The problem with the 3D sprites

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The problem with the 3D models

Ever since Showdown added the new 3D sprites it has been nothing but a nuisance. Don't get me wrong the models look the games. These sprites look terrible on Showdown and let me show what I mean....

First of all the team preview:


It should be pretty obvious what the problems are here. You can barely even see Charizard because the size of Mamoswine. Had there been a smaller Pokemon like Rotom-W in that slot, it becomes completely hidden. Does this really matter? Maybe not but it shows how bad the 3D sprites really can be. Also this:


Yep, the stealth rock is almost completely covered. As dumb as it may seem I've forgotten hazards were there before and it cost me a few games; all because the models are way too large and cover up the hazards on the field. There is way more instances of these terrible models covering up other Pokemon or hazards on the field, that it's ridiculous. It's not just large landsharks and mammoths, it's every somewhat large Pokemon.

Another big issue is that the models themselves are just poorly ripped from the games:


Now I know it's hard to capture since the GIF makes it even worse. But here's the thing, every time Charizard's wings flap it lags like hell. This is also true for many of the Pokemon that have any sort of wings. For anyone that has used a Charizard (a lot of you) you'll probably know what I mean when I talk about this "lag." It causes unnecessary irritation that the 2D sprites never had. Luckily a lot of Pokemon don't even move that much, but with the 2D sprites there was never any concern with this issue. (Also btw there's stealth rock there).

And finally the most annoying thing about these god awful excuse for Pokemon sprites is they look terrible with Showdown. The backgrounds don't match in the slightest. Also, the BLACK OUTLINES on the Pokemon look terrible on themselves with the laggy animation and the Showdown backgrounds which were designed with 2D sprites in mind. The great thing about the 2D sprites is it was so easy to get them from the games themselves, therefore they had no nuances whatsoever.

The 2D sprites looked perfect, had no problems and fit perfectly. The X and Y sprite project has made fantastic sprites for X and Y Pokemon that fit in with the Gen 5 ones perfect. So why do we even need the 3D models? They weren't hugely requested, look terrible and just don't fit. The 3D sprites just weren't made for a 2D computer game, and it really shows. It's time to move on, it's time to switch back to 2D sprites.

And before everyone tells me, yes I know you can disable animations but it removes movement and all the cool move animations from the game. Likewise I did hear they were sort of planning on making a 2D sprite option and that's great, but please put it in higher priority because I know I'm not the only one who wants to enjoy Showdown again with sprites that work, and make the game playable. Please don't take this post the wrong way, I love Showdown and it is truly a fantastic simulator, but the 3D sprites just really ruined it for me. Thanks for reading.

PO still has the 2D sprites and I personally think it looks much worse. It's just so... plain. Not that it matters much to me anyway.

I do agree, part of the reason I like Showdown is for the move animations and the sprite animations they had on the old sprites.
I think I brought this up when they first came out. The 2D were well made and finished at the time excluding a few new pokemon not yet animated then they suddenly switched to the flickering, poorly sized 3DS models w/o shiney versions yet. they're getting better but they switched something finished for something rushed with no built in choice. The B&W 2D models just need to stand there doing their dance and look nice while the 3D models are missing the attack animations from X&Y. They're working on a way to toggle between 2D and 3D but for now the only way to get the 2D default is to disable animations, which is just not how pokemon should be played.


meh, just waiting Kyurem Smash!
Indeed, Petrico94 created a thread about this last month and it went nowhere in particular.

As co-director of the XY Sprite Project, I can say that there are logical arguments for keeping 2D sprites as an option, one of which is CAP. To my knowledge, it's on the to-do list for the Showdown team, but they have other priorities. I understand your frustration but have patience in the meantime.

This thread can be locked imo; there's not much to be discussed.
princessofmusic is right

just wait for it, or learn to program it in, it's open software after all.

I made it quite clear to those who mattered there was only so much I could do with the implementation of the actual gifs, and I've done everything in my power to help with both models and sprites.

We will have the sprite option eventually, updating the teambuilder and dex to support the models as well will probably be coming first though.
PS still has a long way to go with them so don't judge
No I will judge. "2D are just fine, but lets replace them all with these 3D sprites from the X&Y games and see how it goes." Graphical errors, some block out others in preview, blocking the hazards that are set in game, took a while to adjust sizes, and you can just say goodbye to shiny versions and the few gender differences. Yes they have a long way to go with the 3D sprites and have worked to fix them, but why did they add them much sooner than the option to switch between 2D and 3D was available?

Flickers (until fixed), can block SR, that outline is distracting

Already done, compact, comes in 2 colors
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No I will judge. "2D are just fine, but lets replace them all with these 3D sprites from the X&Y games and see how it goes." Graphical errors, some block out others in preview, blocking the hazards that are set in game, took a while to adjust sizes, and you can just say goodbye to shiny versions and the few gender differences. Yes they have a long way to go with the 3D sprites and have worked to fix them, but why did they add them much sooner than the option to switch between 2D and 3D was available?

Flickers, can block SR, that outline is distracting

Already done, compact, comes in 2 colors
but that banana animation tho
Hey guys just a heads up. I can't do much for sizing, but when there are errors tell me in the model fixing thread, and maybe I can fix them.

Passive aggressive attitudes won't help you here, and if you want to see full shinies then talk to me and I am willing to show you how you can help me make them. Those who don't put in the work have no place telling those who do they haven't worked hard enough.

The decision to go to with the 3D models was one made by the PS leaders in consultation with myself, who has been working on making both the 2D sprites and 3D model rips the best they can be. The two are not in competition with each other. Ideally we will be getting full support for both soon, but that is secondary to some other improvements necessary for PS to be the best competitive battling simulator.
Hey guys just a heads up. I can't do much for sizing, but when there are errors tell me in the model fixing thread, and maybe I can fix them.

Passive aggressive attitudes won't help you here, and if you want to see full shinies then talk to me and I am willing to show you how you can help me make them. Those who don't put in the work have no place telling those who do they haven't worked hard enough.

The decision to go to with the 3D models was one made by the PS leaders in consultation with myself, who has been working on making both the 2D sprites and 3D model rips the best they can be. The two are not in competition with each other. Ideally we will be getting full support for both soon, but that is secondary to some other improvements necessary for PS to be the best competitive battling simulator.
He's right guise, complaining wont get you anywhere.
Also, thanks, Layell, for persisting to give us the best possible battle sim. <3
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