Project The Lunatic's Workshop [TEAMS BEING POSTED]

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RUBBER: Specs Regidrago Balance
:regidrago: :slowking-galar: :zapdos: :sableye-mega: :gliscor: :iron-boulder:
(listen to six impala they're really cool)

Building this team was certainly an experience. Specs Regidrago is a frighteningly powerful breaker, able to effortlessly cleave through most defensive answers in a few hits. This team aims to support that as much as possible


eyes in the water
(Regidrago) @ :choice-specs:
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Energy
- Earth Power
- Tera Blast
- Draco Meteor

The breaker for this team, 80 base speed isn't anything mind boggling, but its generally enough to beat out most defensive walls. Try and preserve hp on it so dragon energy hits hard.


FARAWAY199X (Slowking-Galar) @ :heavy-duty-boots:
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Future Sight
- Sludge Bomb
- Chilly Reception
- Thunder Wave

This mon was a no-brainer. It's a great pivot into fairy moves from Tapu Lele and Iron Valiant, on top of being able to spread para with Thunder Wave. Most importantly however, it's able to bring in Regidrago, giving it more opportunities to hit buttons while remaining unchipped.


myopia (Zapdos) @ :heavy-duty-boots:
Ability: Static
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 184 Def / 76 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Hurricane
- Discharge
- Roost

Defensive Zapdos was also an easy slot for this team. It's able to keep hazards off pretty reliably alongside being able to act as a good wall for common priority users like Scizor-Mega, Urshifu-Rapid-Strike and Lopunny-Mega, also threatening debilitating paralyses, giving Regidrago free reign. Discharge is being used over Thunderbolt for the higher rate of Paralysis, making it incredibly irritating to switch into.


CHROMETYPE (Sableye) @ :Sablenite:
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 248 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Knock Off
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Protect

Rather unconventional pick, but I think it fits decently well on this team. Magic Bounce is a great option for this team, as it allows hazard denial, keeping Dragon Energy at a high BP. Spreading burn is also very nice, easing the pressure on Zapdos and Slowking-G. Knock off forces progress vs the blobs that would normally eat Regidrago's moves, and being a spinblocker is a niche, but useful benefit. This is the most droppable slot though, so feel free to run Alomomola or some other mon instead.


66GTO (Gliscor) @ :Toxic-Orb:
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 244 HP / 252 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Toxic
This functions as our team's ground immune and hazard setter. Spikes in general are super broken, and with Knock Off support from Sableye, they can rack up chip incredibly fast, especially if not dealt with quickly. Toxic is nice for forcing progress vs Tapu Lele, Zapdos and Landorus-Therian, but can be repalced with Knock Off if need be.


NITROMETHANE (Iron Boulder) @ :Booster-Energy:
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Mighty Cleave
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
As the last mon for the team, Boulder provides both a wincon and speed control. You can either save Booster Energy to try and end the game with Swords Dance, or use it more as a tempo piece earlier on in a match to pave the way for Regidrago to clean up. Zen Headbutt was dropped in favor of sub to allow more opportunities to set up, especially with tera flying and the switches it forces.


Obvious pokemon is obvious, with its downright insane speed tier it can be a pain to check sometimes, often requiring burning tera on Slowking-G to para it early

Rain can be pretty spooky into this team, primarily due to the lack of water resists. Regidrago can oftentimes pick up a KO or two, especially early on, but some variants can be a nightmare matchup. Try and keep Slowking-G alive to set snow.
This team was built around the AV Mola set meant to snag suprise KO's off people volt switchins on you with mirror coat and knock/burn unsuspecting mons, this team matches up very well into fatter builds especially stall and other balance, but has to outplay vs offense. Your biggest threats will be booster mons that can outspeed scarfed kartana, If they're slower you can pretty much auto win vs frail builds with scarfed tera normal return. Against fatter teams you want to try and knock mons with mola and then pivot in specs kyurem off a chilly reception. You break stall and balance incredibly easy with specs tera ice blizzard as chansey is 2hko'd after it gets knocked. Been tryna branch out and build more balancey teams for this workshop to showcase the strengths of the different sets weve been given.
Cycle 3 is now Live!
Phase 1 of Cycle 3 is now up, nominate up to 2 sets from the National Dex Heat thread to be built around.
Remember here isn't the place to post sets, just nominate them so if you want to provide a cool/unique set make sure to post it in the National Dex Heat thread first before nominating here. Nominations are open until February 25th. Lets get some insane sets this week!
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Power-Up Punch Mega Lopunny
:sv/lopunny-mega: :sv/hatterene: :sv/landorus-therian: :sv/hawlucha: :sv/ferrothorn: :sv/rillaboom:

