team?
Are you trying to argue that modern stall is worse than classic stall? How does this pertain to the topic of the team? How is this relevant, at all? My original point was that Giratina-A won't easily take down a Pokemon in modern stall unlike what you claim, and you derailed it to Swords Dance Rayquaza and Garchomp, and Lugia.
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