A bit late to the party due to me being busy and timezones, but i am here to post my version of the team.Me and fintans both made different versions,mine is a little more silly but i still like it.Below i will leave the explanation to this, enjoy.

Star of the team you could say.Pretty silly set, but it helps u vs certain matchups.Let's say u get lopunny in vs a mon that is hella weak to it ( like ferro,garg,heatran etc), they immediately switch to their lando, thinking they are gonna chip u with rocky helm, they will actually just give you a free sub.One problem this has is with the legendary birds, u need to make sure they are gonna before u set up your sub, as they can come in, take an attack, get para'd/burned and render your lopunny useless.Problem with this set is that you can't really fuck around with the subs.If u gonna sub, u need to make sure it puts u in a good position,otherwise ur gonna chunk your hp down for nothing.Sure, rilla's terrain helps, but its nothing too crazy.Would have loved if this was drain punch instead of CC, but it's whatever, we gotta work with what we have.

Hatterene is a boss bitch.Really like this mon on teams like this.You get in, calm mind up a bunch and oop, u sudenly recover a fuck ton of hp from draining kiss and they cant kill you.Nightmare fuel.You cannot get statused, they cannot encore you, all they can do is damage you.You can get hatt in mons like gliscor, at most they are just gonna chip u with eq, so u get a lot of free setup.If you REALLY wanna be that guy, run grassy seed instead of lefties.But i dont recommend that, as Hawlucha relying on terrain to be up is already pretty annoying, so having this one rely on it too is a bit too much for me.Speaking of terrain, if its up while u set up, you are gonna recover hp while crazy from both the terrain and lefties.Heatran eats this up, so be careful with that before you get to setting up.

I don't need to write paragraphs on lando, you know what it does.Nice lead, can chip down rilla and lop during the course of a game, and can damage other landos and gliscor with hp ice.Real.

One wrong step from your oppnent and its joever.Get lucha in on as they try to set up, encore them and now u get free set up.Insane mon late game, just make sure there is no :zapdos: and :moltres: around.If you wanna be that guy, run Stone Edge to surprise the birds, but encore is way better for helping you set up.

Good soup.U know what he does.Moving on.

Funny grass moves hit hard, even harder if you tera grass, knock off to cripple :ferrothorn: :lando: ,you can do predicts with u-turn, don't fuck around if the birds are around.
Power-Up Punch Mega Lopunny (again)

A Lot late to the party due to me being busy and a bit underconfident on the team structure but seeing Dahness post basically the same thing gave me more confidence

usually used to harass frailer teams but this time with ppunch to also harass balance! the original set had 40 Defense EVs to have sub survive mola flip turn but mega lop has a bit more defense than lop so the defense isnt needed thus removed. Honestly wish this was sub + focus punch because thatd be so funny lmaooo but as long as u dont misplay like me (i sack this thing all the time for no reason) you should be pretty solid

zama check #1 and just a solid bulky wincon, i was thinking of healing wish because of mlop but in the end decided that more attacker = good :P kinda benefits from terrain, hatt also deters hazard setters which would otherwise chip lop even more than it already chips itself

zama check #2 (man that mon should be banned imo), i slap lando onto everything i build lol, this one has hpice to smack gliscor which lop hates. doesnt quite kill (or anywhere close LOL) but does a sizeable chunk which i find very useful vs the dumb :alomomola::slowking-galar::gliscor: builds, also no defog so this team cant clear hazards -> just outplay them with hatt LOL (btw thats also why i didnt want hwish, sacking hazard blocker = no no)

i slap this thing onto everything i build post-DLC, honestly one of my favourites rn. provides a priority user that beats tera flying moon, also has a very good mu vs rain as long as he doesnt get a draco dropped on his head

welcome to epsiode three of "i slap this thing onto everything i build", ferro is just ferro and i put spikes cos lando has rocks already. tect is a personal thing you can make that knock or twave

this still feels quite random to me especially because i dont have any direct beneficiaries unlike dahness and his lucha, but band hits like a truck, i dont have a real tera abuser yet, and lots of stuff that lop cant directly kill (think skarm glisc lando etc) get pressured and chipped by this monke with knock or hammer, you can just keep racking up hazards chip once they lose boots since flyings dont benefit from terrain healing. (actually skarm isnt the best example cos u do flat nothing damage but ig u can waste their roosts? or just double to rbolt)

:P:P:P dont quite have time to write this with proper grammar so i just hope i dont get kicked of GP for this
edit: btw me and dahness were supposed to collab on this hence the near identical structure but we branched out when he said he didnt like rbolt lol
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Thanks everybody for submissions, Cycle 3 Voting Phase is now upon us.
Voting phase begins now! Vote for your favourite nomination with the corresponding letter, All three of these will be built this week but the top vote will get more teams so vote away!

Exploud @ Choice Specs
Ability: Scrappy
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Boomburst
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Fire Blast
Darkrai @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Bad Dreams
Tera Type: Poison/fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Knock Off
- Will-O-Wisp
- Ice Beam/tbolt/sludge bomb
- Taunt

Minior @ White Herb
Ability: Shields Down
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Acrobatics
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Good luck everybody voting ends March 1st!
Ok guys votes are in here's the sets that received the most votes:

Nomination C: 4 votes

Regidrago @ Choice Specs
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Energy- Earth Power- Tera Blast- Draco Meteor

Nomination A: 2 votes
Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 216 Atk / 40 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute- Close Combat- Power-Up Punch- Frustration

Nomination D: 1 vote
Shamoneamola (Alomomola) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 99
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald- Flip Turn- Knock Off- Mirror Coat

Congratulations everyone we'll now get to work on building these teams

Post your teams by Wednesday Feb 14th
bet op nice (
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Alright, first Minior team posted! You will like this one Medasus.
Rising - Minior + Liligant-Hisui Sun
:Minior-orange: :Torkoal: :Lilligant-hisui: :raging bolt: :great tusk: :victini:

If it wasn’t obvious from the landslide in the votes, this team is built around minior. But, unlike some standard hazard or screens Ho, I chose to slot it on…. Sun, of all things? Well, I’ll explain it.
:Minior-orange: Well, this is the star of the show (quite literally, actually). Minior is an albeit weird setup sweeper, using its unique ability that ignores status moves and its good stab combination in conjunction with Tera allow it to do well against semistall and fatter balance teams, which sometimes don’t have the capability to ohko Minior. Now, why in sun? Well, what is minior’s main way of bowling through a team? It is supposed to take a hit and then transform into its lightning fast form that hits surprisingly hard. Unfortunately, it is quite hard to do this due to hazards, a water weakness, and being prone to revenge kills from Iron Boulder and Iron Valiant, if it hasn’t transformed. Sun and the teammates found on it are able to do well to cover these problems. Sun itself helps it avoid 2hkos from Urshifu, Rotom-Wash, and Ogerpon-W, although it needs Tera to avoid an ohko from power whip. Raging Bolt and Lilligant also help against waters. Great tusk solves its hazard issues, being able to consistently rapid spin through a game and provide good offensive pressure while doing so. Lilligant also helps revenge kill iron boulder, which is why it used over Venusaur, as Venusaur is unable to outspeed iron boulder. Victini helps solve the iron valiant issue while also helping against Tapu lele, and with boots it’s able to do this somewhat consistently. Encore and u turn also help give minior free setup turns at points, as well as locking Pokemon like mega latias or Dondozo into undesirable moves. Now, what does Minior do in return? Well, it is able to do quite well against almost all variants of mega latias, a huge threat to sun, and is extremely helpful against thunder wave sets. It also helps against slowking Galar and niche defensive fires like skeledirge and moltres.
:Torkoal: Do I really need to explain this guy its role is self explanatory. It sets sun and gets up rocks and does that thing. It has toxic for Mtias and just to wear down stuff like Mola and gouging fire easier. Tera grass helps gain a waterpon resist while also giving a ground resist. It’s also a good stopgap into msciz.
:Lilligant-hisui: This is the 2nd star of the show. Good speed control while also being a good breaker in its own right. Swords dance allows its power to go to outstanding levels, being able to clean teams along with minior. It helps against waters like Mola or Rotom wash as well. It outspeeds iron boulder and iron valiant, which is why it used over Venusaur as they are big threats to Minior. Triple axel is used to lure ground stuff like Lando and chomp as well as do better against mtias and be able to actually somewhat click into Tera dragon dozo.
:Raging Bolt: Although it is not the best set in the world, Assault Vest allows raging bolt to be a decent stopgap into nasty plot torn, Volcarona, and heatran. It gains momentum on these mons with volt switch, allowing the main breakers opportunity to, well, break. It helps against dozo mainly and heatran, both of which would otherwise wall this team or click magma storm into basically everything. It also isn’t passive like its other assault vest using counterpart, as it has a sky high special attack, good offensive typing, and protosynthesis due to sun. It is also the “check” into waterpon, although it’s still not the best into it. The EV spread lives a +2 ogerpon superpower. Tera flying is mainly for a ground immunity as well as a fighting resist.
:Great Tusk: This is the team’s ground and hazard remover, allowing it to be a natural choice for Minior and even raging bolt, who hates hazards. Besides that, it also helps check Pokémon like offensive lando (so scarf) and also Pokémon like Mtar and gouging fire. Rapid spin in conjunction with the protosynthesis boost also makes for a decently threatening breaker with its typing and ice spinner coverage. Tera steel allows it to catch Tapu lele and ogerpon off guard and take advantage of Alomomola.
:Victini: Although it doesn’t sound too conventional, Victini is able to act as a pivot that checks both Tapu lele and iron valiant. There are 2 main differences, however, that separate it from iron crown. First, it has the great offensive tool in encore, allowing it to lock things like Gliscor, mega latias, and Toxapex into recovery, spikes, or setup moves, giving it opportunities to pivot out and give Pokemon like Minior and liligant setup turns. Next, it isn’t as passive as iron crown, being also a breaker that uses its sun boost in conjunction with the incredibly powerful v create to take advantage of boots and the opportunities it gets against Pokemon like iron valiant, Ferrothorn, and mega scizor. Tera fire is also able to boost this power even further, making it nuclear in sun even without any boosts. Here is a funny replay of minior sweeping a team with Tera water clod + Mola.
:PMD/Ninetales-Alola: :pmd/cloyster: :pmd/minior: :pmd/garchomp: :pmd/iron-treads: :pmd/volcarona:
Ironic, last round i was one of the last to post and now i am one of the first.Anyway, as to not flood the post, i will leave the explanation in a spoiler.

Being a HO, i do not have much to explain and this team is pretty easy to pilot.
:ninetales-alolan: Sets veil, let's sweepers do their thingy.I gave it snowscape to dunk on :charizard-mega-y: and :tyranitar: coming in, thinking they can interrupt our setup.Can also force switches with encore, enabling it further to set up veil.
:cloyster: Hella underated mon.Gets almost 600 defense in snow+the veil means no psychical attacker can touch it.Tera blast fire is for stuff like :ferrothorn: but more importantly, scizor-mega: who cloyster can't that really touch that well with liquadation.
:minior: Goat of our team.Same stuff as cloyster basically.I gave it power gem as i hate the fact that i have to clutch my desk everytime i press stone edge on a sweeper.I gave it tera flying to help with acrobatics damage, but outside of that, it's pretty simple.Minior, if placed corectly, can become deadly, dunking on a lot of meta threats.Has a bit of a rough time vs ferro and scizor mega, but acrobatics still deals heavy damage to both.
:garchomp: Sd+ scale shot dice is deadly.Biggest counter to this is zama and priority, but outside of that,chomp has never failed me.
:iron-treads: I like having hazzards on my HO teams.I mostly lead this, set up rocks, cripple something and then sac it, then switch ninetales in and go from there with setting up everything for the guys to sweep.
:Volcarona: Easiest mon to add the veil/screens teams in general, one wrong turn from your opp and u got a free +1 boost in your offenses.Giga Drain destroys waters and helps with recovery and tera blast water helps vs :heatran: :moltres: and even :gouging-fire: to an extent.
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making an unofficial announcement since its been quite some time since we saw some activity here from the hosts, sorry about that
i know it looks like TLW is dead already but worry not because we are merely going through some internal changes that we hope will improve and revamp our process to make it more for fun for everyone. if you are one like me who believes in this project do not lose hope! next week we will see a LOT of changes
in the meantime, if you have any feedback about the current process of The Lunatics' Workshop, feel free to reach out to me (or any of the hosts) via discord or smog dms
an official announcement will come out soon, after the darkrai and exploud teams get posted
(this is an unofficial announcement so screw capitalisation lol)

stay tuned!
:darkrai: :ogerpon-wellspring: :Slowking-Galar: :Clefable: :Gliscor: :Skarmory:
Support Darkrai + Skarmory hazard stack
ok so at first I had no idea where this set could go, but then I took a page out of ARTYMASION ’s (the creator of this set) book and decided to make this skarmory semistall. The idea is built around support Darkrai knocking off stuff like molt, zap, ferro, pex, glowking, and MUCH more, being able to force a lot of progress via hazards. It’s main draw over something like, say, meowscarada is that Darkrai has access to Will o wisp, a tool that is vital to slowing down Pokémon like Ogerpon, dragonite, and Mega Tyranitar/Mega Scizor. Ice beam is used to not be completely useless into grounds like Glisc and allows it revenge kill Pokemon like chomp and kart that can overwhelm Skarm, lightening its load. Darkrai is also the main speed control, being able to outspeed key targets like Serperior, Waterpon, and Tornt. Waterpon is the best breaker in this tier, so I thought it was natural to add to this otherwise passive team. It punishes opponents for being too passive and breaks through defensive cores with ease. Glowking helps in the ival matchup, and when it is paired with a dark (darkrai in this case) it is able to function as the team’s main defense into Tapu lele. It also forces progress into Corv and msciz with flamethrower. Unaclef with Tera dragon is the main Waterpon check, being able to take all of its attacks when using Tera. Encore is used to lock in Pokemon like Garg, gouging, bolt, and boulder trying to setup on it, thinking it’s not unaware. Rocks are also a vital tool in forcing progress. Glisc is the main fogger, being able to clear hazards effectively against Pokemon like Lando and heatran. It’s also this team’s main ground. U turn is also another option over toxic if you like, being able to gain momentum on hazard setters you can’t really do much to such as ferro and skarm as well as pivot in Darkrai and Waterpon safely. Skarm sets spikes and is a vital check to Pokémon like Garchomp, Kartana, mega scizor, and sd Glisc, forcing them out and setting spikes against them. Skarm can’t do this all at once though, so Darkrai is there to either cripple or revenge kill these threats.
Good Morning National Dex we are officially open for Cycle 4!!!

One major change: To participate, all you have to do now is post your own set in the thread! No more navigating around other threads and nonsense, just post a set and a short description.

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